Work - Economics - domestic and international payments technique

To Work Pages Dorin M


Translation draft

Domestic and international payment technique - Means and instruments of payment


The quantitative and qualitative growth of the level of business (market relations), implicitly of the payment requirements raised by the huge volume of trade in products and services, led to the emergence of a real problem of monetary financial relations.

Most of these payment techniques being carried out through commercial banks determined a general, operative and legislative homogenization effort, banks being elements that depend to a significant extent on priority national and secondary international mechanisms.

Also, the amplification of the role of payment techniques, along with the chronological and technological advance, both at national and international level, has induced the need for legal regulation at national and international level (through trade agreements, international conventions, etc.) especially in the sense of standardizing domestic and international payment techniques, simplifying more and more the management of national and international economic affairs / transactions, especially due to a real standardization (through the regulations elaborated by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris).

Only through this uniformization / standardization was possible a real control and development of payment and credit instruments under the shock of the offensive of the market economy (starting with the '70s and pregnant with the '80s, then the '90s) as well as the transition from fixed to floating exchange rates (which proves its effectiveness in the face of changing value benchmarks (hard currency, etc.), their use becoming so common that they were referred to as trade effects.

Transactions of any kind often involve the use of means and instruments of payment to ensure debt settlement or contractual relations. It is obvious that the means of payment are the basis of the "running"/functioning of the payment instruments both due to the fact that they are the first ones that appeared chronologically and because they are the most "tangible", liquid, safer (the development of exchanges and the permanent modernization of the economy requesting the improvement and development of payment and credit instruments both for practical reasons and due to the improvement of banking activities, the emergence of financial policies as well as the technological progress that has induced the use of communication and information processing technologies).

Due to the evolution and peculiarities that appeared with it, the means of payment are classified into:

1. Traditional means of payment: - divisional currency (monetary pieces);

- fiduciary currency (bank tickets or banknotes), both used as cash payment.

2. Modern means of payment: - scriptural currency (account money) - transfer;

- payment and credit instruments - card (bank card), cheque( cheque), promissory note and bill of exchange), also called "trade effects".
We must not forget to mention the payment by goods against goods (barter, compensation and variants thereof) and the counter operations (compensations, barter, lohn, re-export, switch, buy-back, etc.), cash payment that have an increasingly low share in the total volume of international payments / exchanges ... Even if their share is constantly rebounding in the conditions of evolution in crisis conditions of the world economy.

Dorin, Merticaru