To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe New Medicine 2020 - Introduction (10)

Translation draft

Short organization.

As you have observed in the previous post (9), we have also come to the implications of the mind in terms of our health, of all of us and, above all, of the individual. Offf, there's so much to present that I don't even know what to start with or continue. My intention, at least until today, was to follow an upward line, starting from the body (allopathic medicine including psychology), continuing with the mind (psychology, forms of alternative medicine and new German medicine) and to complete with the spirit (beliefs - without touch to religion but possibly only at the base, their starting point)...

But, that would mean a huge amount of work not only for me (who make all these posts driven by something crazy, strange, like a search for the confirmation of the path Discovered by me in the matter of "healing" my own problems or those dear to me, even prophylactic in the case of my children), but also for you, readers, who would be forced to go from scratch so that after a long journey (in which to begin with the affection presented completely, in the meaning of all, from the point of view of allopathic, classical medicine, then go through all the phases that can be inserted from the point of view of alternative medicine and, eventually, to end up panting at the new medicine) you can also get to where the essence is , to spirit and spirituality (all of the urgent need to see yours that all are good only and only if we take into account the whole and, above all, the spirit)... to the whole triad of the triad mentioned by me (body-mind-spirit) which is nothing but the descriptive response of the reactions of the spirit... There are no diseases!!!

There are only manifestations of our spirit, even in interaction with the spirits of those around our spirit (and not around us as individuals)...

To understand some of my claims, let's go into small "details" about alpha and teta therapy, forms said to be independent from new medicine but which have long been included in it, whether we remember the Dacians or not... Who did not heal the body until the soul was healed, then the mind—yes, you read well. From their age, even attributable to isihastric medicine, comes a "consideration" that tells us that "We are not here to live a spiritual experience but we are a spirit that lives a human experience"...

Thus, by customizing alpha therapy, the general procedures of "therapy" have as their starting point the identification of conflicts, the main efforts of this "technique" being oriented towards inducing a state of relaxation as deep as possible and initiating a kind of psychoanalysis process that closes these conflicts, either through action or through "forgiveness", love or other processes. From the point of view of practitioners, the procedure has no misfires, except for the patient's inability to remain in a state of relaxation, which alone can induce it, when, obviously, the conflict is "debated".

Alpha therapy is somewhat more global, being a kind of interstage towards teta therapy, being oriented towards the patient/assisted empowerment towards channeling the true energy of the subconscious and/ or soul (in the acceptance of some practitioners/authors), a possibility easily achieved with the help of a kind of self-hypnosis (we will discuss at length later, maybe over 200 posts). Due to the "compatibility" between the two therapies (being different only a kind of "depth") and the long time requested (literally) until I post about these therapies, I will give you a small example of them in a kind of "introductory cumulation".

I will approach the heart and the circulatory system (even if, remember, everything is addressed at the level of the whole and not on "portions"). The heart and circulatory system represent the "need for love" (love, appreciation, protection, etc.).

Punctually, the heart is the center of the chakra tor (the 3 "materialistic" lower chakras/ related to material life and the three "spiritualistic" upper chakras/ of the Self meeting here, in the true chakra of the "seventh", Anahatra, the chakra of all forms of love/love, corresponding at the same time to joy and respect, compassion and forgiveness/giving). If the "spin" (rotation and/ or energy amplitude) enters into imbalance, at odds, here, a rupture, a pain, an imbalance manifested in what we call the disease will occur in the heart. This is where any form of stress from the other levels is really centered by this possible "de-centering" with breaking effect.

The circulatory system is the one that has direct tangency with all the other chakras and, just as its "engine" needs love, blood diseases are generally born of the impossibility of receiving love, possibly joy... With reference to true joy and not to what could be described by the achievement of a goal, the victory of the favorite team, etc... True joy being a kind of balance in which our lives "record" over 70% joy as a whole... little joys.

