Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- Cybersecurity News of the Week (12.05.2022). (to the original material)
- Threathunt 2030: How to hunt down emerging & future cyber threats. (to the original material)
- Adobe releases security updates for multiple products. (to the original material)
- Shrinking healthcare cybersecurity gaps between hospitals and manufacturers. (to the original material)
- How to avoid headaches when publishing a CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures). (to the original material)
- 10 best practices to reduce the probability of a material breach. (to the original material)
- IBM sprays Log4j bugs in security products. (to the original material)
- Google adds phishing protection to Workspace apps. (to the original material)
- Government initiative promises rapid blocking of scam sites. (to the original material)
- Trustpilot forced to delete millions of fake reviews in 2021. (to the original material)
- Quarter of security pros say mental health has worsened. (to the original material)
- Hospital labor expenses up 37% from pre-pandemic levels in March. (to the original material)
- Time to upgrade your PC? These versions of Windows 10 just got their last ever security patches. (to the original material)
- Beware of state actors stepping up attacks on managed service providers: Cyber agencies. (to the original material)
- White House cyber executive order still has unfinished business. (to the original material)
- Emotet reemerges as top malware in circulation. (to the original material)
- Iranian hackers exposed in a highly targeted espionage campaign. (to the original material)
- Ukrainian imprisoned for selling access to thousands of PCs. (to the original material)
- Eternity malware kit offers stealer, miner, worm, ransomware tools. (to the original material)
- Zyxel fixes firewall flaws that could lead to hacked networks. (to the original material)
- BPFdoor: Stealthy Linux malware bypasses firewalls for remote access. (to the original material)
- NVIDIA has open-sourced its Linux GPU kernel drivers. (to the original material)
- Historic Hotel Stay, Complementary Emotet Exposure included. (to the original material)
- Four tips for developing high-quality, secure, mobile apps. (to the original material)
- Coast Guard wants to model cyber specialist trainings after agency’s diving program. (to the original material)
- Alliance targets healthcare supply chain cybersecurity risk management in new guide. (to the original material)
- New Nerbian RAT spreads via malspam campaigns using COVID-19. (to the original material)
- Red TIM Research (RTR) founds 2 bugs affecting F5 Traffix SDC. (to the original material)
- Five Eyes agencies warn of attacks on MSPs. (to the original material)
- Oklahoma City Indian Clinic data breach affects 40,000 individuals. (to the original material)
- Costa Rica declares national emergency following Conti cyber-attack. (to the original material)
- Preparation includes understanding your battlefield. (to the original material)
- California Law Enforcement now needs approval for military-grade surveillance equipment. We'll be watching. (to the original material)
- 10 reasons why we fall for scams. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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