STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineVitamin Deficiency and Excess (4)

Translation Draft

I've reached the excess vitamins... Essentially, almost half of adults use vitamin and/ or mineral supplements, in certain situations ingesting them within the limits of toxicity. Children are usually given multivitamins, while adults frequently use a single vitamin. Consumption of vitamin supplements has an increased incidence among people with high levels of training, usually with good health.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in varying amounts in the body and therefore may more frequently generate adverse effects when consumed in excess (excess vitamin D and A are well described). Hydrosoluble vitamins are excreted quickly and only a limited amount. Hydrosoluble vitamins are excreted quickly and only a limited amount is stored. Consequently, poisoning with these vitamins occurs when large amounts are ingested.

Vitamin A and carotenes manifest their "excess" through caroteneemia. Carotenemia occurs through excessive consumption of vitamin A precursors, mainly carrots. Excess carotene is not harmful, except for the "cosmetic" effect (the fact that hypercaroteneemia does not produce hypervitaminosis A suggests that the transformation of carotene into vitamin A is a process with exact regulation). Carotenemia is manifested by yellowing of the skins, predominantly at the palmar and plantar level, and by a serum colored in yellow. Differential diagnosis with jaundice is cut by the fact that in hypercaroteneemia the scleroses remain white. Hyperthyroid patients have increased susceptibility. Excluding carrots from the diet leads to rapid dissipation of pigmentation. Changing skin colour can also occur by eating other coloured fruits or vegetables.

Let's see what the toxicity of vitamin A is! Hypervitaminosis A can occur by accidental overingestion by hunters or explorers (polar bear liver), by administration to children by hyperprotective parents or by inadequate therapy. Acute intoxication created by a massive single dose produces abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, lethargy, papillary edema and, in children, bulging of fontanella, followed by a few days of generalized descuamation and subsequent recovery.

Chronic intoxication occurs after the long-term daily ingestion of 25,000 IU (or more) and is characterized by bone and joint pain, hyperostosis, hair loss, dry and cracking of the lips, anorexia, benign intracranial hypertension, fever (low), itching, weight loss and hepatosplenomegaly. The only paraclinical change is the increase in vitamin concentration in serum, especially in the form of retinyl-esters. RBP concentration is normal, excess vitamin A being linked to lipoproteins. symptoms disappear promptly upon discontinuation of vitamin intake, but cirrhosis of the liver is a late complication of overdose.

As for vitamin E overdose it can be said that high doses of vitamin E have been ingested for long periods of time without causing apparent damage in some patients. Others, however, experienced nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, headache and possible hypertension. True intoxication occurs in two situations: in people receiving anticoagulant treatment per bone and in premature babies. In large quantities, vitamin E can antagonize the action of vitamin K and prolong the time of prothrombin (this leads to potentiation of the effect of oral anticoagulants). Administration of vitamin E in preterminfants produced ascites, associated with hepatosplenomegaly, cholestatic jaundice, nitrogenemia and/or thrombocytopenia.

In the case of vitamin K, large amounts of it can block the oral anticoagulants, and administration in pregnancy produces jaundice in the newborn.

Excess pyrioxin occurs very rarely, with most adults able to consume up to 10 times the daily dose of 2 mg pyridoxine without any side effects. However, long-term ingestion of several grams per day produces severe peripheral neuropathies that generate symptoms such as ataxia, perioral numbness, clumsiness in the use of hands and feet, loss of vibrating and positional sense, without affecting reflexes or sensory functions. The return after stopping ingestion is slow. Low doses (25 mg/day) may antagonize the effect of levodopa in Parkinson's disease and decrease the anticonvulsant effect of phenytoin and barbiturates.

Vitamin C is consumed by 85% of those who ingest vitamins, due to the assumption that taking large amounts of vitamin C (1 g or more daily) prevents or diminishes the symptoms of gout (or other conditions). However, studies have not shown significant differences in the occurrence, severity or duration of influenza episodes in people treated with vitamin C. Use in this way of vitamin C is fruitless and probably totally wrong. Long-term use of ascorbic acid in these doses interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12, increases serum estrogen levels in women with exogenous estrogen intake, produces uricosuria and predisposes to the formation of oxalic renal lithiasis. In addition, high doses influence the development of metabolizing enzymes in the fetus and can generate relapsing scurvy in children whose mothers ingested large amounts of vitamin C during gestation. Pharmacological doses (200 mg/day) may correct leukocytic abnormalities in patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome.

