STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (23).

Translation Draft

In yesterday's post I had a few more things to "say" on the "line" of the psycho-physiological dimensions of consciousness. Continue...

From the philosophy of time and space we will now move to another way of perceiving them, known only by poets, artists, a few rare mystics and initiates. This is the state of ecstasy, the state of "superbeta", the one in which, according to research, our brain operates predominantly in rhythms above 40 Hz (the "maximum" threshold allowed for the beta stage).

Being a state that is generally achieved through exercise and intense cultivation it is accessible, with the exception of the great initiates and mystics, through the states caused by the pharmaco-chemical means. Since ancient times, this route is offered by the use of various processes including various drugs (generally psychotropic substances) found in different plants (mixtures of fungi, coca, etc. depending on the availability of "geographic") or in various gases of natural origin (the case of the orac of Delphi where gases of volcanic origin were "used").

The "path" used in modern experiments on this "line" was, of course, that caused by the pharmaco-chemical means ("obtained" either by calling for shams or "similars" or using synthetic chemicals). I will not enter into a description made by the great initiates "available" to participate in the experiments carried out but I will present only perceptions of scientists, practically uninitiated, but who have achieved something similar (even if they used similar "techniques" or even resorted to the help of such initiates)...

The entry into this particular state of consciousness (that of ecstasy or "compatible") is made by a slowing of time, of the passage of time, a concentration in the present time, the present moment concentrating in itself all the interest of existence. Thus, any concern for future or past time disappears, creating the impression that there is only one time left, the present one. A second characteristic of this state is the loss of the sense of polarity.

So, the sense of time is lost first, then that of space. What we usually appearas disparate, different as position in space, is seen in a single unit, subject and object, right and left, up and down, north and south, east and west, back and forth, inside and out, sound and silence, viable and invisible, all alive and intensely perceived, beyond ordinary logic. The third characteristic of this state is the "sense of relativity". Each level of material existence appears as a well-defined meaning.

A researcher's description was as follows: "I perceive myself as a link in the chain that forms a well-defined hierarchy of processes and beings, ranging from molecules to human beings, passing through bacteria and insects. In this state all life forms are only simple variations on the same subject: we are but a single being who accomplishes only the same thing in the greatest number of possible manners."

For the fourth and final characteristic of the state of ecstasy we will quote in full the "author" of this experience: "The fourth characteristic is the meaning of eternal energy, often in the aspect of an intense white light, which also seems to be the fluid that travels through the nerves and that mysterious energy that is equal to the product between the mass and the square of the speed of light. It may appear as a megalomania or a madness of grandeur, but it is very clearly perceived that any existence is but a single energy and that this energy is myself."

This experience of "being only one with the Universe" is demonstrated today, as we see, with all the rigor of modern science. There is nothing unusual about saying that matter is one, that everything that exists is only diverse expressions of the same matter, that in its intimate structure matter is only energy. It is no wonder that for a long time in human history, poets and myths have been sources of knowledge sometimes deeper than direct observation. Hence the resumption in the modern world of myths that were born during the childhood of human thought. It is, therefore, another dimension of our thinking, through which a gateway to knowledge can be opened. We bring them up, as I said before, to highlight a psychological reality little known to us, but intensely exploited by "mythical" thinking.

It is interesting to note that various sources, located between them at great distances and time intervals, reveal the same elements. And a great Hindu or Tibetan sage, a great North or South American shaman, and diverse scholars, and the data of modern physics, reveal the continuity and simultaneity of space-time accessible to another level of human consciousness. Let's follow the description of a practitioner of traditional Hindu techniques: "My body gets stuck, my breath came out of my lungs like a giant magnet pulled. The meat looked dead. The sense of freedom was no longer limited to the body, but embraced the immensity of the surrounding atoms.

People on the street seemed to be moving carefully across my own periphery. The shape of the plants appeared as dark spots and I noticed the leakage of the life force from within them. Space stretched all over my face. The vision had changed into a vast spherical panorama that I perceived simultaneously. I could see with the back of my body a domestic animal approaching the gate of the house, as if I were using my physical eyes. Curiously, though, I could see him after he'd passed the brick wall behind the fence. My body, the house's support poles, the furniture and the floor, the trees and the sunlight were violently agitated and then they were merge into an ocean of light."

Similar descriptions also appear in the case of scientific research with uninitiated participants. There is also talk of the strange fact that the subjects described distant targets, also playing elements of the train behind tall buildings, which could not normally be seen by a man on the ground, but only from a height.

The correlation of perception with the voluntary one during extrasensory perception experiments is noticeable, thus revealing a kind of compatibility, functional continuity of the psychic mechanisms and perception of man.

A "famous" case in this respect is that of Jung who, in 1944, as a result of a myocardial infarction, went into a coma, with the chance that he would later recover. He described that in those moments he entered a state of bliss in which, oddly, he saw the round earth with a blue halo around it, an image that gave us "experience" only in 1969 with the help of cosmic ships at an altitude of 1,500 km. He had the same temporality sensation in which the past, the present and the future are but one whole. "How can I explain the fact that i saw it yesterday, today and tomorrow at the same time?" wondered Jung. It is a feeling of "uniting infinity, of individuality with universality".

This state in which, as Andre Breton puts it in another context, "everything makes you believe that there is a certain point of spirit where life and death, the real and the imaginary, the past and the future, the communicable, the top and the bottom cease to be perceived in contradiction", can be experienced spontaneously (ecstasy in the face of the greatness of nature, inspiration of poets and artists) or can be provoked by a series of methods become traditional : postures, incantations, rhythmic dances, chemicals and even physical self-torture, used mainly in the Middle Ages.

Isolation and degree of suggestiveness, the intensity of some religious beliefs are favorable conditions for the appearance of transient experiences in oversensitive. It is important to note how the content of these experiences is directly related to the cultural model of the individual, with his own beliefs. Thus, an atheist can perceive only colored and/ or multisensory paintings without any religious content whereas only those with religious beliefs can perceive what, in fact, they have sedimented through education in the subconscious: saints, gods, etc. A black man, for example, will see God as black, as will the Virgin Mary. Moreover, the "consigned" initiative experiences "resulted" in the visualization of the images evoked by the doctrines and not anything else, unknown or of a general and/ or personal nature.

This "custom" mode of perception has been used since ancient times. Thus, in order to convince their followers, the esoteric societies of antiquity resorted to a very wide range of means capable of causing changes in the state of consciousness and which prove a surprising knowledge for those times of possibilities of shaping human behavior, of imposing profound mutations in foreign thinking and today academic science. From the data at our disposal we learn that it uses harsh psychological evidence consisting of going through underground labyrinths submerged in darkness and provided with various traps, isolation, long stations, psychotropic plant liqueurs, hypnotic maneuvers and suggestion techniques. Those who resisted to the end of these tests, the degree of difficulty of which gradually increased, were finally rewarded by access to the ceremonies that constituted the actual initiation. The suggested and imagined world got content that they lived in a sensitive and not just intelligent way. This was the great force that no doctrine that emerged later had at the same dimensions.

For this reason there are numerous "comments" in the sense that "ecstatic lives", "visions" of believers are merely suggested illusions. We now point out that there is a clear, clear distinction between these suggested visions or of themselves with an impaired mental balance and between the experiences of people with a deep faith that occur, with significant content, either in moments of search or difficultness of their lives. These last experiences transcend through their intensity perception and project the being into a plane of the supersensitive, of another dimension of consciousness. In addition, each time, the distinction between myth and ritual is made.

The enchantment, the prayer, the sign of the cross, the burning of spices, the baptism, the anointing with myrrh, the rituals of the wedding and the funeral, the delights, the guessing, the divination through the oracles (from Delphi to Yi Ching) all have an archetypal lineage. What sense is given to all of them? We remember that many people declare themselves faithful, but without accepting the rituals. We could interpret these rituals as concrete ways of connecting to the archetypal world, considered to be able to satisfy its grievances by establishing a biunivocal relationship between these levels. These become codes by which to obtain benevolence, help, strength, agreement, goodwill, representing the key with which to open the gates of the "heavenly city", the means of connecting to the source of cosmic energy.

And in that sense, much more important than their purpose is how to draft. For the ritual of a religion one might assume the revealed origin. But for a lot of rituals mastered by popular culture in the days that are lost in the night of history who is the creator? Beyond the inevitable agglomeration of the field with skilled and inventive individuals, there is certain information, cited by the authorities in the field, which confirms the effectiveness of many of them. If the shamans had been totally inefficient, they would have long since lost the respect of the tribe and, as a result, their place in its hierarchy.

Moreover, from the human medicine are still present in the world useful therapeutic solutions. The same applies to popular "teachings" related to concoctions, cheekbones, applications of various plants, etc. How all of this was identified and how their application/use was constantly improved. There's a lot to be said for all this... But I don't have time for today... And, that's not the point of my effort... What is to be remembered here is the force of some kind of ritual, of a kind of habit that can amplify and correct our way of perception and without associable psychotropic substances... Simply put, our minds can solve all problems especially under the amplification of a ritual...

In fact, from tomorrow, I will return to the general "effective" notions of new medicine, new knowledge...

Week with spore in the good!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru