To STUDY - Fiction - Mortgage One's Soul

Logo NMD - "Around the Worlds"
"Mortgage One's Soul"
Mircea Dan
Day 1, Part 3 - The First contact

            - "I don't understand why we must go forward in this case? intervene Typhoo. Iryu, you appeared?!? He finds himself surprised and focuses his attention on those in the group. We have established that we don’t have to intervene here... The additional energy consumption in an imbalance without output is pointless. We save energies for possible further intervention. Clear!
            - Does anyone have anything to add? said pressed Typhoo, looking around. As it was expected! he concluded dry, observing the lack of reaction of those around him. Now I’m leaving you with Iryu. I have quite enough work to solve in other areas! And he rises imposingly and threateningly, and he dissipates in the stream.
            "Why did Typhoo come here?!? issued Iryu surprised. And the silence of those around confirms that there is no point in waiting for answers... Let’s continue! What are the current problems? he asked, trying to focus their energies to start things. Come on, get together! If Typhoo has not kept transmitting anything to me that means his message was addressed to you. You don't have to get stuck now that you don't know what to tell me. Come on, which starts! Or...
            - It would be better to approach the problems of ethnic groups in the peninsula! intervene Logger. Nothing has been resolved in the meantime, and balance reactions have started to emerge from the antagonistic groups.
            - „Yes, those in the last round, doesn't it? said Iryu… Where are we now with balances?
            - Energy imbalances have the same dangerous tendency to accumulation, specify Logger. The critical point will be reached as soon as possible, the leadership group is still unstable. Both from the point of view of direct manifestations, material, and in terms of elections and involvement of the “root” souls. And we can't find solutions to pull them to stability, issued in bursts Logger. We don’t find help nor for guides activity, nor anchors of the whisperers, nor efforts of the teachers, nor harmonizers efforts, nor leaders of groups, nothing, and nobody... The material manifestations prevail and…
            - „Yes, cut that description Iryu, so nothing had been resolved… And there are not too many chances to solve something during their useful time… That should have been specified directly, without divagations. Now, if we reach the instability we have only one problem, if the new containers are prepared?!?" If there is availability for their creation…
            - Not very, issued shy Freyr… We will be forced to stream contamination… For a fairly enough periods… Containers creations latency is an obstacle over which we can't pass anything we do…
            - Lopt?!? issued pressed Iryu.
            - Options to avoid it don’t really exist, as we all feel and know, came dryly Lopt’s response. Any attempt to intervene will emphasize instability and will increase the flow of contaminated energy. The basic activities will continue without any problems but the cleansing areas, including the purifiers, will have to work more than is their certain availability and available potential…
            - Imbalance… whispered faded Iryu cold looking toward Freyr.
            - More than 400 leading entities, complete Freyr quickly, and nearly one million major imbalances in the other directly or indirectly subordinated entities.
            - And this is just the beginning, continue Iryu… Thot?!?
            - I cannot approximate yet, a period of time necessary to return to equilibrium, if it’s still possible, if it will come. It’s better to wait for opportunities for interventions that can be achieved localized, answered Thot firmly. There are too many entities involved in this imbalance and its dynamics … Anyway there are maximum chances for things to go further in the direction of imbalance in a sort of torrent effect. The debts of general experience manifested converging in this threateningly direction… It is almost impossible to stop it until it exceeds the critical level of 25 %...
            - There must be as many such opportunities as possible, otherwise there is no chances to achieve the required potential to initiate the propagation of balance state, specify Iryu. I can't believe that we will go back to a major disequilibrium when we have been drawing for so long and we have created a kind of society maximal adapted to the requirements of the entities from here…
            - We don't have so many resources, to points of the insertion and influence because action leaders react to the general energy wave, to the relative state of instability desire for the manifestation of contradictions. There’s no way not to speculate everything that happens. And there are quite a few and very convinced of what they do for…
            - Can we get someone to negotiations? brutally Iryu interrupted Thot. Any of the control and power factors? Well, is someone answering me? calls after a fairly long enough time of silence. Freyr?!? ask suggestive Iryu sensing some intention to respond.
            - "I think it’s good that we focus on the stream imbalance drawn by these incidents. In my opinion, only a global action may have chances… Specific actions can be quickly canceled by the general course… General pressures are too high in the current context, and I consider that we have here work to do, to arrange, or to other suggestions or the like, said way, rarely, Freyr.
            - It’s understandable your conclusion, as long as the leaders are totally convinced of the opportunity of their reactions, said slowly, thoughtfully Iryu. Do I understand that the global energy wave requires so strongly their manifestation?!?
            - The Law of Mirroring, of polarity, asks its rights. I don't think we have to dig more than we did, specify Freyr… Unbalance requires balance and vice versa… Here is the problem, we maintained the balance for too long and general destabilizing debts have accumulated up to the level of stress and imminent explosion…
            - My opinion is that there should be solutions born by a careful analysis, said Logger… Even if material interests are declared to be superior I feel that the energetic entities involved are undecided, he continued observing that is allowed to have this intervention. As long as we wait for an optimal momentum means that we can act to increase time. And, further, we can slowly eliminate the pressures in this chain of stress… Or, a chain, under tension will yield only from one single link, the weakest… Loosening the tension allows us to identify the weak side and to solve its conflicts…
            - It seems normal to me to prevail energy elements. Material things are not going to have any effect at a level as well material equipped, wondered Iryu.
            - That's not what I was doing reference, react Logger. In the game, there are only and only response energies. The leaders, most of them, even if they have a reflex response to polarity law, they have greater needs of positive feelings toward them than material or reflex response. Just because they have everything they need…
            - Concretely! encourage Iryu him.
            - The requirements to solve various individual conflicts can be considered defining in decision-making, but if we take into account that you can be loved for that, is obviously why it’s almost impossible a correction reaction, complete Logger.
            - Loved?!? wondered Iryu.
            - It's about energy supplies for approval, intervenes Mercury. The easiest way to hurt others is when you’re encouraged and, or, acclaimed for it. The cohesion of feelings and the antagonism of reactions is voiding each other and the decision-makers will act convinced that they are doing well, motivated by closing their contradictions, and so on. As long as there is approval of entities wishing to close their contradictions, obviously in complete harmony with the momentary efficiency of energy movement and, in addition, the approval of energy-generating vessels in the direction of the support of the gesture to be made…
            - You repeat you, enough! Then it’s clear why the energy waves create a true torrent in sustaining of the manifestations, complete Logger visibly disturbed by Mercur’s intervention.
            - Then that would be the secret, the temptation that gives the possibility of a corrections and that something to justify our involvement? intervene relatively cold Iryu.
            - Some of the top energy entities are afraid of stopping this cycle of evolution and oscillates between the group’s decision and their power to influence the things in the desired direction. But it can only get a delay because the group is too determined to act. The delay that they offer us is a kind of exchange as support in their actions, if any, concludes Logger…
            - Interesting. So, the fear of the end of the material line joins the fear of not closing the line of contradictions on the current existence course... In this case, we should… and Iryu dissipates in a short whistle…
            - Perfect, conclude Lopt… That stress, Iryu's strain container has deferred our solutions. Why doesn't he sleep like the other recipes?!? Why he should call Iryu exactly when you expect less?!?
            - This is how is manifest containers which are in the process of preparation for a permanent connection, Freyr reminded him. It’s something normal. Probably at our next meeting, the container will already be aware of the first meeting with its entity.
            - How so?!? asked Lopt visibly surprised.
            - Why do you think that Typhoo announced us that Iryu will be particularly very busy, starting with his visit?!? asked Freyr rhetorically. I felt a serious disturbance in the flow when Typhoo sent us this message… I mean, there will be at least an entity that will enter into the cycle of direct relationship…
            - As a matter of fact, the return of their bond, remind them Genius…
            - Right, this container was specifically designed for an immediate connection, directly, specify Freyr. But after the initial stages of development, it was…
            - Why did it come back to the container’s decision? intervene curiously Genius.
            - Well, forget it, is totally irrelevant to discuss such a thing! said Freyr. We have to work! Iryu would have opposed to his departure if he had something against the last perceived allegation. Or their connection has already begun to be more powerful than we think… After all, we have to do our job… To start negotiations for the possible postponement!
            - I think it would be much better if we wait for Iryu’s analytical support, said gravely Utu. Each of us is correlated to a certain sense of energy manifestation, and he is the binder.
            - The Divine Power always cares for everything to be perfect, well, as perfectly as possible. If the binder was necessary, as you said Utu, he would have been here, intervene Genius.
            - It seems fair to me to proceed to analyze and discuss the individual’s issue, request Thot omitting all previous interventions. From our point of view time does not exist, but for the recipients, it exists… So, we need to solve as many as we can in the allowed pauses of containers.
            - And we can't pass properly and completely through everything unless it’s not done at their proper time. Let's get to work! encourage Mercury. Energy consumption that we will achieve…
            - OK, OK, let’s get to work! Resolving of individual requests, specify in defense Freyr… Who do we start with?!?
            - It would be better to close the problem with that annoying Sandoval, intervene Genius. However, it’s a problem related to Iryu’s container…
            - C'mon that is not really a problem, comment Freyr. It doesn't matter that he’s part of Iryu’s group?!?
            - The evolution’s line from the perspective of his container has great importance in the near future. Sandoval believes that the container will help him in this, and what he saw in the plans room doesn't make more can be achieved, explains Genius.
            - All right, well, get it! Who is his guide, Ornixus?!? asked relatively irritated Freyr.
            - Yes, you've remembered correctly. Ornixus the thumbed, replied Genius…
            - He in person, issued powerful Ornixus, making his appearance. Or, in the non-person, once I cannot be able to handle a container and get here, in front of you all, asking for help…
            - Well, okay, I don't want to talk about it, call Sandoval! request Freyr.
            - Well, good we've found! salutes Sandoval, making his appearance.
            After a moment of silence, he was forced to continue.
            - The container in which I entered does not really want to understand me, continue Sandoval timidly.
            - It seems to me normal to have some problems once you have a container fitted for the power of what will follow be entrusted to him in his material area, said Genius. Describes what this is all about!
            - I came over to him, he asked me who I am, I told her I’m a friend who came to play with him and to be a part of him but he thinks I just came here only to occupy his mind. I told him that he and I were created to be together for the entire lifetime that follows but he reacts in opposition, fearful. Already the first organic problems arose at the container level and, if they will continue, I will no longer have a way of fulfilling our purpose that is quite critical about the current temporal moment.
            - You tried to caress his brain, well, his mind, with warm thoughts of love and collegiality?!?
            - Obviously, it’s the first thing that I did but he, however, it has been closed down considering me as a kind of aggressor. He believes that I cause him to give up a part of his personality, of his individuality.
            - Explain to him that at the time of birth, he cannot survive if he does not cooperate with you! Or, start talking with him simple things, such as the uncomfortable position in mom’s womb. Prepare him for birth, explain to him that this will be a real shock for him and only you can help him. To leave womb warm, comfortable, motherly and alone to go out in cold, in noise, to have to breathe, to be handled and what’s there, it’s much easier if you're there and helping him, explain or, eventually you take the pain, confusion and what is attracted to this event of birth and of life after birth. He will surely appreciate your help, especially if you cast out his fear by assuring him that everything is fine. Or, it will be fine…
            - Do you really think, Genius, that I did not try all these, complete Sandoval ironically.
            - Have you tried, then, to calm his mother? I perceive that it can only be the problem?
            - But this is something really hard. I don't have the necessary experience to do this! She is far too frightened of birth in a kind of mixture with an anger that lives because she realizes that she gives birth to children that her father did not deserve absolutely at all, to whose life he will not be involved almost at all.
            - I'm sorry, but this is the solution! You must be able to align your energy vibrations with both the mother's natural rhythm and her child’s body. Yes, you need to align all three sets of wave’s levels, including here and yours. And don't forget, your container is very powerful and you will have to talk to him, as well as with a kind of second entity, nearly up to the age of five years. Only then the fusion will be complete. That’s at least based on baseline estimates. If you do your job well, you finish something quicker.
            - I really believed that you’d give me solutions, said Sandoval disappointed.
            - You chose all the range of accomplishments which that they make it available to the container in which you are. In fact, you have created it directly, mostly, according to your needs and requirements. Why do you think we’re better than you?!?" We have the same knowledge as you although we have only much more experience and stability of manifestation. That’s all! So, do your job! In fact, all those who do the scouting and go into material bodies to accumulate experiences for all, we will never cease to wonder of each new body, about the different ways in which each one manifests itself. To the result of our transposition. Why don't you see the bright side of things?!? Your container, once it is so sensitive, it’s obviously high prepared for the most important way of our expression, love. So, works if you want to live all the love that can generate your container under the conditions in which you will close almost all, if not all the contradictions and you can pass to the stage of teacher apprentice! You still have any other problems with us?!? asked reprovingly Genius.
            - No, thank you for reproof! specify defeated Sandoval and disappeared from the stream.
            Almost consecutively disappeared Ornixus, without issuing the smallest message.
            - Ohhh, let’s move on to the next one! request Freyr…

