STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Soul" (8)

Translation Draft

Calendaristically (literally, and not figuratively), the days of the Religious Light "attracted" to the feast of the Resurrection (and Easter) have passed.

So let's get to work from other points of view!

The universe is a vast information system organized according to precise laws, its first law being that of cyclicity. So, apart from the primordial cause of existence, nothing is eternal, not even the Universe as a whole (at least that's what we know at the moment), everything being a perpetual replay. It starts from the "initial light" and after going through a cycle of evolution it reaches the initial state of light again. But even with these assimilated considerations, the known astrophysic frame seems to suggest an informational hierarchy of the Universe.

Each level of its organization is at the same time an informational level, containing as a result the information of the underlying plans. Each level of organization of the universe subordinates the lower ones and partially decides their evolution, the whole being coordinated by the highest plane. The metaphorical image that emerges for the Universe is that of the pyramid, with a broad base and a single peak, or concentric circles.

Thus, the world is programmed "ab initio" (from the beginning, from the beginning) as structure and functionality, but at the same time it seems to be constantly readjusted to new situations because "everything flows" and nothing remains "frozen". This programming of events is both intrinsic, inscribed in the genetic code of living organisms, and extrinsic, recorded in information fields that are integrated into similar systems up to the great system represented by the Cosmos.

So now we can talk both about the existence of a "destiny" (something programmed, something that will happen or must happen) and about the existence of free will (and fatality through what you wear as hereditary conditional programming and option through what you do here). It is difficult to specify the proportion in which destiny, fatality, and to what extent we impose our will. In other words, to what extent we are free and to what extent we are predetermined, it is quite possible that in a major proportion we will be programmed before we come into the world and a total switching of the way of life is possible only through a complete change in attitude in psychological-behavioral terms.

All plans of visible and invisible existence overlap, any action verbally, affectively, organically or functionally, physically or purely informational being necessarily translated in terms of energies, atoms, chemical reactions, physical mobilization, ineluctable laws. Without this overlap of planes, starting from subatomic particles, going through chemistry, biochemistry, biology, information, cybernetics, the universe, nothing exists. The fundamental law of the Universe is the harmonious correlation of all these plans, any distortion at the level of action or only of thought involving sickness and suffering. Therefore, the solution of their prevention lies in respecting the law of harmony through the conscious control of all conduct, which must have an exclusively positive, non-genentropic purpose.

But what was it in the beginning that came to this "structure"? In the beginning, scientifically speaking, it was the Primordial Idea or Information that is contained in what was called Logos or Word ("In the beginning it was the Word"). It is more than just a word understood in the current meaning, describing the archetype, the model of the world. It's a science, a knowledge, a consciousness, an intelligence, the creative intelligence of the universe. The idea is not only information but also an energy field capable of action, as we have seen in previous posts. But where does this "divine verb" come from? From "The Great Unknown," at least, because it couldn't have come out of thin air...

If we were to reduce our entire existence to Zero, at the time before there was something, then nothing would be born out of nothing. From the beginning it would have been only forces and energies and by evolution it would have resulted in all forces and energies, but not cosmic structures and intelligently ordered living forms. If at first it was just chaos, disorder, without an orderly force, it would have resulted in all the clutter. An architect is required behind each work. In the face of the finding that the Universe is finely tuned to determine the appearance of life, you can only draw this whole conclusion... We can deny if we don't like the divine nature of the primordial source, but we can't deny that it's an almighty force and an intelligence. Because only intelligence and force can order chaos and "send the universe down unknown paths"...

If we look at man's creation as a gift of the primordial Source, then, in this altruism, we must also see a feeling of love. Logos and love were the two factors that led to man's creation. Hence all the relationships of the human being with the Creator, taught by religions, especially the Christian one. If man was created by an act of generosity, of love, of reason, then he is indebted to the Creator, who continues to be omnipresent to his creation, with an attitude of gratitude, love and respect (Love-love, Gratitude and Understanding + Namaste – "I worship You"/ Respect). But come back!

The whole secret of existence seems to be that the universe is an ocean of energy directed by a cosmic intelligence. Any variability in the movement of energy generates information according to certain laws that seem to be imposed by an Intelligence, a kind of source of all changes in the universe. Any action, gesture, idea, in other words any verb, means a movement, a movement of energy, which carries in itself a meaning, that is, an information, which is called information-energy encoding. This information appears in a fundamental field that records it.

The first law of codification is the dichotomization of the single principle in the two contrary elements. It is for us a profound mystery how one becomes two with opposite properties, how from a uniform structure appear two with opposite attributes. But, this is the principle of every creation in the universe. Extrapolating this dichotomization leads to the moral plane where coding appears in Good and Evil. It is simplistic to see here the need of Evil to oppose Good, one not "able" to exist without the other. There is thus an internal dynamic in which the plus and minus necessarily enter each of the two terms, but the result of the action is different in totality. Interesting to note is that no higher court accounts for the outcome of our actions, but they appear inscribed in our energy and information field structure.

And since with this structure we must occupy a place in the universe, we will be subject to its rules of organization and functioning. We're going to occupy the place we're congruent with, just as a ball thrown on a surface will stop where it can find its balance. The fight is therefore given to occupy a place in the Universe, as favorable in terms of psychological experience reflected at the level of consciousness.

Any action assuming a fundamental field variation remains forever recorded at this level. Consequently, any thought or act leaves an indistinguishable trace in the plane of our field structure. Hence the obligation to control ourselves in what we do and think. Consequently, the wise men who created the old doctrines knew these things well, but all the notions that define these realities beyond the concrete world were anthropomorphized in order to make them understood.

Going forward with the reasoning, the information-energy dimension is the primordial layer of our structure and contains the matrix of all functional forms and programs, including the genetic one. In plan two is the biochemical structure of the organism, and in the third plane is the molecular-morphological or substantial one. Unable to explain otherwise the source of the organization of matter according to the very rigorous criteria of intelligent reason, we must admit volens-nolens ("we do not want") that nature contains this intelligence in itself. That's the key to understanding. The rest, like "why" and "how" are just words and literature. Religions have called this intelligence God. If it bothers us, we can call it something else, but it stays the same in itself.

Matter as substance and energy perceptible through the senses exists. Matter, as depths inaccessible to our senses exists. Life exists. Intelligence exists. There is, therefore, also a source of theirs, located beyond our possibility of direct demonstration. As i.e. earlier, religions have called it God. The Princeton school, for example, called it "Cosmic Consciousness." We called it the organizing intelligence and coordinator of the universe. The terms by which it is defined have no importance. The important thing is that what has been called God exists and is present anywhere, and in us. Matter created life. We matter, through our mothers, have proof that we are capable of creating life. We, through our deeds and thoughts, give life.

So God exists. This is the crux of knowledge. Are we alone in a universe that created us, so it cannot be considered hostile, and we have the freedom to fight for our own good with any means that allow us to achieve our purpose, or are we here by the grace of a will, of an intelligent force that has created us with a precise purpose and which we must know, to intuit, in order to be able to fulfill it? "Not being or being" (inversion is intentional), it seems to us to be the question... There is therefore an intelligence present in all manifestations of the universe, the primary and ultimate cause of all things, "alpha and omega". It is present in the character of the laws of organization of matter, crosses the instincts of the entire animal world, directs the engagement of billions of living cells and defines all forms of manifestation of the decision, with its corollary, human thinking.

A single intelligence crosses the world, from the behavior of the subatomic particle to that of the human brain. The difference lies only in the degree of complexity and choice, of the freedom of the decision which manifests itself to different degrees of representation. A single reason transpires from "up" to "down", the reason of cosmic laws, the reason of the vegetable world, the reason of the animal world, the human reason and the reason that puts them all in a harmonious agreement. The "beyond" reason rarely coincides with our reason, because there is an absolute "savoir", an absolute knowledge in which all causes are "seen", and here is a knowledge only limited. We will see as a result only the immediate causes in which we engage and we will ignore the distant ones. An androgynous action, focused on purpose, to the detriment of female action, focused on the whole.

If we admit that there is intelligence in the universe, we must make the effort to understand its intentions as far as we are concerned, the reason for which we exist, in order to fit in its endeavour. For this it is necessary to know, first, what are its attributes. In the face of our reason we have two terms: Source and Effect. To study the Source we should be outside it and this is impossible. But it is accessible to us its effect, man.

Known laws in physics and chemistry help us explain, as much as we can explain, the physiology of the brain, but not the thinking, the consciousness, the affective life. We understand well the relationship between the psyche and its cerebral substrate, the mutual interdependence, the pathological echo on the other in case of suffering at one of the poles, but why neurons with the same structure in humans and dogs, for example, define one man and another only dog, we do not know. Surely it's not in the "capacity" of volume that the difference lies, the answer. And then we are obliged to admit that our psychic and intellectual attributes (thinking, affectivity, will, etc.) can only be explained by the attributes of the Source, being consubstantial to them. Therefore, at the level of cosmic intelligence we must admit, although it probably seems absurd, that there is consciousness, reason, thought, will, capacity for affective living. In other words, the cosmic source means intelligence, wisdom, love and will.

This seems very important to define our relationships with the Source. We look in the abstract at an explanatory source of the world and respect its laws indifferently and coldly, how do we deal with those emanating from human justice, or do we engage in an affective way, making this part of the law? When I'm over speed on a public road, I'm forced to pay only a fine, but not to love the man who gave it to me. It's quite different in the relationship between me and the justice emanating from the source. This is why living in the space of the Sacred implies a sense of devotion that includes respect and love for the Source and all that it has achieved. It must be said, however, that they appear as feelings only in their reflection at the level of our consciousness, in their primary substrate being only forms of energy necessary to make the connection between humans, between man and the Source.

We recall, in order to have a clear understanding that all the planes of visible and invisible existence overlap. Any action in the mental, verbal, affective, organic or functional plane necessarily translates within energy, namely the information-carrying energy field, for the invisible dimension of reality, and in terms of atoms, chemical reactions, physical structuring, for the concrete dimension of reality. For example, we discussed (in previous posts) that the electromagnetic energy we highlight in living structures is not identical to the energy of life, and we looked at why. It's just his epiphenomenon. Life is a form of consubstantial energy to the Source. Like this, it contains in itself the Intelligence that gives it net non-genotropic character. The same invisible intelligence intervenes in the development of the organism, decreasing the negentropy and increasing entropy after it has reached its end.

Of course, many servants of religion do not know how to make science out of their doctrine, and we would not have done so if the depth of the current scientific data and their extension to the last consequences had not imposed these conclusions on us. It is simply an explanation imposed by the scientific discourse and not a plea "pro domo" (for his own cause, for his interests). To have ignored them, as most of us do in order not to diminish our prestige by engaging in an area that is taxed as unscientific, would have meant dishonesty towards the Truth and, consequently, for science. Besides, with or without our will, what has to happen is going to happen anyway.

But it's not the same when you come to meet the prepared happening or when you ignore it. It's ineluctable a mutation in the consciousness of modern man, if he wants to continue. And this cannot be achieved by neglecting a knowledge with such a vast history in time and space. Modern science must be the "purifying fire" (but not in the inquisitorial sense), the sifting tool of the interests of the residue of its essence. if until now it has been possible for life to persist, despite the great stepsons we have encountered, the time has come when we are asked (how many times?): "Quo vadis? (Where are you going?/ Where are we going?)".

By not knowing our own essence, not understanding our meanings, the meaning of our life in the Universe, our own destiny on Earth, we find ourselves alone and strangers in the midst of the crowd, divided by a diversity of political interests, when man needs only one policy, that imposed by knowledge, separated and enthralled by different religious conceptions, when there is only one source of universe, ruined by vices , reddened by the envious, blinded by passions, enslaved by instincts, anguished by an existence in which we see no liman, frightened by the aggression of fellows (even those in our bed and in our house), sad and unhappy on a land of penance, stigmatized even by "original sin", without knowing our guilt.

Let us finally realize that there are no two worlds, one of matter and the other of spirit, one of science and another of religion, that there is only one reality, seen only from different angles. We have enough data to understand now the wonder of this unique and ultimate reality that unites us and does not divide us (as we humans do under various pretexts, under various points of view) but gives us meaning and does not alienate us, gives us life and not death, gives us love and not fear. more than ever, a psychological evolution is needed, if not a real psychological revolution, in the direct sense and not necessarily of psychological science. Revolution in spirit, in thought and in our whole being. This is, at least in part, the path of new knowledge, of new medicine...

That's enough for today! Get to work with us!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru