To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe First Steps of Laws of the Universe (Part II).

The previous post was introductory but it has its reason. Let’s get on it!

Experiment after experiment, quantum physics demonstrated its viability and shown that Einstein was wrong, in part, describing how the world works at the subatomic level.

Quantum mechanics is not a luxury, something you can spare. Why is water as it is, why does light penetrate through it, why does it have the unique qualities it has? How are its molecules formed or the molecular structures that characterize it? Why aren’t other substances, or all, transparent? Why does it react the way they do?

From the moment you want to understand everything at the atomic level, as unintuitive and probabilistic as the laws governing „quantum details” are written, from there you can only progress by „following” the laws of quantum mechanics (it is fantastically accurate in this regard). There has never been a „prediction” of quantum physics that is not confirmed by reality. Never!!!

Thus, through the efforts of these „quantum” physicists, two forces were discovered: strong nuclear force (strong force – S) and soft or weak nuclear force (weak force – W). The strong nuclear force behaves like a very strong glue holding in place the nucleus (in fact, all the elements) of each atom, binding the protons to neutrons, and so on. The weak nuclear force allows neutrons to transform into protons, emitting radiation in this process.

At the quantum level, the most well-known force, gravity, was „overwhelmed” by electromagnetism and these newly discovered forces. These „new” forces may seem obscure, but at least in one sense, they said what they had to say (may have been unleashed) on July 16, 1945, when, in the middle of the New Mexico desert, the first man-made atomic bomb was detonated.

„At least”, this was possible by understanding that breaking the atoms by affecting the strong force and dividing the nucleus into „smaller” atoms, leads to „emanation” of a huge amount of energy, and was used in nuclear bombs … and not only. The radiation resulting from this process, of course, is due to the weak force, being the main „responsible” for the radioactivity.

And, at least for now, no one has figured out exactly how gravity works at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles, and there are only a few „indications” in the direction of space-time distortions (from the macromolecular level).

This means that „it is difficult” to put „head to head” into a unified theory of general relativity with quantum mechanics. Each attempt to describe the gravitational force in the same „language” with other forces, even using the language of quantum mechanics, was a failure, especially if it is assumed that the laws of nature must apply anywhere without „separate places” from this „anywhere”.

There is, however, a bridge, something that proves that the unification of all forces is not an illusion. This is represented by the black holes.

A German astronomer by the name of Karl Schwarzschild proposed the name of these „unifying theories” in 1916. In the trenches of the First World War, he checked Einstein’s theories and calculated that under the conditions of a star with a large mass but very small volume, the deformation of space-time is so strong that light is not allowed to manifest. Time passed and this theory proved to be real.

But at the same time, it was concluded that this is the place where both the general theory of relativity for very large mass bodies and quantum mechanics for very small mass bodies can be applied. Moreover, there are some conclusions that, in these bodies, energy can be encountered in a form very close to that of the perfect energy (super force) before the Big Bang.

And, speaking of the Big Bang, if you read the previous post, everything went from nothing, followed by something particularly small, easy to study with the help of quantum physics (super force – resulting from the real „unification” of the strong, weak and electromagnetic force), then it seems that there was a duo represented by the weak force and an electromagnetic force (resulting from the unification of the electromagnetic and the weak forces – but this „solution” is quite disputed) and only then everything is subject to the general theory of relativity (where we have all 4 forces that govern the universe but grouped into a group of 3 and gravity).

But, at least at the starting point, both theories were valid under the conditions of the initial perfect energy or „contradict” themselves by producing the imbalances that attracted the „Big Bang” (and subsequent interactions) and attract the definitive separation of the two theories as contradictory.

But why are the two theories in conflict? Starting from large bodies, the general theory of relativity will be applied, which is a law that describes gravity, created by the deformation of the space-time continuum. In the case of small bodies, quantum mechanics intervenes, which has nothing to do with this continuum. At this level, space and time are so twisted and distorted that the standard notions of the 3 dimensions are no longer have their purpose. It seems that even time has „problems” of manifestation at the quantum level. Thus we have a kind of description of two separate universes.

But, let’s continue with the history of discoveries! In 1968, Gabriele Veneziano was looking for some equations that would explain the strong nuclear power. In this search, he discovers a book on the history of mathematics in which he found a 200-year-old equation written by the (of course) mathematician Leonhard Euler describing precisely the strong nuclear force.

This was the time of the birth of string theory. Moving from colleague to colleague, Euler’s equation „processed” by Veneziano, reached physicist Leonard Susskind. He associated and „processed” the formula by discovering that it „adapted” perfectly not to spherical atomic particles (as the atom and its particles used to be considered) but to a malleable particle, which could „approach” different filamentary structures, like an elastic string. This led to the revolutionary idea of ​​the strings.

From the beginning, no attention was paid to this theory but, in parallel, all kinds of experiments were carried out until, suddenly, a consistent theory of elementary particle physics was obtained which allowed describing all the weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions.

Everything made sense, slowly. Everything converged to a single image of the known forces and particles (and there are few) and it became an image that became known as the „Standard Model”.

But in this model, there was a „problem”, referring only to the „trio” of the weak-strong-electromagnetic forces, except for the gravity. Then, for a while, people’s interest in string theory was lost.

The researchers of string theory continued their research although, as they advanced in the victories (knowledge), the more they were ignored and, theoretically, more problems appeared, with each „step”.

From the very beginning, this theory predicted a particle known to be nonphysical, the tachyon (a particle moving at speeds greater than the speed of light). Then came the problem of the existence of at least 11 dimensions, which is disturbing for the physical world because there are more realities than one, the one that exists, the perceptible one.

But in 1973, John Schwarz managed to mathematically describe a particle without mass, declared an anomaly, but which proved to be a graviton, the „quantum” link with gravity (the particle that transmits gravity and at the quantum level).

Thus, the string theory produced the „puzzle piece” that was missing from the „Standard Model”. Joining their efforts with Michael Green, they began working on the theory that unified all four forces, struggling with all the mathematical anomalies of string theory. And, they succeeded in 1984, fulfilling Einstein’s dream. In a short time, the strings theory was called „The Theory of Everything”, the success attracting more and more physicists in string research and theorizing.

But this theory also has a problem. No experiment can ever verify these things with current instruments. Everything is perfect, mathematically, physically, but it is not possible to reach a complete verification, only a deducible one. Physicists are also particularly focused on experimental or observational verification.

Hence the question of whether it is a theory of physics (directly proven and verified) or one of philosophy (demonstrated and verified indirectly). What makes string theory even more difficult to „experience” is that, to work, complex equations require something difficult to accept: extra-dimensions of space (which this theory even predicts).

It’s hard to accept anything other than what we see, especially by physicists who want proof of this, and to be taken seriously, string theorists must explain „how this comes about”. And they claim that the unusual idea of ​​more dimensions is closer to us than we think.

The simplest example would be that of meeting a person. This requires information on the 4 known dimensions of space: „where do I move” on the 3 dimensions of space (x, y, z or „forward-back”, „left-right” and „top-down” axes) and „when I move” to the 4th dimension (time – although it is not a physical dimension of space).

But even if it is commendable, there is at least one more dimension, the „spiritual” one (let’s say). How can you explain intuition using the 4 dimensions? Or the fact that the person you are meeting with, even if he does not know about your journey, feels and „reacts” in various ways in the sense of the future meeting.

Somehow, the electromagnetic waves (or something else) „produced” by your brain use another dimension and participate in the „processes” of the other 4 dimensions („palpable”, measurable and predictable) leading to the „phenomena” described. You have never really „happened” to make contact (use or benefit) with such a phenomenon?!? But let’s return to the thread of our history!

This is where Theodor Kaluza comes from, who I „mentioned” in the previous post, who suggested that our universe has at least one higher dimension that we cannot perceive, an idea suggested even to Albert Einstein (who rejected it).

The idea, suggested in 1916, was the following … Einstein pointed out that gravity is nothing more than a deformation and a wave in the family dimension of space-time while Kaluza proposes that electromagnetism could be such a wave.

But for this to be true, Kaluza needed a place to allow these places to appear. And so he proposed an additional, hidden, dimension of space.

But where is this dimension and how does it look? Based on Kaluza’s work, physicist Oskar Klein suggests an unusual answer. Suppose at a greater distance we find an object connected to a tree with a string. Due to the distance, we will not see the string but only the object that seems suspended, we have nothing else to do but suppose the existence of a string that supports it (so, a hidden, imperceptible, dimensionless dimension).

If we approach, we will notice that the string will appear as a line, an „object” in two dimensions (from „no dimension” to 2 dimensions). Later, by approaching, we perceive all 3 dimensions of the string. So, in our 3-dimensional universe (4th is time and „does not occur in our example”),

So, here the rope has an invisible (dimensionless) presence, in two dimensions and three dimensions in the same „universe”. This allows us to extend our reasoning to the fact that we lack only the „reference point” to be able to view another „additional” dimension.

And, starting from the ancient concept of the hologram (it appeared „in writing” in Ancient Greece) one can „draw” additional conclusions regarding the additional dimensions.

But first, what’s the hologram?!? It is a two-dimensional manifestation („recording”) of something in a three-dimensional universe. To understand you, I try to describe as best as possible what it is.

Most of us perceive through hologram a kind of „stamp”, „embossed image” applied/applied on some products in which we see various things, images in a form very close to reality (in three-dimensional representation).

This is done by „recording” (printing, etc.) the light (technically, with the help of the laser, the concentrated, polarized light, etc.) reflected by an object on a certain medium (glass, plastic, etc.) taking over both the amplitudes of the light waves coming from the object but also the phases of these waves.

So, it is a manifestation of a „two-dimensional universe” containing a „three-dimensional universe”. More specifically, it is impossible not to think about the fact that, are we not the hologram „stored” three-dimensional in a universe in two dimensions?!? And, as with all „universes of other numerically superior dimensions” …

This sounds as if all the objects/material manifestations in our universe exist, are „stored” rather as „memories” or as fragments of data than as objects that exist, physically … This concept was theoretically launched in 1997 by Juan Maldacena and later confirmed mathematical-physical by Yoshifumi Hyakutake on his studies on the black holes (Black Holes).

Awareness of this concept can not but „disturb” the thought but, to our „pain” it is palpable, it exists and, as proof, we find almost any „Original” / „Genuine” product that is respected. And it looks like a story with someone’s rib, easily assimilated to a hologram „chunk” (a hologram printed on the glass, when that glass is broken, each chunk will contain the full image/hologram – real fact). But let’s not rush to conclusions!

Kaluza and Klein, intuitively, departing by association from the principle of hologram described by the ancients (at that time they had no hologram as we know it today – the first hologram was made only in 1962 by Emmett Leith, Juris Upatnieks and, Yuri Denisyuk, based on the theoretical principle enunciated in 1947 by Dennis Gabor) suggested that, if we shrunk billions of times, we would find a tiny dimension at each point of the space (described quite similar to current quantities).

And, the more we „grow” in diminishing or increasing the size we will find this structure at each level of „growth” as if the image of an apple is made up of several images of the apple but much smaller. This theory is the basis of the reasonings regarding the strings.

So, to continue the reasoning and to conclude in a way, what can stop us from associating the two-dimensional universe containing one in three dimensions, a new „super hologram” structuring that describes a three-dimensional universe containing one in four dimensions … And so until we reach the 11 „intuitive” dimensions at this moment of quantum physics, contained in a universe in 10 dimensions.

But, let’s not forget, that everything is structured „final” in the universe in 2 dimensions in which, the studies of the scientific researchers have shown this, there is no gravity. This structure (flat, very close to the „two-dimensional” in which the „three-dimensional” is manifested) was „seen” by Albert Einstein in his description of space-time.

Going forward, the most curious of you can remember the speculations related to this „flat space” that can be bent like a sheet of paper to shorten the distances between two points at the „ends of the sheet” (the principle underlying the concept ” wormholes „/” wormholes „) …

And string mathematics claims that the only difference between them (these dimensions) is related only to their shape. So, according to string theory, the form is everything (it is believed that the corrugated spatial dimensions of string theory are defining for most forms of manifestation – except for the extreme ones that have a distinct treatment).

Thus, if we could shrink so much that we could go through such a six-dimensional configuration, we would see how these extra-dimensions twist and ripple, influenced by the movements and vibrations of the strings, the fundamental ingredients of our universe.

Scientists have discovered that there are about 20 numbers, fundamental constants of nature that give the universe the characteristics we notice, there being nothing but different forms of vibration of strings (strings). These numbers are, for example, related to an electron’s weight, gravity resistance, electromagnetic force, weak force, strong force, etc. And, if these numbers differ very little from their „initial” values, everything becomes different.

For example, if the resistance of the electromagnetic force is increased, the atoms repel each other much more strongly and, … everything will change, the stars will collapse, etc. and the universe we know would disappear (or completely change, becoming something else entirely).

So what exactly in nature precisely regulates the „size” of these 20 values? The answer could be the extra dimensions of string theory, as it is already „talking” about the dark energy that has no other way to be in another dimension (which is why it is not detected, at least until now), including it can be The „support” of all dimensions …

And so, at the end of the 1980s, string theory brought discovery after discovery, seeming unstoppable, our ideas about the true nature of space and time going through all kinds of changes. But, according to her „habit” of manifestation, she gets into „problems” like this: theorists were so productive that they came to a total of five different versions of the theory, each built on strings and other dimensions and, in detail. , the five are not in harmony, this being sensed only from a mathematical point of view (details are not important).

These „problems” gave birth to ideas that our universe can be a two-dimensional one that is immersed, in its own right, in a multidimensional universe. There could be whole worlds/parallel universes right next to us but we can’t perceive them.

Some clarification was brought in 1995 by Ed Witten (considered Einstein’s successor) who built a spectacular new way of looking at quantum theory. He noticed that there were 5 different theories. Like the reflections in a wall of mirrors, the 5 theories were just 5 ways of looking at the same thing, the same theory, embodied in „Theory M” (no one knows why they were told so – perhaps from the „matrix” theory). , maybe magic, mystery, mother, monster, etc., what matters). Importantly, from here on, the hope that quantum theory is capable of explaining everything in our universe is renewed.

Therefore, we remained „anchored” in the 11 dimensions, 4 perceived by us, and 7 „additional”. For most of us, it is impossible to imagine other dimensions. There’s nothing abnormal about that. Our brain has developed only with the awareness of the „3 + 1” dimensions of daily experiences. So how could we have a perception of them?

For example, if we go to the cinema, we „see” two-dimensional (even if there are also 3D variants that are merely an interpretation of our brain, regarding 3D perception, as is the case with a 3D perception of 2D images). Everything is just an optical illusion or interpretation of our brain. But, the „magic” of 3D projection films is given by our perception that things or characters often give a feeling of „coming out of the screen”.

So the dimensions have to do with the independent directions in which something can move … These possibilities are called „degrees of freedom”. The more dimensions you have, the default degrees of freedom, the more you can do. And, there are 11 dimensions …

People have quite recently discovered that there are objects that „live” in these theories, which are not exactly quantities but are larger than they are. It looks, in fact, like membranes or surfaces, born of the „spread of quantities”. These membranes (called „branes” – in English) can stretch a lot if they benefit from energetic „support”, which can reach the dimensions of an entire universe.

The existence of gigantic membranes, of the dimensions of a universe, as well as of the multiple dimensions, opens a new, fantastic possibility, the fact that our entire universe is such a membrane that „lives” inside a much larger upper space (parallel universes being a stratification of such membranes, called by scientists as „piles”) „maintained” by dark matter.

This „two-dimensionality” of quantum membranes also explains why we cannot perceive, see, the parallel universe that can be attached to us … In an exercise of imagination, if we have such a membrane, the one in which we exist, and we want to have a tangency with another membrane that exists in a higher-dimensional space or we „reach out to touch it” or we look waiting for a ray of light or something else to reach us to have the perception, it is impossible because everything is in „2D” or, more correctly, manifests itself in a small number of dimensions to our intention … Compatibility of movement with our intention being possible only for „the same number of dimensions”.

Or our particles (similar to the other membrane) cannot leave this membrane (cannot leave it) nor vice versa. So both „touch” and perception fall (we have no way to see because it is as if you would like to receive photons that transmit light and, thus, the image from the other universe, as long as they cannot leave their membrane).

Also, the stratification of the membranes in piles explains gravity very well. As I said, in terms of amounts, everything has to do with form. If you remember, the quantities are filamentary in shape, somewhat tangled, but true, but filamentary. Well, according to Theory M, they have the ends fixed on this „universal” membrane and they can leave, with a detachable end, its surface reaching the „universal” membranes in the neighborhood.

This would be the first form of interaction (but it has nothing to do with gravity). But there are also closed amounts, in the relative form of a vibrating circle … And, it is this form that has to do with gravity, being called the graviton. These amounts, due to their circle shape, no longer have the ends attached to the membrane and thus can leave the „base” membrane and enter the neighboring membranes (parallel universes).

In the future, we could communicate with intelligent beings on the „neighboring membranes” by exchanging powerful sources from gravitational waves, especially at the points where the membrane is deformed by the massive material objects of this universe (of this membrane).

We do not know if there would be any relevance to this „contact” but we do know that she has already played a major role. According to „quantum” theorists, touching two such membranes led to the Big Bang, which is by no means a special event, such as „clashes” being quite frequent.

And so, we came to the so-called „supersymmetry” which is a central prediction of quantum theory. She says that for every subatomic particle that we know of (such as electrons, neutrons, photons, etc.) there must be a much heavier (immensely harder) partner called the „sparticle” (since the term super-particle is combined). And so, I came (again) to the dark matter (discussed in the previous post).

There remains only one question … The „touch” that created the Big Bang created the „membrane” of our universe according to the hologram of the upper layer, the one below or, something else … Or is it just a „piece” of the hologram of one of them … (?!?)

And, I cannot help but think of a Divine Power, placed in an initially dimensionless or one-dimensional universe that, wanting greater freedom of movement, „forced” the development of the two-dimensional, then the three-dimensional universe and, so on.

But we’ll talk about that again. Now let’s jump to conclusions!

The first conclusion: The manifestations of energy go beyond our limits of the imagination but stimulate them.

Second conclusion: From nothing can create an entire universe through the simply controlled energy manifestation of nothing.

Bibliography: What I know of „places” that I can no longer remember to locate (and present here) and: 1. Discovery Science – „Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design” / „Stephen Hawking’s Great Design”, season 1, episode 1 – „Key To The Cosmos” / „Key to the Cosmos”, 2. NOVA – „The Elegant Universe” / „elegant universe” – episode 1 – „Einstein’s Dream” / „Einstein’s Dream”, episode 2 – „The string issue” and episode 3 – „Welcome to the 11th dimension”.

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding!

Dorin, Merticaru