STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (14).

Translation Draft

So, let's talk a little bit about the plant world, where there's no nervous
system... "localize" in some way the biocommunication that is carried out at this "level". Countless experiments have been conducted on the strange (so strange that it is particularly "combated") ability of the plant world to communicate on an unknown channel, different from the nervous system, and to grasp our intentions and feelings.

With no "concentration of sensitive effort" on which there is anything on which a "concentration of sensitive effort" can be achieved, despite laboratory experiments or even empirical observations, this information is viewed with reservations not only by their sensational note, but also for the reason that in the plant world a nervous structure could not yet be described, the only one considered by science to be able to process information. And yet, the hanging plants find the necessary support, located right behind obstacles, or change their forward direction if it is moved elsewhere, as if they see it. There are also plants that are oriented by smell and others that react to touch by folding the leaves.

An interesting study is that of the sensitivity manifested to touch by Mimosa Pudica. The response time of the plant, calculated from the moment of touching to folding the leaves, is slightly increased in relation to that of reactivity in the animal kingdom. The extent of the response depends on the intensity of the stimulation. Prolonging the excitation time by pressure on the leaf, the plant first flexes its frame with the leaf, then the entire rod, the action of extending the excitation from close to close through the plant producing just like the diffusion of excitation through the nervous system. Thanks to the ability to fold to achieve with a solid body, it was studied at Mimosa Pudica and the phenomenon of apation (adaptation to a certain stimulus), which is considered an expression of learning.

Thus, to stimuli constantly applied to its leaves, for example drops of water, after about 20 minutes the plant no longer collects its leaves. Habit occurs, which is the habit of stimuli. Thus, no longer being a novelty for the plant, it no longer reacts in their presence. The plant "learned" from experience, having a "reaction" as if it were equipped with the nervous system (and, even if we consider some comments that the plant would be tired, still to the idea of a reaction similar to that of the nervous system we will end up).

We thus observe that plants, like other beings without a nervous system or with a rudimentary nervous system, fully integrate into their world, using all the attributes specific to any being equipped with an evolved nervous system (if you can say so). I perceive the sound, the light, the cold, the heat. They are capable of discerning the nature of the objects they come into contact with.

For example (if you have not gone through previous posts), a carnivorous plant can distinguish insects from stones or other inert materials of equal weight (necessary for sensory triggering), to which they remain indifferent. Plants manifest the rhythmicity of any being endowed with a nervous system, the periods of activity alternating with those of rest. Artificial prolongation of the day of activity leads to their overwork, the night rest being necessary for them as man. Beyond the laboratory experiences, there are many observations that attest that a tree, plant or flower to which, apart from the food we give, we manifest and tenderness, has a much more prosperous development than if we have an indifferent or even hostile attitude.

To understand such a capacity for plants we need to go back to some of the actions presented above. Like any living structure, plants are open systems that exchange substance, energy and information with the environment. The exchange of information involves processing, whether or not they have a nervous structure, as is apparent from the experiments carried out. As a result, the perception of the environment by plants is part of the condition of the whole living world. On the other hand, I mentioned that there are experiences that require the idea of the existence of an energy field emitted by neurons, at the same time as the mental formulation of our thoughts.

Our ideas, feelings, expressed or not, circulate in the space that surrounds us and in the form of an information-carrying energy field. The tender or hostile coloration of our feelings are therefore information contained in the energy field emitted by the brain. This field will also be received by plants. I was saying that it is possible that everything that is alive can communicate beyond the articulated language through an energetically mediated channel that we would call the universal language of life. It would be a way of communication accessible to all cells/living beings. Life is inextricably linked to the possibility of communication at all its organizational levels.

We infer, therefore, that all living cells are capable of emitting and receiving information encoded in signals. Neurons only appear to us as cells specialized in the issuing and receiving of information, but they do not exclude this possibility for the other cells. All experiments require the idea of a "cellular language", a "primary perception" at the cellular level. And if a signal is received by a cell, then it must certainly be able to decode its meaning (either only at its "processing" level), otherwise the function would not justify its existence. A hierarchy of the ways of communication in the living world allows us to distinguish in the foreground the articulated language, followed by that expressed by gestures, mimicry and gaze.

There is then one level of coding in bioelectric signals and another in biochemical mediators. The primary plan of communication would be that of the energy field modulated into information-carrying signals. If we are matter, ultimately an energy, then it is not an aberration to talk about an energy substrate of the entire functioning of living matter?!? Everyone (more "read", is right) knows this, simple to understand, but does not venture to extend the logical discourse until its last consequences. And if you've been through the water stations (from last year, around this time), even matter has its own reaction to "telepathic" stimuli by storing even the information you receive, "retaining" them to have an adaptation reaction or resistance to sudden change. But come back!

At this primary, energetic level, not mediated by the nervous system, we intersect, meet and communicate with the living world lacking an articulated language, including plants, which can sense our intentions. After all, we could only have indirect evidence about this communication with the world that precedes us philogenetically, because most of us lost initial contact with the subconscious world connected to the fundamental or universal information field. But there are people who, through special equipment, training or living conditions, have a much wider range of perception and confirm the information required by laboratory experiments.

Analysis of the solutions to which nature has resorted to solve the multitude of problems raised by evolution also imposed by the idea that a multitude of forms have been used, not always the simplest and not always the same. Nature's inventiveness is endless. and sometimes complicated and low-efficiency solutions with high energy consumption are used, when much simpler and more cost-effective ways were available. Therefore, the evolution of a nerve structure specialized in the processing and transmission of information does not exclude other ways of use for the same purpose. And there's a whole world devoid of a nervous system that uses these paths. In conclusion, we will say that there is an information-energy dimension of the living world.

The whole living world emits information-carrying energy fields, an expression of its functional substrate. The biofield is variable according to the functional state of the biosystem, each aspect of which has this meaning (or, a certain meaning). All living cells, regardless of the evolutionary stage on which they are located, including the plant cells, are able to receive the biofields emitted by other beings and discern their significance for proper conduct. In this way, the phenomenon of biocommunication is realized, understood by us as the primary, universal language of the vine, not mediated by the nervous system, possibly only "concentrated" and "coordinated".

And, to give an end to this post, to proceed to infer some conclusions on the phenomenon of biocommunication. So it seems possible to transfer information from one brain to another on a channel that cannot be attributed with certainty to one of the known sense organs. The exclusively mental transmission of a message between two brains involves a material medium, an energy field modulated in information-carrying signals. We must therefore admit the existence of a biofield generated by the transmitting subject and decoded by the receiving subject.

The immediate logical consequence is the idea that under this perspective, our thoughts represent a material force expressed by the energy emitted by the brain and modulated in the information-carrying signals. Seen in this way, thinking no longer appears as an abstract expression of a material substrate represented by the brain, but its concrete material product. If thought is a material force, then it is evident that the possibility of exerting a double action on man, semanticandness and energy, is evident. In this acceptance the suggestion, as well as some empirical therapeutic practices, psychotherapy, human relations, etc., appear to us as founded on a real material substrate.

Between signal and noise, in the process of transmitting information mentally is a very small ratio, it is necessary to repeat the signal insistently in order to obtain a good reception of it (or it may be a confirmation of that signal, by "support" / repetition in order to be considered to be a signal). The information received in this way is of a little elaborate order, the subject more easily receiving the impulse of a commanded movement than its semantic meaning.

This means that archaic brain structures are involved in the decoding of messages and less those of a newer philogenetic acquisition, which serve as a medium of complex psychological analysis (which cannot be found, for example, in the single-celled world or in the plant world, as described above). From the finding that only the meaning of the provision is transmitted, regardless of the language in which it thinks and speaks, it can be concluded that there is a language, a universal code, through which all that is alive would be expressed. It could be called the universal language of life (perhaps even matter, as we'll see right in the next post).

The signal/noise ratio being small, we deduce that the energetic mediation of communication is a rudimentary path, to which nature has given up massively, at the time of the appearance of articulated language, much more abstracted and customized than the intuitive one, as a much more efficient form of information transmission. Energy mediation, however, could be used for communication in the animal world without articulated language. In humans, this mode of communication may persist dormant as an atavistic phenomenon (atavism - occurrence in a plant or animal descendant of physical or mental peculiarities specific to distant ascendants/ancestors who have not manifested/ have not been perceived in intermediate generations) and may manifest themselves in exceptional or unperceived situations (e.g. the vegetative nervous system is also called autonomous because it does not directly hold of consciousness but reacts to messages, as in the case of alpha, teta, etc.).

The self-induction of an intermediate state of consciousness is yet another argument for the involvement in this phenomenon of communication of levels preceding the state of consciousness, i.e. at the subconscious level. Censorship of consciousness appears to us in this case as an obstacle to access to information. Advocates for this and the greater facility of obtaining mental communications during sleep, respectively through dream and hypnosis. Note that the subject is not permeable to the execution, in this state, of orders contrary to reason, induced from outside it (but although the use of a certain frequency register to influence the enemy's decisions, in the desired sense, in the event of war, as we "ensure" some experiences - not only experiments, seems to contradict it).

That's enough for today! Pleasant and spornic weekend in the best!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru