The Beginnings of a New Stunt
He had gone out for the first hour to review the whole scene of his future stunt.
Yesterday had ended “admirably” for those around him, but he was feeling it. On landing, the arm of the motorcycle had put too much force on his right shoulder.
Yes, he was in a bit of pain, but he won’t give up; he won’t be beaten in what may be his last stunt.
Now he was crouched on the roof of a building that dominated the entire landscape, listening to the song of his life, “Golden Eyes” (~~).
~~You’ll never know how I watched you…” ~~
The director had high expectations. They had been collaborating for a long time on the stunts needed for his films, and he valued him far too much.
But John always forgot his age—far “past” the “performances” expected from a man like him!
He forgot about the 12 fractures, practically in every part of his body. Which made him painfully remember his madness every morning, when he woke up, with every change of weather, with every twitch of his pride, when he tried not to show anyone close his helplessness…
Just him alone, since the love of his life had left, far from this world, a long, long time ago.
~~„You’ll never know how it feels to be the one, …”~~
Arrogance… Pride…
He thought many times, lately, about the “capital sin”, invoked by religions, of pride…
But John had once corrected his perception: “No Kidd, no, it’s not pride! The feeling that pushes you from behind is… Dignity. I’m proud of you, I always have been! I was proud of what I achieved together with you…
But you’ve always been dignified, like a man who behaves like a true “Sir”! I know old age is consuming you, but if I trust your experience, you know I’m not doing it in vain!”
And he always promised him that it would be the last film, the last stunt…
A last film in which he will be, as usual, a name on the end credits… Faceless, without participation alongside those who will enjoy the success of his stunts…
~~„You’ll never know the nights, the tears, …”~~
Now, after a somewhat longer break in activity, he had turned to him again…
The staff had given tests after tests with other stuntmen, and none could imitate his naturalness, his madness…
Kidd, I will also call on you, to resist, and be open to this test!
Everyone dismissed you because you are old! Or those damn AI special effects! That’s why you ended up barely making a penny at the provincial festivities!
Kidd, I negotiated this contract hard… It’ll be more than a nice pension for your old bones!
Moreover, it was the fifth film in a successful series, which managed every time not to seem like a “reheated soup”… Something like James Bond, Indiana Jones, Jason Bourne, or Ethan Hunt…
John’s celebrity was chasing authenticity. It hardly called for digital special effects… Although the “success” of many current films is based almost exclusively on the “forced authenticity” of the special effects…
Everything was going at the crazy speed of events, the details becoming almost imperceptible, everything being focused only on the “madness of the action”.
Great actors… An impossible escape… Blah blah…
It was the role of an ordinary man, a civil servant caught in several political miseries trying to save his daughter from blackmail…
Even the scenery is almost identical to another movie in which I performed the stunts…
I remember very clearly that day when, as usual, I visualized the scene before performing the stunt…
A movie almost “without a story,” like many of the blockbusters that made it worth the money invested in expensive actors, expensive staff, blah, blah…
What cannot be made by man cannot be authentic.
A stunt is far too expensive for a stuntman to fail.
~~„But now my time has come, …”~~
I will choose the end! Which, anyway, I’m looking for, since the love of my life left…
With each stunt, I was looking for the way to her… By this being assured…
The success of the stunt or the success of my reunion with her…
Be open to any success!
~~„You’ll never know how it feels to get so close and be denied…”~~
When the great scene of the movie’s premiere will resound with the applause of admiration…
~~„…, this time I won’t miss, …”~~
Or I will let her walk my mortally wounded body for the last time…
Full of admiration for her undying love…
~~„…, with a goldeneye, goldeneye …” …~~
No more thoughts! Time to play my stunt!
Be open to any option!
Merticaru Dorin Nicolae
Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!