STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicinePractices and control - Introduction (5).

Translation Draft

Love, responsibility (gratitude) and awareness (understanding)! Now it's time to start directly with the "slogan" that I use at the end of each post. Why does it seem so important?!? I'll see even with you, as I make this post...

From the beginning we must realize a poetic demarcation between love and attraction. Love is one thing, attraction is another. And they can live together by nisating passion. And passion is nothing but something that comes from the heart to give headaches. This is why a clear demarcation between love and attraction must be achieved. Attraction is immature love that says "I love you because I need you." Mature love says "I need you because I love you" is the desire to give everything that is yours to another and to feel his happiness as if it were yours. Where there is love there is life.

Anyone who realizes when they look back on their lives that the moments in which they truly lived are those when they did things in the spirit of love, and passion gave birth only to moments of madness. What could be more true than the finding that there is always some madness in attraction and, finally, at its peak, passion, whether there is always some reason in madness. Where you use mind, reason, you can't talk about true love, just a combination of attraction, immature love.

A parent does not love his children with reason but with heart, with all being, not with immature love but with the most mature form of love, the one that makes us like God, those who give life. The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called true love and you feel its depth, delight and ecstasy, you will discover that the world has transformed for you. For one man (including the one who is a parent) to love another (including children) is probably the hardest task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final exam, the work for which all others are just a prelude. Love is an incentive for everyone to be perfect, to become someone, to become a world himself for someone's sake. This is the reason under which you may be one person to the world, but for a certain person you are the whole world. Love is not pleasure, while passion implies pleasure, it implies it and pursues it, it demands it so harshly that it accepts any failure, even death.

Becoming even more poetic, love is the wing God gave to the soul to ascend to Him. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Maybe that's why the only human anomaly is the inability to love, to give love. Maybe that's why all things need to be done with love. Maybe that's why it's not so much what you do, but how much love you put into what you do. From the very first moments of our lives we need to know what love is to exist. Maybe that's why there's no friendship or love greater than that of a parent for his child. And, all of this excludes attraction.

Love (especially that of parents) shows man what it should be like when passion shows man how he shouldn't be. Love that doesn't grow every day is a bad passion. And unfortunately, this is often found in parents who out of passion for something bind children, in a intrepid way, to become what they should not be. From attraction to a kind of confirmation of their worth, their efforts despite the needs of true love of children... Man (child, and later adult) needs love because life without it is just a dry, creaking and heartbreaking mechanism.

"Advancing" in life (some only in years) we discover that love is the highest happiness that man can reach, for only through it does he know that he is more than himself, that he is one altogether. We discover that a single hour of love can last a lifetime. But the secret to perceiving these things is related to our ability to eliminate the attraction in this "scheme" of success. That's how we come to discover that the feeling of being loved by someone gives you strength, to love someone very much gives you courage. Now is the time when we have managed to overcome the stage of childhood and become adults.

Now we discover that any love that is not based on friendship is built like a sandcastle, ready to be washed away by the first tears. And friendship is certainly the best dressing for the pains caused by love, when its manifestation touches only some of us and rejects others with its responsibility. Now we discover that if you want to be loved, love! If you want to have love, you have to control your attraction. Love attracts the most wonderful moments of our lives for the rest of our lives, while the attraction only a few moments that will be paid, later and surely, more expensive than we can imagine. Now we discover that love is all we have, it's the only way we can help each other, whereas attraction is just the ticket for a crazy race where we fight each other, actually with everyone.

And finally, but not least, we now discover (for the happiest of us) that love is holiness minus sexuality. Just when sexuality becomes more pronounced, stronger... Now the attraction begins to have another face, instinctual, almost impossible to understand by love. Now the greatest dramas appear in human life, when we overlay love with attraction or associate it by born passion when, most of the time, we forget about love blinded by attraction.

Now we are in danger of forgetting that, love means melting two people into a single angel, and then coming back to life angels and not people. Now it can be true that passionate love is a wild being. When we try to rein it in, it will destroy us, when we try to lock it up, enslave us, when we try to understand it, it will disturb us. And all because it's not true, pure love. It's something that stems from the essence of human existence, love, but covered, forgotten, because of the manifestations of attraction.

It is true that a lover is loved by all mankind. But all of this, in my opinion, is due to some kind of retrieval of us into that person. Some kind of communion, if we're on the same level, immature love, or some kind of reminder of the child within us, if we've passed that level. A kind of confirmation that there is no disguise where love exists or to simulate it where it does not exist (but this is true for those who have escaped the power of attraction).

