STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHow it Works... Our "Whole" (5)

Translation Draft

Preserving harmony throughout our physiology involves cultivating positive thoughts and feelings of consuming energy manifestations (fear, fear, anger, anger, intense panic, agitation, hatred, envy, jealousy, desire for revenge, hubris, selfishness and the
like). Confidence in possibilities and in the future, hope (this flame from the distant horizon to which the eyes of those struck by suffering would always turn, but also this "woman" who deceived us daily but who we always received back), calmness, self-control, good mood, etc. have a vitalizing effect on the body.

This effort avoids, on the one hand, unnecessary energy loss and on the other hand have a beneficial energy charge effect of the body. Switching to the register of life-beneficial experiences, in its profound and essential sense, can only be done through constant control over our thoughts and manifestations both inside and outside.

By itself, man is, for the most part, a fiendious being, who cannot help himself (perhaps as a reflex of the "starting state", of the baby stage, then the child, who prints quite strongly in most of us and determines the basis of our characters, perhaps of the "manifestation" state when we begin to realize how weak we are compared to the global , how much help, whether collaboration, domination, and the like and interrelated, we have in impact with the "general"). Therefore, to succeed, you need to connect to a source of force stronger than them. And the force of infinite size is that of the universe, and the only way to connect to the universe, to benefit from its immeasurable force, is to establish harmonious relations with it.

The term harmony here is not a subterfuge, but the simplest way to define a relationship that is the subject of mythical thinking, religions, philosophies and science, as we see. Obviously, the approach is different, but the essence and purpose are the same. Again we are in front of a unit of human knowledge, a unique root but with different roots. Those who cannot see this root remain slaves to a limited vision.

The effort of self-imposed control over thought must target all those actions that put it in a harmonious agreement with itself and with the universe. Viewed from this angle, life can be lived in at least two ways: as a spontaneous manifestation, driven by events, or by exerting control over them. We will insist on this last way that subscribes, as I was saying, to the science of living. I was also inferming that man is a sphere, a field of energy. The higher the energy of this field, the higher its functional performance.

The ordinary man, considered normal, since they make up the majority, works with a low physical and intellectual efficiency due to parasitic, therefore unnecessary, losses of energy through a lot of channels that they do not know how to close or agree to leave open. His knowledge is also underperforming, limited to the senses and tools he invented. To achieve optimal performance in action and especially in knowledge, it must close all gates of unnecessary energy loss. This is the technique of self-imposed control of the thinking by which man can succeed in the effort of self-improvement, of self-transformation, of "approximation of the gods", as Plato put it.

They go beyond what we have called the critical level of energy, beyond which the access to the knowledge of the ultimate reality is open (we do not want to let it be understood by this that people are accessible to the knowledge of totality but only of fragments of reality). This is not the case for those rare cases of people endowed with nature, who do not need a special effort, induced or imposed, but manifest themselves spontaneously. And why not, if we are not interested in this knowledge it is obvious that this effort becomes useful in terms of our fulfillment. A lot of us have money but we're looking for love, or we're looking for love, but we're looking for money, we' However we look at access to knowledge will bring us fulfillment.

Therefore, the first thing that seems essential to us in life to avoid wasting is the establishment of an ideal that corresponds to our own resources, the sense of usefulness by which we validate ourselves and ourselves. People unhappy with what they do and what they are always have an air of unhappiness, they seek refuge in imaginary diseases that become their major concern, their main excuse for the dissatisfaction they cannot escape. It is very difficult to convince that it is not a mysterious disease to blame, but their lives are full of dissatisfactions, of unrealizations that have attracted similar manifestations of the disease and, ultimately, will attract the actual disease. They are the ones who constantly ask for a "wonder" life recipe or a "wonder" drug, but by not finding "happiness pills" they end up imagining, initially, that they have a serious and untreatable disease and ultimately by having it. For them, the only useful pill is to reveal the source of conflict and to be able to get them what they lack.

Realistically speaking, in life the circumstances are not always favorable to us. What remains to be done against monotony, blasphemy, platitude?!? We must make the effort to pull ourselves out with all our might by finding an occupation, a hobby that relaxes us, "loads our exhausted batteries", is a mess for our mental pressure. The collection of stamps, painting as an amateur, wood carving for our own pleasure, embroidery, goblens, making blogs and/ or sites, etc. something that constitutes a defulation for our mental pressure (except alcohol, drugs or other artificial "stuff" of our experiences). There are just a few suggestions for collateral concerns that can gladly call us home after a day's work. You can't talk about a normal life without satisfaction and affection.

But, remember, the lack of method and the waste in several actions at the same time also results in an inefficient loss of energy and a low efficiency. It is therefore necessary to order our lives, planning judiciously what we have to do, desending a time to each action and following at the end of the day the balance of what we have proposed (it is desirable even to keep a diary of the lived events). We'll have the most enjoyable occupation at a time when we run out of occupation. Who has no memories, has nothing to feed in the twilight of life, they say, and, moreover, the X-ray of every man's life is an invaluable document for history.

Then it is necessary to specify that the intelligence with which we normally operate can remain the same, uninfluenced in any physical condition of the body. But the intelligence of the spirit, which implies an "intelligent use of intelligence" and which is a sublimation of light, released from the depths of the subconscious, does not manifest itself anyway but only under appropriate conditions. Here we will only remember them succinctly because a detailed analysis is the subject of future posts.

Sleep is, of course, the most physiological way that nature has invented to restore our energy potential. You might say that the yield, the good mood and that personal air of a healthy, relaxed, agreeable man, is mostly conditioned by the benefit of a normal sleep. Insomnia brings nervousness, irritated appearance of mimicry, loss of kindness towards the entourage by decreasing our mental availability in relation to the environment because it also needs a certain share of energy to manifest itself normally.

Depression of exhaustion has the same mechanism of formation. Agility and manpower are also seriously affected. That's why people who have the chance to have a normal, restful sleep may consider that fate has been generous to them. Through relaxed mimicry and agreeable attitude they are easily accepted in interpersonal relations and owe this to a large part of their social success, especially in professions involving public relations (doctors, teachers, actors, etc.). The need for sleep is different from individual to individual, essential being that upon awakening be completely rested, to have an air of freshness, of comfort. The generalization of individual cases is flawed.

Sleeplessness, insomnia, is today the most widespread suffering in the world. In pre-industrial times, people did not suffer the same from insomnia because natural sleep was conditioned by movement, by physical exertion. Today, man took it before nature, diversified his life, and intervened nervous request instead of physical one, and with it, insomnia. Catecolamines resulting from nerve stresses, from what we have called negative thoughts and experiences, remain unused in the blood exerting a stimulating effect on the reticulated formation which, in turn, keeps the brain awake.

That's why when we have sedentary activity we need daily movement, effort, both for the condition of a normal sleep and for the fortifying effect on the body in general. Man, like the whole living world, was programmed for movement, not its opposite. In the same vein it is necessary to avoid any activity with the effect of psychic incitement, with negative emotional load (discussions, readings, films or the like). When television "delights" us in the evening with films that "take our breath away" you can't say it had a psychological inspiration.

About the human body regarded as the temple in which our spirit dwells we also read in biblical literature. The same vision had before the Greeks, the Dacians and other peoples. Grace, harmony, perfection, materialized in the representation of the human body are the aidoma of those we see in the erection of temples. Even if we artificially make a body-spirit separation, their mutual relationship is indisputable. Those who left us the famous formula "mens sana in corpore sano" (healthy mind in healthy body) understood a profound truth. That's why there's mental hygiene and physical hygiene. Our limits do not stop at the skin, but here we establish only the boundary along which direct material exchanges are made between us and the world outside us, between us and the cosmos.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the skin makes the antenna office for the body, having areas with maximum electrical accessibility through which to receive and emit an energy modulated in information-carrying signals. For this reason, the Chinese call them "windows of the sky". It is interesting to note that to the whole living world, including plants, we encounter such windows. It follows from this the need to maintain a rigorous hygiene of our body. It is said that the priests of ancient Egypt bathed four times a day. The communication gate with the outside world must be permanently accessible. Dust soaked with sweat, other impurities and substances removed through the skin isolates us from the external world from which we came and without which our physiology suffers. In the same sense, the need for contact with water, air, sun and earth that our modern civilization has turned into concrete, asphalt and artificial fibers must be understood.

Another landmark is breathing. The role of rhythmic breathing in the control of human physiology constitutes information of exceptional value, coming from Asian antiquity and which, for modern sciences, is totally surprising and difficult to understand. Performances achieved through psychosomatic training techniques, including rhythmic breathing, have been confirmed for many years in modern laboratories (we will discuss this in detail in future posts).

Then, the energy with which we operate is, of course, dependent on the type of food and the way we feed. And at the heart of our food lies more traditions than a deep knowledge of the needs of the body. A normal diet must bring us in a balanced way all those elements involved in our structure and physiology. I will have several approaches in future posts but, to remember here, it is the hasty way in which we feed ourselves, not respecting the interval between meals dictated by physiology and often having an excess quantitative intake, all with effects deeply harmful to the body. Obesity, diabetes with their subsequent consequences (vascular diseases and heart and brain) are disastrous consequences of this flawed way of feeding us.

Finally, in our effort of spiritual perfection, the role of art, music and culture in general cannot be neglected. I am referring, of course, to that culture which ensits the spirit and not to the commercial maculation which holds it in clay, in the common "homo habilis" and not in the intended "homo sapiens". All humans, without exception, need one form or another of culture through which they can consciously connect to the universe. Perhaps the power to "carry" the spirit, to put it in harmony with itself and the world, amplifying its energy of manifestation has to the greatest extent the music (let us remember that plants also react favorably to music, especially the classical one, also, of course, even water with its molecular structures "memory").

Therefore, all the above data require us to believe that the art and science of an optimal experience on all its sides is to constantly have in mind a life wisdom imposed by the laws of nature, human experience and scientific observation. Living is a science, even if few people are willing to learn it. This science is based on the truth about us and the universe, on the relationship between us and the universe (between man and the universe), being totally dependent on everything that surrounds us, both as a phenomenon and as an essence, visible and invisible.

When man manages to descend himself by illuminating the darkness that constantly shakes him, when he manages to make the leap from theory to action and from intelligence to wisdom, then he will come to terms with himself and in the world he will reign, what else, peace represented by love, gratitude and understanding. As long as one man causes another suffering, the world will have no peace. Because, no matter how hard some theories strive for our emergence through hazard and evolution of chance, life makes sense.

We're here in this corner of the universe, the ultimate expression of evolution. The intelligent hand of an unseen architect has detached us from the clay and built us according to a plan from which the uniqueness of the source transcends, step by step, to the level of thought that is able to think of itself. Everything that happened for us happened. We are the result of all the happy and unhappy events that preceded us and the cause of those that will follow us. We are the ones who leave behind the splendors of the spirit and the ruins of nothingness, because man is the only being in this corner of the universe who has been given the opportunity to engage in creation through the extension of his intelligence. This is his responsibility to be. Man can't just live, he can't have a passive experience. With or without his will, he engages in the physics of the universe, through thoughts, through action, through his good deeds, or through his evil deeds. It is perhaps the deepest truth which, when it penetrates us, only then, in the astral moment of our becoming, will light up in us the light of intelligence that has found itself after a long wandering...

Bibliography: What I know from sources I can no longer remember and "The Intelligence of Matter" – Dumitru Constantin Dulcan.

From tomorrow I move on to the actual work (material realization, concept, synthesis, explanation, etc.) related to the new medicine/ new knowledge. But unfortunately, or maybe not, the posts I will make after a break of 2 – 3 months necessary for the primary organization and the launch of the new medicine section / new knowledge on the Until then, happiness, joy and all the best!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru