STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (6).

Translation Draft

From what I have presented in the immediate previous posts we can now talk about the discovery of an informational model of life, in the sense of a system logic that dictates the execution of complex programs. Is that a "brave" statement or... ?!? Let's see, let's see, let

The formation of a man from a simple fertilized egg (not to mention other life forms) is a miracle of accuracy and precision. How is it possible that thousands of billions of cells appear from a single cell, in specialized lines, according to a strict order in time and space?!? That doesn't defy any fantasy?!?. And that's only if we're talking about the organic structure, that's all. If we "join" and take over "behavioral parameters" and/ or psychological, everything already takes on a different dimension...

Moreover, the restoration of a tissue will always borrow the morphology specific to the region in which it is located, even the bioelectric configuration of the area being borrowed by the skin tissue transplanted from another part of the body. For example, cells isolated from the human body, kept in tissue cultures, lose their identity. In other words, they lose the pattern of the organism they come from. And if at this point, the loss of "identity", horse serum is added, they will borrow the development model of this animal, and if brought into the donor organism will resume the original model. Cells taken from the eye region of a frog embryo and transplanted to other areas will eventually lead to tissues specific to the area in which they were brought and will not develop eyes, as expected.

Thus, these "data" (and many, many others) will lead to an obvious conclusion that the idea of the existence of an informational model, a structural and functional scheme specific to each living organism, not identifiable with the genetic code, but transmitted. And, the only "solution" of transmission discovered and, as such, demonstrated, is only a kind of energy scheme of the organism inscribed in the structure of its biofield (at least - without extending the "limits" of this field). The most obvious "evidence" in this regard is the very development of the human embryo.

It seems to go through all stages of "previous" evolution of life, from single-celled "status", to a striking resemblance to the embryo of fish, then of amphibians, etc. until the "grotesque" is gradually replaced by the human model, leaving the impression that in its embryonic development man seeks his form, as he will later seek its meaning. The work of a sculptor of nature (even if only of the mother) is very close here to the art of man, "retrieving" here the same efforts to cife in the flesh, like the artist in stone, the same assiduousness to shape life in form.

Then, the idea of a model of psychological structuring is found since Greek antiquity. The Hippocratic description of four behavioural types (choleric, bloody, phlegmatic and melancholic) is only a reference to the possibilities of restoring the full diversity of human natures through several constitutional types or models. We are rarely in a position to find striking similarities between two people who have no degree of kinship with each other, sometimes analogies going so far as to frieze identity. But beyond the source of confusion, the finding remains that nature creates an infinite number of types, starting from a few general models.

Going on the "wire" of a possible determinism, I cannot fail to recall that the organization of matter from elementary particles to cosmic boundlessness represents in itself the information existing everywhere in all the structures of matter, both the living and the non-living (I am referring here to that single energy quantum, which can take the "necessary" forms of the place where it "manifests"). We could say that nothing that is gained through evolution is lost but remains fixed in an information structure.

It is inherent to all structures in the universe and we see it as an information-carrying field structure, in which all the elements necessary for the organization and functioning of the system are contained. And since each system is part of a different class of systems to the Cosmos macrosystem, we'll go from close to close to the universal field of information. Through one of the links of this chain are connected and living beings to this information system. Biorhythms, the fluctuation of the functionality of all living organisms according to certain periodicities, even at the level of cosmic events is undeniable.

So it doesn't look like I'm venturing into "story" statements, I'll give a few examples... Let us think only of the explosion of death by strokes in years of intense solar activity (that period of 11 to 11 years "marked" by solar "black spots"). Or, let's observe, for example, the Eunice worm in the Atlantic Ocean, which detaches part of its body, filled with sexual elements, exactly on the 8th night after the first full moon at the beginning of autumn, at 2 o'clock at night. the date varies calendar, but the phenomenon follows exactly the moments that follow the full moon. It is interesting that another subspecies of this worm in Pacific waters has "chosen" another time for propagation, namely, the beginning of the first quarter of the new moon in July. I am convinced that you can "identify" and you "similar examples" without resorting to zodiac esoterics or anything similar...

