To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe New Medicine  - Introduction (1)

Personal note.

Time passes over us and... In a recent discussion with one of my friends I decided that I will address this topic, New Medicine (also called Germanic – the New German Medicine) both on my site (www.dorinm .ro at the "Entertain"/ "Perceptible" section as well as on Facebook (New Medicine) and this socializing "recipe" (represented by Wordpress blogs).

So ... 3, 2, 1, START !!!

I will seek to "promote" some of our accumulations (and not only - is a vast subject, deeply studied and "felt" by many others among us) in an "as daily" regime... So, here is my post "January 1, 2014" (with minor improvements in 2015 and 2017)...

The reason for this effort.

The Internet is full of articles related to this topic, New Medicine... Okay! Then what would be my justification, of my effort? Maybe I am tributary to a Christian feeling of "helping" (or even for a future divine reward), of a human feeling of "sharing" (or of banish a guilt about being able to help someone dear who passed away and I did not), of an individual feeling of "supporting" (either for "Like" or "internet-ode"), of a pride like "Look, sir, what do I know "(even without that trivial reward type "it may be right all these freaks, followers of the New Medical Occupation”), what matters… The fact is that I feel the need to deepen this theme and give it to you from my time and my knowledge or of others…

So, here's the first post ...

Then, after more than two years of such occupation, there would be another reason. New Medicine is, in fact, the old medicine, older than the current medicine, considered to be classic. The criticism of NMG (New Germanic Medicine) or other types of "new medicine" type of manifestation is evident with a clear character of misinformation. Don't crush the old medicine with bizarre, undocumented, aggressive articles until the inability to read of those you want to read your articles. Until you try something, until you really understand, until you live that thing, you are not allowed to criticize the error, failure, inaction or the like…

The "history" of accumulations related to New Medicine.

Sometimes, from times I don't remember well, I wished, thought, etc. on my way to medicine. I have given the exams several times for admission to medicine but... being a child... being lazy... or who knows, weak and in mind and body... I wrote to you that I don’t remember much (?!?)... I managed to be admitted only to the post-secondary Health School.

There, my childish mind (since then), has treated everything with superficiality, with a strange and stupid indifference, I hope characteristic of the carefree young people (as I was then). However, I remained "connected" to this world by simply belonging to the "class of generalists nurses"... I have quite pleasant memories related to that period such as:

1. The doctors who teach the courses... Most of them dedicated to what they were doing. They all remarked with something of their own, a certain energy, pleasant and attractive (I hope to have access to their full name shortly and post it here with all the pride and gratitude I can express - and I didn’t it then when it was fully deserved... and then when it’s worth fully with all my heart... but I’ll do it... I hope...).

2. The nurses who teach the courses... Equally dedicated and hopeful in us, the students... (I have the same hope that I’ll be able to thank them... at least in this way or when I will reach heaven or where we go... for those who have left us...).

3. The belief that everything is in the care of the human and, especially, in the prevention of his troubles... with reference to the diseases or affections that can appear in their life...

4. All that is at the basis of human suffering/illness arises from what we genetically "drag" from parents' hereditary lines and from the way everybody lives his life... And only a real collaboration with the "patient" can lead to his healing...

And the list of pleasant memories could continue but ... it would not have much to do with the topic of this post ... Let's continue:

Unpleasant memories are related only to the "hospital environment" ... A place where despair, fear, pain, death ... but also hope, trust, ease, life ... Perceived through the manifestations of each individual, patient or "servant" of the medical system ", each with its own way of externalizing the feelings I mentioned ... A place where all the possible efforts of the society should have been dedicated, but which, in fact, only gave me grief, incapacity, and insecurity that made me have determined to leave this "medical life" in less than 5 years ... I do not comment, I do not make politics ... That's why I leave everything ambiguous, without additional additions ... Yes, I should call one: Here I do not refer to the people directly involved in this system (patients, doctors, and nurses) ... I am referring only to "the others" (part of the direct system or the "accessory"), without making any other details ...

In the almost 5 years that my participation in this "medical" life has meant, I have seen (lived directly) many ... Maybe too many ... But, in order to comply with the theme addressed, I will make only a few groups of these Perceptions:

1. Common expressions:

"So far I have done everything possible. From here only the patient or the good God will decide" ... I recognize my effort to synthesize to the maximum hundreds of similar expressions, characteristics of each individual doctor, but which, obviously, can be found in the statement made by me.


"I do not want to look like you, my dear Dorin, but you know how powerful medicine is ... Even on my level! (This is about a surgeon from the most qualified medical fields possible) ... Everything is in the good God and in the faith of the patient ... If you are sure I will help the patient but do not forget what I told you! "...

or ...

"In this case, nothing can be done anymore, sir! You really do not understand that you have to accept that you are / chronically ill / etc and nothing can be done anymore! You must ... and follow the imperative indications of the respective doctor rewarded in case of failure with "... so do not forget, death is the best thing that can happen to you !!! You get away easily in this case ... What you can live much more painful than that is to torment your loved ones, to ..., to ..., to ... "Son, and I could continue with my communicated ... Offf, I apologize for boring you with my problems !!! That's why I move on to the next "thing"

And, the time has given me a new surprise ... Two attempts to leave my mother, in February 2014 and then again in February but 2015 ... Common expressions?!? Hmmm… In February 2014 the mother had a voltage breakdown followed by UPU and then sent home after stabilization. Explanations ... None. Just a diagnosis of cancer, probably colon or cystic ... In October 2014, a new hospitalization follows when it is confirmed that the mother has lung cancer. We hardly avoid hospitalization in oncology and follow a long series of analyzes that find the absence of any tumor formation. Then, in February 2015, a new voltage collapse follows. Explanations?!? None.

The mother's lung stubbornly refuses to function for almost two and a half months (as she was in intensive care initially in Braila, then in Bucharest) to initiate the smallest respiratory reflex and only artificial ventilation (artificial lung) keeps her alive. Without any kind of diagnosis other than "flu" for a while ... Then everything goes back to normal (well, let's not forget the quality medical care but focused only on maintaining life and not in one case towards a treatment line because there is no diagnosis) and ... at home with her, without any explanation ... But, what is the point of describing the usual condensed expressions over time for an entire book? It is just an "inspired" passage to paradoxes, because my mother is well thanked now, at the end of August 2015, without cancer or others ...

(Note: In the end, each one has its own way ... My mother got rid of any palpable traces of cancer in 2014, then in 2015 and "concluded" that she had never had a trace of cancer in fact and everything was born just because of the interest of the doctors to have patients, of errors of investigation, of my interest to make the "meritorious son", etc. In September 2015 he felt perfect, he had absolutely normal activities and not the slightest feeling of ill health ... But, in October, it has some column problems and… In February 2016 it has a general, total fall, in March he was just a dying man and ... In April the death occurred due to the medullary and cerebral metastases ... He just wanted to "go away" and so ... No more treatment, no more fighting ... Nothing ... And nothing became ...) ...

2. Paradoxes:

a. Patient "X" is presented and exposed to the doctor. It is decided to be admitted and, following investigations, the surgery is decided. At the time of the intervention, it was found that the investigations (correct, complete and well performed) did not provide all the elements necessary for the diagnosis and the patient had, in fact, pancreatic cancer (neopancreas) with multiple metastases.

The doctor recognizes his inability to help with anything through an extra surgical effort and "simply" closes the incisions made.

At the next contact with the patient, the doctor (a doctor and an exceptional man, at least in my personal appraisals, but also at least 99% of his patients) informs the patient that everything has been resolved and after discharge to live his life on... The doctor's only request was for the patient to return to control after 6 months.

Can I present the reaction of the patient who asks: "Well, doctor, do you not even give me a diet, so from the vet to the snack?!?" I sucked patient, didn't I? "You would not work with the regime. They were all resolved. But if you still remember, it would be better to stay away from the honeysuckle or the tufa!" (I was there, that's why I know the exact reactions of the actors in this scene) ... And our man gets out ...

Those of us who have been present (at least I) immediately recite the discharge ticket, the patient record and the Doctor Lord notices our amazement. "Neopancreas" has no other connotations than the rapid death (3 to 6 months) in sore throat, without the possibility of being able to control them with the help of morphine ...

In fact, the doctor's confirmation comes quickly, which emphasizes that "... only at the metastases that I saw, this little man lives no more than 3 months ... That's why I called him after 6 months ... He will never get here ... In fact, I wonder if he gets home!!! "... Other comments or comments no longer matter ...