            Hint: 6. We are dealing with a script' block that represents some kind of entry into another world. When I get to insert the game's form of this script, for those who will opt that they want to go through only the material world, "real", they will no longer go through such story blocks, having the disadvantage of losing control in many cases because it does not will know what are the decisions and reactions of the "spiritual" world... But it's still until then.
            7. This decision I have taken following the "protests" of several readers (a rather significant number in the past years, that is why I have taken it into consideration) but it will take a little while to implement this a "short variant" intended only for those who avoid any contact with the spiritual.
            8. This  "river novel" was born from the cumulated 10 previous novels written by me, somewhere now "two tens and... " years, which is why the wording  "in the past years" appears. More details you can access by clicking on this link (caution, use left click and choose from the opening menu option "another page" (or tab), otherwise you will need to use the "back" function of the browser).

Dorin M - November 24, 2017

notă translare/ translation note/ Übersetzungshinweis/ note de traduction/ nota di traduzione/ nota de traducción/ nota de tradução.

                 Dear readers in English,
            Using existing methods of translation (for the Romanian language) have still large gaps, so I proceeded to an effort to achieve, if possible, its translation (and its adaptation) for you. I apologize for the many mistakes but I am sure that my effort gives better results than existing translation engines.
            In addition, your effort to correct this text with your translations are welcome but I cannot reward your efforts, just only with mere mention of your aid, in bottom of text, where it was given and, why not, in the future, you may have a possible material reward, if my adventure will be financially successful.
            Thanks for your understanding (and help, if possible),
            Dorin M

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