Finally, a few words about excess niacin. High doses of niacin are used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and occasionally for other purposes. Niacin produces histamine discharge, which can generate severe erythema, pruritus, gastrointestinal damage and worsening of asthma. Acantosis nigricans may occur. At a dose of 3g/day, serum uric acid levels increase, as does blood sugar. High doses can also affect the liver, producing cholestatic jaundice.

And since I haven't achieved my "autonorm" of at least 1,500 words per post, let's make a useful summary!

Vitamins are "vital" substances (hence the name "vital amino acids"/ "vital amino acids") that help our body to develop and function normally, their function being mainly catalysts for chemical reactions at the cellular level. At the moment there are "catalogued" (with some question marks) 13 vitamins that the human body needs: vitamin A (retinoids), group of B vitamins (thiamine/ B1, riboflavin/ B2, niacin/ B3, pantothenic acid/ B5, pyridoxine/ B6, biotin/ B7, folic acid (folates)/ B9, cobalamin/ B12), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), D (calciferol, 1,25-dihydroxy), E (tocopherol) and K. Our body is able to "manufacture" in certain proportions, usually unsatisfactory, vitamins D and K.

There's something else to say here... 9 of the vitamins are hydrosoluble: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C and K. These vitamins are not stored by the human body (there are temporary storages with various locations) and therefore a constant intake of them through nutrition is necessary. Any additional intake of hydrosoluble vitamins will be eliminated through the liver and kidneys. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, hydrosoluble vitamins can be damaged by heat treatment (which is why it is advisable to process foods containing such foods at most in the steam bath). 4 of these are fat-soluble: A, E, D and K. They are mainly found in fat (fat) foods and are stored by the body in fatty tissues and in the liver. For this reason, excess intake of such vitamins can bring problems in the functionality of the body.

The main role of vitamin A is "manifested" in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cellular functions and the immune system. The role of group B is manifested in particular in obtaining and supplying energy from food (nutrients) from our diet as well as in the formation of red blood "blood cells".

Vitamin C has as its main role the "antioxidant principle" but is manifest in collagen-related processes. Vitamin D helps in the metabolism of calcium, especially in the bones as well as has an important role on the nervous, muscular and immune system. Vitamin E also "stands out" as an antioxidant and has a multiple role on the immune system and metabolic processes. And finally, vitamin K helps the body in producing the proteins needed for bone and various other tissues as well as in ensuring blood clotting function.

The main sources of vitamins (except "pharmaceutical" products,
supplements, etc. similar) are represented by: - A: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, green fruit vegetables, fruit juice, melon, bell peppers, Chinese cabbage, peaches, beef, eggs;
- B1: sunflower seeds, asparagus, lettuce, mushrooms, beans, lentils, spinach, peas, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, whole wheat, soy, tuna;
- B2: almonds, soy, mushrooms, spinach, whole wheat, yogurt, mackerel, eggs, liver;
- B5: broccoli, lentils, peas, avocado, whole wheat, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, cauliflower, green fruit vegetables, fruit juice, strawberries, eggs, liver.
- B6: whole wheat, brown rice, green fruit vegetables, sunflower seeds, potatoes, beans, bananas, spinach, tomatoes, avocados, nuts, peanut butter, beans, bell peppers, trout, tuna, salmon, chicken;
- B9: green fruit vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, citrus, peas, spinach, beans, whole grains, beans, green peas, avocados, hazelnuts, lettuce, tomato juice, bananas, papaya, animal organs;
- B12: improved cereals, liver, trout, salmon, tuna, egg;
- C: guava, kiwi, grapefruit, bell peppers, oranges, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, melon, papaya, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pineapple, cauliflower, cabbage, lemon juice, parsley;
- D: supplemented foods, mushrooms, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, eggs (sunlight amplifies and stimulates vitamin D metabolism);
- E: green fruit vegetables, almonds, sunflower seeds (and other seeds such as pumpkin, sesame, etc.), olives, blueberries, nuts, tomatoes, avocados;
- H: green fruit vegetables, nuts, whole grain bread, avocado, raspberries, cauliflower, carrots, papaya, bananas, salmon, eggs;
- K: broccoli, green fruit vegetables, parsley, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, green peas, carrots.

And, I think I've written enough about vitamins (at least for this moment). Next time I'll move on to presenting the metabolism of the microelements...

Love, Understanding and Gratitude!!!

Dorin, Merticaru