STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Mind" (2).

Translation Draft

We've now reached the operating frequencies of the brain. According to the "structure" of approaching the levels of perception - the one with materialists, worshippers and divinators - it is necessary to start "presentations" for materialists and to "evolve in detail" according to the "evidence" existing to support my statements.

I will no longer enter into the "details" of the brain structure (at least for now), in descriptions related to the billions of cells that compose it (each participating with each other cell of the body in thought processes), structural "distributions" of the brain with their "physiological reporting" or the like. I will simply approach its mode of operation starting with its "working" frequencies.

Where do these frequencies come from?!? Our body cells, almost in their entirety, communicate with each other through electrostatic and electrodynamic manifestations (cellular and/ or potential action potentials, also called pulses). They determine the electromagnetic manifestations we call "electric currents". And given the huge number of cells, it's not hard to deduce why, especially in the brain, there are large amounts of manifest energy, easily detected even with the help of current medical equipment. And, the most well-known "operation" to monitor the electrical activity of the brain, is "Electro Encephalo Grama" - EEG.

The first thing "detected" with this EEG was the fact that the electrical activity of the brain is carried out according to some patterns, which take place cyclically, which is why they were called brain waves. And, since waves are measured mainly in physics using frequency, the unit of measurement chosen for brain activity was Hertz (some also using the name cycle per per second - Hertz is the same thing, when we have a wave per second we have 1 Hz waves or a cycle per second).

And when our researchers set out, they "found out," for starters, that our brain works with frequencies from 0 to 40 Hz (rarely more than that). And they named those with "manifestation" between 0 and 14 Hz as alpha waves and those between 14 and 40 as beta waves. Subsequently, the increased sensitivity of the apparatus and the "deepening" of the studies attracted the reconsideration of the "sequences" from the waves, the waves called alpha being "restricted" to the range 7 - 14 Hz and thus, for the "coverage" of the range "remained uncovered" (0 - 7 Hz), the teta waves between 4 - 7 Hz and delta between 0.5 - 4 Hz. , and frequencies above 40 Hz called to be gamma waves.

"Passing" through these brain function intervals is quite complicated to present. Before falling asleep, when we prepare for sleep, we are in a beta state (wakefulness, generally). When we stop all activity, we turn off the light (but not necessarily) and close our eyes, our brain waves gradually go from beta to alpha, teta and finally delta when we fall asleep. Dreams appear in 90-minute cycles. When the frequency of the brain increases towards the head, then we're going to day to. In those moments there is a rapid movement of the eyes, which is characteristic of the active dream state, the REM state. If at that time we decide not to wake up, we may enter the teta state or fall asleep and enter the delta state.

During this time we can remain in the teta state for a certain period, during which time we can contemplate the previous day and the activities of the current day. These moments are very productive and creative. In the waking state we are in a beta state, a state in which, depending on our involvement in what we do in the state of wakefulness, stress or accessing high frequencies for intellectual and/ or spiritual "high reactions". When brain waves slow down their frequency and we're in an alpha state, we're in a state where we can learn faster, we can perform complex tasks. In this state we arrive if we use relaxation and meditation techniques, which help us to access the alpha frequency. According to research, accessing this state of relaxation leads to an increase in the level of beta-endorphin, norepinephrine and dopamine which leads to the installation of a state of calm, relaxation and mental clarity and their effect persists for hours or days. In this state we are more creative, we can make associations more easily, and we can focus more easily.

So the brain produces these waves (the result of the brain's functioning, its electrical manifestations) depending on the activity in which we are involved, thus creating a response and/ or balance. Because in everyday life there are times when we don't feel comfortable, we can end up adapting our brain activity to the activities that concern us. It is also necessary to remove factors that tend to create a certain pattern in brain activity: drugs, alcohol, drugs, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress.

And there would be some details to "present" here. For many years, since the discovery of the nerve cell (enough for the erroneous "formation" of many generations of doctors and researchers), it has been considered that the human being has a limited number of neurons with which it is born and "consumes" them throughout life, and the connections between neurons are made (mostly) only during the period of learning and maturation of the child. Then, multiple experiments that have grown since the 50s and 60s promoted the idea of renewing nerve cells and permanently multiplying (in a progressive but also regressive sense) of connections between neurons. Then, in the 1960s, Maurice Barry Sterman, a psychologist, began to promote a concept that was only accepted in recent years by scientists.

