STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineABRASIONS (LACERATIONS) (Classical / Allopathic Medicine)

General description: it is a superficial skin injury that causes the loss of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). Abrasions are also known as scratches.

These are usually caused by friction, such as when a person falls and scrapes on the asphalt. Abrasions can be painful and bleed easily, but usually heal quickly without complications.

A laceration is a deep cut in the skin that causes loss of tissue. Lacerations are usually caused by sharp objects such as knives, scissors or glass. Lacerations may bleed profusely and require stitches to heal.

Abrasions and lacerations are types of skin wounds, but there are some important differences between them:

Depth: Abrasions are superficial, while lacerations are deeper.

Bleeding: Abrasions may bleed lightly, but lacerations may bleed profusely.

Treatment: Abrasions usually do not require stitches, while lacerations may require stitches to heal.

If you have an abrasion or laceration, it's important to clean it well to prevent infection.

It is also important to apply pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. If the laceration is deep or if the bleeding does not stop, it is important to see a doctor.


1. Rapid Assessment, A Flowchart Guide to Evaluating Signs & Symptoms, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.
2. Professional Guide to Signs and symptoms, Edition V, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
3. Guide to common symptoms, Edition V, McGraw - Hill, 2002.
Dorin, Merticaru