Returning to the psyche, the notion of paternal archetype "created" by Jung, we could translate it today by the phrase of general informational model, in which the information accumulated by the experience of the species and from which the informational model of the individual is derived. In a human organism, the complexity of which we forget, consisting of billions of cells, each cell assuming thousands of biochemical reactions per second, it would be difficult to understand, by simply directing by the vegetative nervous system and genetic information, how this universe of reactions works, well oriented towards a biological purpose, if we do not accept the idea of model, informational pattern of the organism. It is very likely that the individual information model has itself a command, a reference point in unconscious structures, a point where we probably find the "gravitational" center of our being, the court through which we integrate as a being, species, life.

As the substance in the triad that defines matter (substance-energy-information) is integrated into successive levels increasing to the cosmic infinity, in the same way we can imagine an integration on successive levels for informational models. A simple example, supported by me (and not only) would be that of the triad body(substance)-mind(energy)-soul(information). But let's go back! The interdependence and integration of subsystems into larger systems explains the correct and coherent functioning of the whole, whether it is called atom, molecule, cell, organism (human), biocenosis or cosmos.

By admitting this hypothesis we could answer many questions that do not yet have a complete answer. For example, one could understand the relative stability of species over time, as well as the preservation of new acquisitions that are added to their evolution, we could understand the modeling of shapes, tissues according to region and needs, incomplete explained by genetics, phantom limb phenomenon, etc. Seen thus, the world no longer appears to us as a cluster of disparate objects and beings, but as parts of an ensemble between which are established specific legal connections, connections that determine a meaning, a finality, a destiny.

At the level of human conduct, man being the only being capable of interfering in nature's approach, such an understanding would have profound implications. Knowing the deep meanings and meanings of the world around us, perhaps our human relationships, still encumbered by aggression and destructiveness, the relationships between us and animals, plants, nature in general, could undergo mutations that would have consequences of the most beneficial for life. But the idea of the existence of an informational structure in which all the information necessary for the manifestation of matter would accumulate and be preserved may seem bizarre and remain critical as long as the current sciences cannot yet provide us with the necessary support for such a foundation.

I must, however, point out that the idea is not novel, recalling here Plato's ideas in which there is the expression of a pre-existing informational model of all phenomena in nature. Then, based on the finding that there is an informational base at the world level, M. Drăgănescu wonders if we could not believe that it exists and would be present at the level of the whole matter of the Universe. Life itself would be specific to "information even deeper than genetic manifestation". The information would exist in the depth of matter as "a new material reality with informational properties". From here one could imagine "the existence of an information field that can also be the substance of the mental field".

The material world would have in its structure this field as one of the "primordial" substances from which matter was formed, everything being perfectly "tuned" to "resound the music of life". This "informational substance" owes its material world its "self-consistent" character. "Information is essentially structure," the author points out, and cites, among other things, as informational structures, the programs and laws of nature, the internal models of man and other living things. Thus, man and animals would not only have nerve structures, but also an associated information field.

In conclusion, we could present the organization of matter through the image of a pyramid built in time - the pyramid of time. In this vision, the informational structure means those thin, subtle and unseen "wires" that intertwine in the Universe, tying in one canvas all the forms of life, man and galaxies...

And just like that, we are approaching biofields and, above all, to complete the "explanations" of how to identify the "functional states" of the brain that are nothing but extensions of a general state of the body, that something detected by us at the current stage of development and perception that we can relate to to start the long string of our efforts to understand our health , our mode of action and why not, our role in the informational fabric. Details in future posts...

And one more thing... In the last meetings with the audience (a much stronger interaction than with you, the readers of these lines) I began to "fix" more and more the idea that it is necessary to "try something by people who have tangence to the information presented, in the sense of applying the new medicine, the new knowledge"... Now is not the time but, shortly, I will put an end to all these "informations" whose purpose is no other than to argue as much as possible (to me and those from whom I have informed myself) the reality of those who will be presented as ways, practices, etc. So, a kind of motto of all my efforts is born:


And from this effort will be born Your ability to combat what you did not understand, not what is not real. so...


May you and only me and the thousands of authors who transmit similar messages (those with whom my knowledge and understanding post these lines, change only and only for the better the lives of those around him through direct, palpable actions, constituting a group of witnesses of the veracity of this knowledge and, why not, prove to me that if I have tried , I managed... however little this "I made it" means)... Thank you for your understanding and your effort to know and understand with me.

And, there's something else. I mentioned knowledge and understanding... OK... What about Love and Gratitude? In my case, I know how much I know. I can't lie to myself that I know more. In a "reporting" to you I can point out that I have not submitted a single percentage (1%) as far as I know only on this subject. But I remain "anchored" in the value of what I have presented. So, I can't get any more than you know before. And if I know that I know enough, what's the point of these lines (and all the ones I'm going to write) ?!? Can't you feel my love for you?!?

I could proceed like most doctors, to consider myself belonging to a caste "constrained" by their own rules to keep us unconscious for their "individualization" in great connoisseurs of the chemical and physical secrets of the human body, to do my job only with those who "cross the threshold of my cabinet against "argints" (which, of course, does not exist because I have no money for such , I have no authorizations for this, I am only entitled to these "blah, blah", etc.)" ...

But for 15 years, with over 40 million readers (yes, you read well, over forty million), I dedicate my time, resources, energy (often taken "from the mouth of my children") to manifest my love for you. Without winning even one lion (I mean here the currency joke that constantly interferes in our value reports that exceed matter and calibrate more and more man)... And for 15 years, I've been expressing my gratitude in particular... To you, and, why not, to that something that allowed me to know and understand so many things. "The gift you receive must pass it on," it says in the Bible that could have reached my hands... They all have their purpose... I'm not going to bore you anymore...

But my mother has been in intensive care (literally - the "Intensive Therapy" ward) for almost a month. First it was almost a week in Braila and the rest of the period so far (and how long it will be) in Bucharest. And, during this time I ran into a lot of opaque doctors, except Mrs. Medic from the UPU reception who intuited the severity of my mother's health and sent her to Intensive Care, then the Medical Doctor from Intensive Care who initially intended to reject the patient but later put all the soul that he had in saving and transferring her to Bucharest , then to my good neurochirug friend Marian who has intuited a correct diagnosis, from my point of view and, why not, to the entire collective at "Poli 2", as the intensive care unit where my mother is now (out of respect I would tell everything I can about them but... they remain only to the status of angels, of "unknown" tools of God on the mother's way to her present state and, I hope, much better in the future). And, let me not forget my wonderful colleagues, the nurses who toiled moment by moment with my mother, as they were good at, as they were able to get involved (other unknown angels). As for the "opaques" I was remembering... Hmmm... And they belong to the same category, "unknown angels" even if my anger in their direction is obvious.

I learned a lot during this period (and I'm sure I'll learn more). For example, how terrible ignorance is. At the level of my mother, who did not benefit from a medical "culture", her ignorance brought her here where she is. But all this has also contributed to my ignorance, the one who has not been able to convince her to do what it takes to have what she wants. I haven't been able to get her in any way to TRY to WIN. I'm just getting rid of a "many see but Don't know what they saw" reasoning.

When I was describing to her a useful technique of not getting where she got to, she asked me if she had put too much cinnamon in the pumpkin pie that was steaming on the table. Maybe that's where my efforts to "make the world understand all the mechanisms" and get to work. Just as the doctors... Either they count themselves "sufficient", or they don't want to waste the time needed to purchase the argitants, or... their business. "You're doctors with the right"... And speaking of the argins... Clearly, if I didn't have the knowledge (in the sense of people) that I have, my mother had been dead for almost a month. You, the ones who don't have the ashes, what are you going to do in a similar situation?!? Or you, the ones with the argins but no knowledge?!?

And to finish, these last lines Must have been meant for me... To go further, not to give up arguing materialistic "infidels" instead of going directly to the facts, to the presentation of what you really use (procedures, techniques, etc. that bring among us health, success, tranquility, love, understanding and gratitude). Recognition of those around me, even gratitude. Even more than I think I deserve. Love, too. And obviously more than I think I deserve (maybe that's why I'm struggling so much). But you can't buy a kilo of potatoes with a kilo of fame. "Poor (not drunk) being without the breadth" who are... I hope to resist financially to write further (my efforts in the direction of the argitants being those that have led me to write much less and thus to be only at this stage - this is also a response to the many requests related to the "slowness" of my efforts)...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!

Dorin, Merticaru