He considered the brain to be a dynamic and very plastic organ, i.e. an organ that can adapt structurally and functionally to demands. This has been demonstrated and shown through numerous rigorous scientific experiments, demonstrating that neurons are where the mind meets the body (literally). He showed that by simply guiding how someone thinks, one can change the structure of brain tissue, as a way of interconnecting nerve cells and as a density of cells. Thus, by simply teaching a person how to approach certain directions, it has been observed that the brain is capable of a profound transformation. people with one of the most severe problems, refractory epilepsy, could be taught to heal themselves by tracking their own brain waves. This scientifically proven aspect supports the fact that any good habit in thinking (it is true, with effort, exercise and perseverance) brings us only benefits.

And so, the '70s represents the period of effective scientific "launch" of brain activity control techniques. Now alpha therapies (the most well-known of which is Silva therapy) and teta (the most well-known of which is Vianna Stibal's TethaHealing) begin their structuring and development, now beta therapies (the most well-known of which is NMG - The New German Medicine) begin their affirmation. But essentially, these therapies are practiced from ancient times, for example, Plato, presenting elements that in the ancient period, in the territories of the ancient Dacian, Zamolxe, the "local" god teach people that to heal the body is necessary to heal the mind and soul first, that everything is a whole and healing can only be done at the whole level.

But let's go back! Essentially, these activities are, in fact, biofeedback or neurofeedback activities. For materialists, this biofeedback has become a science through which people can learn how to control your brain activity, with the help of a device that targets the type of brain waves that are predominant at a given time. But this science has "hit" the human mentality for which it is much easier to resort to a pill than to become responsible for your own health and act accordingly. Yes, this is, in fact, the problem of true medicine called (pointlessly, in my opinion) New Medicine.

Biofeedback involves the patient taking responsibility for their own health, an extremely important aspect. And thus, the patient seeks to acquire the ability to understand how the mind and body function in interdependence, then producing changes based on this understanding. It takes a strong patience and will to solve any health problem (and, as you will see, any problem in life manifests - relationships, business, etc.). Many of those who learned about this possibility of healing at some point, and who did not have simple health problems (the most common examples being epilepsy, diabetes, cancer) had the tenacity and desire to heal in these ways.

We have presented these general and historical elements so that you can figure out why it is a complete "cabbage" in everything and, especially, in structuring the frequency intervals that describe brain activity. Thus, we have the "opportunity" to "experience" rapid transitions from one level of operation to another and sometimes even a clear overlap of the operating levels either generalized or sectorized (different "sectors" of the brain "operate" at different levels on its different functional service sectors). But now let's move on to the descriptive elements that are necessary for us to understand all the elements that follow related to the new medicine.

I'll start with the "zero to as far as possible" approach...

The range 0.5 - 4 Hz is that of delta waves (detached consciousness, healing, sleep). They are characterized by the fact that they have the lowest frequency but the highest amplitude of all brain waves. These waves occur in the conditions of the deepest sleep, for quite short periods of time (deep sleep being an alternation between the state of delta and the teta), delta being the state of the unconscious mind, in which we receive information that is not accessible to us in the state of consciousness. This delta state is the state related to healing and regeneration. Certain frequencies of the delta state trigger the release of human growth hormone (Human Growth Hormone) so beneficial for healing and regeneration.

Delta is the signal of the brain waves of the subconscious, from where intuition rises. This means that delta-based programs are ideal not only for sleep and deep regeneration, but also to access unconscious activity and help the wave of information flowing to our conscious mind, for cleansing and more. It is the first frequency "beach" detected in the human individual, being detected in the fetus as early as the intrauterine period. Moreover, the predominant frequency of babies' brains is delta, they sleep most of the time, being the frequency that characterizes the basic rhythm of the immature brain, until the age of 2 to 3 years. As a person approaches death and dies, the last active frequencies of the brain are delta frequencies. It's like a cycle ends. Thus, it seems that delta frequencies are used the first time we come into this life and are also used when we leave the physical body (even if this rhythm also occurs in states of cerebral suffering). The body is created in the physical dimension and the soul comes from the spiritual dimension.

The range 4 - 7 Hz is that of the teta waves (tetha - meditation, intuition, memory). They are characterized by a relatively high amplitude and occur in deep sleep states (alternating with delta waves) as well as in sleep states with shift from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa or in those of "dream with open eyes", being the state of the brain where magic "happens". The rhythm of the teta constitutes the basic "state" of the child between 2 and 7 years and in the normal adult is met in a percentage of 10 – 15% of the total electroencephalographic route (doctors tell us that, above this limit has a pathological significance). The teta state also occurs in the case of relaxing activities that "embedded" us in them (such as jogging, reading an engrossing book, deep prayer, etc.), moments when we are in a state of real relaxation and are much more open to the flow of new ideas.

In general, it is a state of relaxation that occurs in activities that become reflexes, which allow us detachment but in which we can be aware of the surrounding reality. In this state there are no feelings of guilt or activities of censorship or self-censorship, being considered to be a particularly positive state. The prolonged time of mental activity teta, in a state of wakefulness, indicates the existence of a period of very high psycho-mental creativity. Teta can bring a deep state of meditation, a feeling of "floating" due to the expansive state, you can feel that your mind is expanding beyond the boundaries of your body. Teta is the state that resides in the subconscious.

Theta also plays an important role in behaviour modification programs and has been used as a treatment against drug or alcohol dependence. It is a state of supreme (effective) learning, reprogramming one's own mind, remembering dreams and self-induction. It is known as the twilight zone that we can normally only experience vaguely when we wake up from the depths of the delta (when we wake up from sleep or when we fall asleep). In the teta, we are in a sober dream, flashes of living images pass before the eyes of the mind and we are receptive to information more than we are in our normal state. Teta has been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Meditation in the teta regime increases creativity and the power to learn, reduces stress, awakens intuition and other extra-sensory perceptions.

The range 7 - 14 Hz is that of alpha waves (relaxation, visualization, creativity), constituting the expression of the "background" activity of the brain in the normal, adult, waking and psycho-sensory rest state. These waves are emitted in states of relaxation, beautiful dream, easy, in states of meditation, of "dream with open eyes" or easy sleep, especially when no outside stimulus is received. It is an optimal state for the efforts of analysis and/ or programming of the mind, for visualization, learning and concentration, as well as in those of meditation, being the rhythm that corresponds to introspection, to an "look" within us.

These waves are the "sign" of mental relaxation, indicating the absence of sensory stimulation in a conscious person, the moment when fears/stress disappear, there is a liberating state of well-being. Alpha-based programs help us bring out creativity and are great for problem solving, finding new ideas and practicing creative visualization. Alpha is recommended when we want to achieve deep states of relaxation that are essential to our health. The alpha level is a "place" of deep relaxation, but not exactly meditation where we begin to access the creativity of the subconscious – it is the gateway to a much deeper state of consciousness.

The range 14 to 40 Hz is that of beta waves (vigilance, concentration, perception), characterized by small amplitudes. They are issued when we are in a state of wakefulness, especially in states of alert (surescitation, stress), being the waves emitted when we "fulfill" our daily activities, easily "accessible" especially in states of stress, being the electrocortical expression of the outward orientation of our consciousness. In this "range", our mind is sharp and focused, makes quick connections and can do things that require your full attention (when we perceive the outside world we are in beta rhythm). In this state, neurons are active, working in rapid successions, helping us achieve performance. New ideas and solutions to certain problems "lightning" through our minds. Beta training is one of the most common methods used by therapists in treating attention deficit.

Beta-based exercises help you prepare for an exam, presentation, or analyze and organize information and other activities that require mental alertness and high levels of concentration. Beta status is associated with "peak" concentration, increased alertness and visual acuity. Researchers who have done studies on the subject believe that the beta frequency of 40 Hz may be the key to the act of perception. Studies show that 90% of adults in wakefulness have predominant beta brain frequency and only 10% predominantly access alpha and theta waves naturally or after they have trained to do so.

