A New Morning of a New Year


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A New Morning of a New Year

An avalanche of memories before the end



Some time ago, the party ended! We celebrated the passing of years…

With joy in the soul, real or simulated, as if wanting to forget the pile of worries that seem to be buried on these holidays…

Putting aside or unleashing inhibitions or desires, with friends or alone, in the family or the unknown… Each with his deed or fate, with the deed of others or with the fate of others…

Being me, and you, and any of us…


First, we remembered or relived our dreams untouched by maturity, by everyday worries… Floating either in the ether of memories or next to our loved ones… Or in solitude, where memories will never leave us alone!

Understanding or not that it’s time to live our dreams or remember them, with the righteousness of a child who believes in them…

Discovering old or new desires, needs, ambitions, or just dreams… A time of discovering your life to come… Or of letters written or imagined by those in your life, whom you can help make the same discoveries…

But everything ends far too quickly… Far too few days in which to experience so many emotions, to fulfill so many wishes…

But in which we remembered or were “pulled by the current” in the whirlwind of love, family, and friendship, or the “arabesque pirouette” of our lonely experiences, like the whirlwind (from the ballet “La Bayadère”) of Princess Nikiya, who manifests her passion and her love for the warrior Solor…

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Then we couldn’t let the reverie disappear like magic smoke, end like a dream too short!

We dedicated ourselves to the end-of-the-year celebration, as if in a rage that opposes the awakening from the magic…

By forcing our memory to participate in the manifestation of the new miracles in our life, eager to enjoy the lights and beauty of the surrounding world to the fullest…

But the time will come to focus on what is important in life, even if it seems like we are still enjoying every moment…

It’s time to wake up from dreaming, hangover, or forgetting the emotions experienced by everyone, even if the party is not over yet!

Just us, even if the party was with you, with many, with everyone by your side, loved ones or not.

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Alone, hardly realizing that everything related to our childhood will push us towards the fulfillment of magical or real dreams that we have lived and rediscovered…

You can keep listening, singing, or dancing, but it’s just you, no matter the beat, the melody, the ecstasy, or the depression…

Struggling, forced by the return to reality, with the dreams, plans, desires, ambitions, or needs that you lost in the holiday that is just ending…

If it’s you, or her, or us…

Those of us who have already started, realistic, ready, or forced to build step by step, what is necessary to fulfill our memories or, at least, to celebrate a new step, however small, through time that passes again, second by second, step by step…

By thought or deed, most of us will put our shoulders to work, ready to achieve our dreams or theirs!

By laboriously building new and new things, facts, people…

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No matter how much toil it will take we will still believe in our dreams…

We will experience many joys, or too few! We will have many obstacles, or too few… We will give up or continue…

But no matter how long it takes until the next holiday, no matter how long the road to get there seems… This holiday will come!

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Whether we are the magicians of the days we have lived, triumphant or simple illusionists on the stage of our lives, on the great stage of the ensemble of the play of our lives…

Whether it is epic, comedy, street theater, or puppetry, drama or tragedy, opera or ballet…

Directed or written by us, by others, or just “played” by us, collaborators at any level… Extras, lights, costumes, blowers… Stage… Spectators…

We will all salute at the end in the ovations or boos of life…

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A holiday in which, no matter how tired we are in the time that has passed, we will think about the new gifts that will be given to us or we will give them, regardless of the price!

Like the two firebirds of eternal love, Nikiya and Solor who will relive their joy of living despite everything, regardless of the price paid for it…

Even you, and her, and us…

A good year on the stage of the new year!

We, all about to play, salute you!

Merticaru Dorin Nicolae


Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!

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