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To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Subconscious (4)

Translation Draft

Yesterday we discussed the basics that can be constituted as a kind of substrate of subconscious perception, as uncontrolled dreams or not. Today, we're going to go deeper and discuss some things about the patterns of subconscious language, and therefore dreams. More specifically, what linguistic constructions (phrases) are the ones underlying this language and/ or can cause the trance state to enter.

For those who have gone through previous posts, the first milestones are those presented in hypnosis states as well as those of mental "transmission" of a message in the case of telepathy. For example, it is about the need to use language as simple as possible that does not give way to interpretations (the more complicated the message is the reduced it to something that can be understood by the receiver). Linking the information that has been read with that coming from the "world" of human studies will draw more conclusions. Such...

The first conclusion is that all words that do not have the same objective meaning for all and that are not defined concretely, from the point of view of the content by the user can be misinterpreted by the conscious or can cause the entry into the trance state (too many stimuli, too many meanings, triggers "withdrawal" in the state of protection, represented by the trance). For example, "happiness." Anyone would be happy to know what happiness is, but if you ask ten different people what really should happen to make them feel happy, you'll be surprised that different answers will come.

One may feel happy when he holds the partner he loves, another, when he sees a certain figure on the credit column of his bank account, another, when he perfectly colors a coloring book and is appreciated by his parents or educator, and the examples can continue. So whoever hears the word "happiness" will enter his inner world and, based on his experiences, dislikes and sympathies, give him a certain content that will make him intelligible. The same will be found at the level of the subconscious with the difference that, there, it is only about experiences, without feelings, which are translated only at the level of the conscious.

Other words of the same nature are referred to in the specialized language labels, even if, for example, a label on a closed can does not reveal exactly what is inside, it takes our previous knowledge to be able to imagine, it actually perceives what is there. But without further comment, examples of such labels could be: love - light - esoteric - spirituality - God - forces - energy - life - suffering - beauty - relationship - safety (security) - protection - threat - danger - growth - capacity - experience - solution... And the list could go on longer than we can imagine, constituting a true vocabulary.

What should be remembered is that each word, although it is clear, precise, it cannot be approached in a unified way, being in direct relation to both the context and the meaning that each of us attributes. Moreover, almost any word can be associated with one or more feelings. but, that's only on a conscious level. For this reason, of the multiple meanings (plus metaphors, which we will discuss in future posts), the subconscious "emanations" represented by dreams often come to give rise to the level of consciousness the sentimental perceptions associated with those terms, which is why the "misunderstandings" about mystery, nightmares, metaphors of dreams, etc.m.d.

Then, the peculiarity of words relating to activities that do not contain their exact description appears. Even if we "manage" to distinguish the exact meaning of the term it almost always depends on the context in which it is placed (both in terms of "expression" and associated feelings). For example, to change, to love, to heal, to understand, to solve, to feel, to learn, to learn are verbs that need additional "clarifications" to complete the message necessary for conscious perception.

And in this case, the receiver (the listener, implicitly the conscious or the subconscious), in order to understand correctly and concretely and to be able to relate it to his sensory perceptions, must fill, for example, the word/ verb "to change", with content based on his experiences, desires, sympathies and dislikes. That is why there are clarifying questions about this topic that could be: "What has changed?", "How has it changed?", "What have you seen, heard, felt, smelled or tasted in order to see the change?". Then, the general "sentimental" substrate as well as that born by the words in question can constitute a much more discernible medium than that of the actual expression.

As an example, on a general depressive background, the term love can be associated with the deceptions born of it, whereas a general fund of contentment and happiness immediately suggests the true meaning of the term love (remember, it is all due to translation into the conscious, because the unconscious does not "perceive" feelings). Hence the difference in "value" of the term love relative to the dreams of the depressive, where he becomes quite sure a small or big nightmare, compared to the dreams of the happy where he becomes a new dance with his loved ones.

When we get out of the "territory" of verbs, we get to that of people. This requires precise content links. For example, "someone"... Who knows exactly who "someone" is? To find out you can think about what people in the general context might be "someone". And for that you must turn your attention to your inner world. Similar words of the same nature are: this, something, that, each one can identify a particular perception, a certain experience. Attention, it's more important than realizing this. It is the people who give rise to the major conflicts that influence our lives, whether it is you or someone else, close or unknown. Proper reporting to the "target" person will give meaning to your small dialogue with your own subconscious or, in the case of uncontrolled dreams, will allow a correct interpretation of the messages...

Then it is good to focus on omissions, so the lack of elements/parts of the sentence necessary for understanding. For example, "Surely now, maybe still unconscious will awaken in you a certain desire." This is where the description of the content of the wish is missing. What particular desire? Other examples could be: "It is certainly important for you to develop." In what direction, in what way, why be important? That's only if we consider reveries, open-eyed dreams or controlled dreams. In the case of uncontrolled dreams, most of the time omissions do their job better than you imagine. You may wake up before the dream is completed and the "rest" becomes an omission that often makes you remove the message as unintelligible. Or, the "translation" effort has no results...

It follows the creation of a subjective, non-logical link between something and what is really happening in that moment and something that needs to happen. For example: "You hear the noises around you and you relax more and more." Or: "As you feel your heartbeat, your thoughts calm down more and more." Or: "The flow of your breath leads to an increasingly comprehensive relaxation of the body." These relaxation techniques are generally related to an effort of the individual to enter the conscious state of the call to the subconscious (without taking into account the level of alpha, theta or other deepening). At the beta stage it is difficult to achieve this subjective correlation as in the case of uncontrolled dreams. In the case of the latter, due to the lack of such a connection, the "real feelings" of dreams and deep confusion occur both at the mental level, when the dream touches the conscious (and we remember it) and on the physical level (body activity during nightmares, etc.).

Then there are words that stimulate a dichotomization or a self-perception. For example: "You may now feel, consciously or unconsciously, a change in your bodily sensation in the upper body" or "in your lower part," or "in your arms," "and you are increasingly entering a state of mind that can help you continue your journey into the kingdom of your fantasy, so that now you perceive more and more clearly in a certain way and discover how this influences your body , while maybe, you realize it's an experience you may have had before, like or else."

As for the manifestation of uncontrolled dreams, it is not difficult to remember, each of us, the sensations "lived" in the dream, for example, those of falling from a height, those related to falling into the water and everything related to them, etc. About the conscious manifestations of this dihotimization we can remember the modern training practices in which the techniques of "imagination" are used (in which the subject imagines that he carries out a certain type of training, activity) that give results from the most unexpected (because the subconscious does not distinguish between real and imagination - I described about them in previous posts)...

In the end of this post I can recall that you can deepen this introduction to the language of the subconscious, of dreams, if you listen consciously, texts of pop songs, advertising slogans and any other imaginary journeys that are found today on the market in thousands of variants. There are a number of other linguistic possibilities that can lead people to turn their attention to their inner world. You might write a whole book about them. But because you have already known the most important principles that are used for this purpose, at this point, instead of "stuffing yourself with even more theory" it is much more profitable to apply your new knowledge in practice, thus broadening your personal experience. The subconscious and the conscious do not allow themselves to be "conquered" so easily, it cannot be influenced anyway, but exercises, especially those related to self-knowledge can give you the opportunity to start doing more useful things for you faster and, you are late, for the people around you (see future posts).

We still have to discuss metaphors and ended with the language of the subconscious (of dreams) and we will move on to the language of the conscious. See you tomorrow!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru