A New Morning for an Old Quest
A New Morning for an Old Quest

A New Morning for an Old Quest


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A New Morning for an Old Quest

When you’re looking to grab it in one direction, and you’ve figured out which direction


Directie 1

The steps led me to the nearest “House of God”… It seemed deserted. But it was being cleaned. The pews of the faithful were gathered, crammed… Empty…

I just felt that I had to pray, where I was, without going to the front of the altar.

And the sky opened with me, with my prayer. What came from the depths of my soul… Like repentance from helplessness…

If the soul of people will not evolve along with science, with what would be knowledge, we have nowhere to go but hell… Or, maybe, we are right there…

Now I haunt, as an “Astral Sage”… A “Golden Violet” who came late to these lands.

But I came just in time to actively participate in all the great discoveries of the early Renaissance period.

Directie 2

I began, somewhat more casually, as the German banker and businessman Johann Fust, who financed Gutenberg’s projects.

It was somewhat “casual” because woodblock printing, using oil-based ink, had been used in China since the 6th century AD, and paper was invented in China in the 2nd century BC, becoming an important trade commodity.

Gutenberg had access to paper through mine-brokered trade with Asia, which allowed him to produce high-quality prints.

I then facilitated his access to the use of the screw press and lead block printing, helping Gutenberg create a method of book production that was faster, more efficient, and more affordable. We just put things together “end to end”…

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Oh, yes… I also benefited from the genius of my wife, Johanna who, when I couldn’t find any more solutions, was my salvation.

Preparing the existence in which I was the German mathematician and astronomer Georg Joachim Rheticus, collaborating and helping Erasmus Reinhold to become a student, for two years, of Nicolaus Copernicus, the one who “successfully” formulated the heliocentric theory…

I also published a book about Copernicus’ theory, contributing to the spread of these ideas by helping to publish Copernicus’ work, “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium”.

Furthermore, my “interaction” with Reinhold led him to become the German astronomer who calculated the protean tables, which were used by sailors for centuries.

Any deed is just a thread in the great fabric of existence.

But more could not be done. Those were difficult times, from the point of view of laws and human morality. My body died even two years before Copernicus’ departure…

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Then, less than a week later, I became Michael Maestlin, mentoring Johannes Kepler, one of the greatest astronomers of all time.

As usual, I didn’t get the chance to be a German noble to make things as easy as possible. All seats were occupied or inaccessible…

Money and power do not create things, but help to create them…

My father, Jakob Maestlin, was a craftsman, and my mother, Dorothea Simon, came from a bourgeois family.

But they helped me get a solid education, studying at the University of Tübingen, where I obtained my master’s degree in 1571. I later taught at the University of Tübingen for over 40 years, becoming a professor of astronomy and mathematics.

Although I was not a noble, I was respected for my erudition and had a significant influence on the development of astronomy, being a supporter of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, and introducing Johannes Kepler to the development of this theory.

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Times were equally troubled, but we caught the “conjunction” of Giordano Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo Galilei during the Renaissance, a time of great cultural and intellectual change.

We all supported the heliocentric theory, which was a theory contrary to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, which supported a geocentric view of the universe. Support that exposed us all to the risk of being persecuted by the Inquisition.

Bruno was a supporter of the infinity of the universe and the plurality of worlds, ending tragically without denying his ideas, even if Galileo implored him in 1592, in Venice, to stop, to save himself…

Galileo being forced to publicly abjure his theories… But without ceasing to correspond with Kepler about various astronomical problems, he finalized his laws about planetary motion.

It was my turn to be Isaac Newton, also born without a noble title, with my father dying before I was born, and my mother remarrying a rich landowner.

However, I had a clear talent for learning and received a quality education at Trinity College, Cambridge, a university open to people from all walks of life but requiring a high level of training and intellectual ability to be accepted.

Thus, everyone learned about the laws of universal gravitation and motion, laying the foundations of so-called “Newtonian physics”.

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It was only after the age of 60, after much toil, that Queen Anne granted me the title of “Sir” in recognition of my scientific achievements and elevated me to a higher level of society…

Holding important government positions, including Master of the Mint and President of the Royal Society, positions reserved for people of high social status.

Well, you get the point. 99% perspiration and only 1% chance… Wow, what am I doing, I recall, as if I were writing a curriculum vitae. But let’s summarize!

Well, between 1749 and 1827, I was Pierre-Simon Laplace, a French mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, developing probability theory and mathematical statistics, and formulating Laplace’s equations that describe planetary motion.

Then, between 1831 and 1879, I was James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, and mathematician, formulating “Maxwell’s” equations describing electric and magnetic fields and predicting the existence of electromagnetic waves, including light, blah, blah…

Now a kind of forcing of my evolutionary lines intervenes. Then I was tired, the times were favorable, and I wanted to cut short my mad effort.

So, I took advantage of the development of abdominal cancer in 1877 and in March 1879, I left my toil-weary body, becoming Albert Einstein.

Between March 14th and November 5th, I struggled enormously to keep both bodies active, which is why I managed to activate Albert quite late…

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I became the German physicist who formulated the theory of special relativity and the theory of general relativity, being considered one of the greatest physicists of all time.

I finished with Albert in 1955, full of remorse, despite the great achievements for humanity. Science was taken long before the times suitable for morality, ethics, blah, blah… In short, science was far ahead of the value of the majority of souls on this planet…

And I perceived this as a great error, which attracted more destabilization…

Concluding that “intelligence is a dissipative constant on the number of existing individuals if these individuals do not participate in maintaining the available intelligence”.

And, for a long time, I stood apart, in the world of souls. Without leaving where I came from… But waiting for something…

Which “Something” appeared in 1965 when I received an offer to take over the body of Stephen William Hawking, whose “Blue” had tired of supporting that body’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

As it was a pity to lose such a prepared body, I analyzed whether continuity was possible and committed myself without reservation. Regardless of the torments of bodily impotence that I was going to go through…

The only advantage was that I had learned the “trick” of negotiation and “aggressive transition” in a new body, but prepared for my manifestation…

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Thus, I worked as an English theorist, cosmologist, and author, becoming research director at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge University at the time of my departure due to the impossibility of keeping that body viable.

Through Hawking, I developed the theory of black holes and Hawking radiation, I contributed significantly to the understanding of the Big Bang, in addition to the fact that I wrote numerous books popularizing science, the most famous of which is “A Brief History of Time”.

So, in 1970 I theoretically demonstrated the existence of rotating black holes, known as Kerr black holes, in 1974 I proposed the concept of Hawking radiation, emitted by black holes, in 1988 I theoretically demonstrated that the universe cannot have a beginning and a well-defined ends, but must be either infinite or oscillating.

In addition to these major discoveries, Hawking made significant contributions to various areas of theoretical physics, including cosmology, quantum theory of gravity, and the study of singularities.

I always collaborated with many other physicists to achieve our goals of knowledge together, even though I was the only one credited with having accomplished so much.

Directie 9

Well, beginning in March 2018, expect any new opportunities… On one condition, be well prepared for what is to come. Regardless of the conditions… And one particular morning, I will return as one of the new children!

Maybe it’s even you, or one of your children… Get ready, get them ready!

Oh yes, wait, there would be something else to ensure the success of the new existence!

Ever since I was Einstein, I have suffered realizing that science that comes before the times only brings imbalance, death, or, at least, danger. At Hawking, I deepened the perception that you, all people, need to have a certain level of morality, ethics, soul… Call it what you want!

Let us be the majority, those who do their job well! Each of us has a role in the fight, so every day is a step for the better!

To live in a better real world, defined by compassion, harmony, and prosperity for all. And to build such a world, most of us must cultivate:

  1. Empathy and tolerance (the ability to understand and feel the emotions of others is essential to building harmonious relationships and fighting injustice, accepting and respecting the diversity of opinions, cultures, and religions),
  2. Compassion (the desire to help and alleviate the suffering of others, fundamental to creating a more caring and just society),
  3. Cooperation and generosity (the ability to collaborate and work together for the common good, essential to solving complex problems and building a sustainable future, being altruistic by giving of one’s time and resources to help others),
  4. Integrity (being honest, sincere, and trustworthy, essential to maintaining a functioning society based on mutual respect),
  5. Responsibility (being aware of the impact of one’s actions and making responsible decisions, essential to protecting the environment and ensuring the well-being of future generations),
  6. Courage (having the courage to do what is right, even when it is difficult, is essential to fight injustice and promote positive change),
  7. Perseverance and flexibility (being persistent and not giving up on your dreams is essential to overcome obstacles and build a better world, being adaptable to change and ready to learn from mistakes),
  8. Optimism (having a positive outlook and believing in the possibility of a better future is essential to maintaining hope and motivating people to act),
  9. God’s laws are written in our souls: you don’t like to be killed, don’t kill, don’t like to be stolen, don’t steal, don’t like to be lied to, don’t lie (and any similar considerations)…
  10. There is only one God, ours… So He is not “one” of us, or an “empowered”… He is ours!

Direcrie 10

Oh yes… You understand that wealth doesn’t matter… The nobles never brought anything good. They just profited by using our efforts without giving us anything back… The eternal cheaters, profiteers, legislators, and other “blah, blah” “bad” ones…

Those who laugh about “nerds” or hard workers, but who, without them, end up lining up at the guillotines of revolutions of despair… Or opportunism…

Well, let’s go ahead, and I’ll finish! There is no need for power; only for the soul!

Merticaru Dorin Nicolae


Thanks to the author for reading (and feedback, if applicable)!

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