A New Morning for Our Love
A New Morning for Our Love

A New Morning for Our Love


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A New Morning for Our Love

How easy it is to be deceived by appearances.


Doamne 1

To all the ladies, queens, mothers, princesses, girlfriends, favorites, and mistresses in our lives… To all the lords, kings, fathers, princes, lovers, favorites, and lovers in our lives…


I invite those who live to “Have” to bubble up my Medium ration and leave this material immediately or in less than 30 seconds!

Those who live to “Be”, have the power to understand something and can continue to read or listen to this material.

Well, even those “What is in the middle?” Or who, once, flirted with “To be”.

Once upon a time, there was a soul that began to haunt these lands, because if it didn’t exist, it wouldn’t be told…

The music begins to “transport” my senses, delighting me from everyday thoughts” …

And I merge, body and soul, with all my previous existences. Flooded with lived wisdom…

The first experience… Obvious… Love… A perception that made me go forward, that made me sing with all my heart, together with those who delighted my life…

Poetic? Verses in prose?

The years passed over me, over the loved ones, over those who love me… But now we know that there is a clear difference between love and attraction.

Love is one thing, attraction is another. Quite another… The first appearance is that they can coexist together, giving birth to passion.

And passion is nothing but something coming from the heart to bring trouble to themselves or their loved ones. It’s just a competition between body and soul with too many possibilities for one side to change their mind, their involvement…

But, related to that, there is some good news… If she doesn’t get possession, it will evaporate like the morning dew as soon as the sun shines. Maybe later, if it’s cloudy, but it can’t be dark all life…

This is why a clear demarcation between love and attraction is necessary. To quickly pass the morning of the soul… When he can better control the slippages of the body…

In other words, attraction is the immature love that says, “I love you because I need you!”. That you are one of the parents, brothers or sisters, or a simple friend or dream…

Boyfriend or girlfriend… For whom attraction is only a beginning that will awaken in love… When the soul will take over… Or in its opposite… When the body will be insurmountable… Call it what you want! Including “To have”…

Then, at some point, the fairy tale will turn into a story, and the music will change its chords.

The soloist, “Life,” will change her voice, moving from the “head” to the “chest” register. It will be a different song!

Doamne 2

We can “lull” the passage, but most of us will sing the arias of maturity. Or the slave choir… It depends on the choices.

Mature love says, “I need you because I love you!”, it is the desire to give all that is yours to another and to feel their happiness as if it were your own.

Mistakes may be countless. But the prize is worth it because few are the “Chosen ones.”

But, those who succeed will understand that there is a key to every heart, as long as you don’t make an identification error.

An error that occurs especially in hearts that have let their lock open too many times, to almost any key… Wearing, dulling the mechanism that now allows it to be opened by almost any key… Or…

That of entrusting your heart to others! It will beat on but at the cost of being crushed by the one holding it… Wait until your heart beats in her chest as her heart beats in yours!

You will succeed or not, it is your choice. But don’t forget that where there is love, there is life. Otherwise, it’s just goals, results, possession, blah, blah.

Anyone who realizes this, when he looks back on his life, will discover that the moments in which he truly lived are those in which he did things in the spirit of love. Real, tangible, mutual…

While passion only gave birth to moments of madness, pain… Ah, Desdemona! Or you, Othello… Regardless of the context,

That it’s about souls, that it’s about gestures, that it’s about what we did or didn’t do…

What could be truer than the observation that there is always some madness in attraction and, finally, at its peak, passion, regardless of whether there is always some reason for the madness.

When you use your mind, and reason, you cannot talk about true love, but only about a combination of attraction and immature love.

Doamne 3

Comparatively, a parent does not love his children with reason but with his heart, with his whole being, not with an immature love but with the most mature form of love, the one that makes us like God, the one who gives life.

If not, it’s just about the bill for sex or “prostitution,” power or obedience, possession or compromise, blah, blah. As usual, it’s just your choice.

The moment you have this extraordinary thing called true love in your heart and feel its depth, delight, and ecstasy, you will find that the world has changed for you.

But then, obviously, another bill will appear for this service. The one paid for by faith, faithfulness, total commitment, blah, blah… Another bet on the price of rejoicing over such a gift as life…

For one man (including the one who is a parent) to love another (including the children) is probably the most difficult task entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final exam, the work for which all the others are only a prelude.

That’s why “things” were “arranged” for the children to appear when there was a chance for the mother to be mature enough.

Whether she wants it or not, whatever it is, she feels a trace of responsibility. Moreover, she is “programmed” to be dedicated in 99% of cases.

Love is an impetus for everyone to perfect themselves, to become someone, to become a world themselves, for someone’s sake.

This is the rationale behind which, perhaps, to the world you are one person, but to a certain person you are the whole world.

And I lost several existences in suffering until I understood that…

Love does not mean pleasure, while passion presupposes pleasure, presupposes and pursues it, and demands it so harshly that it accepts any failure, even death.

Doamne 4

I perceive a new experience. Poetics… Love is a wing given by God to the soul to be able to climb to Him. But only and only together! With Him or with one of us…

I also had lonely, selfish existences. But I didn’t reach Him… I lived with Him…

Yes, the conclusion is certain! Alone, it is impossible… Only the fall awaits you. The higher you climb, with Him, the higher you will fall. Into a kind of hell… Of wasted existence… Even in His name…

So, He is not the architect of the Universe… He created the Universe to reach us, for us to be His beloved… And to love Him!

Yes, we owe it to repay his love with what we can give to those like us. His legacy, love, is the architect of the universe.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Perhaps that is why the only human anomaly is the inability to love, or selfishness, the fear of giving love.

Maybe that’s why all things must be done with love. Maybe that’s why it’s not so much what you do, but how much love you put into what you do.

From our first moments of life, we must know what love is to exist.

Perhaps that is why there is no greater friendship or love than that of a parent for his child. And, all this excludes attraction.

Love (especially that of parents) shows humans how they should be, while passion shows them how they should not be.

Then, love that does not grow day by day, like that for a child, is unnecessary passion. And, unfortunately, this is often found in parents who, out of passion for something, unnecessarily force their children to become what they should not be.

Using them… Selfish… Warping, often irreversibly, their souls…

From the attraction towards a kind of confirmation of their value, of their efforts, despite the children’s need for true love, forgetting about the children, forgetting about them…

Doamne 5

Humans (the child, and later the adult) need love because life without it is just a dry, creaking, and heartbreaking mechanism. Betrayed… Sad… Painful… Lost… With all his soul…

“Advancing” in life (some only in years), we discover that love is the highest happiness that a human can reach, because only through it does he know that he is more than himself, that he is one with everything.

We discover that a single hour of love can change a whole life. And that’s why we often fall into passion… Attracted by the confusion of that moment of supreme living, of “Being”…

But the secret to perceiving these things is related to our ability to remove the attraction from this “pattern” of existence.

This is how we come to discover that the feeling of being loved by someone gives you the strength, to love someone very much, and gives you “passionate” courage. Now is the moment when we manage to overcome the stage of childhood and become adults.

Now we discover that any love that is not based on friendship is built like a sandcastle, ready to be washed away by the tears that will follow.

Friendship is certainly the best dressing for the pains caused by love when its manifestation touches only some of us and rejects others with its responsibility.

Doamne 6

Now we discover that if you want to be loved, love unconditionally! Accept the relentless bet of fate or the discovery of your joy!

Relentless because, either way, one of you will cheat the first, by going to heaven before the other… Yes, remember: “Til death do us part”! Rather, we will be cheated of immortality.

Another appearance… Our souls are immortal! They are together in the eternity of their desires. Of their love… Or their mistakes…

Coming back to “humanity,” if you want to have love, you have to control your attraction. Possibly dose it…

Love attracts the most wonderful moments of our lives for the rest of our lives, while the attraction is only a few moments, which will be paid, for later and surely, more expensive than we can imagine… If you overdosed on your prescription administered to the other…

Now we discover that love is all we have; it’s the only way we can help each other, while attraction is just the ticket to a mad race where we fight each other, in fact, everyone.

And, last but not least, we now discover (for the happiest of us) that love is holiness minus sexuality. Exactly at the moment when sexuality becomes more pregnant and stronger…

Now the attraction can start to have another side, instinctual, almost impossible to distinguish from love or empathy. It can become too individual… Too selfish… Too “carnal”…

A new morning in which the greatest dramas in human life appear when we overlap love with attraction or associate it with giving birth to passion when, most of the time, we forget about love blinded by attraction.

Doamne 7

Now we are in danger of forgetting that love means melting two people into a single angel so that the angels come back to life, not the people who merged.

Now it can be true that passionate love is a wild thing. Which, when we try to keep it in check, will destroy us, when we try to shut it down, it will enslave us, and when we try to understand it, it will mystically cloud our paths.

And all because it is not true, pure love. It is something that starts with the essence of human existence, love, but covered, and forgotten, due to the manifestations of attraction. Which leaves us empty, empty… Unleashed… Not only literally.

A kind of communion of mature love with being, or a kind of recollection of the cherished child within us, if we have passed this level.

A kind of confirmation of the fact that there is no disguise where love exists or to simulate it where it does not exist… Something valid for those who have escaped from the power of attraction.

Doamne 8

These perceptions belong to those who have understood that he loves little, who can say in words how much he loves, that love means never having to ask for forgiveness, that no one is worth crying for, and those who deserve it will not make you cry.

Love is experienced in the silence of deeds, in the caress of gestures, and in the silence of intimacy with others!

Metaphorically, love is what the wind is to fire, extinguishing the weak, attraction-based flame and strengthening the strong, true flame.

Or, is it something like the power…

If you have power and don’t want to stupidly take the entire burden of the system on your shoulders, use it to stimulate the people around you!

Not everyone, it’s true… But don’t forget those willing to grow, admire you and love you in the silence of ignorance until they can “go it alone” or be with you by rewarding your investment.

At the same time, this will boost the stability and efficiency of the system as a whole.

Thus, the more you love (reciprocate love), the stronger you are.

In the spiritual sense, to love (manifest love), as I stated above, means to be in resonance with another, to recognize yourself in him, to feel like him.

Doamne 9

If you can merge with someone else, without giving up yourself, in whatever form you do it, which is an extremely important secret, if you vibrate integrally with them, you can influence them in the same way that you can influence yourself.

Of course, here too, you find strength in your development. Many of the great healers and spiritual mentors work in this way.

The more the therapist can empathize with his client, the better he will be able to help him find himself, become himself again, and thus heal. Or live…

And, hence the remark: Love yourself to be able to love someone else too!

Love is the greatest and only force that cannot be exploited because it acts simply, directly, without control, and only through participation.

Or it can be emulated, used, or hacked. But not for too long…

The first “firewall” is a change. No one loves it the same way every day! Especially since probabilities double their “chains” through the existence of the two “unknowns” necessary for love… You and the other…

The second is that of resonance, of the need for harmonization… Whoever finds himself in resonance with another, also suffers if he hurts him.

It is valid and kind of reciprocal… Before one can fully open his heart to another, he must be in harmony with himself, so he must learn to accept himself, develop it, and use it rationally, without hurting himself.

In esotericism, this professional attitude becomes clear by the fact that the so-called heart chakra (Anatata) is an important center of identity, of separation from (other parts of) creation, from the moment of creation, being the “center” of the manifestation of the emotions of the human being.

Its upper chakras (Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara), the spiritual ones, are obliged to “spin” at the same speed as the lower ones, the earthly ones (Manipura, Svadhisthana and Muladhara). Otherwise, the center will break, twist, and shear! Emotions will run wild, hearts will break…

Doamne 10

The fact that true love for another is only possible when it is linked to a strong anchoring in one’s own personality and in its ability to create according to one’s own needs, is only an apparent contradiction.

Imagine that, aided by your knowledge, you have to help another to heal, you resonate with him, and… you are him!

If now you can no longer do everything you could do when it was only you, two people have a problem. And, the same thing “happens” anywhere…

In business, if the participants do not vibrate in the same direction, they all have a problem, in “collaboration”, if one is attracted and the other gives true involvement, they both have a problem (we are no longer discussing the “results” that will be born from the “non-resonant” relationship between the two), etc.

The lack of harmony and resonance only attracts shadows, wounds, and pains.

Maybe that’s why you are truly successful when you are in harmony with others, satisfied or fulfilled, and when you spread the same harmony around… Could this be a description of happiness?

No matter how full your bank account is, no matter how luxurious your lifestyle, no matter how many walls your trophies or diplomas fill, no matter how large your harem or mob of lovers, if you are not satisfied, in harmony with what you have, your life is a failure.

And even so, if you consider yourself “happy”, it’s all just a bunch of justifications based on “Having”… By no means on “To be”!

Doamne 11

Power is given not to manifest because power is… Power. It sees or perceives itself, by itself, it no longer needs to manifest.

Power is given to help those who have no power. This is both the divine and the materialistic purpose of power.

The attraction of power creates imbalances by manifesting it, while the love of power creates balances by sharing it.

And, regardless of the errors of the existence of power, the Creator left the possibility that, under the conditions of its manifestation, in any form, “right” or “unrighteous,” we, the less powerful, are forced to identify that love and help, union ours through true love, is the one that passes on, that overcomes, that will be found in the remaining humanity.

Kings, queens, despots, and dictators can only survive for the duration of their lives, but humanity has moved on even without them.

Even if you feel good but don’t use your overflow to help others find their purpose, if you don’t help them fulfill their own desires to be happy, your life can be considered a failure.

In this way, do you not contribute to the development of your environment, and, in this way, do you not participate in the development of creation? He who supports creation is supported by creation, whether he accepts this or not.

And if you are not able to do it with anyone, focus on those you have formed as your family, your group… Few, but priceless…

Doamne 12

Right from this new morning of the rest of your life, of the rest of your being!

Merticaru Dorin Nicolae


Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!

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