STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (2).

Translation Draft

On the elements presented about the operation of the cell group, we did not specify how the cells of this group communicate to each other.

From a "classic" point of view, cells communicate with each other through signals. The ability to detect the presence in the extracellular microenvironment of molecules or changes in physico-chemical parameters, as well as the ability to react specifically to these signals, is essential for cell survival. They respond to external signals by triggering cascades of intracellular reactions that form signaling pathways. They are interconnected by forming complex networks through which their own activities can be controlled or information transmitted to remote cell populations in the body.

The principles of cellular signaling as well as the main signaling pathways are common in single-celled and multicellular organisms, since the proteins involved are highly conservative along the philogenetic tree. Therefore, deciphering a signalling mechanism in a species with simpler organization (a yeast, Drosophila, Xenopus) helps to quickly decipher the same mechanism in organisms on a higher philical step. Knowing a signaling pathway belonging to a normal cell facilitates understanding of aberrant mechanisms, which involve the participation of oncogenes or secreted molecules such as cytokines.

In order to perform the function of signals, a molecule must have certain properties: 1. the molecule-signal must be small, in order to be able to travel from the synthesis site to the target site (extracellular signals are transported through the extracellular fluid, if the distance is small, or through the blood and lymph, if the distance to travel is large; intracellular signals move from one cell compartment to another by diffusion, for the purposes of the chemical or electrical gradient; small molecules diffuse faster and can pass through the membrane system more easily, using a "transporter" or based on their hydrophobic properties) and 2. signal molecules must be able to be synthesized quickly, to ensure the prompt triggering of the cellular response, and be rapidly degraded, to allow the signaling pathway to be suddenly stopped (for this the cells have a system of enzymes capable of signal degradation, especially phosphodiesterases and phosphatases). For many signaling pathways, the end of the signal is currently less understood than the mechanisms for activating the path.

The modes of communication also depend on the distance between the cells that communicate. If the cells are in contact, they can communicate through gap junctions, which allow ions to pass from one cell to another. In the case of very close cells, a molecule on the surface of one cell is recognized by membrane receptors of another neighboring cell (mutual recognition of molecules on their surface). Remote cells release a signal molecule (ligand) that is attached to the receptors of other cells. Synaptic transmission is a form of interneuronal or neuro-effector communication by electrical signals, but in the case of chemical synapses it also involves chemical communication, through the formation of the [MCh-R] complex and ca2+ participation in the exocitation of the chemical mediator.

Electrical communication is not specific to animal cells, it also appears in plants. Endocrine communication is achieved by hormones transported at great distances through the blood. The route of vehicular is nonspecific (the blood contains a wide variety of hormones), the specificity of the signaling being conferred by the membrane receptors of the target cells. In paracrine communication, the target cell is in the neighborhood area of the cell that emits the signal. The signal molecule disappears shortly, by: 1. degradation by enzymes in extracellular fluid; 2. fixation on the target cell receptors; 3. penetration into the target cell. The molecular signals emitted can also act autocrine, on the issuing cell, as in the case of growth hormones, eicosanoids. Tumor cells secrete hormones by which they stimulate their own growth and proliferation. Autocrine communication often occurs in cells that are in differentiation or development, stimulating the cell to continue following the path it started.

An important feature of the signaling pathways is the amplification of the signal vertically (cascading) at each step of the path, so that a small number of signal molecules can lead to intracellular activation of hundreds or thousands of enzyme molecules. On the other hand, through the phenomenon of cross-talk, which is based on the existence of stages common to several signaling pathways, a real intracellular communication network is achieved, in which the generation of a molecular species can activate numerous other waterfalls with multiple effects. And I could go on with all sorts of "chemical" details, but obviously you understood what was understandable, from the point of view of the classics.

If we "advance" in our studies we will "see" the following...

Even though I repeat myself (we discussed this in one of the posts), Russian specialists have discovered that cells can communicate with each other through an electromagnetic field (research confirmed by other sources). They put half of a crop tissue in two sealed containers with a glass window. If the window was constructed of ordinary glass, then any action on the tissue in one container had no effect on the other, but if the window was made of maple glass (which is known to allow the passage of UV and UV radiation, being also a permeable environment for almost any kind of electromagnetic radiation) then, in numerous experiments, it has been observed that any action (e.g. infection) carried out on one of the tissues created an effect on the healthy one in only a few Hours. Obviously, none of the "classic" paths presented above is valid anymore because any kind of classical transmission is cancelled by the wall of the belt. But let's keep going!

Bruce Lipton continued, repeated and confirmed that these experiments were conducted many times and were verified by other researchers. Because chemical information cannot cross ordinary glass, scientists working with conventional science did not want to study this phenomenon because in the world of conventional biology the rule says that signals are transmitted through reaction substances or ions, so in conventional biology, when it refers to signals, they necessarily impose a chemical or electromagnetic origin.

And since the usual bottle stops the transfer of signals, scientists have been amazed... They saw that there was an effect that made no sense because in their world all the signals, without exception, are chemically transmitted, but in this particular case it was clear that they could not be transmitted between two isolated containers from each other. The electromagnetic support is however cancelled by them because the transmission mechanism must be based on chemical "neurotransmitters" mechanisms or, at the very least, direct contact between the cells "in the communication study".

But new scientists are studying quantum physics and there are now many studies that indicate that cells communicate through waves (capable of going through anything, including crystals, the atmospheric environment and beyond) rather than chemical signals. They can communicate through light (or radiation that behaves similar to light, with wavelengths in the UV spectrum and above UV). In this regard, the German physician Fritz Popp was the leader of a research team that dealt with the transmission of cell signals through a glass screen of the belt. Dr. Popp introduced the name light photons, which acted as communication signals, with cells able to read information carried by light waves, and thus generate and absorb light waves. So one of the cell's behaviors is that it reads photonist information. We're not able to see those photons but the cells can be activated by a single photon of light. So light waves of different frequencies are like switches that control cells.

What's important to know is that cells can communicate by means other than chemical reactions. They can communicate through fields (proper or similar) with electromagnetic ones, through light, sounds, etc. So conventional biology has restricted this study to the belief that signals are transmitted only through chemicals (or ions). The main reason why science "holds with its teeth" of this belief is due to the influence of multinational pharmaceutical corporations and the significance of this can be understood as follows: the foundation of multinational pharmaceutical corporations is that cells communicate through chemistry and the task of companies is to create substances that alter cellular communication and thus you can control its behavior. But I'm not going to do "politics"...

Here we have seen what it is with the "basic functions" of the cell and group of cells. But in an organism, cell groups form an organ with its own "working" rules, and operate according to the "principles of functionality" of the whole organism. Then, the totality of the organs that "collaborate" form the body that "connects" and sums up the general functionality of each cell, of each group of cells (organ) individually.

And, behold, we come to the first "more complex" perception that, at the mere consideration of an organ, things get complicated. It is not a simple "crowding" of cells of the same type, of a group of cells, but of several groups of cells that form that organ which, in turn, conforms functionally to other groups, everything being interrelated in the functioning of the organism.

We have "seen" that the whole living world needs, in order to exist, specific information and structures through which it can process and make the necessary "responses" to the environment. We have "seen", and it can even be inferred "without problems", that cells are able to receive and issue information, i.e. to communicate and collaborate (where appropriate), regardless of the level of organization at which they are located. So it is not wrong to consider that this capacity is maintained even when a cell is integrated into a more complex biological system, such as a multicellular organism, which has specialized structures (organs).

Moreover, having common laws of organization and operation, all living forms are related to each other. We always lose sight of the fact that any form of animal life is dependent on the existence of plants, which provide them with food that "determines the possibilities of manifestation" (nutrition being a determinant of the functionality of an animal organism) providing oxygen and sugars (carbohydrates) as energy support, as well as proteins, as structural and functional support. The very emergence and structural development of organisms depended on the existence of this hierarchy (structures). Therefore, the most complex organisms today could only occur by following other life forms, with simpler structures, through their evolution (evolution that includes everything related to them, including communication).

To finish this post, now, with a "conclusive"... At any level of organization of matter, a material substrate (substance in its structure), a functional or energetic aspect and an informational aspect on which its organization and functioning depend are distinguished. We then conceptually summarize life, in fact the entire Universe, with everything that exists in it, through the triad: 1. - matter (substance), 2. - energy and 3. - information.

Days full of Love, Gratitude and Understanding!

Dorin, Merticaru