The range "over" 40 Hz is that of gamma waves. There are recently discovered waves that are associated with the introspection and processing of high-level information. They are associated with a sense of happiness, a high level of compassion and optimal brain function. These waves are a connecting mechanism between the parts of the brain and help improve memory and perception. There are studies that have detected that in the state of meditation, the brains of Tibetan monks produce a higher level of gamma waves than the brains of people who do not practice meditation. The presence of these waves was also detected during the wake-up process and during periods of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements.

We thus come to the need to validate the hypothesis that man can control his brain waves (in my view a pointless necessity because I do not believe that there is any human individual who, under stress conditions has not decided to close his eyes or enter into the state of reverie, dream with open eyes and thus in an effort of calming or seeking solutions not to have perceived the tranquility brought by the transition from beta function to beta , at least, that of alpha operation). Here, rigorous research on both healthy and sick volunteer subjects has shown since the "early" days of this research that humans can produce to order certain brain frequencies (any of them). For compliance I will describe one of the experiments (although all who read these lines know that there is no more need of such a thing, you know that you can always relax, detach or fall asleep by your own will).

Joe Kamiya and Richard Bach placed the volunteer individuals in a dark room, with electrodes placed on the head that tracked the brain activity with the help of the electroencephalograph. Under these conditions, different auditory, olfactory, etc. stimulations were performed and the response to brain waves was followed. Subjects were questioned about their perception and the type of brain waves that they thought was present in their brain activity, through the objective self-perception of the individual's condition. At first, the subjects were within the statistical limits of "at random" but, through collaborative exercise (the initiators of the experiment communicated the frequencies of brain function to the subjects and they overlapped them, compared and became aware with their perceptions) and the least intellectually gifted subjects "to hit" in a percentage of more than 85% that brain waves emitted their brains. You can't imagine these experiments going on too long.

The least equipped subjects needed only three days to exceed this 85% threshold. The second part of the experiment consisted of the voluntary entry of the subjects into certain states (the easiest being to achieve the entry into the alpha state) having as a trigger a certain sound, visual stimulus, etc. The surprise was that many subjects did this without any other kind of "fixing/learning" exercise even having the ability to vary from the lowest to the highest alpha frequency, the visual stimuli (originally presented externally then pictured by the subject) being the most effective (as a parenthesis, some subjects control their "positioning" in alpha to auditory stimuli, olfactory stimuli, etc. depending on the general functional structure of their brain - we will discuss them later - for example, those "auditory" entering the alpha state when any image in their mind disappears and when they imagine a certain musical "piece", those "olfactory" when they smell a certain flower, etc.).

This is, in fact, a kind of first step of assisted initiation of modern alpha therapies practitioners (and their number is in the tens of millions - I don't tell hundreds that it would seem unreal even though it's the naked truth)... Going forward, years of studies and research (without experiments, because they no longer had any use) have shown that practitioners of such exercises end up spontaneously having alpha waves and acquire the ability to "move" quickly, voluntarily, between the different brain frequencies (without being able to achieve the slightest analogy with yogis or saints practicing meditation , prayer etc. which is nothing more than an involuntary exercise in the sense of frequency control and, by implication, brain activity).

Furthermore, the experiments were also carried out on animals by Sterman. With the help of a batch of cats he was able to demonstrate the ability of cats to learn to control their brain frequencies by inducing a specific frequency. If they didn't touch this desired beach (alpha frequencies) they wouldn't get anything delicious to eat. And it was no great wonder that it only took 3 to 6 days for this "dressing". Is it harder for a human being than a cat to acquire this control on the basis that we certainly have a higher will?!?

And, I should finish this long post. I will just remember that there is, at present (or in the past - in the US, Russia and China there have been some efforts in this regard but they have been quickly dropped without explanation, despite demonstrations of efficiency) government and/ or university programs in this respect. Only the private world acts in this respect, it is right, increasingly effective in the fight against the opposition (prohibition of official practice, arrest of prominent members and the lifting of the right to practice, etc., etc.) and denigrations (such as the assignment of the titles of scam, etc.) on the part of industrial (economic) and governmental structures.

Days full of Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru