STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Soul" (2)

Translation Draft

"The world is all gathered in a grain of sand" is a "classical" that can be easily associated with the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics, which imposes a discontinuous vision of the world, determined only probabilistically, statistically, while, from the theory of relativity, results a strict world with a strict determinism. Moreover, the new "quantum" theories prove quite clearly that, in the size of a grain of sand, but of vacuum, there is as much energy as in the entire material universe perceived by us, the areas where there is matter being, in fact, areas with minimal manifestation of matter.

So the contradiction between the two theories is obvious. It's the moment when Bohm's theory comes in, that of the hologram, a concept of a new order, involved, deployed or unmanifested. There would be a single reality, which he calls "wrapped order" that one could imagine like drops of ink placed in the same place on a roll that wraps, each drop existing at the same time in the same place. By deployment, or holomovement, we will again gain individuality.

So in the wrapped order there is only a continuous space-time in which everything is at the same time and in the same place. It is a multidimensional space in which are contained all the potentialities and all the information of the existing world, and the beginning and the end, and birth and death, and the past and the future, and up and down, and right and left, including those of the multiverse with all the components wrapped "additional". The world we perceive is nothing but the "deployed order" of the "wrapped order", through this unfolding reality becoming manifest, being distinctly, separately, in Space and Time through which our senses perceive a world of the real. The present is only the future that becomes passed through memory. Therefore, our real world as an order deployed is present in a single point and in a single moment of the wrapped order.

Between the non-manifest, causal and eternal world, and the manifest, causal and ephemeral world at the terrestrial level there is a relationship of conditioning and overlap, parallelism and close connection. One is in the other, the manifest and the non-manifest. Each side is in relation to the whole and vice versa, any action on one reflecting on the other. And Bohm, and the Goat and many other "titans" of quantum physics emphasize the evil consequences reflected in spirit of a fragmentary vision of the world. Hence all the split in religion, politics, morals, society, etc. and, above all, between us and even within us.

To understand what I have presented above I will "make" you a kind of imaginary example (different from the one with the ant in one of the previous posts, which I noticed that is something more difficult to perceive by most audiences and readers). Think/ imagine that you would be the "supreme director" of a film (regardless of its theme – historical, biographical, sci-fi, romantic, comedy, etc.). As we well know, a film, from a physical point of view, is stored in a sequence of static images (frames, photos) through which our perception of movement is realized, passing time which, in fact, is static in each frame (it is just a simple photo, literally, a simple memorization of something static).

The speed of running fixed frames varies between 24 and 30 frames per second (in humans). why? Due to the optical inertia qualities of our eye, it is the direct answer. But, as I detailed in one of the previous posts, an aviator (trained, especially on ultrafast military aircraft), if he watches a 24-frame-per-second video he will perceive a fragmentation of images, more specifically, he will perceive that they are still images in progress. That's why, for such people, running images is faster to perceive movement. But the "supreme director", delineated at first, can only perceive a stateism arranged in an orderly string, as a kind of film tape (as are, in fact, real films), regardless of the speed of the frames.

Here, now, comes a simple fact, that of the number of characters playing (used) in this film, characters who have the "free will" inviolable by God himself because it is himself, the one present in each character (as a first suggestion to strengthen the perception of inviolability). Thus, in any character appears the possibility of a different action than the film that is running, a different, inviolable behavior, which attracts the appearance of a new film, with the same characters pursued by the one who appeals to free will, but with another evolution.

Be aware that it is not a particular character, which is of particular importance (there are no main characters/main actors but only general purpose). It's just a kind of non-affection of the free will of the other characters in this imaginary film. This non-affection, of course, is done by a kind of negotiation of the general interest, of the non-affection of free will, rather than by acceptance and cumulation in the sense of the general interest. Only then can you see if what you know applies (by the way of another idea from previous posts).

Thus, from a particular frame, a film will appear that leaves the original film, without completing it or changing its original form in which it will "go on". It's just going to be a movie that has a new content, a new alternative, not a new movie but a different alternative. So, at this point in our imaginary example, we will have to deal with two films (wrapped at the same time and space), which can be considered as two parallel universes without being such because it is the same universe. I remind you not to forget the holographic principle that tells us that at every point in our universe is the entire universe (including whether we consider the multiverse).

So it is not a new universe, not even a new dimension, being, in fact, the same universe under another manifestation, built on the same static elements but with a different arrangement, which self-condition each other in each manifestation. An alternative wrapped with the first at the same time and space, both just, regardless of the number of movies that exist. A living alternative through the movement of something that passes, perceives the movement of those cadres, whether they are new or old. For example, a hologram from our world (real, perceptible), made on glass or something else, if broken, in every shard of it will retain the entire image of the original hologram being, in fact, part of the same universe (from the same original piece of glass that was broken) – beware, it is a real hologram and not an imaginary component of my example. This is how the wrapped, self-conditioned order under which our universe operates appears.

Without forgetting that something that perceives the movement of manifest and wrapped statism, which is nothing but every single piece of God, called by us spirit or soul, we now come to what we perceive, that is real, palpable, by passing through the (static) frameworks that make up the film, our life (rolled). It is like a boost that allows us to move through the frames of a film or all the other films that result from our choices. If you remember from classical mechanics, the impulse is that energy given to an "object" that will turn into motion, a potential energy that will "dissipate" through kinetic energy until cancellation, depending on the "energy-consuming incidents along the way".

Both the "size" of the impulse and the energy consumption (concrete or vain efforts) that occurs during the passage through these fixed frameworks determine the duration of the journey, the lifetime as we perceive it. The Spirit perceives, at this "final", only a transition from one film, when the participation of a character in that film, in another film, in another character (because the transition to another film in the same character is not compatible because the "knowledge" available to the character, remember, the same, from another film is different from that of our example, plus that it violates "your own free will"). Our inability to stay in the same film is given precisely by the essence of eternity and the applicability of knowledge of the general field.

We cannot live, for example, in our times, 200 years (or any other amount of years) because, in addition to being eternal and our desire for long life is absurd besides eternity, we will live 200 years in other times, in other conditions of manifestation that will "submit" to our free will (in another film, in other films). OK, end up with this example because I don't want to write another 900 pages just with this example. Whoever has the soul to understand will understand from that!

As a little help "additional" I can send you to my site ( to the page where, 2-3 years ago I started writing a book "multifilm" / "multiverse". It is a kind of initial framework in which you insert yourself with the "stories" and then, depending on your choice, the story takes a completely different alternative (a whole other – who has the patience to go through all the alternatives will see this). There you will understand further what is the manifestation I described above.

Or, in the future, you can download the game (a kind of visual novel something more interactive) that I'm working on now (directly detached from the "book" that I indicated and which "remains in the air" / does not end due to this transition to the game), "Around the worlds", which already has 250 totally different alternatives, emphasize, totally different, depending on the choices that each of you will make. But that's over time... I'm not "superman", I'm one, and working on so many things and so many things takes me some time to complete (hoping I'll finish by the time my impulse is over and I move on to another movie). Leave "personal ad" and get back to what I wanted to post today!

Understanding the interdependence, the unity of the world, the meaning for the individual expressed only by its entirety, would have entirely different consequences for people's lives, as we will detail later.

Sure, there might be a doubt. Let us impose a different conduct towards our fellow human beings only on the basis of hypotheses, be they scientific?!? Well, testimonies that confirm the same reality of the world, seen in another dimension, come to us from several directions: the ecstatic experiences, which also speak eastern and Christian mystique, the pharmaco-chemical ecstasy for research purposes, which we have mentioned in previous posts, the mysteries of the ancient world and, in particular, those belonging to ancient Egypt (so concerned with future lives).

All these sources tell us that a continuous world is perceived, which no longer appears made up of objects and beings, but only of an uninterrupted energy that connects all of this. Time seems focused on the present, the sense of polarity disappears, and the spirit spontaneously takes note of totality, uniqueness, without logic, reason being involved. He who has not had such feelings (or does not remember them) does not have the "tools" necessary for understanding. Admit or refuse is the only possible reaction. It's what's happened since the world existed.

Such experiences are communicated to us by all the great initiates of the world. for example, to us speaks at length (consigned and "approved") about these experiences, Lucian Blaga. Perhaps we will ever find the time necessary to delve into the details of this "aperceptive" reality, which becomes "perceptible" only to an extremely small number of people and only in well-motivated (and generally "approved" circumstances of all the entities involved). Any forcing out of curiosity of "closed gates" can be paid with serious consequences. We do not make theory, such consequences being more often than you imagine encountered in medical practice, especially in that of the new medicine / new knowledge.

We therefore reach the universal consciousness, the supreme form of the non-manifesto. Karl Pribram uses the hologram model to understand brain function. The universal consciousness of mankind would be the ultimate form of the world involved and would be the only way out of the current psychological crisis, full of crime, war, direct or indirect slavery and many, many other horrors. In the holological conception, cosmic consciousness appears to us as an aspect of holomotion that we cannot see from outside it, because we are involved in it. It's a point of view we also encounter at the Princeton gnoza.

According to Pribram, the brain is just a complex frequency analyzer. It is also known that all information received by the brain is encoded in the nervous system in frequency/ frequencies. Each neuron would have the ability to process a certain frequency spectrum, surprising an "octave". The frequency fields of the adjacent neurons intertwine and give the result represented by "interpretation" (perceived symphony). Another "element" that appears here is the fourier transformation which implies the possibility to analyze in frequency factors any model and, conversely, to reconstruct a model to which the factors of frequency and amplitude are known. In the same way we can imagine the world, as a coding and decoding of models in spatial frequencies. Proof of this is the very activity of the brain that "complements" (literally) a fragment of an image, for example, with what has "stored" in memory, resulting in the complete picture, closer to reality or more distant, depending on what was stored.

So, modern physics abolishes hazard (disorder, evolution without "a plan")? By virtue of the holographic conception of the world, random events, as well as the significant coincidences that Jung speaks of, become comprehensible, gain meaning, losing the status of "incidental", because they occur in a holographic universe in which every party expresses the whole and is dependent on it. Behind the random occurrences are "fundamental symmetries", ineluctable physical laws (unremoveable, inevital). Hazard, elevated in evolution to the rank of Demiurg by Monod and neodarwinists, loses its old investment through modern physics. We will also notice that common sense also anticipated these arguments of modern physics in the way explained biological evolution.

From the above data we observe that modern physics brings into the field of knowledge completely new elements, totally different from those of classical physics. It could be said, however, that the whole "superstructure", the current scientific thinking applied to the other fields of knowledge (biology, art, philosophy, religion, etc.) is based on the classical physics of the 19th century and not the quantum physics developed in the 20th century. OK, that's why our attitude towards biology, medicine, religion, our political thinking, with consequences in terms of immediate living, are motivated by a conception exceeded by a century of science, a century of general spiritual ascent...

It is strange how these extremely simple, shoutingly simple truths only a few spokesmen of the mentioned areas realize and, worse, the vast majority act "out of obvious interest", to the annihilation, denigration, etc. of those who "bear the new words". Let us expect that it is not until the 21st century that we will form a foundation of science from the 20th century or "a little lazy" (for example, quantum knowledge is not yet the subject of baccalaureate)?!?

So, by recapitulating the notions imposed by modern physics, we will "find" the existence of two parallel universes but with different laws: the three-dimensional conditioned atomic universe and the multidimensional subatomic one. Therefore, the accessibility of our senses and, therefore, of reason, is "conditional" only on the three-dimensional world, imposing the conclusion of an incomplete knowledge of reality: the relativity of Time and Space, the existence of the principle of uncertainty at the atomic level, the existence of the holographic principle and the self-consistency acting at the ultimate, fundamental level of matter and by virtue of which, any part of the universe, existing only in interaction with the others, will suffer the influence of all the elements that occur in the whole.

How many more disasters will occur until the politicians of the world (whom we let go – "Evil can only act if good does nothing" – or – "Politicians should be afraid of the people and not the people of politicians"), as the last man, will understand the implacable consequences of these laws?!? It's so hard to understand of us today what many thousands of years ago was known?!? Such things are not even written in "Almach" (who is Romanian will understand the allusion) ...

Finally, theorists of modern physics and researchers in the field of neurophysiology (and "related" sciences) hypothesize a cosmic consciousness, seen as a vast information field in which we are all covered. This is the path taken through science by human knowledge in the last century, which we consider to be a crowning of reason, a pinnacle of our intelligence.

That's enough for today! From tomorrow, especially as the "Resurrection" of our Lord Jesus Christ comes, I will address a knowledge that seems to come beyond reason, from time immemorial, when man did not have at his disposal the tools of modern science but only his mind and "feeling", "discussing" religion and knowledge...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru