Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- Customers are on alert as an E-Commerce player leaks 1.7+ billion records. (to the original material)
- Microsoft fixes a zero-day flaw in Win32 driver. (to the original material)
- High-Profile breaches are shifting enterprise security strategy. (to the original material)
- MyKings botnet is still active and making massive amounts of money. (to the original material)
- Apple silently fixes iOS zero-day, asks bug reporter to keep quiet. (to the original material)
- Australia to tackle ransomware data breaches by deleting stolen files. (to the original material)
- EU legislation introduced to ban anonymous domain registration. (to the original material)
- Verizon digital carrier Visible customer accounts were hacked. (to the original material)
- OpenSea NFT platform bugs let hackers steal crypto wallets. (to the original material)
- Russia and China left out of global anti-ransomware meetings. (to the original material)
- Telegram Is becoming a cesspool of anti-semitic content. (to the original material)
- International cryptocurrency scam ring targets European dating app users. (to the original material)
- Apple: Forcing app sideloading would turn iPhones into virus-prone 'pocket PCs'i. (to the original material)
- Bugs allow malicious NFT uploads uncovered in OpenSea marketplace. (to the original material)
- Unresolved GitHub Actions flaw allows code to be approved without review. (to the original material)
- Nagios XI was updated to address trio of security vulnerabilities. (to the original material)
- Don’t get phished! How to be the one that got away. (to the original material)
- Chinese APT group IronHusky exploits zero-day Windows Server privilege escalation. (to the original material)
- Google forms Cybersecurity Action Team to support customer security transformation. (to the original material)
- List of IT assets an attacker is most likely to target for exploitation. (to the original material)
- Is the government’s response to cybersecurity threats enough for your organization? (to the original material)
- Ransomware attacks preparedness lagging, despite organizations being aware of the risks. (to the original material)
- KuberLogic's open-source platform turns infrastructure into a managed PaaS. (to the original material)
- Investing in the mainframe remains key driver for digital transformation. (to the original material)
- Worldwide supply chains are vulnerable as businesses lack visibility into suppliers. (to the original material)
- Cybersecurity shortcomings exposed by the pandemic. (to the original material)
- DDoS attacks are on the rise - using powerful new techniques. (to the original material)
- Threat Spotlight: Remote code execution vulnerabilities. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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