STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (7).

Translation Draft

Today I'm going to continue the "descriptions" about energy and life, about electromagnetic stuff and biofields, about... what it takes to have what we want even if we have what we want to do the right thing...

Current research is increasingly "focused" on the energy structure of living matter. Thus, all physical bodies (about living bodies, they exist in our "acceptance" only at much higher temperatures) whose temperature is above the temperature of absolute zero degrees (-273 degrees Celsius) emit electromagnetic radiation frequency and wavelengths that are their own. According to quantum physics, all the particles of matter are in a continuous undulating motion, starting from the quantum which is essentially something vibrating, reaching the atom which, even considered singular, has its own vibration.

The notion of an energy field, in a continuous pulsation or vibration, present at the level of the whole matter of the Universe, is essential, as we shall see, to understand the transfer of information both between living organisms and between them and the environment. The information, as a last resort, is also reduced to a vibration, to the perception of a modulated energy field in waves with certain parameters, the exchange of information can be understood in this way as an interference of vibrations, waves or variable energy fields.

If we follow the formation of these fields at each level of organization of a living system, we will find that each electromagnetic field represents a summation of several energy fields belonging to the structural components. The molecules sum up the electrical charges of the atoms and so the cell will sum up the field energy of the molecules in its structure and, from close to close, we reach a complex energy field, specific to each living organism. In other words, the human body as a whole, like plants and other living things, emits electromagnetic radiation, around each living system there is a proper energy field that surrounds it like a tyre (and intertwines throughout its structure). These fields are called biofields. Thus, each organism, having a particular structure, will have a specific biofield, with its own parameters, which distinguish it from other beings, just like fingerprints.

Complex relationships are established between the components of a biofield that will express the energetic state of functionality (in a broader sense, the state of health) of the organism. The maximum and minimum values of the biofield are directly related to our physical and mental performance and, these values, are in constant interaction with the other biofields performing so-called field interference.

Since the functioning of all living organisms requires energy consumption and information exchange, it will be influenced by all the energy and information factors with which it interacts. Thanks to the work of many researchers, it is known that the amplitude of our energy field follows exactly that of physiological rhythms, because the energy of the living is the expression of its physiology. The favourable or harmful influences of the environment will be faithfully reflected in the evolution of the biofield. The determination of the biofield by various techniques, which are constantly in development, allows to broaden the scope of biological investigations in areas still difficult to reach by the means at our disposal.

Moreover, in a number of conditions first a confrontation of energy fields, an interference of them, the first pathological changes will occur at this level. In this case, the functional precedes the lesion. We understand the vulnerability of expression and, therefore, we will resort to an example. When a microorganism invades an organism, an interference of energy fields will first occur at the host cells. The opponent whose energy field is stronger will be the winner. If they defeat the cells of the invaded organism the germs will be destroyed. and if the cells are defeated, a second phase follows, that of organic changes with disease-specific symptomatology.

When the disease started, the body was long in "war", that is, invaded. Another example of energy interference with subsequent pathological consequences is the occurrence of cardiovascular accidents during solar flares. It is known from statistical morbidity studies that these accidents have an increased frequency every 11 years, when intense solar flares occur. During such intense solar flares (of such a period) whose maximum and minimum parameters were known, measurements of electrical conductivity were made in skin points corresponding to the heart and some functions of the nervous system, structures indicated by the medical statistical data to be most affected at these times (intense solar activity).

On days of maximum solar activity, the curve of electrical conductivity appeared clearly altered, thereby indicating intense demand from the heart and nervous system. The intensity of solar activity is followed by the emission of a large amount of electromagnetic radiation, which is also felt at the ground level. This radiation interferes with the body's energy field, which in turn is also an energy radiation. Hence the increased incidence of strokes, psychiatric disorders, etc. It is obvious that in the case of a myocardial infarction occurring in these circumstances, the first change was informational-energetic.

No doubt it does not happen the same in the case of illness following a physical injury, such as, for example, hitting with a blunt body or impact with a hard body in a traffic accident (although, you will see, it is quite commentable and this "description"), but we will witness the same "war of the waves" in a psychological stress. There's a whole mental pathology where you can't desave, not at present, not the slightest organic lesion. Changes in the energy field preceding the occurrence of a disease can be detected by special recording procedures or very rarely, but not impossible as it is believed, can be observed even by some naturally endowed subjects with possibilities of decoding such information.

And if we go further, the first observation to be made in the case of the study of these fields is the referral of a rhythmicity of these biofields, rhythmicity called biorhythm - the rhythm of life. We call rhythm, here, any alternating unfolding of a phenomenon or process, which follows a relative pattern.. "Life is the meaning of time and space," the silent orologies present in us "knowing" that there is a time to watch, a time to sleep, an hour to be born, an hour to die. From monocellular organisms, from amoebe to humans, life has internal clocks that are always tuned to the great rhythms of the environment (even cosmic ones).

Through biorhythm, the whole living world integrates into the environment and the Universe from which it comes, printing a double character, to be independent and at the same time dependent on it. The small energies conveyed by low-frequency cosmic radiation, the variation of the gravitational field, the dark-light alternation determined by the planet's rotation, the atmospheric composition, as the very effect of cosmic events, are some of the factors by which an explanation of biorhythms is attempted today. All of these would influence living organisms through the bioelectric field and water in their structure, which allows the formation of labile colloidal systems (see also water posts).

It distinguishes a sidereal, cosmic or external rhythm and a biological or internal rhythm. Although superimposed on the great diagram of cosmic rhythms, each organism has its own rhythms that circumscribe its personality and a special destiny. The existence of rhythms also imposed the idea of biological time. The variability of rhythms from one organism to another also determines a variability of biological time, as opposed to the astronomical time we try to measure in equal periods (years, days, hours, seconds). For the child the time is longer than for an adult, because physiological events are much richer in the period of growth of the body.

Even our entire biology is dominated by rhythms such as heart rate, blood circulation, respiratory rhythm, blood composition, brain activity (the rhythms of biocurrents emissed by the brain, sleep-wake alternation, etc.), liver, stomach, intestines, excretory and tissue activity, metabolism, endocrine secretion, and examples could continue especially if we start to customize on structural elements.

So, constantly oscillates in us the physical and mental energy, the elements of our structure, the functions of the body, according to well-defined laws, thus allowing the maintenance of life. Each organ and tissue has, as we see, the rhythms of the structures that make up the tissue. In relation to their evolution we distinguish globally an optimal affective (emotional), intellectual (including intuitive) and physical functional function alternating with periods of functional minimum. The phenomenon can have practical consequences through its involvement in the planning of activity time (which is commonly applied to many athletes of performance), creation, achievement of performance, etc. Animal experiments (Halberg) have shown that the effect of toxic substances differs depending on the time of administration (under carefully measured conditions of functionality of the organism without "differences").

Thus, lethal doses can be ineffective at certain times and conversely, sublethal doses can be fatal if administered at other times. It will be easy to understand in context that we need to consider other laws in the administration of human medicine than before. The traditional indication "three times a day" (or other static rhythm) is exceeded as a principle for a good part of the medicines, finding the optimal time of administration being the solution that medicine will bring to the future thanks to the development of chronobiology (but obviously these lines are "picked" from a book written 45 years ago - 1970 and this medicine of the future, hmmm, has not really developed - the constrictive mechanisms that "retain" the old medicine , the allopathic one, in the first position being far too strong to allow the "New Knowledge" - but, behold, the Internet is struggling and You are reading and perhaps you will do something).

Given the alternation of the function of the organism, it is understood that it makes sense to intervene with a medication with stimulating effect at the time when the rhythm of a function is pathologically diminished and vice versa, with a sedating medication at the time when the function reaches a maximum pathological level (one of the basic principles "alloy" between allopathic medicine and new medicine). For example, medication to increase low blood pressure will have an optimal effect if given in the morning, when its values are minimal, and hypotensive medication will have an optimal effect if we administer it in the evening, when the blood pressure values reach a maximum level (or, from my own experience prior to my effort to remove allopathic medicine from the HTA treatment at my disposal, all cardiologists, regardless of their "value", prescribed my hypotensive medication just in the morning, in the evening prescribing only a "helping" medication - instinctively I changed the administration first towards noon, because I noticed too much "fall" in the tension that gave me a marked malaise and then I started to "take" only the "evening" medication which was actually the "start" of the day , according to the doctors' instructions - so, after 8 years, in which I "dop" with all kinds of hypotensives, which of which more with adverse effects, I managed, in a late, to have a stable blood pressure, "under 18 with", my normal blood pressure, actually called by malignant doctors, under treatment - now, almost without any kind of allopathic treatment I have stable blood pressure "under 15 with" and I am evolving for the better with the help of the new medicine/ new knowledge, when the allopathic doctors constantly stressed to me that "I must be aware that I am chronically ill, forever, and follow their prescriptions"). But let's go back!

The study of biorhythms allows us a more complete knowledge of our own biology, with consequences on multiple levels. An interesting application is the technique of biofeedback, which has as its end the voluntary control of some involuntary functions (alpha techniques, teta, etc. that will be described later, as soon as possible). Our biological rhythm can thus be optimized by another rhythm, which is the meaning of knowing our own physiology.

And, "globalizing," there are two rhythms in which acceleration pressure is exerted with extraordinary force, the rhythm of life and death. It is first the rate of multiplication of cells in the embryo through which, from two cells (actually "one and a half") is embedded "before our eyes" in geometric progression our entire structural edifice summarizing billions of cells in harmony. Thus, in about three months embryogenesis is finished and in nine months we have a new being, another human being being being ready to fulfill his destiny which, technically, did not want and from which only by death can escape but, practically, who wanted it and by death can be freed either because he has fulfilled his destiny or because this is no longer possible and must be resumed.

It is interesting to note here that nature has found the most sophisticated ways of perceiving the world, for each species imagining another in which the "fantasy" and "intelligence" of the Creator of the "Great Unknown" are inexhaustible (and that is only if we refer to Earth). The second rhythm, with the same accelerated propagation speed occurs in neoplastic processes. We are helplessly witnessing a mitochondrial storm (mitogenic is a chemical that induces cell proliferation and here we used this term in the sense of describing all the "participants" in this process), but from which only "monsters" will be born, cells with altered structures.

This monster "entered us", without wanting to know precisely how (allopathic medicine stutters with all kinds of explanations, the new medicine induces us to solve the problem but, as I said, and some and others... hmmm, not to comment now), finally kills the entire cell community that hosted it (after allopathic medicine, because after the new medicine it is a reaction due to a conflict so intense that the body considers that there is no point in continuing to exist). What impregnable force forces our cells to lose their normal system of existence, diverting them on the path of chaotic multiplication (say allopations, but with a concrete and accurate "determinism", say the new) bringing death? It is certainly a force with the same strength as embryogenesis, but with the opposite meaning. It is certainly about the same force, that of life, in which a meaning brings life and a meaning concludes life. In one sense it brings the music of life and in another sense it stops it as too dissonant, too disturbing to continue, breaking down the absurd edifice built by itself.

So, we also encounter an algorithm of intelligence here, but its wisdom escapes most of us, because we look at ourselves and see our pains, not from the outside, to sense another chain of insensitive causalities to our own drama. It is perhaps the most illustrative example by which we only notice the effects, not their causes. From inside the tunnel we live in we can only see the world as an effect and not as motivation. And that, we recognize it only if the hubris of all-knowing does not blind us. Offf, and I'm "giving it to the new knowledge"... Let's go back!

We should ask ourselves whether there is an energy model of the living, as long as there are rhythms... The researchers measured, for example, the electric field from a frog egg before the embryonic cell differentiation process began and found that, at the level of the area where the nervous system would subsequently develop, its value was significantly higher than in the other areas. Measurements of this kind were also carried out on other "forms of embryonic development" and were quickly able to accurately indicate the area where the cephalic extremity of the future chick will develop. It is therefore found that even before the living structure differentiates into organs, a bioelectric or bioenergetic field differentiation occurs. From here, the researchers came up with the idea of a matrix, an energy scheme by which living organisms would be organized.

Moreover, even in plants, the presence of an electric field produced by plant cells (obviously!!!). Thus, repeated determinations allow us to observe how plant growth is preceded by cellular electric fields that mobilize auxines (growth hormones) inside it. Thus, the electrical diagram of the cell (cell biofield) changes 30 minutes before the effect of growth hormones is observed. Many researchers have studied the physiological rhythms of the organism by determining the fluctuations that occur permanently at the biofield level, concluding that our energy changes anticipate clinical ones, confirming, if necessary, the hypothesis that the biofield "could be a field of forces for the organization of living matter".

There are physicists who say that, in a gear made up of billions of cells, such as the human body, in order to maintain a balance between the number of cells that die and those that replace them (under the conditions of total replacement of cells of the human body about 2 times a year) it is necessary that the information at this level is transmitted at the speed of light, that is, by means of the electromagnetic radiation of the biological field. A study conducted in the "direction" of the selection of viable seeds compared to non-viable ones by recording the bioelectric field demonstrated not only aspects of the biofield, significantly differentiated from those "killed" chemically, but, to the surprise of the researchers, also reveals a "prefiguration" effect of the future root.

The strange image of "foreshadowing" the future plant appears both in the photographic recording of the phenomenon and in the video recording as an excrement that "exceeds" the physical limits of the ungerminated seed. On wheat seedlings, tracked in vivo, an intense bioelectric activity is observed in the form of a "spark" emission, which occurs first at the root level, then at the bud level, indicating the order of development of the plant. Surprised by the occurrence of the phenomenon, researchers prefer to quote, instead of explaining, especially since it is obvious that there is a model that foreshadows the organization of the adult and the mechanisms by which these models are formed and maintained are not elucidated. But a key to this mechanism was found, the germs leading through themselves electric current (we observe here, only in passing, the analogy between Plato's ideas, Jung's archetypes and these electric fields that seem to confirm them).

So, the observations of the researchers, like other data, therefore suggest the existence of an energy field matrix, organizer, for genetic information (directly in collaboration with it but often corrective or complete with it). Here's a crazy idea to paraphrase Niels Bohr. Since deciphering genetic mechanisms has been generously rewarded with numerous Nobel prizes, to assert that DNA does not have the first place in the transmission of information, but this is only the answer, the means, by which the original energy field transmits genetic information, does indeed seem staunking, a boldness without cover.

But don't we need bold ideas to recover the delay in biology compared to the development of other sciences?!? Is it not already enough what has been demonstrated experimentally and in practice?!? Not to break down a physics, a biology, or anything else manifest, which could no longer classically explain the new phenomena that emerged, researchers invoked the need for such ideas. if such ideas have proved useful (let us remember the fantastic leap Einstein makes for physics), why then reject them apriorically, without seeing if they can give "roade" !!!

Let's list only a few of the phenomena that can be explained by the admission of this hypothesis: the so-called psychic healings (alpha, beta, teta, etc.), tissue readjustments in an adult organism to the new functions that are required in case of necessity, the obvious changes in DNA according to the adaptation and continuity requirements of the individual/species, the understanding of evolution and the living in a light other than that posted by the theories of hazard.

In this conception, the perpetuation of the living no longer appears to us as "cell in the cell", but "energy from energy", of course encoded. After all, we know very little about the conversion of matter into energy, but as far as we know it doesn't disprove the idea, it confirms it. W. Heisenberg, who issued the famous principle of non-determination or uncertainty, tells us that "energy becomes matter in that it transposes into the form of an elementary particle", and "all elementary particles are made up of the same substrate, namely energy"...

But that's enough for today... We'll talk more!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru