STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - Points of View (Part I).

Translation Draft

For those who have gone through the above materials, it is clear that I have a very difficult mission … Many points of view, many great discoveries of science, many dogmas … I will only try to present a small part of those that have been accepted and accepted by me over time. , but, of course, it will be a very big material … Let’s start!

Obviously, the flow of materials of all kinds determined me not to omit in my approach the two great ideological „currents”, the one of creationism and the one of evolutionism … Both struggle with scientific arguments so …

From the point of view of creationism, everything is simple … From the calculations, about 7 to 8,000 years ago, there was the „God Bang”, the creation, the genesis stating clearly that man was created, male and female, God he was pleased with his creation and blessed it.

From a scientific point of view, the human story begins 13.8 billion years ago, with the big „Big Bang”. Everything that followed, in what would be called the „Unified Field”, resulted in what is now human (from bacteria to all life forms, plants, insects, animals, etc., to mammals and, of these at primates with their evolutionary peak materialized in man).

The essential „moments” of the evolution of „matter” from „Big Bang” or „God Bang” I have presented with enough details in previous posts, but without focusing on the elements presented to our ancestors … So, it’s time to customize something „More advanced” on what would be, concretely, the „steps of transformation” of man …

The expression „steps of transformation” is not chosen randomly … This transformation, no doubt, continues even now and will continue after this now … An unquestionable asset in this direction is represented by the massive layering of the current human population, a process that runs through thousands for years, imperceptible, but real, tangible, observable …

Work „recognized” by creationists through the continuous degradation of the human genome, regardless of source, from Adam and Eve to the crossroads of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc. and up to our times …

But let’s start with a kind of „localized” beginning in the interest of our „speech”!

I will focus my „accumulations” on what would be the scientific approach on the main „landmarks” that „characterize” Homo Sapiens from all points of view: 1. The use of tools (with the approach of the shape of the human hand), which allowed so something, 2. Biped walking and 3. Large brain and self-awareness … But is this simple way to solve a „discussion” topic enough?!?

From a creationist point of view, everything was perfect from the beginning … Losing „on the road” because the departure of the human „line” from a man and a woman violates what is stated much later, in the same bible, in „Leviticus” (18: 6) „, where incest is prohibited, clearly specifying the participants who” give birth „to incest (parents, even step-parents, sister, brother, nephew, niece, aunt, brother’s wife, aunt from an uncle, cloud, etc. , to the 8th degree of kinship) …

The arguments made by the creationists are that God would have allowed this, so it would have been possible … forgetting that one can speak clearly about incest even from Adam and Eve, Eve being genetically part of Adam’s body, according to the descriptions of „Genesis”, so the incest starting from them … And more, the incest is allowed by the religious creationists and later, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, etc …

It would also be the fact that the „initial” genes were perfect, the genetic material was close to perfection, „humanity being completely different than as we know it today, even troupe”, from Adam to Noah people living 900 years, after the flood the lifespan decreasing permanently, the sin of „tasting the fruit of knowing good and evil” is the source of this degradation

Correlated with classical medicine, which states that incest affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) leading to retardation and oligophrenia, all organs and systems are subjected to malformation, the danger of degenerative diseases increases as close as possible, it seems that all these are „elements” very easily corrected by the divine will (probably) …

To which I can add the clear evidence of the first-degree consanguinity, which has determined (many fools in this world) that every 4th child born from such relationships is seriously ill … Even if the bigots have a „cure” for this, invoking the initial purity in the balance with the degeneration caused by sin, especially by incest, both in human nature and in the environment that surrounds us …

Then, why not, from a genetic point of view, decreasing the number of a population under a „critical threshold” means the irreversible, „unsavory” extinction of that population, species … But, here too, „perfection of the original gene” would occur.

So, everything is so controversial that I will stop here with what would be the creation from the point of view of religious dogmas …

I will now try an „approach” that requires some kind of „alliance” analysis, so the description of the above-mentioned points will follow a relatively „mixed” line that will be „dictated” more by the evolutionary chronology than a clear, scientific structuring… And, close to the approach, I will obviously also carry out a kind of comparative analysis with everything that the creationists say, „God Bang” type … Maybe they have their justice too …

It is quite obvious that the „inheritance” of evolution, everything that has „accumulated” in our genes (and not only), will „allow” the retrieval of many elements of our „path” to man … Visible or „hidden deep” in us, in our essence, determining the most powerful and elementary „presences” or behaviors.

From the point of view of the creationists, no matter how they comment, man is no longer what he was at the „beginning”, his evolution from the moment of creation being doubtful even from „God Bang”, or by accumulating „sins” „. So, the debate that will follow is in agreement with both „current” thinking …

The first part of the evolution of life was eight times greater than the last (4 billion years, compared to a maximum of 600,000 years, out of the total of 4.6 billion years), the one described by the „old”, „ancestors” forms of life. of life exists at this moment … It is the period of the monocellular beings, of the bacteria … At first „terra-formators”, later these advancing towards the multicellular beings and further on to the forms of life that we delimit them to be „more advanced”.

Creationists do not “take into account” these forms of life… Basically, they do not exist in creation…

But evolutionists discover traces of them even from the first million years of Earth’s existence.

This clarification may seem forced, but here I want to present the „Man’s Tale” as complete as possible, no matter how controversial the „interpretations” might be.

Therefore, I will begin with the „middle” of the human story, when the first structural „components” of the organism materialized in the „human body” appear, possibly in man … Because we are limited to perception, the concept of most of us is limited to the perception of the life of the body. what is assimilated with the life of the individual … So, at work starting with the supporting elements of the human body, those that constitute the skeleton!

As can be deduced from the previous posts, it is obvious that the first organisms that presented an incipient „articulated” skeleton were the worms, then the fish (everything can be extended to the cartilaginous skeleton, because in the fetal period, newborn and child until somewhere at 6 months the skeleton is cartilaginous, then mostly cartilaginous, until it mineralizes completely and becomes bony) … The so-called „spine” having the same structure and in our times, with „species” variations …

Including the skull, it has the same evolution, the „skulls” being initially worms, then fish, etc. The „defining path” of a true pattern begins hundreds of millions of years ago, along with the so-called „Ichthyostega”, in terms of the „fossils” discovered.

Something more advanced, as a kind of evolutionary step (from Devonian) to therapeutics (beings „stepping on the earth”), „intervenes” what the scientists called „Tiktaalik” (in the Inuit language „freshwater fish”) ), 375 million years ago.

He is a true link that demonstrates this passage, being an animal (fish) that presented „like fish” body covered with scales, gills, and fins but also had lungs, articulated neck, articulated limbs, and the first bone „disposition”. on the „model” nowadays of all animals …

Blasphemy, the creationists would say … Divine power made on day 5, among others, fish and all animals moving through the waters. And it was so! Fish and all other living things were created before humans, or is it otherwise (rhetorical)?!?

Those who „try” to understand „the divine work” quickly get question marks when they study human embryonic development.

It all starts from a cell, the egg, which is fertilized by „a remnant of the cell”, the sperm, which will be „included” in the egg to be divided and at some point will form a kind of distinct embryo start ( early embryo).

Well, stupor, this is strikingly similar to the early fish embryo and not even „far” with humans. Everything goes so „far” that it has the same structure (not just similarity). The embryo has a head, a body, and a tail but also another obvious similarity, in what would be the neck area, the so-called „pharyngeal area”.

Here, all the early embryos, of fish and all animals with „common evolutionary trunk”, so also of humans, exhibit swellings, like folds, which are nothing but „gill arches”. Yes, you read correctly, this is the unanimously accepted name of the world of science (including medicine).

When the fish embryo develops, this area will become the branchial area (the branchial apparatus). But in the case of the human embryo, this area will develop in the maxillary, mandibular and human „vocal system”.

For example, in the case of small human genetic errors, this area develops „slightly” differently, „the branchial development angle” (differentiated stem development point) being visible at the base of the upper part of the ear flag, of course to those who present this ” congenital malformation ”.

The same resemblance is evident in the development of „male” gonads. In fish, these being „cold-blooded” forms of life, the gonads are located near the heart, in order to benefit from a trace of „constant” metabolic heat, necessary for the development of the normal physiological processes of this structure.

In the human case, the gonads would not work near the heart because the heat would be too high. So, evolutionarily, the gonads have increasingly moved away from the „warm heart” area, coming out of the body even to mammals that are „warm-blooded” organisms.

But, astonishment, in the case of the human embryo, the initial development of the future gonads is noticed, yes, you guessed it, near the heart, descending later where it is, with the embryonic development, in a kind of „re-edition” of the evolution. With the difference that, at the „female side” they remain inside the body and will form the ovaries, and only at the „male side” they will leave the body, in the scrotum.

From here the evolutionary path to the „body” of man begins, even though this ancestor is the evolutionary starting line from which both amphibians and reptiles will develop.

Amphibians will not be interested in our path because the „constructive” delimitations are difficult to „attach” to evolution to humans, even though they are clearly based on the same „systematic”, predominating only the „fish” and „reptilian” elements of origin which have emerged the evolution of mammals, of which „man” belongs as an evolutionary line …

And, this clear delimitation of amphibians is due, first of all, to the way in which their physiology has evolved, from several points of view, such as the dependence on the permanently humid environment, and others that I will not insert here. another „road” …

However, from these „branching” species (which have long since disappeared), the clear delimitation of the skull, neck, limbs, thorax, and bone arrangement begins, the bone pattern remaining unchanged even today, in all terrestrial species, and not only.

The same clear, unchanged disposition also appears in what would be the muscular disposition, being indicated the first big surfaces of muscular attachment according to the “model” of those of today (the shoulder blade, even the scapular belt).

Going further, from the bones/skeleton we reach the distribution of nerves in the body … Quite „synchronous” to the skeleton that is found, almost unchanged, from fish to all the species of animals that evolved having „at the base” of their evolution this true model.

In this sense comes the „similarity of the limbs” which, in both fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals (including humans) have a typical disposition: „a bone (femur at the hind / lower limbs, humerus at the anterior/upper limbs), two bones (tibia) -ulna, radius-cubitus), small bones (tarsian, carpian), fingers ”…

Therefore, evolutionary, but also from the point of view of the evolution of the human embryo, comes the turn of the reptile in us, the next evolutionary step after the fish in us, in the human body …

Obviously, we will „return” to the development of the human embryo, the one from the first weeks of its existence.

In the first weeks of life, the body of the human embryo delimits the head, the body (with the heart particularly visible), the tail (you even read correctly, but which now represents an evolution of the fish embryo tail) and, surprisingly, the sack yolk …

For the uninitiated, the Yolk sac or vitelline vesicle represents the first extra-embryonic structure that becomes ultrasound visible in the gestational sac, being located at the ventral pole of the embryo.

But, equally significant, the Yolk sac is the main structure of embryonic development of the reptilian egg (and / or of the birds) … Yes, it is a characteristic element of the reptiles laying eggs, of the beings laying eggs …!

During the embryonic period, this sac represents the main „liquid” exchange route between the embryo and the mother, having nutritional, immunological, metabolic, endocrine, hematopoietic functions, etc. until the angio-structure that supports the placental circulation can provide all the necessary for the embryo, umbilical cord…

The presence and functionality of this Yolk sac, of this vitreous vesicle, is vital until the placental circulation is installed, the blood exchange being ensured by the vitreous circulation and the embryonic primitive aorta.

Moreover, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound presence of this bag represents the confirmation of the pregnancy and may give indications regarding the prognosis of the pregnancy, its dimensions progressively increasing between the 5th and 10th week of pregnancy, until dimensions of 5 – 6 mm, specifying that a diameter larger than 5 mm is considered to be an increased risk of miscarriage.

By the end of the fourth week of pregnancy, the vitelline vesicle connects to the early digestive system of the embryo through the vitelline duct, thus taking over the transfer tasks between the outside (the mother’s body) and the embryo. Subsequently, this vitelline duct will be obliterated (not detectable within 14 to 20 weeks of pregnancy), in some cases remaining only a rudiment known as the Meckel diverticulum.

And, there is something more than the Yolk bag … Amnia (the amnion), which will become the placental sac, delimited by the placenta, which contains the amniotic fluid, being similar to the membrane delimiting the contents of its calcareous shell egg …

Clear evolution that first appeared in the ancestral reptiles, which were clearly delimited by fish and amphibians through this egg shape that could lead to the birth of a new being without the presence of water from the external environment as a support for evolution. still, keep in our genes …

The next step would be our skin, the skin that evolved from the existence of fish in an amphibian, later reptilian form … An end is a mammalian form with the evolution that will follow to what we know to be human skin.

Briefly presented, the skin of amphibians who, for the most part, cannot live without “wet skin”, has undergone an adaptation process represented by the formation of layers superimposed on dead skin throughout the body surface. Obviously, the genetic „root” of fish has attracted the first form of skin existence in a scaly form, relatively characteristic of reptiles.

The clearest evidence of this is represented by the scratching, „denial” of the dead skin layer, in the case of reptile species, especially the snakes, which „constantly” removes the dead skin layer from the outside. Now, without any confusion, one can make the „connection” with the permanent „shrinking” of human skin that thus eliminates layer after layer of dead cells …

But we do not resemble „skin” completely with reptiles, but only with that stage of separation between the reptile line and the mammal line, 300 million years ago, because we have retained (or developed) skin moistening formations, the glands present. at the skin level, „eliminating” the need for the presence of protective scales …

Glands that secrete a true mixture of oils that keep the surface of the skin hydrated … Therefore, the surface of our skin is soft, soft, and pleasant to the touch, while that of the reptiles is dry and rough, scaly.

Or, from an evolutionary point of view, „evolutionary separation” from fish in amphibians and reptiles, has left some genetic traces related to a different form of skin hydration, on a relatively common line with reptiles, which has since led to the emergence of mammalian precursors?!?

Another „adaptation” of the „inheritance” type is represented by the specialization of the teeth, first signaled to gorgonopsides, as they are a kind of initial delimitation stage of a specialization type of dentition, an evolution that will lead to human dentition.

With the simple problem related to the fact that I did not inherit the permanent replacement of the tooth … However, I kept a form of this manifestation, represented by the replacement of the milk tooth with the final „bone” tooth.

Following the line of evolution, after the great Cambrian extinction („The mother of all extinctions”, at the end of the Permian, 250 million years ago), the environmental conditions were particularly unfavorable (especially high temperatures, excessively dry climate, massive temperature differences from day to night, etc.), which caused the evolutionary line of mammal reptiles to begin to develop the hair … Initially as an extension of the sense organs and later as a form of thermoregulation (fur) …

The first evidence of „ancestral” mammals covered with hair appears with the Tritheledont, at „only” 50 million years after the great extinction, ie 200 million years ago …

Now, from my point of view and accepted authors, comes the most sensational „ancestral” connection of the „skin” of the man with mammal reptiles … A kind of „evolutionary overlap” of origin of hair, teeth, and skin that reveals the deep connection of these „organs” …

Modern biology, especially based on the findings of researcher Abigail Tucker, has shown that skin is not a mere outer covering of the body. It is the „origin” of hair growth, teeth, nails, claws, and scales, including all skin glands.

The research started from the study of the formation of skin formations (glands, etc.) and concluded that the skin is the „generator” of all of them, not being about „autonomous” structures that can be generated …

A tissue, skin, taken from the animal embryo (including the human), for example, from the jaw area, will form teeth (in a skin-like developmental process, which will initially lead to a common tissue development that later develops will differentiate between teeth and skin covering the gum, for example).

The same will develop all the skin organs, starting from the hair (as a complete structure – similar process including the development of scales, feathers), glands, teeth, nails, and even mammary glands … All based on this ancestral inheritance that led to animals covered only with skin on animals that develop all the structures of our times, animals of our times.

And, to make everything unquestionable, the development of the skin and all of these „elements” of the skin is controlled by a single gene, known as EDA. It is the gene that plays a crucial role in the construction of many vital structures that originate in the skin … This gene controls how hairy the animal is, the density of skin components in a certain area/surface, how many teeth will develop, and what shape they will have, and many, many others…

An example known as having problems with this gene, EDA, is the actor Michael Berryman who was „selected” to play in many roles of aliens and monsters in science fiction films because he has a mutation of this gene … He suffers from an EDA mutation that no longer allows the proper development of the skin organs … Nails, hair, teeth, cooling glands of the skin, implicitly of the body …

Let’s continue tomorrow!

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru