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A New Morning for an Old Friendship
Two souls too old not to see each other again
He had worked since 4 in the morning to complete his article in time and “upload” it on the networks before the start of the activity day for those who were the recipients of his messages.
Then, seeing Maria, his old wife, feeding the birds in the yard, he started preparing breakfast. Wow, how long he had worked! The sun had been in the sky for some time but had not passed the mountain ridges to the east.
4, 2, 2, 1, half… He repeats himself like a mantra…
Four apples were cut in half, the spine of the apple removed, forming the cavity that will be filled with cream, and placed in the bowl.
Now, the cream: 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, and half a cup of walnuts.
Melting the butter, mixing the ingredients to form the cream, filling the apple cavity, placing it in the air fryer tray, setting for 35 minutes, 185 degrees Celsius, done!
He looked out the window. Maria had fed the birds and was now enjoying feeding the wild birds in the garden. With youthful energy, unsuspected by anyone who looked at that old, grandmotherly body…
They both had time… And a single day was worth a lifetime…
He recalls their love story from those times of living, lost in these times of memories.
The parental home, then their love, the children, each of them, growing, enjoying us… The departure of the cubs from the nest, towards their lives…
Maybe not strange; he remembers the love story of their little daughter, Ioana.
She looked perfectly like her mother, whose love ignited almost identically to that of her mother, Maria, who threw food to the birds with the same gestures as Ioana’s in the dance of the water of the Great River, the one that crossed the mountains from Gura Apelor in Retezat.
He was tired from work during the morning. Time passes… On to work!
He took refuge in the small room he had built for what would be his office.
He recalls the steps of what he had done for the fresh material to be distributed.
Connecting proxy servers, “blind” sampling of data from the geographical areas of service of search engines to pass the zone filters, centralization, identification using keywords on the tracked topics, elimination of duplicates…
Analysis of data grouping, identification of topics of interest, compatibility on the following themes, deduction of optimal SEO integration, and final sectorization.
He took the groups of data and summarized them, went to the step of final adaptation of the materials and adaptation with those he had worked on in the morning, translations, and final.
Call the archive of graphic elements, insert the appropriate graphics for each content, and check the fit in the optimal dimensions on each form of delivery.
He gets angry because of the passing of time. AIs and Python scripts were not helping him much in this operation… But better times will come!
Reconnection to proxy servers, social platform connection, delivery to each separate area, to each separate account…
The beeping of the air fryer’s alarm made him startle unpleasantly… Just a little more! Send! Ready!
Run to the kitchen. Maria was sure to come to eat… The smell of cooked fruit was calling her, for sure! The smell was maddeningly pleasant.
He took out the tray, portioned the apples, a cup of candied plums with sauce, and the top of semolina with milk from the cold, quickly mixed with lime bee honey, sprinkled the stack of goodies, and placed them on the table.
Maria entered with a deep breath, walked behind him, kissed him on the cheek, sat down at the table, and began to eat quietly, without saying a word.
He quickly ate his portion, returned the kiss on her cheek, and went to the orchard behind the house to take his siesta. As he had been used to for many years…
He arrived with difficulty, after quite a long time, at the end of the apple orchard, crossing the other side of the mountain, and he felt the need to rest…
The sun warmed him pleasantly, and he had warmed from the climb. He took off his shirt, closed his eyes, and began to meditate to calm the mad beating of his heart caused by his effort.
The insects hummed lazily, as if in slow motion, the birds sang, and the silence and warmth of the sun freed his thoughts.
A strange presentiment settles completely in his thoughts. He felt a call from long ago: something irresistible to the calm of meditation…
It was his old friend, Wha Ta. She hadn’t visited her in a long time, at least three of his lifetimes. Now she felt her presence. Definitely… She heard his call.
– Wha Tys, you don’t want to say hi to me?
He opened his eyes and looked around to see her. There was no one. What did he expect? And he closed his eyes to continue the meditation…
But Wha Ta appeared in the “mind’s eye” with a clarity that made him startle.
– Don’t stop meditating, Wha Tys, focus! I’m coming to you! I am close.
She sensed the “pass” in the “flow” and found herself face-to-face with her old travel buddy.
– My dear Wha Ta, have you decided to haunt these lands any longer?
– No my dear Wha Tys, no… I’m only here for a little while. I negotiated for a body with a “White” (beginner soul) who was leaving these lands and I am temporarily working with his body. He had no relatives or acquaintances left and it was an optimal position to arrive here to send you the message.
– What can be so important as to be worth so much effort? Couldn’t you do that in “stream”?
– It’s not for you. Stop rambling; focus! You don’t have much time left but I’m very close to you… And I only have time tonight. Tomorrow morning, I must take this body to the place where it will be found. Go to your house and wait for me under your apple trees, yours and Maria’s, until I arrive.
Automatic and mechanical, he leaves, admiring nature at every step as an encouragement to go on, fighting for every step of the way back. Even though his mind told him that it was the last way… That was what Wha Ta had told him.
He arrived, but he was exhausted and felt the need to sit down to recover from exhaustion quickly through meditation…
– I feel that you have reached under your apples.
– My intuition tells me that you are focusing too much on the connections with Maria. What is going on?
– It depends on when you will come to me. I will now just help you with what will follow.
– Because you are a sage, a “Violet”?
– But your aura is blue. Don’t you think you’ve been here for too long? Do you remember how long you’ve been here? You have reincarnated in over 6,000 lives.
– From the time of the big freezes, I know this. But I don’t want to stop these cycles, even if I keep coming through these places again and again…
– We have always discussed your love for these wonderful places, but…
– Yes, everything is so wonderful… I feel that my existence has no purpose anywhere else. It has become a kind of home for me. Now, with this internet, I can manifest my influence anywhere on this earth. So I can get involved.
– Anyone agrees with your arguments, but it’s time you come among us purples and get involved on your level. You haven’t realized that since I left? You have been on my level since then, but you cling to the blue energy by living under attachments. Even the others, all of those who arrived here then, agreed… You are wasting your experience and living on some ignorant “Whites”!
Emitting these, Wha Ta sent him a huge wave of manifestations, images, and messages from others.
– Yes, it is the time… You are right! What’s next?
Then he feels a human touch and the presence of Wha Ta with him…
– Stay in meditation and perceive! You will meet Maria. I have already communicated with her. I have been with her since you left for the orchard on the other side. I helped with everything necessary… I was waiting for you. But I felt your exhaustion and I came to you…
– Is Maria okay?
– Normal. Hear me out! I have to leave quickly… It only took the material touch… Without it, it cannot communicate with the body either.
– So?
– Maria will choose the moment of your departure; I communicated this to you… You will arrange together the details of your departure, the last meetings with your loved ones, and what remains to be done. Parting from these places…
– Does Maria agree?
– Stop wasting time! She will decide on the morning of your departure to us. If we let you choose, you will not leave without your consent. You are already among us anyway… Meditate, and you will perceive all that my touch has conveyed to you. Do it right now!
He concentrated on deepening his meditation even as he felt Wha Ta’s footsteps receding, the hum of life at sunset, the wind blowing soothingly through the orchard, all that…
And his perceptions stopped at Maria’s touch. She was… He also smelled the aroma of her favorite perfume. The bergamot one, not the violet one… He opened his eyes and looked at her…
Maria looked at him with her soft eyes, dilated by the enormous dioptres of the glasses. She was sitting next to him, looking at him. And she covered his eyes with her hand, in a gesture in which she felt it was an invitation to return to meditation…
– My dear, I was with you so that you could be back among us, where you belong!
He had a start of surprise, but… He felt the enormous, enveloping, protective, overwhelming power of Mary’s soul. She was a “Golden Violet”, one of the souls at the highest level of knowledge, Ma Rye.
– But did I perceive you as a ‘White’? Yes, can we leave? Right now, no regrets… He emitted to Ma Rye… Why didn’t I sense your aura?
– I did not want and had no right to intervene like this! Your being was supposed to choose freely! And you did it earlier, to Wha Ta. So we’ll be around for a while longer, together. I don’t feel like you’ve finished all your “reckoning.” Let’s say goodbye to family, to these places, and to leaving your passwords, scripts, procedures, and your “blah blahs” to our son.
– And the…
– Listen! Stop interfering! I have been preparing them for a long time for our departure…
– Ours?
– You just didn’t think you would go alone… And you, Wha Tys, and Wha Ta, even our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are… As they say on these lands, at this level, you are “Children of My Soul” …
Merticaru Dorin Nicolae
Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!