STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (11)

Translation Draft

The concept of bioenergy has a broad meaning, including in itself that of the energy field emitted by one organism and received by another. Russian researchers use the term biological radiation for the field emitted by the organism. Experimental. these researchers, have tracked this biological radiation through the transfer of information and energy between two human beings, between humans and other life-like forms of organism, human tooth and microorganisms as well as between man and plants, their research being particularly supported in the study of telepathic phenomena. What did they discover?

On a culture of microorganisms can be exerted by some human subjects, through an effort of mental concentration, effects of inhibition or favoring the development of this culture, finding that the influence exerted by man on microorganisms is maximum up to the distance of one meter and minimum starting from the distance of 10 meters (the "distance" of action being limited only by the dimensions of the Earth - it seems to have "extended" the distance of experimentation to space , but did not "exceed" limits that could be "touched" on earth).

Then they successfully experienced biocommunication through animals. It is said that the success of the famous animal trainer V. Durov was due not only to his art, but also to the ability to make himself understood by animals telepathically. The experiences of telepathy with his dog Mars were attended by several scientific personalities of the time, including the great Russian neurologist Sechterev. At the telepathic order transmitted by Durov, the dog is able to bring certain objects from other rooms or perform some actions without seeing or hearing the trainer.

But the phenomenon of psychic communication between humans and animals, in this case the dog, is not as strange as it would seem at first impression. Most of those who dealt with the phenomenon noted that the most conducive situations of telepathy are those in which there is psychological harmonization between the two partners, a mental affinity. However, the dog is the animal that has demonstrated an attachment of remarkable fidelity. According to some authors, this attachment of the dog played a big role even in strengthening human society.

Thus, impressive examples are often cited as evidence of this attachment of the dog to its owner, there are known cases when dogs died (incidentally?!?) with their owners, dogs that followed the funeral corteges of their owners and did not leave their grave until they died by starvation, as well as many, many other "history" related to sacrifices for their owners etc. All these animal reactions, so strange to us, can support the idea of "psychological contact" between humans and animals and hence the possibility of telepathic communication.

Scientifically controlled telepathic transfer experiments have been conducted over the course of a lifetime by Professor Leonid Vasiliev. He presented his research on what he called "remote suggestion." Together with his group of collaborators, he was able to cause hypnotic sleep to distant subjects. He also managed to induce guided dreams during sleep, by focusing mentally on a theme he was trying (and succeeding) in conveying to the sleeping subject. He was convinced that the transmission of remote information between two brains was through electromagnetic waves.

To this end, it introduces either the subject or the hypnotist into a Faraday cage, which, as it is known, has the property of blocking the transmission of electromagnetic waves. But despite this, experiences of remote hypnotization were not influenced. To see if the intensity of the phenomenon decreases in proportion to the transmission distance, as is the case with electromagnetic waves, they carry out controlled experiments at distances of thousands of kilometers and, again, the phenomenon has not undergone any disturbance. Experiments have thus shown that distance does not influence biological communication, after L. Kogan (mathematician and cybernetician) not excluded that electromagnetic waves should move biological information at a distance, but their wavelength must most likely be over 1500 meters.

But let me also describe one of these experiments. So, as usual, it "takes" a distance of many thousands of kilometers between the transmitter and the receiver. Both partners have previously undergone relaxation exercises. In the case of provoked telepathy, mental relaxation is a necessary condition especially for the receiver, while in the case of spontaneous telepathy it has been found that the receiver is in a state of high affective tension. The transmitter describes a number of objects or objectives, for each of which has a certain "emission" time available.

As with any other experiments (Stanford, etc.), the results have significantly exceeded the probability coefficient in the production of a random phenomenon and it is found that the receiver has rendered the elements of a concrete visual character more easily than abstract (see also previous posts). He gave a physical description of the object received, but could not easily specify its name. If, for example, the image of a pen is received, the subject describes it as an elongated object with a shiny metal part, etc., but will define/describe it more heavily as a pen.

In other experiments were carried out during "sessions" and telemetry measurements as well as EEC. The state of relaxation was controlled by the appearance of an alpha rhythm established on the encephalographic route. This would proceed to the relaxation for 30 minutes of the receiving subject who did not know when the experiment would begin and, after 1 to 1.5 seconds from the moment the transmitter was focused on transmitting, the receiver's EG route was out of sync and phenomena of brain activity occurred, surprising the exact moment when the subject received the message. Miss, it wasn't until five seconds later that the receiver became aware of this reception.

Even if it can be found that researchers "don't have much imagination", the "repetitiveness" of their studies confirms, even because of different sources, the "details" of the phenomenon of biological communication. So, here we have proof that we can receive from our fellow sown a series of information that remains confined only to our subconscious, even claiming that there is a minimum of 25% of people who unconsciously receive telepathic messages. In this respect, experimental accounts (and not only) describing the success of some people in ordering metal are quite "often" that the subjects performed without being aware that they had been ordered by someone else.

We can therefore conclude that there is conscious communication and another unconscious communication. And one and the other translate one and the same phenomenon, the presence of a message, an information, by virtue of which a subject (or more) takes appropriate actions for them.

According to some researchers and/ or commentators, telepathy occurs between people much more frequently than we find. Perhaps an unconscious reception of thoughts and feelings transmitted by people with whom we contact generates the attitude of sympathy or antipathy that we inexplicably try in front of a stranger. The same experiments have shown that unpleasant sensations can be transmitted to a subject, going as far as heightened malaise (e.g. the classic eye) or on the contrary, the subject can positively influence (e.g. everything related to the new medicine). If the phenomenon is possible, then some of the elements of popular medicine can find a reasonable explanation.

In this respect, curious cases of transmission of suffering between parents, between parents and children, genetic compatibility "increased" in "alloy" with affective and/ or mental compatibility increased the intensity of these phenomena, were reported. For example, a son suddenly has a toothache, the same as his mother's. When the mother extracts it, the pain stops in the son. Similar examples are more numerous than you can imagine.

It should also be recalled here about Ignatenko's detailed descriptions of the intense state-funded efforts (not to forget those made by other states such as the USA, England, France, Germany, etc.) in the direction of the "forces of our minds". In addition to classical telepathy, biocommunication, biolocation, etc. it goes as far as influencing the masses of people as well as the weather through mental concentration... But that's not the purpose of my posts... Come back!

It can be said that the telepathic phenomenon happens in a world of silence. Nothing is heard, nothing can be seen. We are used to admitting only what we perceive through our senses, we remain a little convinced of the idea that silence can "speak". Strange as it may seem to us, many of those who challenge the phenomenon are only considering this argument, which means looking only at the surface of things and not in their depth. Our power to perceive the world is limited by well-known borders today. There are sounds we don't hear (e.g. ultrasound) and things we don't see (including we don't perceive the full spectrum of light, the "infrared and ultraviolet spectrum" being "invisible" to our direct perception).

Apparently, in the silence of a room there is nothing else. but if we have adequate equipment (cellular, radio, television) the silence will be suddenly interrupted by sounds and images. They existed there in the form of electromagnetic waves and before we could notice them.

Current scientific and technological development has allowed man to penetrate to the privacy of the atom and its components. technical means have been created that can cause dimensions tens of times smaller than the hydrogen atom. And this undeniable power sometimes gives us the pride of refusing to believe that there is anything left unsurprised in our physiology. The reservations that still manifest themselves towards this phenomenon are explained by the fact that the experimental attestation of telepathy has provided only evidence of its existence, but it has not elucidated all its unknowns, thus remaining many questions without a clear answer.

And if there is, why does it manifest itself so rarely? What form of energy is the information circulated between the transmitter and the receiver? Does its existence have any role in the living world? What implications can its validation have for the knowledge of the biological universe?

By systematizing from the multitude of opinions expressed in relation to telepathy, we retain neurophysiological, psychophysiological and biophysical arguments.

From the point of view of neurophysiological arguments, the researchers identify that the waves involved in the transmission of remote thinking are those with a frequency of 10 Hz, i.e. alpha waves, between the waves emitted by the brain, which have the highest energy. Moreover, from the waves emitted by the brain they are located between the conscious state and that of the unconscious, constantly interfering with these states. Alpha rhythm is the rhythm of the state of mental and sensory rest, thus of a state of maximum relaxation.

Most researchers believe that in order to achieve such a remote bioinformational link, it is necessary, among other things, for the transmitter to be in a state of intense mental activity and for the receiver to be in a state of maximum relaxation. The experiments described above confirmed the existence of a stable alpha rhythm. It is admitted that in this state increases the electrical activity of the skin by decreasing the electrical resistance of the skin, the muscles relax, the breathing becomes wider and slower in frequency, even with periods of apnea. As a result, the pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, and this causes vasodilation in the cerebral circulation, with increased energy intake for the nerve cell. Subjectively and objectively, the change of respiratory rhythm according to certain, well-defined norms, can induce in trained individuals a state of relaxation with an appropriate alpha rhythm.

As is well known, through relaxation techniques, elaborated by the ancients and by "moderns", as well as through biofeedback training, mental states corresponding to the bioelectric alpha rhythm are obtained. if this rhythm is involved in the transfer of energy at a distance, then it would make sense to develop the phenomenon in artificial ways (which all alpha therapists, teta and the researchers "around them" did). This is what has been observed by some researchers during training through biofeedback. moreover, the idea of translating the idea into technique was tried. if between two technical systems it were possible to obtain a transmission of information on the frequency of the alpha rhythm, argue some researchers, telepathy would obtain full experimental confirmation (with all the ethical problems that would arise from it). But experiments in this regard have not yet brought the expected results.

From the point of view of psychophysiological or psychodynamic arguments it is argued that in the genesis of the telepathic phenomenon would have involved the unconscious pole of psychic life. But first, let's make a point of terms. In the current language, especially that used by the non-specialists, the term subconscious is confused with that of the unconscious. But in the understanding of specialists, notions have distinct meanings. The subconscious is conceived as an autonomous, intermediate level between the conscious and the unconscious. It would be the reserve layer (latent thinking - where, predominantly, alpha and teta waves manifest) from which some elements go towards the conscious (beta waves), and others towards the unconscious (characterized, perhaps, by delta waves).

We are fully convinced of the vulnerability of this simplifying scheme of the notion of unconsciousness but, for our working needs, we prefer to adopt a bipolar vision, inscribed the psychic sphere between the conscious and the unconscious pole. As scientific knowledge reveals to us today, life can be understood through the journey of matter from mineral silence to human reflection.

A number of particular situations in our lives, such as, for example, the possibility of some human subjects to render in hypnosis exact details of insignificant, seemingly long-forgotten experiences, as well as the presence at this level not only of "blind" impulses, but also of actions with complex content oriented towards adaptive ends (for example, the programs through which our entire vegetative life unfolds) , allow us to consider the term subconscious to be more appropriate than that of the unconscious. Specifically, life lies in what we call unconscious.

The entire laboratory of life, of a complexity still difficult to decipher in all its details, is directed from this level. Our interference, of consciousness, in his "business", rather impinges him rather than favors him, except for those specially trained, none of us being able to command, for example, the heart to pulse faster or slower, can order the digestive tract to function better, and so on.m.d. The gear we live through involves the management of billions of living cells that must function co-ordinatedly and rhythmically through billions of other interactions. As long as we're healthy, all these reactions are carried out with mathematical precision.

But let's imagine what activity only involves replacing this true cellular cosmos within six months. And, about all this, our conscious knows nothing or, at most, finds something, he is only the beneficiary, but not the conductor of this little infinity. We only take note of its global needs and give them satisfaction, according to another complexity of biopsychosocial factors, but we have no conscious participation in the events that are happening within us and which, by their spatial-temporal dimension, escapes our senses. To maintain itself, life needs structures that work perfectly.

