STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (15).

Translation Draft

The "moment" of "small" discussions based on the intelligence of matter...

The question of the questions that scientists ask themselves nowadays is that of the essence of life, of that "something" that arises when the non-living matter passes to living matter. What factor allowed the first living cell to break away from mineral silence and suddenly animate the universe? By what miracle is a living structure, made up of the same "lut", of the same atoms that make up the entire Universe capable of intelligent activity, i.e. to possess a functionality well oriented towards the achievement of a finality?

Scientific thinking, in constant dialogue with the data obtained/ provided from the field of research, believes that life has its essence in the way of organizing living matter. It would therefore, according to the data of science today, be dependent on matter and not its transcendence. In a certain conception, appreciated as a reductionist, life has been linked to the macromolecular structure of the proteins that make up living matter. But life cannot be reduced to its substantial substrate, but results from the completeness of the system in which it manifests itself, the complex cohesions that are established between the component parts and probably still "something" that defines the living.

Many researchers dispute the reduction of biological processes to physico-chemical processes (as current allopathic medicine does) and postulate the hypothesis of the existence of a specific structure, arranged hierarchically in several planes, which would have been reached through the evolution of matter over time. So we believe that in the discussion on the essence of life must be left from the idea of open system, formed by any living structure (cell, body).

An analysis of the peculiarities of life at different levels of organization has led us to the conclusion that the most striking element, present throughout the living world, regardless of the stage of evolution on which it is located, is the ability to communicate, to make an "intelligent" contact, to establish informational relations, thanks to the possibility of processing information. When we say life, we say implicit communication. It is a constant circulation of information, both inside and outside the living system.

Continuously communicates each component of a cell with another, continuously communicates the cells of an organism with each other, communicates the whole living assembly with the environment. He constantly issues questions about the environment and gathers answers. Without this incessant exploration and environmental integration activity, life could not exist. When a cell or organism dies, the unseen threads that bind itself to the environment first break. In a word, the system's ability to establish biunivocal informational links disappears, or, more precisely, the intelligence corresponding to its biological level disappears.

The existence of all living beings is dependent on their ability to take coordinated actions, with an approach that has a logical purpose, self-preservation. The logical or intelligent nature of the functionality of the living, present from protozoa and plants to humans, is achieved through a multitude of inverse connections that are established in the organization and functionality of living cells and organisms. By virtue of them, the effect exerts permanent control over the cause which generated it, in such a way that the end result bears the imprint of an intelligence by its adequacy, oriented. We can therefore say that the essence of life lies in its intelligence, expressed by the ability to discern, to process information. By intelligence we don't necessarily have to understand a psyche of the complexity known in man.

Viewed this way, the term can confuse. By the term intelligence we would consider only appropriate acts or conduct, indispensable to life. However, if there is an integrality of the organism system, there must also be an integrality of the cell system, since it can also exist independently (such as, for example, the case of macrophages, leukocytes - not to mention the protozoa 'backwards'). Although the definition of the system obliges us not to consider completeness as the sum of the constituents, it cannot be said that cells do not have a life of their own, sometimes even when they are detached from the structural bonds of the body and retain only functional links, as happens with leukocytes and other blood cells.

So, in all biological processes, we only see phenomena that seem to be "thought", the work of an intelligent creator. Or just talk about a matter intelligence?!? If we approach reality head-on and do an analysis of the impression of harmony of the Universe, we cannot fail to notice that the whole cosmic ensemble is a coherent whole, with relationships of resonance, of strict dependence between its component elements. There is an evolution of all the ass, circumscribed over time, by laws that we are just beginning to know, there is a permanent development of processes that maintain an energy balance in the Universe and give new forms to matter.

Nor can it be conceived how there could have been a chaotic Universe without any law in its organization. The existence of these laws manifested in the movement of matter suggests the presence of an intelligence that dictates its meaning of evolution. Hence the appearance of order and harmony, hence the impression of wisdom that would mark our hidden resorts. The consistency that transpires from the organization of the Universe occurs as a consequence of the evolutionary process of matter. By promoting the conception of such a Universe we have at the same time the conviction that not all the possibilities of manifestation of matter are known. We're just talking about being shaped by generating information, life.

That's how we came to the need to define intelligence. The evocation of the concept of intelligence attributed in a common acceptance only to man can be confused and, therefore, a clarification of terms is needed. And since there are several types of intelligence, there will properly be more definitions. The first "perception" is related to the ability to understand, to sense the relationships, the links between the elements of a situation. Immediately logically, intelligence becomes the ability of something to adapt quickly to new situations. I notice, however, that a lot of intelligent people hardly adapt to the social environment in which they live. The history of culture brings us so many examples that it appears to us as a rule rather than an exception.

Then, in the common acceptance, intelligence is frequently confused with the intellectual capacity of man, which involves abstract thinking, the elaboration of concepts and creative activity brought to the forefront of our attention by the use of verbal symbols. This confusion is the source of the naïve refusal to extend the attribute of intelligence beyond the human being. But the extensive register of the human intellect cannot limit the phenomenon of intelligence only to itself, since elements specific to it appear outside it.

We would note as important for our "discussion" the definition by which intelligence is assimilated to the ability to perceive the relationship or connection between the elements of a situation and to find the appropriate or related solution to these relationships. It therefore involves discrimination, a referral of relationships first and then the development of an appropriate solution. In other words, it involves first an understanding of the problem and then a resolution of it.

