STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Body" (24).

Translation Draft

I've reached the point where I can make a new post particularly interesting. In previous posts we have debated enough elements about suggestion and, what is important here, about self-hypnosis. And in our case, autohypnosis means the ability to program what we're about to do, at our will. Specifically, it's about self-programming.

A self-programming that, as we have seen, can go from "programming" a good functioning functioning of the body, thus health, to programming by chance or failure, depending on the quality of this self-programming. Nowadays, this self-programming is studied and "supported" by several terms such as psychocybernetics, personal development, etc.

Experiences in the field of suggestion have demonstrated what an overwhelming role it can play in our lives and what unused possibilities exist in us. When a man without special skills can draw under suggestion as an artist (see previous posts), when a shy, under the same influence, can give a brilliant speech, then he does not "turn" (through these external efforts) neither talent, nor memory, nor courage in the brains of people but simply overcomes the psychological barrier that censorship of our consciousness imposes in our manifestation.

There is in us the capacity for memorization and creation but the beliefs we have formed through experience and education about our limits are those that oppose its complete exploitation. Reflecting in consciousness the sense of limitation of our capacity is what has been called a psychological barrier. In order to understand how this true handicap arises for many of our fellow human beings, we must first clarify another notion with which it is connected, the self-image.

From the moment, at the age of childhood, we begin to become aware of ourselves, as an existing being in the world, we unwittingly form our own image in which our physical data and intellectual possibilities are inscribed. Although paradoxical, the first image we form in our consciousness is not ours but those around us. Therefore, the moment we begin to consciously reflect on ourselves, the comparison appears immediately in our minds. Any phenomenon has value only compared to a similar one. Comparison remains the source of all our, generally imaginary, happiness and unhappiness.

By comparison we experience the bitter feeling of unfulfillment or the proud satisfaction of domination over other beings whose humiliation we experience the pleasure of superiority. We form through self-observation and through the impressions expressed by the entourage a "self-image" that will be the psychic mirror that we carry undivided throughout our lives in which we see ourselves constantly, pathetic mask that crushes the sub-mask that really characterizes us (see previous posts) in addition to the undermining, literally, of our true potentials.

Beyond the social coordinates that obviously play an essential role in printing a man's trajectory, self-image becomes the psychological motive that motivates our aspirations. Depending on this image we will be mobilized or demobilized in achieving our goals. So the content of affective feelings is only the result of the permanent confrontation between what we think of ourselves (external programming) and causes us to act according to these beliefs (mask) and what we feel and are in reality (sub-mask).

From a psychological perspective it can be said that the history of mankind is but a history of the struggle for "being" and "having". To be free, to be master, to be a hero, to be admired, to be praised. To have the bare necessities first, then to have what others have and, after that, to have what no one has. Depending on the self-image we will live uninvolved or emotionally complex. That's why it's very important with what impression we start living. Here appears the prominent role of the parents, of the school, the psychological bill of the entourage in which a child develops.

The underappreciation by the pedagogues, the mockery by colleagues, the uncensored use by the parents of expressions like "nothing will get out of you", "you are an incapacitated", so on may have a disastrous effect on psychological motivation in life for sensitive temperaments. I can remain marked by these "appreciations" living all my life in a world of doubt, bitterness, revolt against powerlessness. Knowing that its value is modest, he will not set high aspirations, he will not fight to have a leading place in school and later in society, contenting himself with a modest place in life.

That's why the first seven years of home and the first years of school are decisive for our further development. There are, of course, also people of will, who are fighting hard for overcoming their unfavorable condition often achieving outstanding performance, because between endowment and will defeats the last. Adler based his theory of overcompensation on this reality and the history of great personalities gives us enough illustrative examples.

There's also an unwanted flip-in to the medal. Instinctively or maliciously, amoral individuals resort to the complexity of another person (husband, wife, competitor, subordinate, etc.) through a slow inoculation of a false image of oneself. Seemingly random allusions, masked underappreciations, ostentatious or contemptuous ignorance can dig deep into sensitive natures. Telling someone every day "you're incapacitated," "you're ugly" etc. ultimately leads to identifying the self with the image that has been inculculated to them, prompting them to adopt behavior. Many of us know women who are really beautiful but who are complex because of the denial of their beauty by a jealous partner.

Expressions sometimes inadvertently formulated, without any intention of offending, can have unsuspected effects. It follows from this how important the role of education of each of us is in maintaining harmonious, civilized and constructive relations between people, by respecting rules that have a deep echo in human psychology. Because the science of human psychology should be the only basis for human relationships. Any other motivations are unscientific and with catastrophic consequences, as it turns out, for human coexistence. In a world motivated only by hubris, we forget to respect our fellow human beings and appreciate their merits, showing ourselves only outraged by their limits.

In relation to the way of reflection in consciousness of self-image could distinguish three categories of people. I have commented on those who underestimate their real possibilities by forming a series of affective complexes. They are the most sensitive, fragile temperamental structures. There are then people who properly evaluate their possibilities and consider them to be normal. But, finally, it can't be without, there's also a third category of people who overvalue their possibilities by appropriating an erroneous, hyperbolized self-image. Easy success achieved through some physical graces, the adulation of interest of those around them can lead to infatuation, arrogance, aggressive behavior towards subordinates or towards the entourage.

It takes a lot of wisdom to be able to stand alone in the midst of the noise around you. But on the other hand, it takes a modicum of wisdom to be able to understand your own truth and not to those interested, in one way or another, to defame or adore you. Most of all, we should enjoy or grieve not what they say about us who see only themselves, but what we know about ourselves. There, in the depths of our being lies the truth, the true and only witness that we cannot circumvent, we cannot lie to.

And the greatest punishment is embarrassment to ourselves, to what we know and no one knows. Undoubtedly, only if we have common sense. And, common sense is an expression of wisdom, and if it is not everything is only the result of education, common sense being the constituent part of human nature. I think that is the only way we can explain the way for some of them to the aggressiveness of the dictatorships that have bloodied history, that have distorted our life's path to preserving the essential qualities with which what he called to be OM was endowed.

Knowing these aspects considered minor, since they have not been given sufficient attention in the literature, has other practical consequences for us. We discussed above that man uses only a little of his potential. This is the result, in particular, of the existence of so-called authors as "psychological barriers". In the act of memorizing a material, of providing a creative activity, we leave from the image we have on our own possibilities to do that.

We are used, from school age, to memorize poems of 4 - 5 stanzas we will be convinced of the difficulty of learning by heart Luceafărul. The psychological barrier came into operation, with the suggestion that "you can't" become dominant. Thus, we have negatively conditioned the limits of our capabilities through a simple belief. Examples can continue, and so we become and are what we think of ourselves precisely because we behave by virtue of the psychological model adopted by ourselves.

There is also a negative conditioning for our affective feelings, our sense of being. If we constantly answer the questions of the entourage that "we are going wrong", this is what will actually happen. We will innoculat in our subconscious the lack of motivation, the indifference and negative experience of each (if not any) event. Such an attitude does not correspond primarily to reality. No one could experience an uninterrupted moment in of suffering because every physiological process is exhausted and temporarily replaced by another state.

If it is not just the expression of a blasé spirit, then it is a exhaustion of the ability to rejoice. And to be in a good mood, optimistic, we need energy to consume because no phenomenon in the living or non-living world can unfold without energy consumption. It is at the same time a problem of psychological adaptation to the environment (which we will address in other posts), which manifests itself mainly through the reference models that we accept and become our beliefs.

Yes, as we have discussed before, in the structure of the self-image there is a reference model with which the individual constantly tries to identify himself. Every age and each generation has its own model, with intergenerational conflicts becoming easy to understand through this prism. There are useful or, on the contrary, harmful reference models to society. The "spiritus rector" model of the world, for example, has cost many lives lost in the wars of domination, as the model of great personalities has been a powerful impetus in the lives of people who have in turn become great personalities. is known the influence exerted especially at the age of adolescence by reading Plutarch's work ("Parallel Lives") on Alexander Macedon, who would have had the expression "O Athenians, how many sufferings I submit to attract your praises", which Alexander would have uttered during the campaign that made him immortal, expressing his desire, a pupil of Aristotle, to become a model of hero worthy of Ancient Greece.

After what is discussed about the importance of our "self-image" in our existence, it is natural to ask whether we cannot also have practical ways of guiding it in relation to our goals. In formulating a positive response, as well as presenting suggestions on our "optimization of functionality", we will start from the concept of psychocybernetics, formulated by Maxwell Maltz. He, by profession aesthetic surgeon, observed that the change in the physical appearance of his patients "operates" in a short time, in most cases, a happy transformation on their personality.

Meditating on the phenomenon has concluded that a physical image that is inappropriate to a generally accepted model will have negative consequences on the personality level, leading to inferiority complexes. It is enough, Maltz said, to remove the cause, in this case to correct the physical defect, for the effect translated by the negative psychic echo lived to disappear. Thus, if instead of scalpel would only use the positive suggestion (instead of scalpel) able to alter the "self image" of the individual, it might not reach the same result. And the positive response was the creation of psychocybernetics. Maltz sees the human brain as a machine that works the way we program it. If the appointment is well done, the machine will work for us, if not, to our detriment. We discussed above that the objectives proposed, in other terms, programming, are depending on the self-image. Hence the conclusion that the individual is self-programming on chance or failure, depending on the impression he has of himself.

That's how I got to self-programming. Desires, hopes, fear, positive and negative suggestions, beliefs, optimism or blasphemy, etc. can create in our subconscious programs whose ultimate goal is success or failure. We could say that man has always made use of psychology without knowing it. Praying to the gods, being convinced of the oracles, fixing their ideals, he did nothing but orient his subconscious programs on the path of success, to orient their conduct in the manner that led to success. To be more suggestive I return to the example of the driver of a car, of his own car.

Beyond unforeseen events and "independent" of us, we are solely responsible for all incidents and accidents occurring on our way. Thus, any negative experience that we cannot get rid of can result in brain programming to our detriment. The woman who loses interest in her own appearance during the marriage and adopts a different aesthetic way is programmed at a certain physiological level and is moving towards premature aging.

Crucial in Maltz's observations seems to us to be that "the spirit does not distinguish between the experience lived and that which is intensely imagined" (and on this subject we have discussed before). Hence a series of practical recommendations and inferences for the formation of a new self-image, a new functional and even structural scheme. if the self-image is satisfactory our behavior will be appropriate, and if mined by complex our entire conduct will be programmed to failure. In turn, failure sustains neurotic feelings in which anxiety, obsessive self-analysis and painful experience of the feeling of failure are at the forefront.

A failure is not so disastrous in itself as the effect it has on us. We encounter daily in our medical practice situations of the kind described. And for all of them it has become a duty for all of us who understand and have access to understanding and propagating this knowledge (which underlies the new medicine/ new knowledge) to first of all enlighten the sick that their salvation cannot come from a miracle medicine, from an exceptional medical intervention but from the change of self-belief. To teach them to create a new functional scheme, a new programming by auto and heteroinoculation subconsciously positive suggestions, aims to definitively solve suffering, while the recommendation of an anxiolytic brings only a momentary resolution, a gain of time exactly necessary for this effort of self-modification.

Life is a suite of problem-solving, we're told. Everything we learn becomes a skill only after it is taken over by the subconscious. As the driving manoeuvres of a vehicle become automatic by passing them into the subconscious, so will be assimilated by our subconscious and the images and representations relating to us, the suggestions, the means of fulfilling desires, the safety in any activity, etc., if all this is maintained in our minds long enough. Important to us is the way and not the time, which is as different in duration as different as people are and "it is not a question of whether but a problem since".

This path exists! Not only to achieve the peace we all need in a life that is not too quiet, but also to reveal some creative potential that are real at our disposal. if there is a reality in the possibility of getting the brain to work in our favor through the ideas, suggestions, etc. reached in our subconscious, then it appears easy to understand what practical consequences it can have for us, there are numerous examples that even suggest an unconscious programming of destiny.

Throwing a word at random, "foretelling" one's end can have more sugestable fatal consequences for some people precisely by the effect exerted on their subconscious. And if through our subconscious we can perform "wonders" by learning only to program it, why should we not use this possibility in order to optimize our functioning, including revealing some creative potential? People were impressed by how some scientific ideas were "revealed" to their creators. Niels Bohr recounts to himself how he had a dream about the image of the atom. Also in the dream saw Kekule the structure of benzene, Mendeleev the famous periodic system of elements, Voltaire another variant of "Henriade" and examples can reach a number difficult to imagine.

Selye, the creator of the concept of stress, known today perhaps more than that of information, advises us that when we have a difficult problem to solve to think about it in the evening before falling asleep (there is an old saying in this respect: "Night is a good counselor"), leaving it as a task in the subconscious account of our subconscious, often having the next morning the solution of the problem. The phenomenon was known since ancient times, since Homer believed that "the gods use the dream to make known to the people their will", and the masters of the famous Greek fortresses went to sleep in the temple when they had to solve important state problems.

"Prophetic dream", "intuition", "inspiration" will appear to us in this vision and as unconscious processing of our own suggestions, desires, information, beliefs, in addition to their archetypal involvement. Learning to give tasks to the unconscious, here is one of the paths to creation, one of the ways to become effective in all our actions. Concluding on the above, it can be said that each of us carries in the mountain our own image, according to which we adopt a behavioral model. It may be appropriate or inappropriate for our wishes. The negative or positive experience of our own image makes changes in the subconscious and probably even in our "astral" field, as some sources claim, being one of the causes that propels us along the line of chance or failure.

According to Maltz, each of us is an "I." Not superior, not inferior, but simply an "I". Expanding, we might add that each of us came into the world in his place. Each of us represents a unique, unrepeatable "I", a chance in the billions of billions not to have been, because they had to compete as many events in the infinity of Time and Space for us to be here now. One obstacle, one deviation, one moment earlier, a moment later would be enough for the one that is now to have been another or not to have been. Of the millions of initial cells that stormed the parent cell, only one had the chance to win, which was the one that carried us. For us it was the moment, it was the place, the sky opened and it was the Earth.

We are one of the sequences of infinity, a point located somewhere in the spiral of our galaxy, expression of the cosmic dream. We are the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, in the sense of immediate reality, the world beginning and ending with our being. And since it is "the week of passions" let us not forget what the One in all our history said, our Lord Jesus Christ: "I will be in each of you"!!!

That's enough for today! And for this subject, our body! Maybe it's a revelation, maybe a coincidence, but from tomorrow, this "passion" week, I'm going to start typing about how our spirit works...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding!!!

Dorin, Merticaru