STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Soul" (7)

Translation Draft

Here comes the third day of Easter and the last of the feast of resurrection. For most of us it means resuming work. So I'm going to get to work and continue the theme of yesterday's post...

Religions are codifications of events that take place in the territory of the Sacred. Religion fills the empty space between the Zero moment, unapproached by science, providing a coded answer, largely covered in symbols, to the great questions that man asks. Some of the symbols used are of extraordinary depth and we will give as an example the cristic symbol (celebrated these days).

Jesus Christ (Christ) is an ambivalent entity, man and God at the same time. By this quality he becomes the intermediary between man and God. By man becomes believable. By God he obtains the power to protect men, to be their shield, their salvation, their liman. It is the model, the original and unique archetype to follow. That's why all his words become imperative to man. It is the path that is indicated to man, it is the road that is already built, it is the Truth that he must know about himself in order to know what he has to do. It's the way to be the model of human behavior that human is shown. It is God crucified by man, the one who suffered because he was human and ascended because he was God. It is the symbol of suffering and sacrifice for men. Effort, sacrifice for others is the only condition of everyone's happiness.

As a man he suffered, was challenged, humiliated, mocked, tormented and killed. That God has forgiven, being the symbol of human forgiveness without which there can be no peace. It is the symbol of healing and happy power, of generosity that demands mercy from those who mock and challenge it because they "don't know what they're doing." It is the expression of human psychology elevated to the rank of pure morality. It is the concrete expression by which divine force is exercised. It is the symbol of wisdom that penetrates and motivates the whole existence from a human model, accessible to our knowledge. It is the direct emanation of Intelligence through which everything exists and without which nothing exists. It's the last hope in the moment of despair.

It would be absurd to say today that the doctrines of religions are entirely ineffective to man. There are concrete actions achieved through religion such as healings, human retrievals, human and social pacifications, moral norms perfectly valid for any type of society as well as truths that can be sustained with the rigors of science (and still the most evolved sciences, as we have seen in previous posts). There is a definite and surprising parallel between the conclusions of modern physics concerning the interaction between the part and the whole within the unity of matter, the existence of a "universal mind", and the central idea of religion regarding the existence of a primordial Intelligence, which pervades the whole existence. Interactions between the various entities described by religions can be easily understood as symbolic expressions of interactions of energy and informational fields, the areas of intersection between religion and sciences being multiple, and we did not hesitate to present them in previous posts.

The language used by the Bible, for example, may seem too dusty in the weather in relation to our tastes today, but its color imposes on us the image of the steadfastness of a world that came from beyond time. So, if we refer only to the Bible, every verse of it is a monument of wisdom. That's why it was called the Book of Books. But to understand the whole load of symbols requires a real culture. Many of his expressions have entered everyday parlance as sentences of wisdom, and in their ignorance, many of those who fight the Bible use these expressions by making unknowing prose. Thus, many of the guidance aimed at transforming man into moral and physical level proves a knowledge of psychological relationships, of mechanisms in his physiology impossible to understand by what we know today about the times in which they were elaborated.

Psychosomatic training systems of Asian origin can be given as an example, but some are also known in the Christian religion (for example, isishasm or palamism – the craft of peace). It is only nowadays that medicine has understood the mechanism of feedback in voluntary command of involuntary functions, but driven precisely by these performances coming from beyond modern laboratories.

So the scientist must regard religion as one of the answers to our big questions, honesty obliging him not to get involved as partisan or hostility. Viewed this way, religion also reveals some gaps...

Many of the truths originally known were lost or deliberately circumvented for a number of reasons. Being an incomplete and one-sided knowledge, his servants made precepts dogmas, not understanding that the Universe is driven by laws that compel perpetual movement, evolution and transformation. A world on the move cannot be expressed through immutable sentences. Interpreting ad literam some verses, without understanding their hidden and figurative meaning, have often caused much harm. The furious fight against any opinion from outside canonical dogma has diminished its prestige and aroused the adversity of many thinkers of culture and science. The intolerance cultivated by the Inquisition resulted in the victory of a materialism which, in turn, became equally one-sided and intolerant.

Unfortunately, in the name of these "truths" injustices have been committed going as far as crimes that cannot be excused in any way, no matter where they come from. It is one of the reasons why many honest people in their background preferred to opt for a cosmic religion and reject the doctrinal-dogmatic one.

We are, of course, obliged to distinguish between doctrines, especially initial ones, created by the founders, and between their subsequent servants who, especially by not rising to their height, have compromised them. We are confronted here, as in other areas, with the inherent limits of man. The future will likely fill these ups and come to a single religion with one foundation. We do not have the naivety to imagine that mankind will suddenly be gripped by a wave of religiosity, although it is often said that the 21st century will be either religious or not at all... In a modern world, mined by its grave vicissitudes, social inequalities and injustices, alienated from the self, disoriented, psychologically, morally and biologically assaulted, threatened by pollution, incurable diseases, the danger of a global and/ or nuclear cataclysm, the need today, more than ever, is felt, the need for a psychological binder, a spiritual balm for our multiple open wounds.

Specifically, we believe that it is possible to arrive at a unifying, synthetic knowledge between religion and science, able to reveal the truth about itself and transform it accordingly. It is interesting to note that it is precisely modern sciences, as they enter the depths of matter, on the one hand they approach religion, and on the other, they force religion to approach science. And the Christian religion, through the imperative of love proclaimed by Jesus, has designated the essence of living in the Sacred, the path that leads to the salvation or, in specific terms, the salvation of man. Because "hic et nunc" (taking initiatives here and now), on Earth, the fundamental, essential problem that arises is that of saving man. Returning to the Sacred, Mircea Eliade tells us, is our only way of salvation. But, let's go back!

Any manifestation, any attitude, every thought is on a positive or negative line and is doubled by an appropriate energy field which, as we have seen, is reflected on the fundamental field. Good is all that has a constructive, non-genentropic meaning. Love, respect, positive thinking, the realization of a permanent psychic contact maintained with the cosmic source through evocation, offerings, etc. means in terms of energy the creation of positive fields, the only ones able to connect to the energy of the fundamental field. In this way our individual, limited and exhausting field energy will be augmented by the energy of the fundamental, unlimited and eternal field. All actions. thoughts, feelings with negative content are part of evil because they generate entropy, destruction. Their energy correlation will be the negative energy field that is physically incompatible with the fundamental field and distinguishes man, exposing him to the sufferings involved by entropy.

From the theories of modern physics previously commented (bootstrap concept, holomotion) results the influence they have on the whole, with reflection on us, of any action taken by us. We infer from this the consequences of human conduct on an individual and collective level, expressed through human history over time and its dramatism should no longer groom us. Paradoxically, the source of human drama lies in the status of man, a rational being with optional possibilities. Opting between Good and Evil has written its own history.

There are very few who, by themselves or helped, have managed to build a history different from most people. The condition to direct your own history according to will is knowledge. A man's history is at the same time dependent on the community in which he lives (the individual cannot survive the general). This is why it takes extensive knowledge throughout the human community and not just a few chosen to "register" evolution.

The evolution of the living world as well as the non-living world is a reality, the whole existence being in a perpetual movement and transformation. From Darwin we have only the idea of evolution, not his exact way of achieving it. Darwin himself cautiously presented the idea. And from his theory have made a dogma those who willed to take a passionate lysed revenge on the creationist alternative of religion. What evolved was the idea of the world and not the world as such. The atoms that make up an evolving world have the same structure, only the configuration in which they are placed differs. The objective of evolution does not seem to be totality, but functionality, not the performance of the parts but the purpose of the whole.

Looking at the human brain as the last known link in the evolutionary chain, we have the impression that evolution had no purpose other than to perfect structures capable of processing information, from limiting primary forms to the freedom of thought detached from matter and elevated to the height of the spirit. It would seem that the "spirit" sculpts in matter the forms capable of expressing it, the whole universe seeming like a vast experiment of an Intelligence. Viewed in this way, evolution still has many steps to take before it comes to creating the structure capable of understanding the essence of its own determination.

As an archetype, man is of the age of the cosmos because he was present in logos, in that "first wave of light". The creation of life remains a profound mystery to science, and neither is the creationist idea of religion more plausible. We believe that life is also created "before our eyes" (evidence lies, for example, the evolution of the germs of different diseases). If we take into account the assertions of science regarding the structure of matter and its laws of manifestation we obtain a seemingly rational explanation for the structure of the physical world but not for the appearance and manifestation of life.

We'll never know how exactly the events that came through life occurred, as well as the universe. The hypotheses about these beginnings, the role of necessity and chance are only imagination, convention. It is true that they are models imagined on the basis of laboratory premises, authentic experiments, but their extrapolation into nature does not necessarily mean overlap with reality. We won't know what life is until we can create it in the lab. And, I said, this event won't happen anytime soon (maybe never). As sufficient as the reasons for their origin seem to us.

It is aberrant to support the existence of the world from a single pair, it is aberrant to admit that chance created at the same time two individuals of different sex but of the same species in order to reproduce, it is naïve to reduce life to known physico-chemical reactions and it is impossible to explain the thinking, intelligence, feelings from atoms and substance. That's why it's honest and common sense to admit that we don't know. It's not a crime not to know. Crime is when in the name of false or conventional truths convictions are issued against those who do not adhere to them, as has happened in our recent history.

To any of the laws known today in physics or chemistry we subject the atoms of existing elements in the structure of living matter, no life results. Life seems to be "something" put into matter, physical matter being only the vessel in which the energy of life is poured. In this respect, we believe that life is an essentially informational form of energy, of a consubstantial nature to the original source.

There is a will and a reason to be, to live, in all that is alive. Any parasite germ struggles to live on its host' account, even if it leads to its death. Of the two "combatants" he will overcome the strongest moment, with no mercy in nature. But starting from this little "fight" it's impossible not to notice that, here too, everything has its purpose. The will to live and the global interest is the one that will come upon any such confrontation... Many vaccinated people will survive the virus attack but many will also fail, inexplicably. The new medicine has made quite a few arguments in this regard (the concrete study of which will begin in about a week).

That's enough for today! I have to get to work...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru