To STUDY - Fiction - Around the Worlds

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"Around the Worlds"
Mircea Dan
Day 2, Part 2 - The Package

           He perceives the flow and become aware that it was freed from the container... He felt confusion, emotions, feelings or what they could be, which were quite foreign to him. It was necessary to stabilize before being able to meet with others, to get into the stream... He couldn't get in touch with them dragging all of the others luggage.
                The purity of the link is more important than the link itself, emanate as to convince itself of the correctness of what it does...
            What other?!? Who do I feel I have to meet?!? In whose destiny to participate?!? The questions came one after the other, destabilizing it and more... So I could help the integration effort... Iryu, what's going on?!? quickly asked the question by referring to the inefficiency of the accommodation... It is clearly something attracted to the container, the participation in the matter...
            Entrance into the matter is about the participation in the group. He intued that from here came all the energies that clearly were not his, were of the group. But why did he feel like he was foreign?!? That's why he perceived them as a barrier...  Perhaps all of this is brought by the group through participation without them actually being the group... But it is all about participation in the matter...
            Feel a relative irritation... Why does it have to be almost every time it gets here?!? He has not taken over and never brought in the group external energies, external action threads, focusing when he finds that everything comes from the group, even though through the related elements of it... Well, look at the destabilization, concretize as a definite thought, no doubt of the manifestation...
            Yes, my perception is correct, the desters of many prevail before the desters of those directly involved or those in your group, come a kind of response indicating the fact that the state of stability couldn’t come otherwise. It focused on the fullest possible of his power and began the stabilization effort, the analysis through which it could reach it... The stabilization of the global that doesn’t allow the evolution of the individual than in direct vibration, synchronized with it or, is eliminated as disharmony, this is the strongest, most stable path... And it started some sort of scroll of events that brought everything into its current status.
            It’s clear that I am attracted here by belonging to Uniqueness. Entity, entities, container, containers, particular, ensemble, everything is part of Uniqueness without the possibility of desoldering, customization... Past, present, future is all one, a manifestation of Uniquility... Anything related to time, keep about the containers, focusing on a landmark of this time?!? So, I need to focus on my container, determine his interactions with other containers, possibly with other elements related to entities and interventions, their decisions reported at a moment of time... What are they doing?!?
            The best solution would be the regression, the return in what would be the time of the recipients as a kind of possible reporting of it, as an entity... At something stabilizer, at a landmark, as is the regression with his possibility of reporting to something, at a landmark point in a dimension and its time... Forced exit but coordinated from the vibration of the moment in a clearly unstable but perceived vibration, reported to something... By the possibility of correcting the course at that time of destabilization, eventually by translating on another vibrational scale by eliminating the interventions of the entities involved... By separating and singularized localization, he reviewing all the steps he had to make.
            So appears the need to place me in some sort of past... Or in the future?!? As long as I can afford the time of the container I will try to act localized. I must have some kind of start! Let's start with the past!
            Past, past... Yes, past... Which past!?! Hard to bring everything there... Let's pick it up from the time of the containers when we're in this dimension! At the past of this dimension... The newest "past"... But only for this stabilization... In a short time, that of the containers, I will go along with the container related this time in this dimension many elements of evolution in the matter... Of my past, become by manifestation and his past, even if it isn’t in the vast majority of his... With this Mircea Dan, the product of our work, of our group, in the majority of my work, confused concretize but perceiving a kind of embarrassment, a sense of unfulfillment...
            He knew it was a branch of his from another dimension, much superior to vibration. That came here to help more essence branches to be able to pass in the next dimensions or to return back in their dimension... To escape from the prisoner of the living and to find themselves in the manifest of the perpetrators on the path of understanding. To be able to understand and help not only their branches but others. He was here for the others... For those around him...
            That's why it was much, much work for the nurses to prepare his manifest entity for initiating a cycle reported at the time of the containers that were created on all the branches of manifestation. On the axis of the time of the containers, it has manifested itself in many of them since then. He needed the nurses in many manifestations... But for some time the containers were stable, no longer needed support. He had learned everything he needed to do the work of the nurses... Or he remembers?!? What mattered...
            He only knew that at this very beginning he lived the joy of manifesting his vibration to increase the vibration of many, many entities. He lived with and with them as if they were a whole, with good or bad experiences, he was in them and through them... He felt everything they felt and chose... He didn't need anything for him, had no curiosity, didn't feel any kind of need out of that to help, possibly save... Not yet knew what... He only knew what...  He only trusted in the Whisperers and their anchors... He let everything to manifest itself, purely, without intervention...
            The Nurses pointed out that he needed many crossings through limitations or dissipations, to limit his manifest power to the level of this dimension... Somewhere he has memories, both from the past and in the future, and how difficult it was for him to adapt to the tiny number of reaction benchmarks that make them available the bound with the container... Whether with multiple containers... Be it all at all times of manifestation... Many passes through the matter were necessary to master his entity energies, to synchronize and to participate actively.
            And when this stabilization has been achieved, it has switched to synchronizing with the Council in this dimension. It seemed easy and without hinch... But a lot of disappointment had to live. He couldn't synchronize and peace. His connections to the containers, with all the entities involved, were far too profound, far too dissolved in his immense love for all that he lives, to all who participate alongside him in the common roads, to all who allow him to manifest the entity's self.
            He always made the same mistake. Through his love, through his involvement, he permanently opened new and new destinies of the container, new and new lines of manifestation. Either the basic idea is precisely the limitation of these existences in the matter until the manifestation requirement is canceled, the moment of the jumps to the new dimension or place decided to integrate, depending on the options of the branch, essence, etc... Being everything related to the entity, clearly reached the imbalance...
            Rapid was the need for Typhoo's participation, the Council being in some sort of interim status achieved by its balance together that of Deceneus, the coordinator and the original builder of this dimension. He didn't really understand what was going on but it was obvious that the containers didn't need his understanding. Only the manifestation needed it...
            Deceneus was a perfectionist who could only allow him to participate in the synchronous elements or to which he was already synchronized... He felt it from the start... Moreover, he always repeats and always through his emission:  "Since I have accomplished the creation of this dimension I keep struggling to straighten it out, to make everything go as smoothly as possible towards the homogenization of all dimensions. You have to understand everything, not just the problems that seem to be, so you can take it all further. It doesn’t matter the approach of each problem in part but the whole approach".
            Then, his essence, Typhoo took over everything that meant disharmony, keeping him permanently in equilibrium, and let him receive all his necessary and synchronous manifestation and the necessary manifestation, required by others, in the energy environment in which he was located. He knows why all this is happening... Only is the direct part of it... He, Iryu, is just the part of the contradiction of Typhoo in which there is a willingness to help, to lead everything to the higher, to increasingly better...
            Desire... Typhoo had no choice but to proceed to protection... But Deceneus had done his job... Too much of his energy was dissolved throughout this entire dimension. It was necessary to withdraw... This trio was too strong for the common manifestation...
            The imbalance created by the departure of Deceneus marked him... And that made him ambitious... He created this new contradiction in him... Or was it some kind of Deceneus legacy, related to the will that everything will be fine?!? It could have been different?!?
            Only he progresses continuously... To what he was?!? No, he had nothing else to do but to control the real passage over the tip of the vibration, that kind of moment when the cycle resumed, with the lowest vibration... And the rapid return to the maximum vibration... Deceneus warned him, and Typhoo permanently confirmed that by common living... Here clearly progressed to the fullest possible. She mastered everything without a doubt... Yes, it was progress... Or not?!?
            In fact, it was... It is strangely difficult to report on the time of the containers, to use times... However, the lives of the containers passed one after the other. The evolution of the containers was not expected to be synchronous to the entity's manifestation energies. So primal, primitive were those containers with which he believed he had achieved full balance. But all are, all have passed...
            But Typhoo went to a point... A point that marked the avoidance of a kind of resonance adaptation, of harmony through presence, through prolonged exposure... He being a kind of branch could continue without being exposed to such risks. Therefore, after Typhoo's interim with Deceneus, he, Iryu, was appointed the leader of the Council. Why did it come to this?!?
            Deceneus, the old spirit who brought this world to the level it had reached, could no longer move forward. There was no more... The maximum possible balance of his interaction with this universe and this time had reached its limits... It was time to move to the next step of evolution, to the evolution of those who evolved... Why does he regret it so?!? He is... Yet why did everything with so much love that he wanted to leave, to cease his manifestation?!?
            Tensions born by the inconsistencies of souls had come to prove that he, Deceneus, had no sense in this area and had to return to his universe. His example, his model, compassion, love, light, and everything he had didn’t help the souls who benefited from the comfort of his presence. Far too many of them have not understood that as the body without the soul is nothing, so the soul without deeds is nothing. A kind of act of manifestation that couldn’t be accepted because of the immense inconsistencies, conflicts, debts that were manifested without being closed by the actions of those who could simply accept any of the small individual experiences...
            Typhoo, like Deceneus, used his immense power to stabilize everything, to gain time from the containers' time in order to achieve continuity in the closure of conflicts, in stability. A kind of evolution desired to be vertical but that excel horizontally. He, Iryu, felt that energies were involved in this are much closer to the essence than they might suspect. He knew Typhoo for an eternity but such unimaginable power had not felt, never perceived. Perhaps because of the essence’s link...
            But the general inconsistencies, the lack of acceptance and involvement of the entities that formed this energy zone did nothing but feed the arc effect. The potential energy of imbalance has increased immensely and the group of entities that could control the unleashing of moving transformation, in kinetic energy, could no longer cope with the approaching explosion, no doubt.
            The generous entities, those who have always fought to close the inconsistencies in equilibrium, have always encountered the violent opposition of mediocre presence in knowledge and understanding. And they were less and fewer to be able to fuel their energy on "Too many" mediocre and consumers. It’s a kind of unwritten law of any universe, no matter how advanced it is... Some, few, give, increasingly fewer for this time and this dimension, the vast majority receives...
            Then always appears that inertial effect of the attitude called by the containers as be vanity. The roads of attitudes often have intentions that seem good, are supported by the best facts, compete in the best actions, but everything goes to a point, up to a certain saturation. From here any continuity of the initial actions becomes inertial and obviously almost always hares. The entities have not come to recognize this positioning either because they forget that they are not connected in time or exhibit some kind of an emotional drag to the manifestations compatible with the ego or directly described by it...
            Yes, and the inertial concealment of the entities in time... Perhaps the most important key to evolution in a time and a determined dimension... The present wants its manifestation in the circumstances when the past has its manifestation, its debts and the future demands its asks of materialization... Some kinds of debts... A kind of equilibrium impossible to delimit by the inertial manifestation attracted to the materialization of debts...
            Either that's what forced Deceneus and Typhoo to stop their manifestation. Not to reach inertial vibrations, not to block through their love the normal course of evolution. Debts cannot be erased by other debts... The truest proof of love is knowing how to give up your beloved manifestation when the slightest question mark arises, the slightest doubt about that manifestation. The questions, the doubt denotes that you don't truly love, but simply possess. Eventually, it gets again to the debt...
            Why was he just chosen, Iryu, to go further, to continue the involvement of these magnificent souls, closer to the essence than he can imagine something or someone, didn’t find an answer even now... Typhoo elegantly dropped the response by telling that everything is related to the great compatibility between them, the possibility of direct connection and without restriction or differences of understanding with their essences. Deceneus assured him that he had access at any time to his essence and any inconsistency he encountered has all the perceptions connected to it at his disposal...
            For nothing, he, Iryu, is an astral sage, from another dimension and from another manifestation of matter, come here only for a certain cycle of reincarnation, of passing through matters, for the knowledge, study, and sharing of knowledge that will accumulate... In vain he emphasized that he is not a spirit of action but of the study, that he does not feel necessary to involve his energies in direct action, in involvement and, in particular, in the incarnation... He came to help with the energy and knowledge insertions... The arguments of all others, the "Those of Beyond" and above were invariable... I'm really the most appropriate entity that needs to cope with the challenge. For nothing, you know all the mysteries of the universe if you are not able to use them if you are unable to live what you know... Well, his synthesis capacity regardless of the billions of landmarks is globally recognized...
            And that even though he lived as a scout, permanently tied to one or more containers, included in the matter, every time of the containers that passed... And without forgetting that, at all times at one place, in the same type of manifestation, without having the resources to digress, to create new forms of manifestation, he passed untouched by what he perceived, of what could bring his connection to the containers of manifestation... Manifestations that proved its stability, as he proved in the universe where it came from...
            But then, understood everything... How did he doubt the perfection in which he had been included?!? Quickly all predictions become truths, all projections were made... He manages and even brought a new wave of love, knowledge, understanding, and gratitude... And just don’t expect it to happen, even if he doesn’t see that can add something to the perfection of Deceneus and Typhoo... Even the container did this... Synchronizing, materialized inseparable energy?!? The signs were clear...
            But now, he sees forced to take a position... He still didn’t know how, although he felt, without doubt, that everything is perfect, that everything goes in the direction that must... Only signals sent like those of an illusionist, wanted to change the magic of perfection with another, strange, destabilizing... They had done everything there was to do... They had managed to bring everything where everything meant for him the opposition to change, the refusal of destabilization... At the moment, everything was disappointing...
            And, he perceives globally just a torrent of energies that flowed towards destabilization, which was dragging everything after it. He felt, simply, without connotations, that he had to minimize this manifestation but he knew that he would not be able to do it for a long time... But, how, when, with what, why, for what?!? The only solution, even if he decreed, feeling this, that there were no solutions, was to gain time from the containers’ time, maybe appears something to resolve, perhaps the manifest lines succeeded in attracting entities to stability, to deferral... Saving energies for possible further interventions... What?!? Cyclical thinking... I'm retaking the same logical structures, perceive Iryu disappointed.
            Separating entity groups is perceptible, difficult to control even here, in our world, of souls. That is why there is no chance of controlling the imbalance between ethnic groups, so it doesn’t help anything. Everyone was fond of his group and obviously didn’t allow intrusion... Thot has always done his job... Perfect... So, the torrent of destabilizations comes, maybe faster and more powerful than it could have been estimated. Somewhere, in its essence, he felt that the critical point was exceeded... That is possible just the way forward on the inversion, on the change... After just one day during the containers’ time, think disappointed...
            To walk by the hands of Logger who senses the state of indecision of determined and decisive entities in the explosion of imbalance coming?!? But it has been acted on countless occasions, countless ways... They have always returned to the old way of action, pushed by some sort of immutable course of events. But especially, driven by their lack of desire to understand and guide only the desire to live directly, to close debts only by living and not by understanding... Even there are solutions to identify a pressure point to remove...
            In this condition... The inconsistency of those involved is, in fact, a clear sign of their inability to oppose in any way to maintain the correct, divine, action line, complying with the sum of the general lines, the ones that form this torrent that already sweeps everything in its path. Without love... Only with fear, with the rigidity of superficial beliefs, afraid and others like...
            So the fear of the final material line and the one related to fear that the material cycle doesn’t close, that the lines of contradiction are not closed in the current course of existence is, in fact, the energy that fuels this boiler under pressure. Now, in the world of containers, is the time when samsara can be stopped, the debt of fate, of the majority of those who participate in this stage of evolution... Painful, but this is the solution... Their solution and not the real solution required... Even what's going on is the solution?!?
            The entities, most of them, felt that and it would be quite possible not to miss this opportunity... Most have realized that the full line of their evolutions before and after the landmark time cannot be other than what it is, that the change of vibration, in the sense of increasing the frequency, becomes impossible... That it needs a kind of complete restart in which all evolutions will be repositioned to another, higher level. Well, all this can only be done with the closure of debts... Disappointment seized him... Again?!? Already becomes a feeling too perceptible...
            Then it was a kind of enlightenment... Some sort of energy stabilization "by itself"...
            Hence the departure of Deceneu... Not because he felt it no longer belonged to this universe... Not... Not because he no longer have solutions... Not... But because he knew that you could not really know the light until you knew the darkness... His mission was to bring us to the point where we know the light, to know the compassion, the love, the understanding... Like living or aspiring... But always forgetting for gratitude... Only gratitude could have attracted everything to more light... Without gratitude, we have nothing to do but fall from where we climbed...
            Instead of gratitude, now only acts only frustration with its culmination, the depression. The wave of debt is now perceived as a kind of punishment or, in the happiest case, like a kind of infirmity of divinity, a kind of misunderstanding of the superior entities, the  "Those Beyond" or above...
            So, we have only left the darkness to become, then, more thirsty for light and, possibly, thankful for it... Well, Deceneus never accepted the presence of darkness... He was pure light... Typhoo was pure light... Yes, with certainty, the darkness comes... Yes, the time has come for this... The eternal and unwritten law of the cycle... The Law of Righteousness and the Law of Truth in their sublime manifestation that will lead everything further along with the Law of Free Will... The three basic laws of creation in all the splendor of their manifestation...
            This is the real gesture of Deceneus... He could no longer remain among us to live so much and so much real, palpable, unjust, natural pain of the containers... In the event of the Free Will manifestation... It’s very hard to fight with such emotions, with such experiences, as long as you are not compatible with them, as long as you deny them by rejecting repetition, as long as you no longer accept their purpose...
            Deceneu often said that if we don’t come to understand that containers deserve to be respected more than we deserve to respect ourselves, we will not get anywhere... How can you not respect your work, the containers being directly the product of your work, the definite, palpable, and noticeable value of yourself as an entity?!? And, especially, something that you are?!? The first inconsistency that arises is precisely linked to this respect which, in fact, is towards yourself as an entity...
        The vast majority of entities treat containers as a kind of machine that must obey their interests, their desires... To make their game... Forget that, in fact, it represents... That the containers are what they are, the entities... And, it penalizes almost any desynchronization with pain, illness, undoing or others like... Experiences which, even if they are of the containers, resonates and will be rapidly absorbed by the entities themselves... Penalties which, in fact, are of the entities punishing their desynchronization... That something that, by the status of mortal, of bypassing through time, penalizes immortality...
            This is the real problem... The entities of this time and in this dimension are already feeling too involved and interested in the responses of the containers... It already identifies with them far too much... But it is about some kind of identification with the answer and not with the representation... That is why there is no way to reconcile... And, anyway, how can you give birth to their respect for themselves?!? The preconceptions, unanalyzed, untested by the container together with the entity, without dividing the perceptions of each other, cannot be induced from outside...
            Hey, but I had to concentrate on the containers’ time! On their side, the main problem is represented by the speed close to the stoppage of the translation power in and from the container... A crazy obstacle that tested at maximum the patience, the hope of any entity. But also a kind of guarantee of some kind of freedom of action on their side...
            The containers represented everything necessary to manifesting the bond with the entity, the manifestation of love, of gratitude and other manifestations of value but had a major deficiency, almost impossibility of the manifestation of patience, an inefficiency destabilizing of stability... Because they lived under the terror of the passage of time, of transformation, for which the entities that didn’t perceive the value of passage through time but possibly evaluated... And enough... And that was something synchronous to the conflict... Some kind of movement engine through time attracted by time... The conflict...
            It was not your conflict, it was the request of another entity's conflict, the request of the polarity law of another entity... Or several... In the belief that they can find support from somewhere, through someone else, forgetting their main existence, the fact that they are a custom conflict bound to run until it closes and can return to the immediate essence which thus becomes the branch that will ascend to the next essence, and so, in a vicious circle, in a kind of perpetuum mobile... Either the manifestation of the final contradiction or the manifestation of the relatively initial contradiction...
            Why do I feel disappointment again?!? Do not expose the vibration of the stream of other vibrations, firmly said and stopped the manifestation that had begun. Any participation in the road of others means destabilization of its own... We come here, in matters, for others and just tiny for us...
            But this is also the idea of being able to move forward in solving the problems of your container. Trying to avoid its participation in this madness?!? Synthesize logically! clearly, perceive a kind of necessity... Why?!? he could not refrain from initiating the question... Tension accumulations are far too high. During containers’ time, this means violent but rapid resolution. Their history already has a way out of such a huge explosion... In fact more... Ohhh, I'm drifting from my basic idea... Focus on the container!
            Yes, well, after all, Dan's not really on the right track. He exposes too early to too many variants of involvement... Too obedient... I will see what is to do to keep him away from the madness of the world he belongs to, as a container... In the dimension and in his time... Just so, think proud of his perceptions...             He cannot be part of so much hatred and all the other feelings clearly born of fear, the inverse of their existential mission, love. My fool container is only capable of love... Maybe that's why he suffers so much... Love is participation in another vibration, of the loved one, and the total exposure to destiny, elections and what is there.
            Dedication... Hmmm, he felt admiring his work... But from here, appears the problems of confounding the focus of his love... Hence the confusion between the containers with everything that it is giving birth... The injustice of positively perceiving a container, or its entity, when it has reverse-sense participation, when it deserves much less or nothing, correlated with the injustice of negatively perceive a container, or its entity when it deserves much more...
            I always wondered why past or future tangents attract so much our image, of the entities, represented by containers... Why containers have such affinity to the past or future of the entities without taking into account the present, of what is manifested concretely in their present... Love...
            Hey, but I have to start work here! I am pleased, I have come to love, so everything is stable, at least as a starting point...
            And initiated participation in the stream... At the Council, he had just over Kami and Mercur, which formed a group that had been adversarial discussing with Freyr, Lopt, Thot and Utu group. Feeling his presence these slowing the talks and pay attention to Iryu.
            -The rest, where are they!?! asking obviously wondering Iryu.
            -Ianus, Adria, and Nabu are with their affairs on "Beyond" and Genius and Logger are still "down" to gather the necessary groups for discussion, replied Freyr noticeably precipitated.
            -Related to...? continues Iryu on a serious tone.
            -Overall, everything is ready for most of the arrivals in the stream, not requiring additional storage areas, Freyr continues, but we are still focusing on eliminating additional sources that can attract new arrivals.
            Genius and Logger had just made their way into the stream and heard Freyr's response.
        -We have just completed the latest discussions with the main groups of influence that can slow down the actions of the leader group, precise Logger.
            -Details, please! calls Iryu.
            -The group of moderates jumped at 300 of the total leading entities and Thot's analyses were correct... There is currently a nearly 80% reduction in the mass of indirection that can be attracted in the conflict that... Basically started, complete Logger.
            -So the mass of indirectly affected remains below 5 million entities, complete Lopt... With the certainty of rapid and total enlargement in a fairly short time at the entire mass of the entities, said it as pointing out every word.
            -Genius, make us a small summary of the indicators that attract all these changes! calls Iryu.
            -First, the bioms is the main problem that...
            -Bioms?!? asking wondered Kami.
            -The name of jargon of biometrics devices, used almost generally by entities, complete Genius... As long as the possibilities of displacement extend, the communication capacities of the bioms do not benefit from this advantage... So it disappears the unique payment value standard at this time, which will attract the imbalances that will be born from speculation, the typical indifference to honesty and honor of the entities, and especially...
            -But here, Nabu and Adria have obtained the acceptance of the implementation of the uniformizing technologies and the problem will be easy to solve, intervening Ianus, freshly arrived in the stream...
            -Strictly from this point of reference, so it is, the problem seems solved. But in reality, even moderates will not be able to be held in balance with this detail alone. The radicals will certainly speculate the emergence of virtually limitless resources, especially due to the disappearance of the value-related standards of the resources. This will be directly correlated with the inability of institutional protection and the army and moderates will begin with all to seek stability, increase the role of the army, brute force...
            -Without considering increasing the desire and opportunities of many entities to overcome the current condition and to benefit from a kind of colonization similar to the old stories with the  "Wild West", it completes the Logger on Genius. A little break from your job can quickly draw you on the path of dependencies, complete ironically...
            -I have also participated in such exposures, Iryu intervened by the arrival of Nabu and Adria. I need the solutions that appear to go on, to earn as much time as possible. What do you think or what solutions the "Those of Beyond" offer? asked Iryu the newcomers firmly.
            -Their opinion is that no immediate interventions are required, giving the answer to Nabu which, by observing a kind of expectation, continues... The high energy requirements for such intervention are not seen with confidence. The evolutionary elements that will be born of this lead anyway to what they think are the right evolutionary step so they will wait for the right moment and will act... Without communicating this, emphasize carefully, firmly the last clarification.
            -In addition, it seems that the closure of the elements of fate for those directly or indirectly involved is a favorite thing of "Those of Beyond" so they prefer the evolution without intervention to stabilize the resultant energy levels, complete Adria. And, as a kind of parenthesis, they said that you, Iryu, already have all the answers...
            -Now let's see how we stand with the management of stream inputs and outputs, said Iryu parting regardless of the last addition... First Freyr!
            -Everything is ready and I don't think there will be any losses! In fact, I'm sure of it...
            - Ianus?!?
            -We don’t have exits for those beyond in the estimated period for events... Or degradation...
            - Utu?
            -Generating entities will barely evolve in the new adaptive conditions... And it falls into the normal developments of this type of events.
            -Lopt, Genius, Logger and Thot, you know what you have to do... Keep the entities on the line of optimum evolution and... So much... Let's start with solving the problems of those who have requested private support! Even me, I have some problems to solve with Aka Manah...
            -There's something before that! intervene by interrupting almost brutally Adria. You really don't have time for this and I have clear instructions on this... I have an energetic package of information sent for you.
            -Yes, we all felt that this moment comes... The package that will make Dan see its value, to stop exposing the other vibrations, and which will shut down its free arbitrator to fulfill its mission for which it was created, slowly issued Iryu, thinking, with an emission of a defeated entity, disenchanted... The time has come for him to stop being the one who decides... Neither he has no time... So, I only earned time to stop having time... Interesting...
            -Iryu, he is you, something more material, true, but you know that it is a container of an invaluable value to almost any other container, intervene Utu with a cold broadcast... Even if there is a nobody in their world... You know we have to control ourselves not to get into the depression of the containers… They are the ones who feel captive, they are the ones who perceive the full fragility of their manifestation, and the ephemerality of their presence... Their immense compatibility with us, the ones that we created, we have continually helped them to reach their best version, as well as our best version at that time and that dimension, they must not act in our direction. We are the ones who give birth to their feelings as they are the ones who reward us with their emotions...
            -And, the individual problems are already becoming more and more of ours... You need to focus your vibrations on your crisis, our complete crisis... From you and your image through the container will come the balance... Give yourself the focus we have so much need!
            And by transmitting these, Adria is approaching Iryu and transferring the package...
            The package quickly began to disside in Iryu's energies that looked staring, strangely staring at those around... A kind of call for help, a kind of desire to be able to refuse what was happening to him, but to whom he was not opposed because he was aware of his role, of everything he would represent as vibration and not as an entity, as a manifest form of his essence...
            When Iryu completes absorption of the package, the Council worked fully to solve the problems of the entities... He did not feel and could not estimate how long the containers’ time had passed since the assimilation of the package had begun... You just feel the need to get out of the stream... To get to Dan, to flee in the container so that he could no longer allow his emissions to torment him with questions...
            But he couldn’t leave now, he could not return to the container with all the energy tumult that felt him... Yes, it was intended for the container, increasing its response capacities, synchronizing with the entity... Yes... But he felt some kind of fear related to failure... Failure?!? What a failure?!? awarding his perceptions.
            Dan was becoming almost his equal... Almost... Because it remained the manifestation in its dimension and time. He wasn't like him, Iryu's. Will live the ephemerous greatness, so just... But will have the ability to totally influence, completely everything that will follow... And there is no whole if it’s made of two halves... The conflict doesn’t go off by dividing it... That is clear... Our basic laws, of our existence, tells us clearly that the extinction of conflict is done by its delimitation... Leaving it to evolve...
            Then why this decision of the "those of beyond"?!? Why do I have to become one with... Yes, right... The conflict became one and the same... In substance I am Dan and Dan is Iryu... Whether and strictly located here... Why would needed a container of all power of the ensemble with the entity?!?
            Yes, this experience has lived... Even several times... He doesn’t perceive concretely, he not particularize... Even several times... But he feels that the time in this dimension evolves towards the great conflict... Yes, come troubled times... But what could be the involvement of a single person, of one man, to come to such demands, to such necessity?!?
            The package will allow a kind of change across the whole as a container. The basic idea is the free, unconditional passage of information from both the entity and the container. But everything will not be reduced to permissiveness, permeability. At the level of the whole, some kind of intrinsic development will be achieved in the idea of increasing processing capacity. An increase that will take into account certain development constants of the container elements... Cellular development, coordination and control, vegetative integration and others...
            But for what all this, I repeat myself!?! Where would that point be intended to arrive?!?
            At the moment it was impossible to assess.
            Perceives that he is still in the energy zone of the Council, the present entities emanating energies describing surprise, stupoting. But I am also in active connection with the container... The process has already begun...
            So the initial perception was correct... Share everything with my container! That and did, not to signal what he was doing, without having to take his farewell, coming out completely from the stream...

            Hint: 2. T...

Dorin M - November 26, 2018

notă translare/ translation note/ Übersetzungshinweis/ note de traduction/ nota di traduzione/ nota de traducción/ nota de tradução.

                 Dear readers in English,
            Using existing methods of translation (for the Romanian language) have still large gaps, so I proceeded to an effort to achieve, if possible, its translation (and its adaptation) for you. I apologize for the many mistakes but I am sure that my effort gives better results than existing translation engines.
            In addition, your effort to correct this text with your translations are welcome but I cannot reward your efforts, just only with mere mention of your aid, in bottom of text, where it was given and, why not, in the future, you may have a possible material reward, if my adventure will be financially successful.
            Thanks for your understanding (and help, if possible),
            Dorin M

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