Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- 26th July – Threat Intelligence Report. (to the original material)
- European Cybersecurity Atlas - The European Cyber Security Atlas. (to the original material)
- Apple fixes zero-day affecting iPhones and Macs, exploited in the wild. (to the original material)
- Telecom & Trust Services Incidents in 2020: System Failures on the Rise. (to the original material)
- Signal fixes bug that sent random images to wrong contacts. (to the original material)
- Microsoft Defender ATP now secures removable storage, printers. (to the original material)
- Researchers warn of unpatched Kaseya Unitrends backup vulnerabilities. (to the original material)
- No More Ransom saves almost €1 billion in ransomware payments in 5 years. (to the original material)
- Vulnerability Summary for the Week of July 19, 2021. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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