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A New Morning of an Old Fate
The Beginnings of a New Way
Thucydides (Athenian historian), my father, acknowledged, even from birth, that I was his daughter, but the master Prodicus (Spartan nobleman) did not even think of listening to the request that I become a citizen of Athens.
Even though he was famous throughout Hellas, having written the “History of the Peloponnese,” he was also good friends with Lisandro (military strategist) of Sparta.
He always came up with the argument that I was the daughter of a slave of Sparta and was not obliged to follow the laws of Athens when, at the age of majority, I became a free citizen.
But Lisandro asked him to release me no matter what happened. Lysander (Lisandro’s brother) reminded him of this just yesterday, pointing out that the Gerontia (council of 28 elders, gerousiai, over the age of 60, responsible for the laws of Sparta) enshrined this before the last Appela (assembly of all the citizens of Sparta).
Now Prodicus had nothing to do, but they were afraid. The old master was particularly vengeful when something was not to his liking. And the grumpy old man had been waiting for a long time to get rid of Lacedaemonia, his infertile wife, and take Brasida as his wife by force when she came of age.
That morning, he gathered all the slaves in the andron (the inner courtyard of a Spartan noble house) and asked the scribe to write down everything that was going to happen.
Record it! The Athenians asked Sparta to release Brasida, the daughter of Thucydides, and my slave Agiatis! And Gerontia accepted. And I am only subject to Sparta and her laws! Record it! Agiatis will be given to the dogs of war! If Brasida will follow the fight to the end, I agree with Gerontia’s decision!
Before going out into the hall, my mother clung to me in a last hug and said, „Your freedom will kill me! How long can it take? But to be the slave wife of Prodicus will kill me for nothing. To be free, this price does not matter. You will watch until my soul goes to Hades. Go to Thucydides, your father!”
And the helotai (the one who takes care of Sparta’s slaves) tore her from his embrace, taking her into andron.
And so it was to be. The pain had blinded her. The only memory he had was of the face of the kynourgoi (an elite soldier who takes care of battle dogs) calming the dogs down before… All memory disappeared…
You are among those who value you! Feel their love and feel safe! When you’re ready, open your eyes!
And she felt the click of the therapist’s mouse, stopping the malpractice recording, like thunder, her body jerking violently on the sofa…
Miss Brenda, the regressive hypnosis session gave me all the details I needed for therapy. Respectfully, but the meeting is over. So I made you an appointment for therapy next week.
And today’s time passed faster than expected. Brad Brenda, debilitating pathological cynophobia, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).
It is terrible for a young woman of the age of majority. Yes, now I remember poor her. She had been treated by many other psychologists, and all possible procedures had failed.
Furthermore, any exposure seemed to temporarily worsen the symptoms.
Now, to get rid of fainting and incontinence in the presence of even a small chihuahua, in addition to pathological loneliness and associated symptoms, resorted to regressive hypnosis therapy.
Yes, she didn’t remember much from that session. Cynophobia, Ancient Greece about 430 BC, Balkan Thrace about AD 100, Netherlands 700, and…
I seem to remember the particularly fast pace of the patient’s descriptions, almost oblivious to his brief interrogative interjections. Yes, yes, it is the young lady who did not react to the life lived here now. Deep regression was required.
The recording took 14 minutes. I have 40 minutes until Miss Brad arrives.
Cynophobia appeared constantly. As acute, as wide. In 1300, in Moldova, and 1800, in England, but the starting point stood out in Sparta Greece.
He had heard a lot in the 7 years since his PhD, but the strangest had come in the last 2 years of regressive practice.
However, many of the stories of people with psychological problems were listened to neutrally, only with professional involvement, looking for “academic” solutions to the identified diagnoses.
Listening to the recording, she perceived a distinct kind of question mark… The presentations would break off jerkily, she would ask if she was allowed to say what was next, there would be a short pause, and she would resume.
As if she were having a dialogue with someone… Unidentifiable, but present. And there was no dialogue with me.
A knock on the door startled him. As if he were surprised that…
Miss Brenda came in and followed the intake protocol, during which he quickly studied the originally established therapy but decided to start with a short regression. Short, he didn’t have time to make it longer, to have time for therapy.
Brenda, I would like you to tell me if your horror of dogs started with the horror of the death of Agiatis, your mother at the time. May?
May? There was a short break. Yes, I was horrified by what I experienced then! (Brenda moves repeatedly in a sort of retreat, a grimace of horror, clear and unmistakable, on her face.)
Then he experienced a strange instinctual feeling that he could not resist, which made him ask…
And in the lives that followed, why didn’t you deal with the horror you experienced then?
This time, Brenda seemed to relax deeply.
May? Pause… In lives lived or in our world?
The question confused me. Lived lives or in our world? Clear distinction… The need for clarification was obvious…
In our world? What did you mean by as long as there is demarcation from lived lives?
May? Pause… Then Brenda slowly sat up, as if she wanted to come closer to me, and in a male, baritone voice that made me shudder unpleasantly, something compatible with fear and panic, said:
I am Gorgias, the guide of Crateia, known to you as Brenda now. Then, to those experienced by… (a short pause) The one then called Brasida… I was the kynourgoi who helplessly witnessed what Agiatis experienced and her departure.
Pause… My stupor stops me from saying anything, but the voice that wasn’t Miss Brenda’s continued:
Do your worldly business! You will cure her of the horror from then on. As for your question, it’s not the time. But you will get a clear sign from us!
We? Which ‘We’?
Do your job!
And Brenda slowly returned to deep relaxation. Then, with his help, she came out of hypnosis, applied therapy, and the end of the session…
He met Brenda again a week later, unscheduled, to happily thank her for the absolute success of his therapy.
And the years passed.
Now the regression of the lady was beginning… What does the name mean? He didn’t even know where to start. He was dealing with a hypochondriac…
Yes, she is under hypnosis, and I can start asking the identifying questions.
I am Gorgias! I’m back to answer all your questions.
I immediately remembered him, as if everything had happened yesterday.
You will have plenty of time. This lady will visit you twice a week, for half a year, until I pass on to you what you are given to know and pass on to those who will receive it, to those who will reach you to receive the messages to them…
And the years passed.
Why do you think you are reading these lines?
Merticaru Dorin Nicolae
Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!