An awakening with many questions marks
An awakening with many questions marks

An awakening with many questions marks



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An awakening with many question marks

Almost a normal day


Hope returned to consciousness, perceiving the fine clink of the air conditioner.

She tried to lie down, to relax, but the cold air made her go back under the thick blanket because of the unpleasant sensation that cooled her nostrils…

Intuitively, she tries to stick to Stoutly, to warm herself. But he wasn’t. He had already left.

She let out a long, disappointed sigh and relaxed.

Then she remembered her perceptions, her dreams, before returning to reality.

The strange dialogue quickly made her focus on reviewing as many details of that dream as possible. Or message?

The Landlady, her mother, had warned her many times that, sooner or later, she would wake up and receive the gift.

And, with it…

She didn’t want that! She avoided becoming some shaman, as the whole community considered her mother.

mama viscol

What is born from the cat, mice eat,” each member of the community pointed out, asking them whenever they asked her the question, “What did you see today?”.

And how many times was she woken up by different members of the community, who would come before sunrise to ask her mother, “What else have you seen today?” …

A refrain of her entire life… A kind of rooster crow that brought her to the realization of almost every dream she had. Ever since she knew herself… Ever since she had memories.

To end up like the Landlady, how does she wake up to write down everything she visualizes in her dream?

She sat up, almost throwing the blanket off the bed.

Note down!” she perceived, something like her mother, who often woke her up to “record” with her and showed her how she would record everything she had “seen in her dream”…

She had trained her for a long time for this…

And she got out, automatically swaying, going straight to the drawer where she had the tape recorder.

She almost hit the table and, dodging, remembered the children.

They don’t have to wake them upStill… She needs time! The Searcher and Awe don’t have to live through what, for her, had become the nightmare of her life.

The Landlady had warned her that they would also receive the gift. Stoutly, her husband and boyfriend had not yet received him…

Why me?

shaman amintire

Remember, remember!

She thought as she went to the children to watch over their peaceful sleep.

“Everything is written in your soul… Don’t lie…”

She thought as she reached out to the children, wrapping them up, but not daring to caress them, for fear that her hands were already too cold.

Aren’t you lying?

Why had she located this thought?

“I did everything I could!”

She already had the recorder in her hand and headed for the workroom so as not to wake the children. Slowly, carefully, so as not to make even the slightest noise.

And, for more than half an hour, she wrote down everything she remembered from that dream.

She will do the organization, making out the main ideas after completing everything that was to be done for this day…

As the Landlady had taught her, to the point of automatism…

She had found on their communication board that Stoutly had left for a meeting with some of their neighbors and would not be arriving until late in the evening, but he had prepared almost everything so that she would be free to take care of the children.

It was as if he had sensed that she would receive the gift, Hope thought it amusing.

Before the children wake up, check if Stoutly has forgotten something to do. Methodically, as usual, she finds out when she completes the “checks.”

suflet violet awe

But the children had just woken up. First Awe appeared, with her big eyes that gave her a permanent look of wonder, who said fondly:

– My guide told me to take care of Searcher to give you maximum time to understand receiving the gift.

Hope, unintentionally, had frozen without having an answer.

The Guide? She often received such messages from Awe, sensing a strange timing of events. She had even talked to her many times about this guide, but…

She was woken up by the gesture of Awe, who sat at the table, waiting for breakfast.

A gesture that activates the mother in her, which is immediately executed by silently placing breakfast on the table. The Searcher also appeared, but his breakfast was already on the table.

Awe made a hidden sign of silence, with her index finger crossing her small lips, and she began to eat.

Why should she be silent? The Searcher asked sleepily.

She reminded me that you have work to do, and like a wonderful sister, Awe asked me not to tell you that until after you finished your meal. Hope specifies strangely reproachful…

They finished their meal quietly, and after about an hour of preparation, they all gathered to complete their school lessons. Each with its own AI aided and guided by Hope.

The Guide… The message… She reminded herself whenever she could, among the interactions with the children, of the problems, even trying to fix some assumptions that she would clarify at the first opportunity.

The hours passed, and lunch came. Hope had taken the children’s preparation seriously and went off to prepare lunch, leaving the children to fiddle noisily. Even if they were preparing their homework for the next day.

As she was preparing it, the light in the kitchen flickered, announcing that she needed to change the electrolytic compost.

The zinc and copper plates hadn’t been cleaned in a while, and she stopped to feed the children “lunch”.

She had checked and “adjusted” the batteries a few days before. The problem wasn’t from them

The children ate! Finish cleaning up after serving the lunch, leave them to study or play in their room, and come back to clean the tiles.

It takes them quite a long time and then feeds the clay pots with the acidic compost of leftover apples, potatoes, rotten tomatoes, rosehips, cranberries, blackcurrants, “outdated” berries, and all kinds of forest mushrooms too old to be eaten.

amfore pile

The strong smell of vinegar chokes her several times, but she continues the work until she completes the installation of the electric piles.

The children had not shouted, so there were no power outages. Besides, it seemed that the clouds had dispersed outside, and the light was also bringing its current supply through the photovoltaic cells in the canopies around their shelter.

6 volts… Constant… Good amperage… To feed the compost with these mushrooms as well… The electrolysis group was running smoothly… The level of distilled water was good…

All this nullified any possibility for her to go back on the message.

I think I’m done.

She was tired. She looked exhausted…

She checked if the children were “good” and went to the reception room, waiting for Stoutly.

The refueling of the electric cells had already warmed the rooms, the atmosphere was relaxing, and the heat for the coming evening was “within the parameters”…

The heat that numbs her. And fall asleep…

Merticaru Dorin Nicolae


Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!


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