STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicinePractices and control - Introduction (1).

Translation Draft

Here I was able to solve some of my personal problems and, so, to have time to resume postings to New Medicine...

I tried to find a way to pass as quickly as possible to what matters, to the possibility for each of us to do something for our health (and not only), but this is "prolonging" more and more (due to the requirements of "clarifications" that occur with each stage of work). So, without wasting any more time, I'm going to go straight to practice and control... To what can be in your way to find yourself and to be able to control your health much more efficiently, perhaps even perfectly.

From the start it is necessary to come back with the clarification related to everything that is presented on this blog. Remedies, control techniques, descriptions and everything presented on this blog do not intend to be, become, an additional or a substitute for professional and legally manifestable medical care, practices, treatments, etc.. manifestable.

All these materials are only informative materials, which is why no charges or responsibilities derived directly or indirectly from the passage of these materials are accepted/acceptable, here (on this blog) or elsewhere (on the information clones made by me, Dorin Merticaru, approved to be published by me or simply appropriated by others without my consent – from my point of view this "appropriation" is called theft but, being in the direction of the health of my fellowmen, I will not oppose, and consequently act in all legal ways, unless the limit of common sense is exceeded – but, either way, you are obliged to mention the source and the author, Merticaru Dorin Nicolae). In short, the responsibility is yours regardless of the actions you will take after going through the information inserted here.

Ending with this crap, designed to protect me from the legal silliness that can arise from all kinds of garbage of people or groups of people, who don't see my efforts to share my life for the good of those around me but just a way of justifying, placing responsibilities or simply earning undeserved money. Let's get to work!

Let's take a look at the health stuff a little bit, like some kind of global analysis, and see what the starting considerations are!

We consider, as an example, a perfect case of a family consisting of husband, wife, children. To cover all deductive areas we will consider that this family has 6 children, boy, girl, univitelin twins (boys or girls from the same egg – monozigotic – real twins, which are always of the same sex and represent one third of all gemelary pregnancies) and bivitelin twins (boy and girl from different eggs – disigotic – "false" twins, which represent two third of the total gemellar pregnancies) , even if the groaning tasks represent only 1% of the "total volume of tasks"... All births of children took place at intervals of up to one year, to "avoid" possible major developments of any "life" statuses of this family.

As a "perfect case", we will consider that parents have no heredo-collateral history (parents' or predecessors' disorders that have been manifested) and their health is perfect until a certain point in our analysis, after the birth of all 6 children. Similarly, the environment of "evolution" up to this "after the birth of all children" is ideally considered that it has no changes from a relatively optimal benchmark. So up to a certain point when you will change these constantly "perfect" everything is perfect.

But, "sometime," we want to or don't, we get to change parameters... This moment, suppose it is not due to parents (who are already on some kind of stable position that does not "allow" changes in parameters). Obviously, he'll be reserved for the kids... For the "perfection" of our example (analysis) we will consider that the first child will change these parameters at the time of the obligation to enter school of the firstborn (of convenience choosing for this example the boy, the firstborn)... Up to that point the stability of the family allowed the selection of perfect play partners, blah, blah, blah (it's just a "perfect case")...

Arriving at school for the first child... there is the difference in education and the change in the perception and evolution of the first child, the boy... We can consider the girl and the twins to be the first, but things still get there, on contact with the first imbalances... It is no use here to intervene the perfect education given by parents because we have to make either the lack of "maturity" of children landmark in terms of adaptation to new situations or with situations in which it is impossible to adapt the baby from our example... To make matters worse, the school starts in the age range between 6 and 8 years, when the "establishment" of psycho-behavioral foundations is not yet completed (estimated to be in the range of 7-10 years, sometimes more – the all-knowing thing we know with "seven years at home").

And regardless of the "attention of perfection" given to the family, the child will end up having differentiation interactions. Another ideal case would be that of delaying the child's employment in society but, unanimously accepted, this will attract massive deficiencies in terms of the "socialization" of the child who will become a social "retard" with all the much broader problems, who no longer benefit from the adaptability of childhood and thus the flattening of their manifestations.

Without going into other details of temporal or other "placement", it is obvious that the interaction of children with the environment will draw the emergence of "dissonances" from the perfection of the family environment (considered by us ideal, but in reality hmmm, how real or accessible such an environment is)... And, this interaction refers not only to simple psychic/psychological tangencies, "contagious" interferences (viral, bacteriological but also of a behavioural nature) but also to their own perceptions, ambitions and programs with which interactions, assimilations or rejections are carried out. So, however we consider the problem, the perfect initial environment, is introduced to the first imbalances...

And, these imbalances will necessarily spread to all family members who have to adapt to the external environment "brought" inside by the first, then the second and so on. These "dissonances" will be observed, from the start, especially in twins, whether we consider uni or bivithellins. We all (well, a lot of us) know twins and we know they're psychologically different (hence behavioral. Different behaviors attract different preferences that, over time, induce major differences perceived both psychologically and in the health of individuals, not only twins)...

To make matters even more complicated, recent research shows that there is a kind of automatic psychic response based on the accumulations already existing... This automatic answer is so powerful that psychologists have already raised the question of whether we have some kind of free will to give us a role in the choices made either in response to a conflict or as an initiator. Moreover, at the functional base of our body lies the vegetative nervous system, also called autonomous, because it makes decisions based on algorithms that have nothing to do with our correctional, decision-making or any other level...

