STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (12).

Translation Draft

Let's continue the ones presented in yesterday's post!

I've finally come to the biophysical arguments...

A scientific support for all psychic phenomena still not elucidated is trying to be represented by the biogravity field hypothesis. This is, in the understanding of the researchers, an element of the universal gravitational field, which would be at the base of the biological edifice due to the properties that allow it to be converted into any form of field and energy.

In addition to other arguments made in support of this hypothesis, there is also the phenomenon of generating gravitational waves by designing a laser beam on a crystal. As living organisms are considered to be structures with semiconductor properties, because of the crystalline formations they contain in cells, it is considered that they can also be the site of gravitational radiation. The release of ultraviolet light and visible spectrum as well as the generation of ultrasound by living tissue during cellular mitosis would be evidence of the possibilities of the biogravity field to transform into other forms of energy.

Biological transfer at virtually unlimited distance and without loss would only be possible through the biogravity field.

The numerous experiments undertaken tended to demonstrate the hypothesis that telepathic information would support low-frequency electromagnetic waves. But the Faraday enclosure isolation of the subjects did not lead to the blocking of telepathic information-carrying waves, as is the case with radio waves. But this hypothesis does not appear, however, by this, disproved, other researchers claim. To block such transmission, subjects should be locked in a Faraday cage whose dimensions are equal to the carrying wavelength of this information, i.e. in the order of thousands of meters, which obviously no one has built yet. For this reason it is believed, based on current data of physics, that nothing can contradict the theory of the mediation of telepathy by low-frequency electromagnetic waves.

Even if we "omit" these experimental results, modeled on radio communications, researchers cannot help but consider telepathy to be a biological radiocommunication between a transmitter and a receiver. The central role in this communication would be the nervous system, which would emit and receive, including ultrashort biomagnetic waves. In order to complete this logical string, regardless of the "sustained" "communication" mode, the analysis of a series of existing data in the field leads the researchers to the conclusion that "there is no contradiction of the current laws of physics to assume that psychoinformational phenomena are associated with electromagnetic waves carrying information that can propagate remotely and can be received and decoded in the nervous system of a living being" (and , even if there is no such nerve structure, which certifies the communication capacity of any living structure). That's what needs to be remembered from here!

Modern physics has not remained indifferent to trying to understand some phenomena in the psychic world. The difficulty of expressing psychic processes through the prism of classical physics has led to the switching of the field of hypotheses in the field of elementary particle physics. researchers make a very subtle remark on the physical substrate of psychic processes, noting that mental activity is "rigorously oriented, spontaneous and vector", the same demonstrations always leading to the same conclusions. but the atoms and molecules we demonstrate, so the ones we think with are no longer the same, according to the law of entropy.

For the result of thinking to always be the same, we would have to stick to the same molecular substrate, which would mean that physically "the particles from which the thought apparatus is made to be found at the absolute zero temperature". Since the phenomenon is not possible, the researchers conclude that the mechanism of thought cannot be achieved at the atomic and molecular level, but elsewhere. But these researchers are not the only ones who invoke modern physics to find an explanation for psychic phenomena and especially those that have been labeled under the term extrasensory perceptions.

Let us now enter the universe of hypotheses that at the time when they were developed were considered to be fanciful and even ridiculous, so that, subsequently, some of them would be validated by discoveries that brought their authors the crown of the Nobel Prizes. Theoretical considerations lead Pauli to predict the existence of a particle with strange properties called neutrino that would later be discovered by Cowan. having neither mass, nor electrical charge nor magnetic charge, is neither attracted nor rejected, so that neutrino from the infinite sidereal can cross Earth without any resistance, just as through a vacuum.

Thanks to these properties, Gardner writes, billions of neutrinos coming from the sun, stars or even from other distant galaxies, pass through us like a vacuum. The absence of physical properties specific to known elementary particles gives the neutrino particle an "ethereal", ghostly character. Hence the assumption that some physicists might have similar particles to make the office connecting matter to the psyche. Firsoff names these particles carrying the processes of mental processes as "mind" (from mind to mind, in English). Burt and Carrington talk about "psychons."

To explain the psychic phenomena that seem to abstract the space-time relationship, these particles are assigned a particular behavior. Freynmann proposes the hypothesis known as the "Freynmann diagram" in which he claims that, in a universe conceived from the duality of matter-antimatter, the particles of antimatter, i.e. positrons, would move back in time, and the particles of matter would ascend in the future.

Time appears to us in this vision as a device with two overlapping halves. As one moves into the future to the same extent the other slips into the past. Dobbs "builds" a two-dimensional time. According to him, the arrow of time advances into a second temporal dimension, located in a probabilistic and indeterminate world. Anticipation of future events would be part of this temporal dimension where the principle of "objective probability" would act in the same way as that of causality in classical physics.

The objective probabilities of future events "are contained as concomitant factors that tilt or predispose the future to occur in a specific manner," Dobbs argues, trying to provide a material physical basis, in modern acceptance, not only telepathy, but also those rare and and strange "prophecies", the pre-knowledge or anticipation of events that challenge science. The information vehicle in this second temporal dimension would, after this, also be a particle he called a positron.

The use of concepts such as negative or imaginary mass (with a strong impression of ghostly, ethereal) is the usual method of work in quantum physics. With imaginary mass, Dobbs' psitrons have no inertia and can therefore travel at speeds higher than that of light, bringing information about the future into the present. Dobbs presents his psitrons as a cloud that projects directly onto the brain of a receptive individual, informing him of his present state and the likely future. Neurons, according to Eccles, are in an "unstable balance" so that a low-intensity stimulus can trigger a reaction throughout the body/system.

Thanks to this unstable balance of the nervous system it would be possible to act on Dobbs' psitrons, a way by which he tries to explain telepathy, precognition, etc. Mindoni, psitrons, psychons and, more recently, tachyons, image particles in the spirit of quantum physics, would therefore act on a neuron in unstable equilibrium. given the mode of action at the subatomic level, according to the principle of Heisenberg's uncertainty, the result of this action would occur according to the law of large numbers, i.e. probabilistic. Finally, it would obtain in this way "miracles", concludes Koestler in his comment aryon on Pauli and Jung's attempts to find an explanation for psychic phenomena through quantum physics.

Note that not all physicists agree with explaining psychic life through the behavior of elementary particles. Kobosev counters the argument sought by the certain, vector and indicative nature of our psychosis and not probabilistic and entropic, as would result from the laws of modern physics. Eddington argued in the past, and Eccles shares his view, that the particles in the thinking matter and in our brains have a coherent behavior, different from that which takes place in physical matter where quantum uncertainty dominates.

The desire to explain the world by finding the last brick, the last particle, we can already consider it as classic, "outdated", similar to that of Democritus, who called this last particle the atom, that is, the one that can no longer be divided. A bootstrap theory (G.T. Crew) was even created to go further from Heisenberg in conceptualizing the atomic universe (which nowadays has gone much further, as described in previous posts). He proposes to abandon the idea of the existence of fundamental "bricks", fundamental particles, moving particles and to be replaced by that of the field, the particles being nothing but transient condensations of the field.

Subsequently, together with Jacob, he issues the theory of topological boostrap. Nowadays (2015) it has been proven that their intuition (because it was not demonstrated experimentally and theoretically in those times - the 60s) was not wrong with the only difference that particles are nothing but areas of "weakening" of this field in which the quants manifest (to which would be added "multisize"). Thus, quantum reality appears detached from space and time, events happening at this level instantly, without "before" and "after", up, down, now, yesterday, tomorrow.

It's a wrapped order "that becomes perceptible as it unfolds." Pribham applies Bohm's ideas to theories about brain functionality that would function on the basis of the order involved, an order in which there could be a "universal consciousness of mankind" (be it individualized) in which we would all be connected. The telepathic phenomenon thus becomes more easily comprehensible, but far from elucidation.

By a little detachment from the complicated explanations sought by modern scientists, we find that some "strange" phenomena of our psyche are offered even more strange interpretations. What yesterday seemed fanciful, and as such denied, today is beginning to become an intelligible reality through concepts of modern physics, which for common understanding seem just as hard to accept. Moreover, chemistry becomes only a finding science, easily influenced by "physical efforts" (but, about that in future posts). Used to a simplistic understanding, cultivated by "previous" physics (so simply considerable as a mere "belief"), by virtue of which we attribute to any effect an earlier cause, we see time as the senses reveal it to us, flowing only from the present to the future, we grant the status of existence only to entities that fall under the scope of our senses, or, at least, to technical means at our disposal and which "prolong" our senses.

That's why it's hard to conceive of an effect that precedes the cause, as evidenced by Maxwell's equations, to imagine a time flowing back, as Freynmann postulates, a particle with negative mass like Dirac's electrons, another neutrino like Pauli's, or particles that can currently bring us information about future events like Dobbs's psitrons. And all these bizarre concepts for an unadvised mind, they're nothing but the tools of modern physics...

Interesting, isn't it?!? But that's enough for today...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding.

Dorin, Merticaru