To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe First Step of Energy (Part II)

There would be some divagations about antimatter, the positron in the case of the electron, and the antiproton in the case of the proton, but things would get even more complicated.

In this sense, I recall only that the positron is effectively antimatter, and homologous to the electron but less and less being spoken about antiproton (although in 2006 CERN confirmed that the mass of the antiproton would be approximately equal to that of the proton) because the antimatter homologous to the proton is composed of constituent sub-elements.

It should be noted that matter and antimatter are a kind of inverse relationship of matter (the opposite of matter is antimatter, the contact meaning cancellation with the release of energy) while everything is related to the duality of matter-wave (electromagnetism, etc.) is related to "is or is not", the contact meaning the completion of what is not.

So the "enchantment" of the combination “with annulment” of matter with antimatter falls (regarding the "immediately following" period of the Big Bang).

Going on the principle of achieving equilibrium, it is obvious that a combination of matter with antimatter leads to the appearance of something and not to their cancellation with the appearance of energy. A kind of retrieval of a kind of logical principle like "is or isn’t".

Let's not forget that the immense release of energy determines the disappearance of the material or immaterial atom, by "dissolving" it into energy in the constituent particles. Or there is no energy and anti-energy.

And, more recently, it has been shown that there is the so-called "dark matter" present in everything and everywhere, which gives structure, energy, etc. even to the void. Then, the black matter is both the "subtle" constituent of our universe and the inter-universe layers of the multiverse, being a clear element of completing an "is or isn’t" ensemble.

In this sense comes Nassim Haramein’s theory. He departed from one of the basic principles of physics: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In the Big-Bang model, the Universe expands but nothing has an opposite reaction (contraction) to allow it to expand. By analogy with human existence, he considered that there is a world outside the experiences of an individual but there is also a world inside the individual's existence.

Thus, he considered that, perhaps, the boundary condition of the division of the Universe is the result of the relationship between the outer and the inner worlds, and the two are like competing waves, stationary waves that produce boundaries. And, if that were to indicate something, which connects all things…

It can only be dark matter, the only thing that connects absolutely everything. Nassim doesn’t use the term dark energy, defining everything as space - space is the one that connects everything, the one that is everywhere, between galaxies, between stars, between planets, between cells, between atoms, and even between atomic structures.

This space which is 99.99999% empty space, the reality in which we live is mostly empty space, everything that is perceived by us as the material world is, in fact, empty space, only 0.000001% being "matter" / in fact, a form of manifestation of energy.

And, here we spend all our “study” time analyzing this tiny part, forgetting to analyze what matters is the dark matter (space, after Haramein).

Perhaps this dark matter is what defines the space as a whole, that which is the source of all things and the one who connects all things. What we call void, empty space is full (very, very dense, "infinitely full") of this dark matter.

The current quantum theory deduces this by calculating the density of this "void" (of dark matter). I quote from the most famous work in the field of gravity: "... the current theory of the quantum field eliminates through a process of renormalization an energy density of the vacuum that should be considered infinite, if not eliminated by this renormalization."

Commenting on the "cryptic language of physicists", in the current theory of the quantum field the vacuum must have an extremely high level of density, for the existing equations to be valid and to take into account everything that happens at the atomic level.

This was a point of confirmation that the vacuum is not empty, that space is, in fact, a fluctuation, the source of the existence of matter and, therefore, of our reality.

Further, we must return to the "language of physicists" and see what is normalization.

Well, there are two types/genres of infinity in physics: an infinitely small number which is usually neglected and an infinitely large number (dangerous large - infinitely dangerous) where it is sought to ignore by various processes (or it is considered that the theory cannot be applied at that level).

This is how renormalization occurs, from the "effort" to eliminate the infinitely large elements.

The basic procedure, in this case, is to introduce a fundamental constant in the fragmentation of the number (which, therefore, is no longer infinite).

In this case, the Length of Plank (again this Plank?!?) was used, which has the value of 1,616 multiplied by 10 to the power "minus 33" (10-33) (so an "infinitely small" number - similar to the "infinitely small" Plank Time used in calculating events from the first seconds of the Big Bang, Plank Time and Length being the smallest "created" things in our universe).

To imagine what this length means, it is the time or distance required for a photon to travel itself, it is the shortest possible wavelength to be generated in our Universe.

But, let's not forget that Plank Length (or time) is a limiting condition, being a fundamental limit, corresponding to our own existence/experience. Let's go back! Using the Plank Length (very close to the famous "phi" number = 1.618) the vacuum was renormalized.

Thus, the researchers "took" a cubic centimeter of vacuum and calculated how many lengths (length fluctuations) Plank is contained in it, to obtain a finite number for the density of the vacuum (each Length Plank "having" a very concrete mass of 10 at power -5 grams - 10-5g).

Thus, the fundamental density of a cubic centimeter of vacuum turned out to be 10 at the power of 93 grams per cubic centimeter (1093g/cm).

I don't know if you realize how huge this number is?!? It was calculated that if we took everything visible in our Universe (billions of galaxies, with billions of stars each) and squeezed it into a cubic centimeter, we still could not reach the energy density of the vacuum. From the calculations of physicists, the universe "weighs" is 10 to the power 55 grams (1055g).