Without continuing comments on these topics, I do not think anyone has anything against saying that we have two basic elements in the "birth" of differences: an internal one (given the way of interaction, evaluation and behavior of the individual) and an external one (given by individuals and peculiarities of any kind that make up the external environment of the individual landmark). When I say all this, I don't mean only the psychological components.

Thus, one of the children is at a higher immunological status than the others and a viral condition, for example, will not affect him, while the others will be affected to varying degrees. The genetic background is the same, the environment is the same but, nevertheless, one "escapes" and the others do not. Then, from a behavioural point of view, one of the "weaker immunological" adopts a better/correct prophylactic "position" than the others and will more easily bear the consequences of viral tangent (giving rise to the differences of different family members' response to our virus)...

Similarly, even if it is affected, another family member has different "considerations" about malaise and, even if it is more affected than the other members will accuse "a little cold" and the action of the virus will go unnoticed by it... And the "cases" to debate could go on, but you get the idea... Even in the case of external behavior which is an almost uncontrolled environment that depends only on factors independent of the control efforts of a given person. Similarly, by extension, an individual of a family is impossible to interact with the same environment, the same individuals, with whom the other has tangency.

The fact is that no matter what you try to "fit" it is obvious that the family given by the ideal example, by simple evolution, it is impossible to have the same developments of health parameters. And now it's... Starting from this ideal family, we reach the next step, that of the marriage of children, that of the establishment of new families compared to the original. Considering it an ideal case, we will consider that all partners will find their perfect partners. Everything will be full of love, fidelity, respect and other blah, perfect family blas.

Do you think the dissonances will diminish?!? yes, you're right. Everything will grow, diversify and, above all, manifest. New affections come out, old ones disappear, what's the matter?!? The fact is that the chances of the existence of the diseases are multiplying.

But, what We have not mentioned before, there is the possibility of adequate education and all members of our families have access to the correct "positions" of response (no matter where they come from). Do you think there will be perfect therapeutic accuracy, uniform to all landmark members?!? That this is possible?!? Let's just say yes... Now comes the surprise of life...

In any of the holy books, religious or not, it somehow states that it is a unique soul multiplied in all the bodies of the living (the dead are in stasis, somewhere, waiting for judgment, or hung in a simple heaven or endowed with greenery or with many virgins, or they hunt there, either as ghosts or as guiding spirits or other status, etc., etc., etc.). So, obviously, the most accessible consideration is that, in every body, it is a unique soul, a unique manifestation. And, this soul has its opinions (whether an atheist says they are the answers to neural connections or an acceptor of the idea of mind says that it is, in fact, the body/container – the contradiction between "stuff"/entities is impossible to dispute).

I don't think anyone can say, whether it's a Pope, Allatoyah, Brahman, Shaman, etc. or not, that in a given situation he had no different feelings about anything. For example, an individual sees a wonderful creature of the opposite sex (or accepted) and does not notice the manifestation of primal instincts until the mind says "No, punk, sinner, bad boy/ girl what you are, what comes to you?!?" and intervenes with a possible applicable correction ("Yes, what wonderful eyes it has, you can't help but notice" or other motivational concentrations of correction of the initial perceptions "wrong"). My opinion is that any of us has experienced this, regardless of the level of spiritual training, the endowment of the organism or other landmarks (at least at more "fresh" ages, when the level of exercise of control was somewhat less diminished by the lack of exercise)...

So, behold, no matter what we do, contradictions arise, regardless of where they come from, and especially, no matter what "pressure point" they will manifest...

Current approaches involve "units of contradiction". Thus, materialists at odds with spiritualists form one of the most well-known units of contradiction. Treat swell but looked at with different eyes (conditions of acceptance, approval, support, etc.). For example, evolutionists say we are a sum of accumulations and genetic manifestations. This assumes that we "pull" after us many ancient things, outside and independent of our position. Creationists say we're sinners from the start who need to light up, electrocute, blah, blah. So, the same jerkly independent of us and our home reactions... Contradictions, contradictions, contradictions...

And to be all right, we have to deal with these contradictions. I repeat, when I say contradictions, I do not mean psychological or biological ones, but the general term valid. Biologically, I have a weakened immunological state and I proceed to doping with NSAID, administration of antioxidant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, etc. (which can eliminate allopathic discomfort interpreted as malaise) to resolve the conflict of lack of something to reach the possibility of responding to something... Or, if I'm less information-gifted, I'll go to the doctor's office and he'll bother to make me better. Or they go to these freaks with alternative medicine or their bioenergy or their new medicine, or even to the old Chioara... Or I'll do it all by myself... Each with its possibility of perception, selection and action... The basic idea is that each of us feels we have to do something...

But are we able to distinguish what these contradictions are?!? Do we have a possible way to deal with this? We know exactly what we want from ourselves and/or our body to do something in the sense of correcting the bad state, discomfort or whatever it is that "gives us headaches"?!? The question arises, do we really have the ability to choose where to go to be helped and even to help someone (children, caregivers, etc.)?!?

But about these, we'll discuss starting tomorrow...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru