STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineAnchors and their control (1)

Translation Draft

At the end of yesterday's post we were introduced to the anchors of our subconscious. And, we've located them as subconscious because at this level we're dealing with their embarrassing, "uncontrollable" actions. Of course there are positive anchors, we don't have to see everything in black. Of course there are anchors at the unconscious level (but they are almost impossible to control or their control requires very high effort and time of action) and at the conscious level (but they "feed" especially from the subconscious level).

But from the point of view of the new medicine we must first consider unconscious anchors (conscious ones are more related to the NLP sector – Neuro Linguistic Programming and/ or that of personal development and, anyway, we will not forget them).

So an example of an embarrassing anchor is, for example, the one that triggers certain allergies. Characteristically, an anchor is that something that triggers a general state of manifestation of "non-health" in association with pollen, resulting in pollen allergy (we will discuss this at length when the time is right). Then, if you tie a certain formulation, used by your partner, to a conflict that floats in the air, because your ex-partner always used it (anchoring it like this) every time before the fight, you may have difficulty getting rid of this predetermination, convincing you that there is no danger (otherwise, it will trigger compatible states of irritation, fear, etc. without the "opposable" person intending to do so).

This is especially the case when you do not know much about anchors and allow, unconsciously, to persist and cause the appearance of certain reactions to stimulus-reaction (anchor). In this case, they get out of control and direct you like an autopilot of an airplane. It may be the direction you want, but it can happen differently. Since I mentioned the unconscious and the partner, I remembered another famous example.

Anchors can be stronger than we might imagine when they are related to strong feelings. Thus, both in men, but especially in women, one or more particularly strong anchors are formed with the beginning of sexual life. In this case, in the literature we talk about true "fingerprints" in the sense that the anchors become so powerful through an effective imprinting of conception (way of evaluation, interpretation, sensory perceptions, etc.) about the sex life that is achieved during the loss of virginity.

The partners will be so marked that, in the event of a change, of switching to other partners, they will report everything at that initial time, depending on the sensory information received and the sentimental associations made. Then a strong fingerprinting is represented by the first task. yes, even here we have anchors. From specialized studies it has been determined that the woman remains so strongly imprinted by the first pregnancy that, when changing the partner who will initiate the new pregnancy, she has very little chance of influencing something from the point of view of the child that will result from this pregnancy which will be predominantly similar to the one who made the fingerprinting (we will get there). And, these anchors are stronger than you can imagine.

But let's leave the examples and get to work!

Therefore, the first thing to do is to clear up knowledge of certain anchors for intense emotional states, of a positive or negative nature. To this end, forms are developed ordered according to the five sensory channels, which will facilitate this extremely important work. It is also useful that they will be able to use consciously or not, if necessary, to strengthen, already existing anchors, useful to the practice that will be described below (during future posts), in order to reach more intensely and quickly certain emotional states or certain memories. Write down on the forms (which will be described below) or on the sheets (attention, their mental jalonation, even by repetition does not have the same effect as that of concentration and, implicitly, organization born of the use of forms or sheets), what, from what you see, hear, feel, smell or taste (all senses) causes you the appearance of feelings, memories and associations positive, respectively negative and under what conditions this happens.

For example, the taste of champagne might give you a sense of wealth, importance and honorability, so be an anchor for this state of mind but it may as well give you the feeling of joy and intimacy born with small intimate parties with your partner (present, past or "combined"). At the moment it is not important to "milestone" simple or multiple anchors but only to determine the correlations between sensory stimuli and strong feelings (attention, strong – the details of what is not strong are secondary to the primary effort, to control what is pregnant, "force"). Then you have to make an effort to consider what you perceive by taking into account the "analysis" first of the past and then the present because awareness of existing anchors does not necessarily have to have an objective significance in the present.

The vast majority of these anchors were fixed long before, when living conditions were completely different from those of today. This also applies to anchored principles of faith! If an anchor would generally trigger the same reactions in practical situations or in most of your life's situations, mark it in particular. She and her "colleagues", which have a similar expansion, channel to the greatest extent your focus/ "concentration of the course"/ structuring your life.

It is only after this identification that you do not want the "discovered" anchors to take action, that action can be taken. Anchors that cause positive moods can be made aware using this technique, the forms, after which they can be used naturally and consciously, to make your life easier or to improve your health, where appropriate. The same applies to negative anchors that, once identified, can be avoided, dissolved or, if otherwise not possible, change their meaning by using the techniques that will be described in future posts. And, let's not forget the conflicts! Anchors are elements that often fuel the existence and manifestation of a conflict, triggering and empowering the manifestations of conflict. So identifying anchors would be the first step in identifying conflicts or at least factors that participate in maintaining, triggering and/or amplifying them.

Before I move on to the actual technique, I still have some clarifications to make. First of all, I will refer to the importance of privacy necessary to make all the efforts to come. Yes, there is an absolute need for real privacy. In all this effort, only the landmark person, i.e. you, is taken into account. Everything that will be done is about your problems, your desires, your aspirations, your state of health, etc. Most of the time what you consider to be the perfect partner, with all that it represents as a sum of perceptions, lifestyle, interests, etc. may not be anything but a "morman of anchors". And given the clear considerations of its free will, you may have big surprises when you interact voluntarily or accidentally with it.

In my experience (more than 25 years) I advise you not to bare/display/teach (and I could continue) by the accessibility of the study of these cards by anyone else outside of you. Take my word for it (be it and typed). These sheets will, over time, be constituted in something much more intimate than an intimate diary. And, whoever keeps a diary (I've been holding since 1984) knows it doesn't go well when someone else "gets their nose in."

Then, finally, if I may say so, but not least, even if at this point we start with the anchors, it is very possible that your life will change more than you imagine. Anchors are part of who you are, good or bad. Controlling them is very likely to change you completely and, why not, stop resonating with the human environment, of course, in which you have evolved until you wanted to scratch. In more than 75% of cases (I mean those who did, less under my guidance and more under the guidance of others) came to a change so significant in their own good that the good of those around them was no longer compatible with it and...

You also realize (cessations of friends, leaving families, etc. – and I mean both the one who went to work and the one who ran away from the new person). But without wishing to encourage you, there have also been cases where the practitioner has greatly improved the environment through his efforts. It's all about common interests, regardless of relational "steams." And, these common interests are, more often than not, present at the level of families. I have encountered cases where the partner was quite perfect, dedicated, and everything had the effect of an atomic bomb in the sense of energy that has been channeled for their own good, through joint participation in the control of anchors and everything that follows (control of anchors is something similar to putting the date on a contract – what follows after that, hmmm, you will see, is the true content of the contract with the good of your life, those around you, etc.). But I've also encountered cases where the "enemy in bed" has been discovered.

By extension, you can see what the effects are at the level of a job or in a gang. Corrections may occur, but man is human, there may also be "useful" elements through which the "students" of these techniques began to use, until slavery, those around them. But let's not forget that my effort is directed towards good, for health. If by using all the techniques that follow will be done only one good in addition to the sum of evil/ non-good, I can say that we have worked well. And I say this knowing that good and evil/ non-good are for each of us and have only slight similarities to good and evil/non-good to those around us.

No more gargle! Let's move on to compiling the first sheets!

So, you understand what anchors are. Now, each with his power of "penetration" itself (don't forget the possible intimacy), take a stack of sheets (or a notebook, less indicated) and write as the title: Visual Anchors! Then we'll start thinking and feeling as structured as possible by some kind of pattern that I'll suggest next. I look around and I see the workroom. Note: "Working room". What visual anchors do I have here? For example, I notice my family photo (well, there are more, but the important thing is the landmark). I feel love, trust, mobilization, tranquility, ... reach (a torrent of pleasant sensations).

Note: Positive: love, trust, reason for mobilization, tranquility, hope. What do I feel negative about? Well, well, yes, here's the mess on the desk. I often look for a lot more than I should or lose details in messy stacks of notes, sheets, books, and so on.m. My wife often embarrasses me with the aspect of "order in my disorder" that can be noticed by dozens of visitors. And many, many other perceptions. I'm silling the negative. But what is he? I feel mostly perfect in my disorder and very rarely do I have the inconvenience induced by it. But how long would it take me to put order? Not ten minutes. All right, I've identified! It's about the need for organization.

So, I note to the negative: The need for organization. In this short example "theatrical" I identified the positive, positive anchor that makes me shoot after at least eight hours of service other "x" hours: family. Similarly, I identified the negative anchor, imperceptible if I did not focus on the identification represented by the need for organization. What good is that going to do me?!? Later, and we will see in future posts (I can not now translate everything from my mind to the blog), I will act to remove the negative anchor that stressme me unconsciously and I will correct it by order that will constitute an anchor that no longer stress but boosts through stability, comfort, increased efficiency, etc. Here's how a minor intervention can change more things in your life than you can imagine.

But come back, we'll see what we can do later. Now (and in many, many other moments, necessary to refine and record as much information as possible that can delineate the anchors and give us the support of the intervention) we have nothing to do but record the anchors (well, what is related to them). Continuing my example of "analysis" from work at home is not hard to move on to job analysis at work. Note: At work: Positive and, below, negative! I then proceed to identify according to the model presented above (I say, this is true for me – let us not forget the uniqueness of each of us and the fact that each of us must find the most suitable way for him). And so on... Finally, I will give a brief list of identification points, which, I repeat, is specific to each of us (I want to give just some examples).

Visual anchors: at work at home, at work at work, in housing (you can do feng-shui-like separations on each room, your job and time), your spouse/partner, men, wife/partner, children, landscapes, cars, airplanes, ships, motorcycles, your clothing, your partner's clothing, children's clothing, any desired human landmark (call it every time), symbols (cross, crescent, circle, logo, etc.), colours, body language or other people's mimicry, linens or intimate linens... And the examples can go on. Remember that everything will include (by record) the positive or negative expression you identify!

We will then switch to acoustic anchors: noises produced by your own body (e.g. heartbeat, breathing, digestion, crackling joints), at work, in the home, to the spouse (e.g. voice, body noises, etc.), to men, to wife/partner, to women (e.g. rustling of underwear, noises produced in intimate moments that can go as far as the clink of earrings, etc.), to children, to cars, airplanes, ships, motorcycles, to weather phenomena (rain, wind, thunder, etc.), to isolated noises, sounds, sounds, words, to rhythms, to music, etc. It can be noted that the list can be "inspired" from the previous ones but obviously specificities given by the specific sensory element appear.

We move on to kinesthetic anchors (relating to body perceptions): a certain body posture (it is necessary to describe as precisely as possible), areas of one's own body, whose touching, in a certain way or in general, causes typical reactions in the case of certain framework conditions, at work, in the workplace, in the spouse/partner, in men (when they touch you, I shake your hand, when I pat you on the shoulder), to your wife/partner, to women, to children, to cars, airplanes, ships, motorcycles, bicycles (what feelings appear when you touch them), to touch certain objects, relative to clothing (what you feel when you wear clothes made of wool, cotton, silk, velvet), relative to the clothing of others (husband/wife/partner, children, friends, various relationships), relative to bed linen, intimate (yours or partner's) etc.

Olfactive anchors: your own smell in different situations (e.g. after exercising, after doing "other type of sport", after showering, in the morning when waking up, etc.), your partner's smell in different situations (after sports, after showering, etc.), at work, in the workplace, in men (body smell, perfume, etc.), in women (ditto), in cars, airplanes , ships, motorcycles, etc. (smell of mineral oil, fuel, metal, etc.), relating to nature (smell of the sea, mountain, smell of earth reawakened from the garden or elsewhere, snow, flowers, hay, etc.), relative to your clothing (smell of material, detergent, fresh, worn for some time), relative to the clothing of the partner, children, other people (who specifies each time).

Taste anchors: your own taste (e.g. the one you have in your mouth when you wake up in the morning, the taste of your skin), from work (breakfast, coffees, lunch, snacks, etc.), to your home (meals, drinks, etc.), to restaurants, bars, to friends, acquaintances, on holidays (specific meals, drinks specific to the places visited, etc.), the taste of a partner (then and now).

Attention, the examples I've given are not limiting. They're just indicative. The importance of each perception is prevalent and unique to each individual. And, more than that about filling out these files. Don't overdo it with the details. Usually significant are only the first 3 – 4 details on a given topic, maximum relevance having the first perception, the subsequent ones being secondary anchors (well, most of the time – you will have the surprise that through this effort you will get to know each other better than you would have imagined and, I tell you from my experience and those to whom I had access that , you will redo the cards several times – do not overdo these remakes unless your efforts have resulted in the correction of some anchors).

And, ready for today! Once we've got an overview of our anchors tomorrow, we're going to move on to a more passionate theme. So, see you tomorrow!!!!

Dorin, Merticaru