STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (9).

Translation Draft

Even if there is ample evidence of our "unconfirmed" communication activities (feelings, thoughts common to several people, etc.), it is generally accepted that no other natural way of obtaining information other than those constituted by the sense organs is not demonstrated.

But is this the reality? And if not, why are other ways of transmitting information in the living world challenged? Here are some questions that we intend to "answer" in the following.

I'll start with the description of an experiment. A group of neurophysiology, electronics and cyber specialists, follow in a laboratory a subject that seemed to defy the laws known in the functioning of the human brain through its capabilities. One by one, each of them could mentally convey, at will, various messages that the subject received after a certain time, without losing almost any of the content transmitted. Experience after experience unfolds with an unexpected success. Words, phrases, orders of action are transmitted. Precautions shall be taken to remove any subjectivity on the part of the researchers, any possibility of fraud on the part of the subject. Conflicting orders are given to confuse the subject but the result is always the same... Total communication success.

Sounds like something about the world of fiction?!? We are faced with a real telepathy experiment, in the face of that phenomenon so challenged by some, fiercely defended by others, of transmitting information from one brain to another in ways other than the usual ones. Is the phenomenon true? What are his legacies? Is it possible to know them? With these "basic" questions, numerous fascinating studies have been carried out, designed to illuminate a tiny corner of the vast field in which the enigma of our existence is projected.

But first, we would like to discuss the current acceptances of the term telepathy, which, as it is known, means "psychological phenomenon (not accepted/not approved by science) of transmitting thoughts and feelings at a distance, without the usual sense organs; extrasensory communication'. If in the case of man can be accepted "tale quale" (as it is in reality, as such), at other biological levels (where, as we shall see, it is also assumed to exist), it is more difficult to accept as such.

As an additional clarification, in the language of researchers and commentators, we frequently encounter the substitution of the term with that of "biological radiocommunication" or "biological information transfer". Since the involvement of radio waves in the transmission of biological information from one brain to another has not yet been demonstrated, we prefer to retain the terms biocommunication and biological information transfer, having at least the advantage of inserting into modern scientific language (each era having the "inclination" to build its own language).

The problems raised by the phenomenon of biocommunication outside language, present at the level of the whole living world, from the simplest forms of life to man, induce in the plane of theoretical knowledge as well as practical reality consequences much more complex than they seem at first glance. If telepathy exists, then it can no longer be reduced to the size of a funny board game. Reality primarily demands a physical reality, with researchers appreciating that the phenomenon will be a real object of scientific research when it finds physical correlations, which actually must exist.

To say that an intention, a desire for action is accompanied by the materialization of an energy field in the space that surrounds us, as seems to result from the research so far, is for the unwitting, limited only to the known classical notions, a haphazard statement. Even if we do not currently have (we do not want to have) very rigorous means of certification of energy fields emitted by living organisms, all the premises lead to the affirmation of their existence.

If telepathy exists, then we must logically admit that something has been transmitted between the experimenter and the subject, in other words, between the transmitter and the receiver. It was, of course, transmitted information elaborated in the transmitter's brain. Information, as we know, cannot be transmitted without energy support. The nature of this energy is not yet known, deciphering experiments failing in most of them, which does not mean that it does not exist and will not be found sometime.

Returning to the experiments carried out, the receiver needed a particular mental state, consisting of a narrowing of the field of consciousness with the limitation of stimuli coming from outside the body. He called for the absence of noises and blocked his sight. He then automatically enters a particular mental state conducive to such reception. The decision on what was intended to be transmitted and the designation of the sender were fixed jointly, the receiving subject being at this time outside the premises, accompanied by a collaborator, himself alien to the content of the message proposed to be transmitted. By establishing the message ad hoc, it was intended to remove any possibility of prior knowledge of it.

Moreover, some messages, like phone numbers, were not even pronounced, being written on a piece of paper, which after reading was immediately destroyed. Once the message was specified, the subject was invited to the lab and told who would be the transmitter. It is interesting here to report that the subject, although working with only one transmitter, required that everyone present focus on the same goal, stating that it facilitates the reception of the message (in other experiments, less often, the subject did not need a collective effort). As transmitters followed each of the experimenters present.

After a certain number of repetitions, it was clearly found that better results were obtained for certain transmitters, with the time taken by the subject to receive the message sometimes reduced by half. Thus, in time intervals ranging from "instant" to a maximum of 5 minutes, the receiver focused on the message transmitted, with the view blocked and sometimes with the hands outstretched (probably also to avoid obstacles in the room). From time to time many receptors seemed to lose touch and then touched with their hand the transmitter's forehead or fingers (or other form of physical contact), without this being a mandatory condition of receiving the message.

In addition, the receivers often require that the message not consist of a complicated phrase, but of simple constructions, if it consisted of several phrases it must be transmitted on fragments. Thus it was concluded that they received the impulse of thought more easily than the semantic content. For example, it is easier to execute the indication to greet if the receiver is mentally controlled "Arm up!" than "Hello!". We say it more easily, because it wasn't out of the question of receiving more complicated orders.

This observation suggested that the probability of decoding the message is at the archaic brain levels from a philogenetic point of view. Syntactic elaborations requiring the more recent philogenetic brain formations were harder to decode, depending on the receiving subject. "In short," the first condition for receiving the message was its clarity, when they were given willful contradictory orders, with most of the receivers going into disarray.

Now comes the description of an interesting part of the research... It was intended to know whether the subjects are fully aware of what they have to perform and whether they would be asked for irrational actions contrary to logic or will. In other words, it was intended to be known in this way whether actions that are vulnerable to humanity can be carried out. For example, one of the first illogical orders was for the subject to throw a clothing item of his own on the ground. Each time, he placed him in a chair and the experimenters were not clear.

It was then decided, for example, to be ordered to throw out the window some of the existing professional utensils at hand. For example, the subject chose a reflex testing tool, went to the window and started beating with it rhythmically in the ledge, being completely facing outwards, the transmitter repeating in thought: "Throw it away. Throw it away, throw it away!" Subjects have always opposed this command, one of the examples of manifestation being: "Do you really want me to throw it away? Who's going to go after him? or If I hit something?".

What's more, any command that could hurt something, that could change the normal order of things and/or events. Even when they were chosen test subjects known as sangvinics or cholerics with often aggressive manifestations in normal behavioral situations, when they were asked to perform operations similar to those described above, they reacted identically, the subjects being fully responsible for the gestures they performed.

In this respect come the multiple accounts of practitioners of alpha or teta techniques that report that, people subject to error being, had attempts to cause some "damage" (which violated the free will of the target person). Each time that test causes them severe headaches without achieving any other effect (of "damage" on a subject). Moreover, from the observations, it was possible to find and, in fact, the measure that the effect transmitted "in agreement" on another person has an effect of at least three times greater on one's own person, the effect of "penalisation" in the case of the intention to cause a certain "damage" respecting this rule, but on the transmitter.

From these experimental (and, above all, practical) "findings" there is also an argument in favour of the reality of the phenomenon. As long as the receiving and transmitter subjects were face-to-face and even tactile contact was made between them, the effects were significantly greater. I'm now going to make a little parenthesis for skeptical materialists. Yes, you're right! As long as there is this direct contact, there is also the possibility of fraud that thus disproves what has been found.

You can sense the thoughts/intentions of a man from the mime, unconscious movements of the hands, fingers, involuntary movements of the muscles (a phenomenon called cumberlandism) but the explanation would seem at least fanciful (even intentionally over-bid) because it is difficult to understand how we could read the thoughts of a man by putting his hand on his forehead, head or hands or how we could express, for example, hunger through an involuntary movement of the muscles in his feet or other areas of the body. So, my dear materialists, this interpretation is yours and not reality's.

Moreover, the receiving subject is able to receive messages remotely, in conditions where he did not see the transmitter and, especially, in conditions where it was difficult to "guess" the intention of the transmitter or a coincidence.. No one can think that it is natural to receive a provision by which they can do "damage". nobody... Even the popular "eye" is nothing more than a message that we accept to execute it in our own "damage" (but about it in another, future post). Let me go back to the description of the experiments!

Another observation drawn from the experiments was the referral that the receiving subject, on his way to the object being transmitted telepathically, removed all other objects encountered in his path. For example, the phone was at the opposite end of the office in relation to the direction the subject was coming from. All the other objects on the desk were taken in hand and, without sketching any gesture of testing the experiencers' intentions, removed them from his way to the phone.

This concluded that the information-carrying energy has a force of impact, impact and removal of objects (forces, energies, etc.) that stand in the way of their "fulfilment" (like a water that removes any obstacle from its path to get where it needs to be). Of course it can't be about scientific demonstrations, it's just observations that, added to all the others, might be significant or, just as well, mean nothing...

However, every time such experiments are carried out, in order to objective some quantifiable parameters that happen during the course of the phenomena, numerous determinations are made with scientifically "certified" apparatus. Thus, the electroencephalogram performed at the time of preparation for receiving messages shows a well expressed alpha rhythm. This is the phase in which the subject is with his eyes closed, immobile, relatively relaxed, and the breath is broad and deep. As soon as gestures were carried out, the encephalographic path appeared parasitic by rapidly paced movements, specific to the state of beta-type brain activity.

Cases of immediate detection, even anticipation of the message to be transmitted to the receiver, found the receiver in the "plate" from where the teta with weak interference of "alpha functionality", any transition to answers that required the execution of gestures immediately raising the "samples" of the EEC to the form described above. after these "efforts" there is a severe exhaustion of the receiving subject, each attempt at repetition requiring considerable effort. This effort is "reflected" in the receptor in the form of the hair-like eyes of a man who hasn't slept in a long time or cried a lot.