Or, no "conscious" mind has the capacity to perform such a performance, which is why nature has not left the fate of life in such unsafe hands. And then, it is easy to understand what would have happened if, given the amount of information required by the relationship with the environment, our consciousness had to coordinate such obligations.

We infer, from those exposed, that what we call unconscious lies more than in the conscious. Moreover, our psychic life has been compared to an iceberg of which three quarters (or more) remain invisible (in water) and only a quarter appears accessible to the eye. What you see could represent the conscious part of psychic life, and what you don't see is its unconscious part. Hence our preference for the subconscious name, understanding it as the distance that precedes the conscious and in which we incorporate all phenomena located outside consciousness. In our understanding, therefore, we distinguish one conscious pole and another subconscious, the last summarizing also the category of unconscious and that of the subconscious. But in future posts, we will respect the terms in the expositions, as the various authors and researchers have used in the materials from which I draw...

If, with Jung, we admit the existence of a collective unconscious common to all individuals belonging to a species, different from the individual unconscious, telepathy would be at the level of the first. Hence the possibility of such communication at the species level. But if we take into account that some experiments have suggested the existence of an informational relationship, i.e. a communication present not only between individuals belonging to the same species, but goes as far as living cells detached from special organisms as a kingdom and species, then we must extend the notion of collective unconsciousness to the entire living world. It is considered that, being a latent function of the unconscious, telepathy would manifest itself mainly in states related to the affective sphere, great passions, great emotional feelings expressed by feelings of intense happiness or, on the contrary, intense soul pain. It is perhaps also the essential reason why such experiences cannot be created at will. How to reproduce a dramatic tension lived between mother and son, distant from each other?

However, experiences are cited on animals that reacted by the appearance of a nervous impulse (potentially evoked) on the electroencephalogram whenever their offspring elsewhere were slaughtered. We could imagine that the whole living world is coupled to a vast system of subconscious communication. Through this system, common information could be transmitted to all that is alive, species-specific information and information of its own only to individuals. Information favorable or unfavorable, i.e. good or bad, elements on which life depends in a biosystem, could constitute information with general access on the entire biological scale.

Information with addressability only for the species could be considered as information relating to the behaviour of individuals of a species. Some of the information received subconsciously only resonated at the individual level and would become conscious only rarely, with the frequency we know in the case of telepathy. Hypothetically, we might consider the telepathic way of communication as a backup route for the individual, which would be used only in borderline situations, critical to existence. Its sporadic manifestation could be an expression of low accessibility for such information at the level of the conscious. It is possible that censorship of consciousness is to oppose the change to its level of such information. An argument in this regard would be the greater accessibility for this kind of experiences during hypnosis and sleep.

Experiences by several researchers (often independent of each other) carried out over several years have revealed that the "altered states" of consciousness (such as in the case of hypnosis, sleep and dreams, but also in other cases) are most conducive to the production of the phenomenon of telepathy. Thus, it is statistically found that the possibilities of obtaining such transmissions in sleep are significantly greater than in the case of wakefulness. Thus, it is more often to analyze through the unconscious prism the conditions of the production of the telepathic phenomenon.

Therefore, the researchers consider it necessary to connect the individual to two levels: experience and emotion. "It is necessary "to abscond the individual from the immediate reality and plunge him into the field of latent communication possibilities. The purpose of this withdrawal from reality is to spontaneously integrate into a state of pure, primordial empathy, harmonization and sympathy with the widest perspectives that our living world offers. This tendency opens the man to all vital influences, causing him to consciously perceive and articulate those stimuli from the outside world that have meaning and meaning for us and that would otherwise remain imprecise and floating."

Like Freud, researchers wonder whether these possibilities of our psyche are "archaic vestiges" or "the core of new potentialities." Embracing both assumptions, they believe that this way of communication, forgotten, regressed, can be reactivated. "Through training, we must be able to overcome the gates of an archaic dynamic in which hidden potentialities are drowsy and find the way to a new growth of the individual and society."

That's really enough for today!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru