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A New Morning for a New Scene
How powerful are the whispers of our lives?
He had a clear objective for this self-hypnosis session. A clear presentiment… Perhaps it was born from the perception of something special that would happen following his gesture. The emotion, clear and overwhelming, was evident.
Will he be present, as a kind of observer, next to him, his manifest present and that of his past? To find out what can cause the disorder he has been experiencing for more than a year…
He was already looking around him, at him, amazed at what he perceived. It was just the first time he managed to do that… After dozens, maybe hundreds, of practices.
The pre-self-hypnosis meditation had worked better than he expected.
Those he had assisted in regressive hypnosis always had surrounding physical structures to create comfort, a sense of protection, and, most likely, a perception of safety. Or similar.
With him, the soul, there was only “him,” the body, a couch, and the “flow.” Strange perceptions… He expected more.
He focuses on following the course of activating perceptions.
The images, the projections, and the perceived environment always had an individual meaning to each soul, that it was a natural or imaginary environment. Accepted or strongly suggested by the exercise of reality…
But which places you in a role on the big stage of that event, at that time, and in that space?
From here, start the projections that take you into the past, around the places of childhood, the garden, and all kinds of interiors or landscapes, where the land, the mountain, or the seashore predominates that were considered remarkable or participated as a setting in the events experienced by that soul.
Our planetary memories are recorded for eternity but are recalled depending on the context and the momentary manifestations, like whispers of the mind or the soul.
Even in the case of fictional perceptions, like dreams, identical with the action of images of the world of souls in the perceptions of the human mind…
The “earthly” etheric images of the soul world do not change much for returning souls, even after an interval of many lifetimes, especially concerning the functional aspects of soul life…
What amazed him was those souls, regardless of their condition, do not become omniscient. They have a certain level of knowledge, participation, and interaction.
Wow, hey, look how I’m wasting my time! I must solve the problems for which I initiated this madness!
Conscious or not, there follows a brief visualization of the earthly time spent in this existence until this session.
Indeed, I remember that, for me, it seemed to be something traumatic… Where did so much imbalance and so much emotion come from?
From what he had perceived from his subjects, when you are traumatized by small things that have nothing to do with the integrity of your bodily being, your guide always appears as the one who will help you in some way to solve the perceived problem.
The guide was not, but he had enough clues to start exploring, starting from the current existence of the body and this experience.
He, the body, the one in the state of hypnosis, showed clear signs of annoyance, anger, restlessness, etc. As if he were haunted and wanted to fight back…
But the other him was in the place of absolute peace for souls traveling through matter. He was at home.
Maybe because he was guided by that omnipresent, intelligent force that guides each of us, consciously or not…
It’s a pity that it appears unseen. “Presence”… This is also our perception or experience of souls. The uncertainty of our actions has spilled over into what we feel is real and palpable… On “Presence”…
Like the body that does not perceive the real, palpable, conscious, demonstrable existence of mine…
Hey, focus! Systematic! The exercise created the memory of body gestures and the logical course of the mind! Maybe even independent of me…
So, I want to identify only currently and in this dimension. Step by step, starting from here. Now, I will not go further… Act regressively!
Or to the future, if possible?
Not! I am convinced of the error of projecting the present steps towards what will be, so long as I have no idea of what I have available in that direction, of a kind of possession of the “steps” previously taken in the direction identified by the perceptions of the future…
The perfection of “Know thyself!”…
So, I begin with the ability to see how I have integrated into my manifest past. Current…
Of course, my attention is only focused on the people I have met… Directly or tangentially…
The souls, the people, made me “dizzy” quickly… Only interacting manifestations, strongly influenced by cultural, social conditions, and events by the participants in them in a certain period…
Of everyone’s “momentary” experiences… Emotions, feelings!
I perceived, as if I were in my body, a set of emotions that… They expressed a kind of mental attitude as if I were on the defensive.
Looking at the body, I perceived a kind of “silent film” type image in which the gestures expressed defensiveness and protection… But also, a strange anger…
Interesting perception…
Yes, the body… It is the best manifest sensor of emotion. Here, I must be careful! Maybe that’s why I practiced disembodying so much. To be able to observe me directly, having at my disposal a real translator, interpreter…
But why do I have this defensive attitude?
The perceived emotions were clear… They were expressing a sum of feelings leading to what would be, “I’m sure I could do a lot better in this existence, in this time and dimension!”…
Or was I perceiving a kind of powerlessness to fight with myself?
Hey, I’d be lost in all kinds of perceptions… Yes, I’m curious… But isn’t it something like some confirmation of what I already knew? Focus on the intention for which you initiated this session!
“What I already knew”… “My past and present are important right now.” “Identifying the emotions that are troubling me now”…
Clearly… “What I already knew”…
The room of plans… That energetic area resembles a kind of cinema hall where the possible alternatives are projected, to be able to choose the possible scenario in which I will fit in to play my role in various scenes, places, and with the other actors…
From somewhere came the idea of locating me on what would be a kind of rehearsal or trial before choosing the role and including it in the script. Before the big auction of acting offers…
Rehearsal… Performance… The logical sequence was perfect… Making a comparison between the performances during the rehearsal and those on the big stage…
He was revisiting the essentials of his existence. Comparison between rehearsal performance and stage performance…
Each time, the scene was qualitatively superior to the sample. Much better, much more adapted to his intentions…
But why was he living with this amount of negative, unpleasant emotion? That ensemble pushed him to initiate the whole string of hypnosis. Currently, I am not identifying something tangible to cling to…
Whispers… Anchors…
Logical conclusions, or not, made his body twitch violently… Strong shivers, maybe even convulsions, had caught his attention…
Oops, I’ve been out of body for too long… It’s time to come back fast! I now know the next step to take.
I hope I can make it tomorrow! Or in the shortest time… Don’t forget: the whispers, the anchors… As if there was something else?
The body, the body! Returning to the body…
Now you’re in your living room, safe and in a very good mood, a little chilly but ready to start the day in good spirits!
3, 2, 1, “Good morning!”…
Merticaru Dorin Nicolae
Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!