Blood pressure increases by 30-40 mm Hg compared to normal, and cardiac contractions accelerate by 20-40 extra pulsations. Moreover, because the subjects, as mentioned, sometimes resorted to skin contact, electrical conductivity was determined in these areas in both the subject, the receiver and the transmitter. There were decreases in electrical resistance, thus increases in electrical conductivity, at significantly lower values compared to the figures recorded before the start of the experiment (resistance decreased from 300 K ohms to 65 - 70 K ohms).

The electrical skin resistances were also determined at points on the energy routes specified by traditional Chinese medicine (e.g. vertex - the governor's vessel, considered by Chinese medicine as having the role of antenna for the body, the only point that remains "awake" when the man sleeps) recording the same changes in resistance (hence conductivity).

No particular conclusions can be drawn from the increase in electrical skin conductivity during the experiment because it is well known from the physiology that, in the state of relaxation, the skin resistance is increased while in the state of activity the emotions diminish it. We believe, however, that even if it does not bring new data, it provides us with some elements that cannot be challenged. Decrease in electrical resistance in the skin can mean an increase in accessibility, an "opening of the gate" at this level for the information-carrying energy field. We have shown above that the energy conveyed in living organisms also has an electrical expression.

In conclusion, an increase in conductivity in the skin areas could be considered as an antenna for the body during the transfer of information at a distance, as well as as a facilitation of the possibilities of transmission and reception (not to be "lost on the road" that this is done voluntarily, by individuals who voluntarily participate as transmitter and receiver, so these processes are subject edify or influenced by the conscious).

Moreover, it is far from us to argue that it demonstrates the electromagnetic nature of energy that conveys information remotely between living organisms. We only argue that these experiments advocate the existence of the possibility of transmitting and receiving biological information in ways other than those classically accepted (but in direct contact with them). The transfer of information necessarily involves an energy vehicle, an energy field of information, and thus emitted by the living organism. This transfer of biological information was, moreover, as we will see below, also tracked by means of visualising the carrier energy (biofield) by a number of other researchers.

One conclusion that can be drawn is related to universal language or wordless thinking. We're going to start from forming ideas in the transmitting brain. These were words expressly worded in words, on which the subject focused to convey to the receiver, without being expressed in spoken language. And they are received as formulated. Not being talking, as we discussed, of a random guess or a coincidence, means that the information emitted has arrived in the receiving brain and if the information involves the presence of information-carrying signals, so an energy medium, then we will logically infer that with the formulation of the words we also emit an energy field in the thought process (as demonstrated by any EEG measurements made).

So, with the verbal exchange of information, there is also an energy transfer. The thought, in this acceptance, appears to us as a material force, an energy field (this is the information most loaded with meanings in all the experiments performed). So a simple thought, confessed only to ourselves, perhaps in certain circumstances, to provoke an action by receiving it by another brain.

Hypothetically we might consider that, in the first phase, the elaboration of the carrier energy field takes place (or simply manifests the energy created by that thought, by that thought) of information at deeper and, philogenetically, older levels of the brain, in states "functioning" alpha, teta or delta, and in a second phase would occur its coding in words at higher levels by the brain formations of recent philogenetic acquisition (manifest in beta state , relative and alpha).

If the subconscious is considered the anteroom of consciousness, the area in which the ideas "ferment" or the prethinking seat, then this must also be the level at which the information-carrying energy field is generated. This prelanguage would constitute, in our conception, the universal language, unmediated by words and accessible to all beings (from isolated cells, to plants, animals and humans). So controversial languageless thinking could find through this hypothesis (quite real) an explanation, supported by the presence of rudimentary thinking in animals. It can be concrete thinking, in images, involved, as we see, and in the telepathic phenomenon. Thinking without words could therefore be seen as a field carrying mental information that precedes the word (its interpretation being performed by our conscious to be transmitted to other consciousness).

In this context, we also have to ask ourselves whether a therapeutic suggestion could not in the same way be generating curative actions?!? The suggestion is often rated as a trivial phenomenon, often considered in a derogatory sense. We often hear it said relative to a therapy whose scientific explanation we don't have that "what else could be but a suggestion?!?" Or, more technically, placebo effect (accepted and often used at all medical and pharmaceutical levels)...

So, a suggestion, but a suggestion in which, in addition to the significance of the information itself that is integrated by the patient according to his socio-cultural and psychological coordinates, there is also an energetic transfer, capable by itself of action in the body. Many researchers have shown that even substances administered as placebo, therefore with suggestion, can act by simply triggering endorphins. In other words, the suggestion is able to trigger a physiological action, concrete in the body.

This energy transfer can also mean a number of other phenomena considered strange, miraculous such as fairly "current" healings in alpha and teta therapies, as well as those in new medicine and folk medicine, rare cures in the case of serious diseases by processes that fall within the psychological sphere, without forgetting placebo and nocebo or the beneficial or evil influence on us of "good" or "bad" thoughts. The indication and effectiveness of relaxation methods or techniques of Asian origin aimed at maintaining for a certain time states without thoughts can also find scientific support.

But that's enough for today...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru