STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (13).

Translation Draft

Let's see now, a little bit about the ontological implications of the biocommunication phenomenon. If telepathy is a reality that can be demonstrated experimentally, as the numerous experiments have been shown to us, its existence can have previously unsuspected consequences in terms of knowledge of the biological universe, first as a simple way of communicating. With such a possibility of communication, transmission of information, its exploitation would be useful in situations where no means of communication is possible (e.g. underwater, environment that is not penetrated by radio waves).

It is for this very reason that the much-commented experience of transmission from the Nautilus submarine has been carried out by the Americans (successful and which is pointless to describe it here - imagine and feel what it could have been), similar experiences carried out in other countries, and in other circumstances, are reported.

Moreover, the opening of the astronautic era provided another possible field of use for telepathy, with researchers asking the question of communication if astronauts were left without any means of communication. And, here's the first telepathic link between Cosmos and Earth already made (you think it wasn't successful?!?). I'll just give an "old" example. During the Apollo 14 flight to the moon, Edgar Mitchell manages to transmit 51 Zener figures out of 200 to a receiver at the base. Even so, the result far exceeds the coincidence.

Later, the researchers "discovered" that there is an increase in "clarity" in the reception of messages when emotions are involved and accuracy has increased to... 99%... (it is obvious that the "term" of "100%" would seem too brutal). It is said, and Mitchell himself lets it be understood, that the personal experience of such an event led him to create a foundation for the study of psychic phenomena, a foundation that soon developed a wide-ranging work in this regard, having as authors prominent personalities in the field of physics, psychology, neurophysiology, etc.

But a lucid spirit causes us to look with some reservations at such communications. To master the phenomenon and use it when needed, we must first know the underlying legacies. And we still don't know anything about what's essential. The proof we have in incomparably lower successes in the experimental realization of telepathy compared to its spontaneous incidence. However, it is not excluded to get here from some traditional practices in Asia and other more modern types of training, but deviated, after all, also from these, and which are currently experienced in various clinical laboratories in the world (this without taking into account alpha therapies, teta and new medicine, acupuncture, acupuncture, etc.).

But there's a big question mark for us. Is it really a benefit for humans to open doors for all the information coming from other brains? Isn't censorship consciously opposed to information that, most likely, in our subconscious is a natural and intelligent defence against its unwanted invasion of parasitic information? What would happen to us if instead of dealing with our lives we were continually and aimlessly involved in others?!? The major importance of the scientific attestation of telepathy, in our opinion (and not only), lies not so much in its practical usefulness, but in the gates it opens up to the knowledge of the world.

Transmitting a message between two distant brains involves a material medium, in the case discussed, an energy field encoded in information-carrying signals that will be decoded by the receiving brain. The immediate logical consequence that appears in our minds is the idea that, in this case, our thought represents a material force expressed by the energy modulated in information-carrying signals.

Consequently, thinking is not an abstract expression of a material substrate represented by the brain, but its concrete material product. The moment we think, even if we don't express ourselves verbally, we issue an energy field as support for our thoughts. In this form thoughts are emitted into space and hence received by another brain that may be the one to which it is intended (the case of telepathy or another, a phenomenon that would explain the simultaneousity of the same ideas in science, the origin of ideas foreign to our concerns, some beneficial or evil influences, etc.).

On the other hand, understanding through articulated language has a double access: through the semantics of words and through the energy field emitted simultaneously. A number of arguments force us to think that, while understanding the symbols represented by words requires learning the language in which they are expressed, decoding the information-carrying energy field is common to the whole living world. it represents the languageless communication encountered on all stages of evolution. This way we could explain the empathy between us and the animals and perhaps the communication with the little child before the appropriation of articulated language. And if thought is a material force then it is evident that we can influence our fellow human beings in this way. Suggestion, some empirical practices, alpha therapies, theta therapies, psychotherapy, etc. appear to us in this acceptance in another light.

Apart from the suggestion, which we have already commented on in the new acceptance we attribute to it, we have so far no scientific tool to explain some effects on the living, which seem to be the domain of miracle, obtained by the samans (effects commented by a lot of researchers, and not only). All this advocates authenticity, but not for an understanding of them (understanding that attracts their current "use" and conditioned by clear, objective laws). Well, without being forced to invoke like shamans the whole cohort of good or bad spirits, we can understand their behavior through the energy field, very likely greatly amplified (and, here, it can indeed be a kind of secret), because of the incantations and imprecisions they utter (these based on a thought, a structure of thought that can "attract" the perceived and realized effects). human relationships, sympathy and antipathy, love and hatred, fascination, that "coup de foudre", love at first sight, domination by gaze, subjugation by magic or by mere presence become much easier to understand if we admit that at their base lies an inter human transfer of energy. A psychology that would base its explanations on human energy exchange might not be forced to send what it cannot explain beyond its boundaries, i.e. in parapsychology.

The influence of man on other organisms, including plants, an influence which, through the transfer of meanings, sometimes seems a true communication, acquires in this vision a basis of scientific understanding. I should now discuss telepathy and social life "seized" at the level of various life forms (fish, celenterates, cephalopods, insects), give well-known examples of the presence of telepathy in their organization which often knows a complexity that approaches the human one. But because they "dispose" of nerve cells might achieve an "overlay" with nerve activity that would interfere with my intentions of presenting in this post (this string of posts). But let's go on!

Two different ways of performing life-support functions in nature are known. In the case of an organism, each function is performed by a group of cells specialized for this purpose. The structural and functional differentiation of cells is made at the embryonic development stage according to the information contained in the genetic program. In the case of beings living in colonies (volvos, termites, bees and ants), the whole group behaves as a single organism. Here the functions are no longer performed by specialized cells, but by individuals specialized in their realization.

After the function he has to perform, each individual will also have an appropriate morphology and, consequently, different from the other people, although they all derive from the same queen and have the same genetic/hereditary dowry. A few questions are naturally raised (apart from those in previous posts). if in the case of the single organism, cell differentiation occurs by virtue of the genetic information present in each cell, who differentiates individuals in a colony? If in a multicellular organism functionality is coordinated by the nervous system, who coordinates the activity of all individuals in an ant colony, for example?

Only pheromones (customizing us to ants)? Is there one for each function? And if so, can it act on the individual genome to give the wearer a morphology related to function? Couldn't we incriminate here the existence of an energy field that carries information that directs the cohesion, morphology and functionality of the group? And its way of working is not like telepathy?

The first counter-argument will be brought to us by geneticists who do not recognize genetic information outside DNA (although it is the RNA that interprets an "update able and correctable repository of information" that constitutes DNA and gives it "importance" and "right of use" and "manifestation"). but, however, we remember that data are emerging today that suggest the existence of an energetic structural model transmitted through DNA, or at least that is based on this structure. The admission of this hypothesis, which, as I was saying, we could fit into "bizarre" ideas, would take us out of many theoretical impasses in the interpretation of nature.

It can be replicated by the fact that today we can obtain artificial mutations, even cloning (reproduction of genuine, identical individuals, by action on somatic and not sexual cells) by intervening at the level of DNA and not of a "alleged" energy model. It's accurate, except no one prevents us from acting backwards, by effect on the cause. By acting at the DNA level, we can also achieve changes in its energy model. For now, however, the artificial changes made, for example, on Drosophila have not proved to be perene. You get, for example, a fly without wings. But after a few generations, if "forced, controlled genetic control" is not maintained, it reverts to Drosophila's natural genetic pattern (although it was altered by us) as if it had persisted somewhere.

There is probably an energetic model of the individual, the sum of all the cellular fields in the body structure. In turn, individual fields structure the energy model of the species and perhaps that living matter structures a fundamental energy model, specific to the whole living world. We discussed the elements common to the whole living world, elements which, through the combinations made by evolution over time, have enabled the diversity of forms that we know today. It is not possible to talk, therefore, about fixed patterns of continuous "elaborations", i.e. transformations and structuring conditioned by ambient and cosmic factors.

The constancy of the laws that we discover in the Universe, the permanent creation and destruction of forms in an algorithm that, for the most part we can predict today, seem to express themselves the presence of an informational model.

And so I get to "enough for today." In tomorrow's post I will address the "nervous cells" world of plants and draw a small and insignificant conclusion on the phenomenon of biocommunication. Then it will be my turn to approach the "intelligence of matter" and thus move on to the techniques of working with our "body-mind-spirit" to modify, as needed, respecting basic principles such as that of "free will", everything that is related to what surrounds us, either from the matter from which we are "built" or our fellows, or from influencing our actions to the material accumulations that we desire (regardless of their real utility) , subject to ephemeral and completely useless egos)...

Don't forget that the weekend is coming up that must be BESTial...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!

Dorin, Merticaru