And that's because in front of the whole world lies the problem of existence and not of primary understanding what are the ratios between mass, energy and the square of the speed of light. To be, you have to solve the problem of being. This ability of a system to solve the problems raised by its existence is the meaning that we give primarily to the concept of intelligence.

On the entire scale of the living world we find that every being comes into the world with those structures able to solve its own problems. Sometimes these structures are much more complex and perfected than in humans (organs with functions of sonar, radar, electric file, etc.), which, as I said, contradicts the idea of evolution of the forms under which life appears on Earth, at least in its classical sense. It is rather an evolution of the area of problems solved by the newly emerging species, man having in this respect the most extensive possibilities

From the above definition it is noted that only the part that refers to "resolution" and not to the "understanding" of the problem was considered. Why was it omissed? Because in nature there are two ways of "solving" the problems raised by the existence of a system: one by "understanding", thus, by conscious participation in the act, attributed to man and another, instinctive, thus without the involvement of conscious deliberation, considered to be specific to the world without articulated language.

So, issuing a question and solving it are attributes of intelligence. And, everywhere in nature where there is a structure with coherent functionality, the imprint of an intelligence appears, manifested directly by conscious or indirect censorship in that of automatic or instinctive conduct. So, as intelligent as we are, we must not lose sight of the underlying instincts, often difficult to control/ consciously coordinate, our activities.

The levels of intelligence in nature, in our view, similar to the differences valid for energy, are also distinguished for intelligence, being structured on several levels. The first level is that of crystallized intelligence in matter. It is the intelligence at the level of the atom, expressed by valence, by its organizational legacies and by which matter solves its problems, ensures its functionality at its most elementary level. The atom may not "understand", but surely "knows" to function in such a way as to solve all the problems related to its existence.

In other words, its way of organization and functioning has the imprint of intelligence. The observation also applies to other levels of organization, integration, such as those present in molecules and macromolecules. It is impossible not to notice the simple intelligence of water (which we have "discussed" at length in previous posts), not to detect the simple intelligence of amino acids that "attract" the "precursor" forms of manifestation of life, then forming the first RNA structures, DNA that meet viruses, and so on.m. That's how we get to the second level, that of the intelligence present in living structures. There is undoubtedly an individual intelligence of the living cell and an integrative intelligence of the cellular community, in which the function of intercellular communication necessary to fulfill the functionality of the whole assembly intervenes.

We consider this kind of intelligence to be basic, primal. It is expressed through deliberate instincts and conduct. With this kind of basal intelligence operates the entire living world to man, being a non-verbalized intelligence. Intelligence at the level of the human unconscious belongs to the same category, it expresses patterns inherited or elaborated by its own experience. Only now comes the "turn" of human intelligence, which is a verbalized intelligence. This is where human consciousness is involved in which the extension and the will, the free will, make an obvious imprint.

We are entitled, of course, by what we have achieved in science, culture, civilization, through our great intellectual mobility, to consider ourselves as the most intelligent beings on Earth. But we always forget that being is the result of the manifestation of basal intelligence and thus we have neither the reliability nor the efficiency of that intelligence. What I "promote" through New Medicine/ New Knowledge is nothing more than an effort to get those who can come to integrate into a whole normal all the intelligence that has been made available to us.

But let's still stay in the space of the level organization of intelligence and comment on the most well-known and challenged, that of cosmic intelligence. If the Universe is organized on hierarchical to cosmic systems valid for substance, energy and information, then there must be such structuring for intelligence. Is the integrative intelligence at the cosmic level, the support of the laws of manifestation of the Universe, is, as I said, the cause of the impression of coherence and harmony of it?

And, without reaching to "complete" the body(matter)-mind-soul(intelligence) triad, we therefore find, as an effect of a cause that cannot be scientifically defined, the existence of intelligence in the sense of structural and functional coherence, a reasoned action and a programmed purpose. This intelligence is the tool for organizing matter at all its levels. It is, therefore, an organizing and organizing intelligence of the Universe. At the ontological triad energy-substance-information is obvious the need to add the application intelligence, involved in the organization of matter.

This is what can be called "the intelligence of matter".

Human intelligence undoubtedly achieves the highest parameters of development in known beings on Earth. Thanks to this, man changed his rudimentary conditions of existence, extended his life, although without yet reaching the upper limit, he created a truly admirable culture and civilization. He found ways to overcome cold, darkness and hunger, invented means of communication, found ingenious solutions to increase his speed of movement and thus condense time, created a spiritual culture designed to nourish his soul and raise it beyond the material condition of life, etc.

But all this was not done without toil, without dramatic clenching, without doubt, despair, errors, they required a time stretched out on thousands of years of dreams and searches that required an evolution of knowledge itself. This search, error and success has been and will be the way of human intelligence. The errors of the human mind are evident not only in terms of the destiny of many of us, but especially in the field of the conception of organization and social coexistence. The efficiency and reliability of our social organization are far from achieving the performance of those created by the insignificant termites, ants or bees, despite the intelligence we attribute to ourselves.

But that's enough for today... In the upcoming post we will briefly analyze the characteristics of intelligence at other levels of existence.

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru