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            Collection of documentary materials (referenced, processing of information, analysis, development of topics, useful links, etc.) useful to support any effort of your purchase decisions.  "Markets " addressed are particularly diverse but the main effort will be oriented (initially) towards the elements related to buildings (houses, etc.) and the implementation of the elements related to green energy (solar, wind, generally unconventional ) as well as the various forms of maintenance and/or improvement of them overall.

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           Collection of documentary materials (referenced, processing of information, analysis, development of topics, useful links, etc.) useful to support any effort of your sell decisions.  "Markets " addressed are particularly diverse but the main effort will be oriented (initially) towards the elements related to buildings (houses, etc.) and the implementation of the elements related to green energy (solar, wind, generally unconventional ) as well as the various forms of maintenance and/or improvement of them overall.

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            Collection of documentary materials (referenced, processing of information, analysis, development of topics, useful links, etc.) useful to support any effort of your commissioning decisions.  "Markets " addressed are particularly diverse but the main effort will be oriented (initially) towards the elements related to buildings (houses, etc.) and the implementation of the elements related to green energy (solar, wind, generally unconventional ) as well as the various forms of maintenance and/or improvement of them overall.

Către paginile speculează


            Collection of documentary materials (referenced, processing of information, analyses, development of topics, useful links, etc.) useful to support any effort of your own in terms of speculative decisions. "Markets" addressed are particularly diverse but the main effort will be oriented (initially) towards elements related to currency courses, banking funding elements, general elements of funding (such as European finance), stock exchange rates (including technical elements related to their operation and operations) that can be carried out in the related markets.

notă/ note/ nota.

            Pentru moment, toate paginile acestei secţiuni sunt anexate în forma lor "veche" (necosmetizată) şi nu beneficiază de traducere/ translare. Mulţumesc pentru înţelegere!

            For now, all pages of this section are attached in their "old" form (without "uplifting") and do not have translation. Thanks for your understanding!

            Pour l'instant, toutes les pages de cette section sont attachées dans leur "ancienne" forme (sans "actualisations") et n'ont pas de traduction. Merci pour votre compréhension!

            Vorerst sind alle Seiten dieses Abschnitts in ihrer "alten" Form angehängt (ohne "Aktualisierungen") und haben keine Übersetzung. Danke für dein Verständnis!

            Per ora, tutte le pagine di questa sezione sono allegate nel loro "vecchio" modulo (senza "attualizzazioni") e non hanno traduzione. Grazie per la tua comprensione!

            Por ahora, todas las páginas de esta sección están adjuntas en su forma "antigua" (sin "actualizaciones") y no tienen traducción. ¡Gracias por su comprensión!

            Por enquanto, todas as páginas desta seção estão anexadas em sua forma "antiga" (sem "atualizações") e não têm tradução. Obrigado pela sua compreensão!