It's something similar to Christian parables related to sin... A man makes a great sin (not of the truly great ones, such as murder) that materializes into a great boulder with which he reaches judgment. Another man made many smaller sins, fleshed out in pebbles... But a lot to fill a truck... And this one goes to trial... What do you think the "judge" reaction will be?!?

That's about the balance in our ensemble. Many pebbles will wreak havoc compared to a large stone but that "if it doesn't kill you makes you stronger", as with the joys where a big one doesn't matter much but a truck of small joys makes the difference.

It seems strange, doesn't it?!? Yogin or otherwise... I am not arguing now because there will be extensive posts from which you will draw conclusions. Now it's just an introductory description and... Let's go back!

The approach in the case of teta therapies initiates the process through a wide analysis that "passes" everything through the 7 existential plans (a rather strange similarity with the number of chakras).

From here begins a kind of imaginative process of concentration on the heart ("on the heart"), of the type autohypnosis, its own piloting (possibly accompanied by the piloting of the assisting person) through which the "patient" begins to imagine "immersion" in light (reiki type) or in the energy of "Mother Earth" as they are (regardless of the imaginative form of the subject). He then imagines how the energy rises from the foot or descends from the upper head/chakra (function of the light method or the addressed Terra) by opening each chakra that meets it or simply "feeling" the ascent or descent of the energy until it is within the body. Once the whole body is covered, the upward path imagines the formation of a ball of light that will go to the universe (the other way imagines the ascent of energy in a similar process until the "escape" into the universe). Then one imagines a trail through the universe passing through all the existential planes to the seventh.

Here, in a kind of ending, without there being some kind of magical formulation, the subject must have a kind of dialogue with the Creator of all who are (or, by choice, God or with whomever the subject wants to collaborate as the supreme element) where the subject will demand the release of the wrongs, will forgive and ask forgiveness, will thank, will sing, etc. ending with "That's right!" / "This is reality!" or similar (present time, something as if that thing/ that request is fulfilled/ fulfilled/ resolved) three times. The phrase I use, "he'll sing," is obvious lystly. During these immersion processes the subject will imagine how he "dives" inside his own heart, listening to his song and accompanying him (regardless of the musical abilities of the subject), through that song reaching a kind of double effect, the first to listen to the song of the heart (fear, hatred, injustice, frustration, hubris or others stuck in the heart), the second to participate in its liberation by the "effort" of accompaniment (which releases those negative "lives").

After the release of the heart, the Creator's energy will be reconnected, accompanied by deep breaths to help relax after participating in the heart song. After this, the subject can stop everything when he wants, resume "immersion" until all the negative elements are released maximum from the heart.

Everything must be carried out without any censorship on the side of the assistant (which must encourage any form of manifestation of this download) or self-censorship (which is the most destabilizing).

It sounds weird, but try it! Don't fight what you've read until you've tried! And it's coming as an introductory material! Let's go back to some kind of ending with some "landings" in oriental wisdom!

From time immemorial Buddha said , "The path is not in heaven. The path is in the heart"... And, believe me, he was not simply referring to the organ we called the heart (but to the whole "assembly" described above)... He also comes and completes with: "The first truth says that life brings suffering with it. The second that suffering has a cause (which is desire) that is not an accidental result. The third Truth states that we can discover the cause (desire) and break the causal chain to prevent suffering. You remove the cause, and that's how you remove the effect. The fourth and most important Truth says that we must practice in order to achieve the truth explained by the Third Truth."

What could be the "suffering" he was referring to? Isn't this about emotion? About the unresolved (but solvable) conflict that the new Germanic medicine reminds of, the contradiction that the new medicine is talking about? Can it be questioned that our emotional state (whether emotional mental) influences our health (if not it defines it)?

What is stress? Isn't that a cavalcade of emotions self-induced or induced by the efforts (desires) of those around you? We want or do not want everything is a reflection on the physical level (at the level of the body) of our spirit (through its mental manifestations: thoughts, feelings, etc.). ... In short, we are almost only and only what we think (these are the first manifestations of the spirit at our material level).

Also from time immemorial, from our ancient Dacians, comes a truth "The disease appears first in the soul then in the flesh" or, the well-known "As in Heaven so and on Earth"... Then, when everything became "serious," the researchers began to find one by one the body's connections to the soul. Perhaps the first was Freud who intuited, detected and researched the subconscious/unconscious... That something that doesn't "mind" as we all perceive it, part of a body that responds to the existential demands of the body... It's that something that's there, not even known to us when we act/react to the environment, to what our body signals with its receptors, or what processes the neural assembly in response to the mind...

From him went many, many others who discovered the links between the mind and its reactions and health, including the oversized or undermined reactions of the body under the fine effect of the mind... Who have demonstrated that the conscious mind can think of the past or the future, whereas the unconscious mind can only think of the present way... Chiropractors know exactly what I'm talking about... At the subconscious level there is only now and truth... Whatever is against them produces bodily weakness and, not least, its affection in response to resistance/correction to now and truth...

Now I have to go back to my constant details. I do not encourage anyone, regardless of his level of discovery of the soul in it and the degree of reconciliation with it, not to follow the known paths of medical prophylaxis existing at this time, to medical treatments where appropriate but simply to complete them (if necessary a manifest, acute "problem")... How can I eliminate the effect of a healthy, active life, proper nutrition, sustained hygiene??? How? They have their purpose and are the fruit of the work of people who have put their soul into all this (look, it's about the soul again...) ... But without coming to terms with our soul, without discovering it (actually) we will not be able to prevent the degradation of the body's functions and, by implication, the appearance of diseases. Healthy lifestyle softs can't stop the intoxication caused by a sick soul!!!

Here I should recall the case of my friend who had a healthy life but the tension, tension and inner conflicts gave him the cancer that stopped his evolution among us. He told me that he would rather listen to me when I asked him to disregard the filth of those around him (specifically those in his affairs including the state and its mechanisms of robbery and mockery, etc., etc., etc.). And, unwittingly, I arrived at this time, almost 15 years after his "departure", to realize that, anyway, he had very little chance of solving anything because he lacked the "training" of life... Because he didn't understand what I was saying to him: "If you want to get rid of cancer, you have to exist "like heaven"! Cancer is the disease "better die than to...". And "bridge points" depends on each one...". The good life that led him did not strengthen him by constant effort to extinguish conflicts and his body would not have had the strength to cope with his lack of liberation (conflicts gathering "step by step" in him, in his own prison, his mind with all her thoughts)...

His common sense "killed" him... Think of him, the one who "kept everything in him" (who did prison in his own mind) not being able to react to all those who attacked him with their gestures (energys)... Then think of me who... "what I wasn't doing" (I kept working, I slept while I was in the telejournal (a news journal), I smoked, food "as the wind was blowing", when it was possible, feelings over feelings that, "I had my mouth put badly" or things like "the truth we all know, no one cares") but I freely expressed what I felt, regardless of the penalties that "offered" my environment of evolution in exchange for my honesty and disinvolvement... As for the dirt?!? Hmmm, you can't imagine... I think what my friend has been through must be multiplied by at least 10 to the "X" power to reach the level "received" by me... But I still survive (it's right, with some problems related to my continued repair – HTA) while he... honestly, may God forgive him!!! (after our "here" fashion)...

The point is that the more righteous, freer we are, with our thoughts and feelings, the better we will be (we will have a body and a mind capable of "serving" us on the way to fulfilling our spiritual mission)...

And, painfully, remember that if there were hell, it would be full of good people and heaven full of "villains" satisfied with the "job that did it" (or something similar). A "nice" man always does "conscience processes" like "I didn't help X", "I could have done the Y job to make things work differently", "I didn't let Z do...", "I have debts", often switching his life into the lives of others (or relating to them) or the like where the "villain" man doesn't cause any problems, destroy lives without any kind of resentment, ba, moreover, jubilant with each victim and the like (but, about this ending in much future posts)...

Have a nice weekend, my dears...

I hope to type you again tomorrow!

Dorin, Merticaru