So to think that space is empty is incorrect. Space, the dark matter, is full of these fluctuations and these energy densities, it’s the source of our whole reality. The dark matter is the equal and opposite reaction (infinitesimal, in terms of its potential) necessary for the existence of our space.

And there is even a division of this density of vacuum (dark matter). If you think of our reality not as objects in space but as divisions of space, patterns will be discovered.

Haramein, along with Elisabeth Rauscher and Michael Hyson, described a law of this division in a graph with two axes. If one represents the energy density and the other radius on one axis, the graph obtained will represent the energy measured in Hz (Hertz) on one axis and the radius on the other axis. In this graph we will represent all the perceptible objects in our universe and solving the equations, based on the existing data for the approximation of the radius of our universe and the approximation of the energy level, we obtain a "points" graph.

When analyzing the "result", which is in the form of a linear progression, the size and quantity of matter in the Universe, you know that our Universe respects the conditions of existence and manifestation of a black hole.

Our universe is far too dense for anything to escape from it except gravitons. Moreover, it turns out that the dark matter (the void) is the source of the division of our universe, a division that respects "very precise rules".

And, this result is also verified "at the other end of the dimensional scale", at the level of the atomic world. Crossing the "boundaries" of the quantum world, moving from relativistic equations to quantum equations, you get the same things. Descending even to the Plank Length, the singularity achieves the same thing.

Thus it turns out that there is structure, that there is order, that the dark matter is divided according to very precise, predictable rules (easily described by the number of "phi", mentioned above, and the Fibonacci series). But about all this a little later (I think you get so much "physics on bread", be it something more unconventional)!

Therefore, the time has come when the quants have moved to the next level of "combination", the one in which they began to structure the dark matter and the matter known to us, that being the true moment of Creation.

It is estimated that for every billion particles designated as antimatter, there was a billion-plus one of matter (the required volume of dark matter is huge, being necessary both for the "intimate" structure of our universe and the structure of the multiverse inter-layers, therefore such a large quantity is required for its creation and such a small volume for the creation of the material itself).

The extra particle of matter that "survived" was enough to form all the matter in the current universe (stars, galaxies, dust, boulders ... everything). But the rest of the matter was "canceled out" with the antimatter forming the dark matter (maybe that's why it's called by the scientists, so inspired or intuitive, as the "energy of nothing"), a billion times more than our matter (and/or our antimatter?!?).

The latest findings of the researchers show that the "mirror" arrangement of matter, which I mentioned earlier, is also present at the level of the dark matter, this dark matter constituting itself as true support of the matter.

Returning to the "Big Bang", at this point, scientists "tell us" that, at this point in my exposition, the life of the universe had a second.

The universe was full of primitive particles that are beginning to "assemble" into the first atoms. The energy supplement provided by the interaction between matter and antimatter is the "engine" of this process under the conditions of direct interaction with dark matter.

Scientists tell us that the universe, at this moment, of Creation, is still expanding extremely/ incredibly fast, and the energy redistribution required to fill the expanding volume leads to effective cooling and the process of assembling the first atoms.

In my and others' opinion, the universe had its current volume and is simply cooled by the appearance of space-time distortions and, as a result, gravity as well as by loss of energy (entropy) and/ or energy transfer in the formation of matter as we know it now (which, thus, is not a result of Creation but a residue of Creation).

In any case, the universe cools down (it transfers energy somewhere, into something), and thus, the first atoms of the first known elements appear (after 380,000 years of evolution, the researchers say).

The first one being formed is hydrogen - H, the atomic number "1" - atomic mass 1,008 (and then it is assumed that, in the next three minutes of the existence of the universe, helium - He, the atomic number "2" - 4,003 appears, then lithium - Li, the atomic number "3" - 6,941, by combining H or by "adding" to what existed - the atomic number representing the number of protons in the atomic nucleus, the one that defines the chemical element). By fusion or simple energy accumulation, still huge in those days.

As a kind of parenthesis, many "weird", or rarely accredited researchers and many "angels"/ "spirits" or whatever you want to call them, claim that the Divine Power has doubted righteousness, clarity, and so on, of something and, then was forced (by Himself, through Himself and for Himself) to divide (to break the balance of "superpower") in the part without contradictions (stable, governing, supporting, etc.) represented by the dark matter and the part full of contradictions that formed the present, material universe, the one known/perceived by us (even though we always forget that it is in an indissoluble unit with dark matter).

This is an energetic part that attracted destabilization, as a kind of concept impossible to evaluate by human knowledge and, to allow closing the contradictions, it was delimited by creating our universe for the evolution of that part and restoring balance.

Following these considerations, it is very likely that each universe is a kind of evolutionary variant for the energetic manifestations that need evolution, that can and will close the contradictions through knowledge, evolution, living.

Maybe it’s bedtime stories for children or vigilant spirits of materialists and worshipers, maybe they're not. It seems to me too great the procedural similarity in both cases and the distinction of the materialistic ambitions to hold rather forced explanations like (Plank–“tranc”) or worshipful (God–“zbang”).

Everything we have described so far is far too far from a random evolution, everything is far too connected, fluent, that we can eliminate the external intervention, certainly divine. I will return to this topic!

At this moment, from the creation of the first atoms, the universe didn’t look as far away as we know it. He looked like a milky soup (“literally”) of atoms and electrons.

There followed a process of continuous "atomization" of matter, its aggregation into atoms. An aggregation that is preserved in the matter of the present universe and which offers a real paradox to scientists.

This paradox is represented by the fact that, at the atomic and subatomic levels, the initial disorder, the first second of the life of the universe (the Brownian movement) is maintained, but at the perceptible level ("macro") of matter, everything is so neat and perfect.

The string theory, which is also based on Theodore Kaluza's research, sets in order this little chaos (and the foundations of quantum physics) even though, for this, a "sum" of 10 existential universes is required. But, about that, later!

Also at this point, in my opinion (and that of others), there was a concrete distortion of the space-time known as "gravity" manifested itself, favoring the aggregation processes.

As the universe cooled ("investing" energy in the atoms known to us today), the favorable conditions for absorption/attraction of the free "content" of electrons appeared, a process that lasted 380,000 years, according to scientists. until the Universe became transparent, relatively as we know it now (but composed only and only of H (in proportion of 99.999999%), He, and Li).

Now gravity is beginning to manifest itself in the values and laws known to us today. The "resident" energies (thermally manifested as microwaves) of the processes were discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson and subsequently confirmed by the COBE (COsmic Background Explorer) probe and the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy) probe. - microwave anisotropy probe), making an image called "Face of God" (digitally improved since 2009 by Plank satellite).

This image shows that the universe is not "continuous" in terms of the distribution of matter, there are areas of its condensation, where stars, galaxies, etc. will appear, and areas, where there is nothing and only "empty space"/ void (dark matter), will appear.

And, it was precisely these differences of distribution that allowed the "condensations" of matter to "attract" the current form of the universe (through the action of the gravitational waves, possibly its distortions). More than that, this image shows us that the universe, at 380,000 years old, as the researchers say, was as it is now, but more "foggy". Let's go back!

This term, "foggy", I used because the matter was distributed in huge clouds of H, He, and Li, following a period of another 200 million years until the gases from these clouds will be "attracted" (so there was gravity as a result of space-time distortion).

At the end of this period, the first stars begin to light up and turn the universe into huge "fireworks" (or "... It was as if the lights of the Christmas tree were on").

It took a long time and, one billion years after the Big Bang, the first galaxies formed, a process that continued for the next 8 billion years. Then, almost 5 billion years ago, in a quiet corner of a galaxy (Milky Way) the Sun shines. So, 9 billion years after the "Big Bang", our small solar system begins to take shape.

There is some certainty that, during this 8 billion year interval, there would have been another "Solar" star that completed its evolutionary cycle and exploded as a supernova, the current Sun being considered to be at least of the second generation, consisting of the remains of the first star in the solar system area. But we will give some details a little later.

However, the researchers omit very important things, from my point of view. All "scholars" know that "heavier" atomic elements (heavier than H, He, and Li) are formed under certain conditions of pressure, temperature, etc. that can only be found inside the stars.

It requires a massive energized environment, as presented above, with immense pressures that allow the existence of free protons and "crushing" until the atomic nuclei are combined to form "heavier" chemical elements (Be, the atomic number "4" - atomic mass 9.012, B 5 - 10.61, C 6 - 12.01, N 7 - 14.01, O 8 - 16.00, etc., also found at the atomic mass level, H about 1, He approx. 4, Li approx 7, Be approx 9, B approx 11, C approx 12, N approx 14, O approx 16, etc).

But how could an atomic structure "superior" to hydrogen (H) be achieved? Where does the support for the claims of scientists about the "creation" of helium (He) and lithium (Li) come from?

There are some "clarifications" regarding the all-presence of a true energy calamity of the primordial universe, which is, in fact, energy, plasma (which can take over protons). Then, the "combination" of matter with antimatter would have attracted the "existence" of even more energy. He and Li, maybe it was only H.

The basic idea would be that there was only hydrogen, the most present substance in the universe and at this time it began to aggregate, condense and form the first stars (large condensations of such gases).

So, where a star appeared from the cloud condensations of H, He, and Li (even so), there should be nothing around, except, at most, remnants of these "unattracted" clouds still from that star. So stars and so on, "primary" gas clouds and so on and that’s it.

Where are the planets, boulders, comets then?!? A possible explanation would be represented by the evolution of a star before the existing one, its explosion (because otherwise the matter with "higher" atomic masses would not be expelled) being the cause of the existence of matter from which planets will subsequently form, and others. Or was there a divine manifestation that thought of all?!?

But, in essence, this is why it is considered that our Sun would be at least of the second generation, having both the hydrogen necessary for its ignition and the heavy matter that constitutes the planets, asteroids, the Oort cloud, etc.

(Processing Post January 30, 2015/ 2017/ 2020 and blog on wordpress)

Dorin, Merticaru