These perceptions belong to those who have understood that, loves at least one who can say in words how much he loves, that love means never having to ask forgiveness, that it is not worth crying for anyone, and who deserves it will not make you cry, that absence is for love what the wind is for fire, extinguishes the weak, based on attraction and strengthens the strong True.

But that's enough poetry. I hope you understand how much the difference between love and attraction and how dangerous the "alloy" is between them. Offf, I've exceeded 1,100 words with poetry alone... Let's get to work!
If a being uses his power in a living system, taking into account the three basic rules of spiritual principles: 1. love (stimulating the capacity to love possibly controlling attraction), 2. gratitude (directly related to the development of consciousness) and 3. understanding (in all its aspects related to both knowledge and collaboration with its fellows, directly related to the strengthening of responsibility), this being will stimulate, through its development, the spiritual development of the whole system.

About the fact that man has the most responsibilities for choosing his attitudes and is therefore most able to structure his life and environment rationally, we have discussed in previous posts. And yet, is it spiritual any form of use of power that results from these capacities? In my opinion, of course, it is spiritual only when it is used taking into account the three spiritual principles that make so much "use". If the use of power stimulates, in each case, these three "qualities", around the spiritual bearer, the original, of it, will appear a human environment that, by stimulating it, will develop and use in a spiritual sense its own capacities.

If you hold power and do not wish to take over the entire burden of the system on your shoulders on your own, use it to stimulate the three spiritual principles of the people around you who are willing to grow until they are able to "walk alone". At the same time, this will boost the stability and efficiency of the system as a whole. Then, let's not forget that the more you love , the stronger you are. In a spiritual sense, to love (to manifest love), as I said above, means to be in resonance with another, to recognize yourself in it, to feel like it.

If you can merge with someone else, without giving up on yourself, no matter what form you do it in, which is an extremely important secret, if you vibrate completely with them, you can influence them in the same way that you can influence yourself. Of course, even here, the force is found in its own development. Many of the great healers and spiritual mentors work this way. The more the therapist can empathize with his client, the better he can help him to find himself, to become himself again and thus to get better.

Love is the greatest and only force that cannot be exploited because it acts simply, directly, without control, only through participation. Whoever resonates with another one suffers if he hurts him. To return to the mystery that I have remembered, before one can fully open his heart to others, he must be in harmony with himself, so he must learn to accept his self, develop it and use it rationally. In esotericism, this professional attitude becomes clear by the fact that the so-called chakra of the solar plexus, which is found in the hierarchy of chakras under the chakra of the heart, is an important center of identity, of separation from (other parts of) creation, of the moment of creation.

The fact that true love for another is possible only when it is linked to a strong anchoring in its own personality and in its ability to create according to its own needs, is nothing but an apparent contradiction. Imagine that, aided by your knowledge, you have to help another heal, resonate with him, and... It's him! If now you can't do everything you could do when (more) it was just you, here's two people having a problem. And the same thing happens anywhere... In business, if the participants do not vibrate in the same sense, they all have a problem, in "love", if one is attracted and the other gives true love, they both have a problem (we do not discuss the children who will be born from the "unresonant" relationship between the two), and so on.m.

Maybe that's why you're really successful when you're happy and you're spreading happiness. No matter how full your bank account is, no matter how luxurious your lifestyle is, no matter how many walls you fill your trophies or your specialization degrees, no matter how big your harem is, if you're not happy with what you have, your life is a failure. And even so, if you're happily in, it's all just a pile of justification. Power is given not to manifest itself, because power is power. She can see herself, she doesn't need to manifest herself.

Power is given to help those who have no power. This is both the divine and the materialistic purpose of power. The attraction of power breeds imbalances through its manifestation while the love of power gives rise to balances by dividing it. And, regardless of the errors of the existence of power, the Creator has left the possibility that, under the conditions of its manifestation, in any form, "right" or "unjust", we, the least powerful, may be forced to identify that love and help, our union through true love, is the one that moves on, that wins, that will find itself in the remaining mankind. Kings, queens, despots, dictators can only survive for the duration of their lives, but mankind has moved on...

So, in order to complete this post, let's move on to some kind of conclusion of this "paragraph"... Even if you're comfortable, but you're not using your overflow to help others find their purpose, unless you help them fulfill their own desires to be happy, your life can be considered a failure. By doing so, you only contribute to the development of your environment and, by doing so, you do not participate in the development of creation. Whoever supports creation is supported by creation, if they accept it.

Tomorrow (I write from 5 a.m. and I have to get to work)!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru