Study - Technical
- LMS-SFC - Cyber
Security - Let's Get
Cyber Security - Cyro and
get acquainted.
The basic idea starts from
"Cy" (cyber security) and "ro" (Romania), with the intention
of creating an online application or game type in which I
have a kind of virtual assistant, Cyro...
The idea of a male
character starts from the reality of psychology that men
focus on the subject, on the objective. So, any post will be
"featured" by Cyro will have a high technical content,
focused on the goal, even if it may be at the beginner
Yes, and his psychological
typology will be massively humorous, often even sarcastic.
As in another app of mine (the novel visual app "Mortgage One's Soul") I was dealing with the balance of male - female characters (where the characters were Dan and Monique), it was time for Cyrene to appear (simply, starting from "Cy" and what else came by itself)...
As in another app of mine (the novel visual app "Mortgage One's Soul") I was dealing with the balance of male - female characters (where the characters were Dan and Monique), it was time for Cyrene to appear (simply, starting from "Cy" and what else came by itself)...
The idea of a female
character starts from the reality of psychology that women
focus on the whole and the feeling, which is based on the
result. So any post presented by Cyrene will have a content
based on effectiveness, often with reference to the whole,
even if it will seem to be at the beginner level.
Yes, and its psychological
typology will be oriented on obtaining all sorts of
collateral advantages to a subject, often even easy to label
as gossip.
TODAY, 01.01.2021...
We are still caught up in the celebration of the new year or in the aftermath of this night's mood... So, for today it would be enough just that we presented ourselves, as part of a much larger project, which will be carried out daily on this blog, possibly also on the actual pages of my site,
TODAY, 01.01.2021...
We are still caught up in the celebration of the new year or in the aftermath of this night's mood... So, for today it would be enough just that we presented ourselves, as part of a much larger project, which will be carried out daily on this blog, possibly also on the actual pages of my site,
But it's not like that...
Time is running out and this is a real problem in the world
of IT and, above all, of cybersecurity...
On we started an
effort in this direction in the section "Let's
do something/ Let's make something" but in a short
time we found that a huge synthesis effort is required that
can be managed only with the help of a CMS (Content
Management System)...
Which attracted a long
period of time before I got to the conception of the new
form of development, the present one, made in Joomla...
After more testing in WordPress... WordPress remains my old
love, since I started on 01.01.2014 "The
New Medicine" with its help...
What's next?!?
Everything will be materialized in an ascending presentation, from the point of view of the level of knowledge, of a useful ensemble of everything that the IT world represents for us...
What's next?!?
Everything will be materialized in an ascending presentation, from the point of view of the level of knowledge, of a useful ensemble of everything that the IT world represents for us...
From scratch... Starting
from how we purchase an "IT" product, following the use of
the computer assembly,from a zero level to a level as small
as possible and / or advanced, both from a hardware and
software point of view.
The posts will be short,
to the point, placing as a volume around 500 words per post,
all reaching 10 - 15 minutes of scrolling... Given that you
will get your hands on the computer and practice what I
present in that job, it's all up to you... And this,
especially, when you start linking several posts (the
current one with the latter, as much as it all depends only
on the need for time you want to invest it).
Yes, there would be
something else... In order to achieve a kind of harmony with
the text / content of the post, I will take care to present
/ identify the level of knowledge of the inserted content.
So, who knows can quickly
figure out the content and move on... I think...
I thank all those who will
join my efforts, thank you to all those who will learn and
will have an increase in mastering the madness of this
world, that of computers.
Finally, happy birthday to
all of you!
Dorin M - January 01, 2021