Time passes and, after about 6 months ... Guess who gets in the door ??? Our patient did not want to die ... We were all mouth shut (at least I immediately remembered the patient and his diagnosis) ... But the doctor went through many experiences of this kind (according to some details subsequent to it ... either to justify why he chose to send the patient home without communicating or "translating" / "interpreting" / etc the diagnosis) quickly takes the initiative and ... Other investigations (with the "inpatient") ") ... You know ... Our man/patient was perfectly healthy ... No trace of neoformations ..." God's will ...

And, with my mind back then, everything remained in my memory and manifestations as a kind of "worth sharing" to those around me when I was running out of new benches to tell ...

b. My mother-in-law feels weird ... shivering, rarely a feverish condition "on the plateau" but giving in to current antipyretic medication ... She decides to go to the doctor ... Immediate diagnosis, no doubt: colon cancer ... The following analyzes confirm the diagnosis of cancer ...

Without intestinal obstruction to attract a fast and efficient way to the meaninglessness of the surgery ...

So ... Following is the surgery that "determines" the completion of the diagnosis with metastases, especially at the liver level (invasion) and already the consecrated "Only God knows how long he will live!" ...

He lived exactly 2 years because he wanted to see how her boy he also finishes the faculty ...

And he finished and she died suddenly (on Sunday he accused of fatigue, painlessness, constipation, regurgitation or others describing colon cancer, evolved or not, on Monday I went to the ultrasound, the doctor did not understand how to survive this woman because ultrasound she had practically no organs, being dissolved "in a kind of soup", on Tuesday she asked for the acquaintances to "say goodbye" and on Wednesday morning she died).

c. My brother-in-law leaves for Afghanistan as a Roman officer ... Before leaving, all possible examinations are made and he is perfectly healthy ... He returns from Afghanistan after 7 months and, shortly, medical analysis and constantly clear Q wave of myocardial infarction old ... Without signs, without suffering, without any visible, noticeable damage ... The following year the Q wave is still present and, after the passing of another year, there is no longer revealing the disappearance of the scar at the myocardial level ...
d. My mother, whose summary case I presented above ... Spring had "total fall" without a cancer diagnosis, autumn was diagnosed with cancer of different types, winter did not show even the slightest trace of cancer ... No more details ...

e. Personally, in March 2006 I have an HTA outbreak ... I follow treatments over treatments without my tension responding to treatments, including "in horse doses" ... HTA medication worsens with the metabolic syndrome which has one of the manifestations of HTA and, after only 3 years ... Clear, malignant origin, clear kidney cancer ... Maximum three months of life, doctors say surprised that they can live "still" with the body they analyzed ...

I ended my reckoning with life ... Christian but also on the path of new medicine ... A good friend died of colon cancer and, less than two weeks before leaving, he told me that: "I better listen to you"! His words were an encouragement, an extra claw in my attempt to hang on to my life, who knows ...

It is certain that, after one year, at the following compulsory medical examinations (on the service line), I had nothing but HTA ... No cancer ... The next year and so on ... I am in 2017 and still haven't cancer has returned ... Even HTA seems to have stabilized in the conditions that for more than 5 years I do not follow any treatment ...

And, I can continue with at least about 100 (one hundred - obviously many more) of such paradoxes (not only related to cancer but also myocardial infarction and many other "dramatic" diseases) experienced in this small life span less than 5 years of medical practice, with the extension given then by 22 others who passed and the in-depth studies that I started and followed methodically) ...

The basic idea is that I made myself understood, that I transmitted something I consider relevant to this part of my posts ...

Medicine is not the complete solution, the paradoxes exist and, often, even being accepted by doctors ... Something is not working properly, something is not right, something is not right ... At least in a complete way, no doubt ...

Now, I do not justify myself but it is a truth: We will "read" again tomorrow (I hope). I am very tired after the New Year's Eve party so I want to rest (anyway I have given you 3 hours of my life ... so far ...) ... So:

HAPPY NEW YEARS, my dear!!! Happy life to which has the name of ”Vasile”, ”Vasilica” and the other names related to Saint Basil, as well as all their loved ones !!!

Dorin, Merticaru