STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Soul" (9).

Translation Draft

From yesterday's post I "take over" the idea that, following all the arguments both scientific and religious, we will also distinguish in the human being, corresponding to the two dimensions of reality, a visible presence and another invisible.

The visible being is our self with psychological and somatic status subject to all the laws of the sensitive and manifest world, which has a beginning, a development and an end. It is our ephemeral structure because, every moment of existence we record a different reality. So, therefore, what we call reality is only the appearance of a moment, perceived by our sensitive structures (sense organs) and only at the level of their capacity for extension (brain completeness, means of extrasensory perception, as well as modern means of technical perception). In another moment and another level of perception is another reality.

This ephemeral aspect of Reality was called by Hindu spirituality "Maya", illusion. Maya (it is a Hindu term, not to be confused with the name of the Maya civilization which has a completely different origin) is the veil that hides from its true reality, that essential and eternal. At this level of apparent reality would be the suffering, the disease, because we are subject to the desire dictated by instincts. The authentic, essential being is that which corresponds to the invisible shaping dimension of manifest reality. In this dimension, which is consubstantial to our unconscious psychosis lies, as we have seen, an "absolute savoir", an orderly intelligence of the universe.

And the expression of this archetypal dimension in us is the Self. The self is our authentic, essential being, that programmed "ab initio" (from the beginning) in the archetype, in the first "logos", in the first creative logos of the universe, without the frustrations and vicissitudes that occurred afterwards. The self is the reflection of the universe in us, it is the messenger of cosmic intelligence, left from that hypothetical "Beginning" and completed in our being. That's why the Self is the witness of eternity within us. A book on this subject was also written, "The Testimony of Eternity" (Le témoin de l'éternité, by Henriette Yvonne Stahl), in which she is surprised, with an extraordinary force of expression, the ecstatic experience of the essential eu. Being the expression of our last reality, the essential self is the representation of our last truth, it is our absolute truth.

In our unconscious spirit we constantly compare the status of the being in concrete reality with that of our originally programmed being, we compare our historical being, ephemeral with the essential one induced in the eternity of the universe. For this reason, when all appearances are in our favor, when rationally nothing is missing, somewhere deep in our being remains a corner of unhappiness (or, less often, when everything is missing, it remains a corner of happiness). It is the sadness of our essential being (or vice versa, the joy, the happiness of our essential being) that either does not find its echo in the concrete world, in the lived life, or "reverse" accepts what it lives (receives and acts according to the perception of its mission) and engages with its essential being in the lived life regardless of its happy or unhappy parameters.

For those who do not "find themselves" it is obvious that we are talking about the sadness of our essential being that does not echo in the concrete world, in the lived life. It is the cry of the authentic being who feels suffocated, crushed, unfulfilled, unhappy. It is the "shadow" of our timeless soul, which does not live according to its primordial symbol, its cosmic archetype. It is the bitter feeling of the non-fulfillment of the inner being even if it is aware, literally, of the gift of the received road and does not perceive feelings in a negative way.

Here appears the first "contrast" that appears in the functionality of each human individual, contrast that must be clarified before proceeding to any corrective action, any involvement of us in solving the negative status that attracts the lack of harmony between the material and spiritual selves (but, about these things we will discuss at length shortly). For those who find themselves, everything is "all right", regardless of the parameters of justice, fairness, response of the people around them, etc. For them everything is but an action full of patience and faith, of permanent adaptation to the opacity and reactions of those around them to themselves (I mean here these "those around") regardless of the touch to the "found", of the unconsciously manifest matter under the sign and control of the non-discovery of the real self and its true purposes (be it full of pain , suffering). But come back!

The birth of a man is a cosmic event (like any manifestation of the life). Every man comes into the world wearing a mark, a symbol, a signature inscribed in the archetype behind us. This is our essential being, originally programmed. Our physical and intellectual potentials are communication to the spirit, which takes note of them more or less distinctly, more or less consciously, being expressed as desires, predispositions, talent, etc. Unfortunately, or fortunately, a man's social evolution does not always have that trajectory favorable to the fulfillment of the being in what is essential to it. , a sum of experiences that have nothing to do with what the material self wants (when we come here, we come to the perfect time and place, we will attract only and only the situations that are "perfect" to our mission and any "holding" of additional "powers" must be adapted to the birth of the joy, happiness, love necessary for that place, to the people "present" there and around, to that moment when we were placed – the greater the opposition will be , the more we will suffer physically or mentally through diseases or atrocious perceptions of non-integration). Offf, come back, that's not the theme of today's post...

Western-type civilization dealt, as we have seen, with our outer universe, the satisfaction of the desires and the needs of our concrete being, ignoring the inner universe, that of the authentic being. Even religions, which up to a point take some care of our true self, have "delimited" themselves on this external, material course, stigmatizing us from birth with "original sin", asking us for behaviors that subject us only to the "tertiary" self of godliness, external, canceling the perceptions of internal, real godliness, or canceling the road to godliness through us by becoming it by intermediation by that cult and... I'd better stop here.

Excessive amplification of the outer universe to the detriment of the inner one, which has been ignored or manipulated, has resulted in an incomplete development of personality, a lack of harmonization in our psychological unity, a disagreement between our interior and exterior, between essence and manifestation. Hence the incompleteness of the human being. Man doesn't really know himself. He knows only the one programmed by the "material norms" constituted in beliefs (here I do not mean religious ones but personal ones like the belief that it is not good to do something that something will happen and other blah blah), only the one subject to the needs, the current instincts.

With no other projection in mind, a look under the angle of eternity will act only according to the needs of his biological being. Religious norms seem to transpire such a "behaviour" but, to a large extent it is not so, these norms are also limited to the sins we record in direct behavior, eternity being bounded in good or bad according to the arbitrary mode of manifestation/ material evaluation... Offf, and "speak" the key without me?!? I'll stop here...

And we're getting to us now, directly. So, from the above it follows that we have to make a difference between looking and seeing (and here I do not mean the "supplier" of over 70% of the perceptions of our senses, the actual sight). Dominated by a world of concrete reality perceived with all our senses, it is hard to understand another world, which we must perceive only with the mind. To understand the concrete world as a phenomenon is to "look", to understand the non-manifest world as a phenomenon means to "see". This is the explanation a yaqui wizard gives Carlos Castaneda.

The road from "looking" to "seeing" is the path of knowledge or "the path with the heart", a road to the realization in consciousness and in the concrete experience of the essential reality, of the identity of the Self with the Source. There is therefore a way, a path to ourselves, to the ultimate truth, to our essence, to eternity, to the harmony of our gestures in every material passage with the ultimate, integrative, true harmony. Since ancient times it is intuitively "felt" but its structuring into a collective gift is always ruined, unsupported. Isn't it time for this path to be known to all?!? Isn't it time for this key to knowledge to be available to everyone?!?

From the data presented, as we have seen, the existence of an intelligence that can be considered as the source of the entire universe, including man. In this case, we must take note of its existence and try to decipher its "intentions" expressed by its operating legacies in order to know what remains to be done. Attention, it is not a conformation to something taught by religions (I keep repeating things that can be interpreted as a kind of "rupture" of religions but this is not my intention – religions have their clear role as long as they exist, because everything that exists has its role – I repeat, everything that exists)! When the universe was created, everything was not done under the condition of a certain conformation that would delimit the meritorious in non-meritorious. Free will exists. So everything has been left to the power of our choices, starting from private to global (because everything is one and one is everything, divinity being in every grain of sand, in every soul that exists) towards conforming only to a global purpose. This is the key to all human knowledge. Let us understand the Source and its imperatives to fulfill our purpose.

If at first it was the "logos" expressed by the orderly intelligence of the universe or the creative thought, it is easy to understand that the road to rebuilding the human universe will have to be the source of an intelligent thought. Because, as we've seen, thoughts are the orderly forces of the universe. In a metaphorical expression, but with penetration into reality, initially there were only "thoughts of the cosmic mind" that constituted the information necessary to transform energy from the fundamental field into substance and being. In turn, human beings are thought-creating. It would seem that the purpose of our passage into substance is none other than to create new thoughts, new information, which will return to the fundamental field, becoming the source for new orders of the universe. It ends here, as in all that exists, a cycle, a cycle of being. We will therefore agree that the starting point of the road to us will have to be, as in the origins, the intelligence, the wisdom of a thought. This is, if not our "insertion" among the gods, at least the way to them.

In his work "Homo Universalis", Anton Dumitriu makes a foray into the history of concerns recorded over time for the achievement of human perfection, perfection that the ancients attributed only to the gods (perhaps that is why he attributed to perfection the intuitive name of "the path to the gods" – to include here the monotheists terms of God, Allah, Buddha and how many more are – offf, perishable land, quicksand , nothing else – my clear opinion, which results from all the posts, is that we can only talk about Uniqueness, more concretely, that everything I feel can be attributed to one God, regardless of its name – no more). Reaching perfection means that man must approach the gods, be like them, rising, through his own effort, from the sensitive world of phenomena to that of essence, assimilated to divinity. This essential being existing in the depth of our psyche and which is the subject of all efforts to improve has been called by Anton Dumitriu "homo universalis".

By the term perfection, it is not only the presence of qualities and behavior in accordance with a certain moral code, but the access by intellect and action to the invisible dimension of our essence. This is, in fact, the road to knowledge. For this reason Plato called it "the path to the intelligible". Plato compares the state of man, who is devoid of knowledge of essential reality, with that of prisoners chained to a rock.

Their release can only be achieved by knowledge and not by accepting the prometheic impotence chained to eternal devouring (even if only of the liver – intuitively chosen, it being the main element that removes toxins from the body, toxins that are not eliminated, will keep the body in a state of weakness, inaction until its death). In ancient times, the path to knowledge went through "initiation", which meant, as I have already pointed out, the incorporation of the ins into the orbit of a strictly controlled life. Subsequently, these concerns went beyond the closed framework, developing a variety of techniques for this purpose, different in form by their origin. There is undoubtedly a difference between Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, the techniques used in the mystery societies of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and modern relaxation techniques.

But all these techniques have a common point and the same purpose. Their diversity does not mean inefficiency, as some commentators say, but it has a simple explanation. Belonging to different spiritual and geographical areas, it is natural to dress different aspects and different knowledge. It is then known from medicine that each man gets his disease, different from that of another fellow, and therefore appropriate treatment is required for the person. Failure is not the expression of the method, but of the subject. There are several common factors that converge towards achieving the desired results. This implies the will to constantly control thoughts and then actions, desires, needs, attitude towards others, a certain natural predisposition towards the field and favorable circumstances. This is the explanation for why, from antiquity to today, few people manage to conquer the inner universe, approaching perfection.

As far as we are concerned we are aware of the utopia to achieve perfection (being perfect we have no perfection to achieve, especially since what we live here is not the true reality) and that is not the goal, but to analyze those elements that are part of the road to us in the hope, if not to go through it entirely (because this is not the purpose of our ephemeral integration into this reality) at least to orient ourselves and stay here, on the right paths, and not the ones that lead to the drama of the modern world. Because the modern world, with the exceptions that have always existed, is but a world of fear and truth, and its history, with the same rare exceptions, is a history of fear and of all. In this world, the ideal of human perfection has been lost, even through assimilation. But the important thing is that he didn't disappear, that he exists somewhere to be found... In each of us...

Now I will complete the long line of arguments with a sum of "necessary repetitions". From tomorrow we'll get to work, new medicine, new knowledge. Honestly, I'm tired of arguing what I feel is the way it is. I already have more than 500,000 words "inserted" in posts so far (many of them "pointless" but "constituting" almost 1,000 pages format A4 "squeezed writing" – soon I will update and post my "traditional" new medicine.pdf) in an effort stretched over almost 2 years. Who wants to understand something to understand! And anyway, I'm going to insert, I don't want, new details, new additions, etc. Speaking of which...

I think I'll give up posting here on wordpress. It's a cumbersome style of synthesis that I didn't like from the first days of work. I will only work on the new format of the which I will finally launch it as it is (incomplete, in the works). The same will be true of the pdf which from the name "New Medicine in posts on the net" (with the stated aim of being a kind of "notebook/class") will switch to the name "New Medicine/ New Knowledge from posts on the net" (with the stated aim of being a kind of "clean book/themes") – but there is still some time before then (and, however, we keep in touch until the great end of the "dissertation work" that will be embodied, I hope, in a book "I, You, We, You" whose "skeleton" is almost ready – then until the great multimedia launch of all this knowledge in the interactive game/book "Around the Worlds" that I mentioned just recently).

And, here on this blog, I will just insert "news" in the sense of ad, which will appear on the site. It's going to be a crazy effort (maybe, and therefore, the posts won't seem /appear "daily"), I'm sure of it, but the fact that I find myself in every row typed makes me go forward regardless of the "appreciations" of those around me regarding my madness. Regardless of the fact that I have to be unfair enough and start asking for sponsorships/material support from you, readers (I am a poor "boss" budget with a salary of "nothing" (1,200 lei at the moment), which often leads me to refer to "the salary flutter" as "certificate of person with disabilities" and "entitles me", jokingly, to go to the social assistance service in the immediate vicinity of my job for "some help"). No more gargle! Come back!

In order not to lose the consistency of the exposure we will synthetically recall the previous ideas, in order to have a connection with the following. We agreed that at the base of the Universe lies a reason, an intelligence, regardless of the angle under which we look, regardless of the point of reference, ours, religions or sciences. This intelligence appears to us as the source of the whole existence and we find that it operates through laws that are the subject of science. For the cursiveness of the exposures we will express all the laws of nature through the generic term Law.

Where there is no unlimited freedom, even under the conditions of free will. A man cannot be free to do what he wants as long as his condition to exist is ineluctablely determined by others, with their free will. His freedom ceases where another's freedom begins. To suppress the freedom of another man whom we are dependent on by invisible threads is to annul our own freedom.

This is the law. We can only manifest ourselves freely within the limits of the Law. Any deviation from the Law implies an implacable suffering (in this ephemeral "passage" or in the following), because here come balances of forces and energies that cannot be circumvented and have an eternal character, or at least until they are restored. Then, obviously, freedom comes to us by itself, from nature, from the universe, from the single force, so it is not the right to freedom that people should claim, but the right to that law that brings them into line with all of this. Any other opinions about freedom are nothing but metaphorical expressions that confess either ignorance or interests.

Even the laws of nature are only fully in keeping with real freedom. We can't fly physically but we can fly spiritually. We all have the "equality" imposed by the laws of the physical world, and we only "revenge" with the freedom of mind and spirit. Any intervention can only manifest itself on individuals and, as I said earlier, the balance will be restored we do not want with a payment directly proportional to our intervention (now or later). Perhaps not coincidentally, new medicine/ new knowledge has power only to do good in a ratio of type "1 to 3" in the sense that an action on ourselves has the effect of "one unit" whereas an intervention, which can only be beneficial (and not related to our forces or intentions) has the effect of "three units" when it is made on someone else.

Therefore, the reason that must motivate thought and all human action must be in accordance with the Law. To live in accordance with the Law means to establish by our behavior a series of harmonious relations between us, between us and our own being, between us and our fellows and then (but not least, all being equal and "legal" actions) between us and the Universe. In the functioning of any system, harmony means efficiency, disharmony means inefficiency, inefficiency, and for living systems the result is suffering (which occurs to correct intentions under a coherent, clean, real analysis), disease (which intervenes to limit our actions in the wrong sense), premature end (which occurs to stop our cycle focused on error). Establishing harmonious relationships means to fit into the approach of the laws of nature, resulting in optimal functionality through the fulfillment of our authentic being, which has, as we have seen, its substance in cosmic reason.

In terms of concrete action, the establishment of harmonious relations means the rigorous control of all our thoughts and actions, to which we must print exclusively a positive purpose in accordance with the Law. If we reflect a little on ourselves we find that most of the time we are thought of by events and we do not impose our thoughts. That is why the control of the thinking from which the action derives is absolutely necessary in order to achieve the knowledge of our essential self. Printing a positive end in thought and action is the only way, the only way to knowledge and closeness to perfection. In other words, it is the only path to our spiritual elevation, which not only means obtaining information through instruction, but also involves a cumulation of positive energy necessary for transcession in the plane of cosmic consciousness. This is, as we have seen, the purpose of life. Let us realize in the plane of consciousness and concrete living the unity with the Source. Living in unity with the Source implies not only the knowledge of the truth about us but also the real, concrete benefit of cosmic force, possibly of what we call godliness.

There may be a puzzlement here. From everything that has been described about the field, it seems understandable that we are already on the path of knowledge. Is this knowledge sufficient for our transformation? not!!! It is only necessary information, but if it is not translated into thought and action it has no value. This is the explanation for why a number of people informed in the field or with an elevated culture do not have the benefit of this knowledge they are nothing but a kind of library that stores books, and that's it. It is necessary not only to accumulate knowledge of a purely theoretical nature but also to translate it into the plan of concrete experience. Power is not born or given to be manifested but to have all the necessary help of the weakest, the most powerless until it reaches a total equal level of power (you can not give more power than you have, and if all reach the same power, all that remains is their search, which characterizes even the deity that seeks to see the applicability of the perfection held by it).

So we get to a kind of critical level of power, a critical level of energy (after all). We believe that, as it takes a critical number of neurons in the brain's crust to have a state of consciousness within the confines of normal, similar it takes a critical amount of energy to access a modified consciousness. Here's a new "application" of power, of those who have this minimum level or higher levels. Thus, all the methods in question ultimately have the effect of accumulating energy.

Compliance with the Law has exactly this effect, because it connects us additionally to the Source, to the source of the cosmic force from which we broke away the moment distortions appeared in our behavior, today benefiting only indirectly, mediated by a lot of obstacles that we alone have built, which have become our beliefs. And it is our life that we have now, ephemeral, but which will continue under the same auspices. It would be naïve to think that the slightest information about us and what we did would be lost. Equally naïve would be to imagine that this information immediately becomes operational for everyone.

Access to a higher consciousness in the plane of ultimate reality is only possible at this stage of our evolution for a limited number of people (and here I am not referring to those who come from these higher planes, the so-called "incarnate angels", astral or not, to make their power available to others). We have already discussed the reasons or we will discuss others, not presented until now (but at the appropriate time). Their approach, of existing and future knowledge, is, however, necessary on the one hand in the unity of divine work, and on the other hand many of them constitute a real guide to life, a true art of living, useful to all, even if not all of us are destined to shake hands with eternity here now.

And if the concrete effect of these techniques that teach man to live according to nature is not for all people that of transcession to another knowledge, surely all those who have a will to acquire them can reach a functional optimization. It is also the reason why ancient spiritual traditions have inspired solutions of preventive and curative use widespread in the modern world, many of which are in the sphere of psychological action. Essentially, it is about appropriating a technique of preserving, using and amplifying our biological energy. The decrease in the amount of energy below the functional optimum by excessive or erroneous consumption, even by parasitic losses, decreases our efficiency in activity and makes us vulnerable, suffering and susceptible to the disease. As a result, a science of unnecessary energy loss, a technique of amplification and efficient use of it has developed. To this end, a science of psychological behavior, movement, eating, breathing, physical body, etc. was created, bowing to the truths of nature.

The long, long speech, longer than I can imagine myself, on the methods used for the purpose of optimizing the human being in all its functional plans will be supported in all subsequent posts, here or in the places specified a little above, by inserting everything I can about The New Medicine/ New Knowledge, in order to form the first treatise on this earth about such a thing here, on the blessed land of Dacia/Romania (and, why not, of all those who can "reach these materials" that are not mine).

There will be a few more posts on this "environment" represented by wordpress but, as I will repeat at the end of these posts, I invite you to feedback. On Facebook I can see that many of the readers are medical professionals (doctors of different specialties, nurses, students) and can expect constructive feedback directed at this simple nurse who shares his science to all, so implicitly, to all readers. In case of "orgolia" I can insert your name as a participating party to the realization of these documentations (I know that in this world "time is money") but, do not forget that everything I write here contains only my words describing what I have accumulated from others (either the audience, patients or the like).

Even you have knowledge, for the most part, accumulated from others and which, perhaps upsettingly, belong to humanity and not to us as individuals. And if you have these accumulations, it is not a sin to individualize them in your medical offices in an incomplete, flawed practice of your daily routine?!? I offer you for free (deh, maybe you will also make some donations, as I remembered, that my body must eat something, that I have some wonderful children, each with his needs) all my time because all my life has been offered to me free of charge by the Great Wisdom for all and not only for me.

Final apotheotic... isn't it/ n'est-ce pas/ its es nicht/ non è vero/ no lo es/ não é/ isn't it (in all languages where I make the game/ interactive book "Around the Worlds")?!?

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru