STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Subconscious (9)

Translation Draft

So we talked about the event of emotions and how it is fueled by the past, present and future. The unresolved problems of the past, the trials of the present and the worries of the future are the fuels of fire that "warms" or "cools" this cauldron of emotions. Similarly, I pointed out that the past and the future can fuel this fire even if the present is perfect. Then I tied myself to the notion of "Now"... A notion that says it helps us control the excess emotions of the past and the concerns in/ about the future... Let's move on to our "analysis"!

The past is manifest in the present because of the recordings that are managed by the subconscious. Thus, any reaction to the present will be based on the identification of something similar that happened in the past, a comparison made with the help of the "records" of the subconscious. But obviously, the same thing will happen when we look at the future, an emotional resonance with similar events of the past... So this emotional resonance will cause a cascade of emotions/feelings from the past to the present, which will constitute a reaction to a similar event.

Not to lengthen it, in most cases we are concerned about the future living literally in the past. Therefore, it is not difficult to infer that if we solve a "problem" related to the past, the present or the future has nothing to "report" and thus we will benefit from peace, calm and control, the cauldron of emotions no longer being fed "all the way". Only now, with nothing to relate to the present, can we say that we live in "Now"... But it's just a "Now" in terms of emotions, that landmark moment in all the techniques and processes to be described...

Once we've established what the stress chain means, the cauldron of emotions and the "Now" in terms of the possible "control" of emotions and feelings I must also remind that all emotions are good because they provide us with information, directions and motivations to help us to have a life in accordance with our requirements (our needs, what we want and what we want in accordance with who we are and must be in direct resonance with the people in our lives and even with all mankind and/ or life). Feelings are practically designed to motivate us by creating the support of experience that is correlated with satisfaction and discomfort. And the "volume" of discomfort generated by unfulfilled desires depends on how we acted to satisfy them. If we do not want or cannot have actions in the sense of satisfaction, discomfort becomes extreme over time, painful or even deadly.

Let's go ahead and "discover" new definitions to help us understand what's to come! "Bad" (contrary to good) is the perception of an experienced feeling of discomfort and/ or pain (such as lack of safety, insecurity, instability, unhappiness, sadness, loss, fear, depression, loneliness, anger, guilt, etc.). Remember, "bad" does not have the concrete meaning of the term, but of the "value" interpretation that we, our conscious, any feeling being good, existing and manifesting to give us the necessary information and motivation. Then, when we use "Good" (contrary to evil, so not from the point of view of utility), we will describe an experienced feeling that gives us pleasure, satisfaction (such as safety, security, stability, happiness, joy, accumulation, love, etc.).

So come back, due to the importance of real "perception", feelings exist to be heard, each of them having a specific message about a need, requirement or desire. Let's try to locate where the need, the requirement or the desire comes from! The need can be described as something that we need to survive, to be healthy, to develop, etc. as individuals and/ or as a species. This something passes being assimilated and permanently developed, completed, corrected (even at the low level), from one generation to the next through the genetic code (of course, without referring to that "basal" intangible content, as I have described in previous posts).

So the motivation to fulfill this kind of "must," "necessary," "need" is genetically programmed within us. And basic human needs are the need for water, food, shelter, safety and the like (including all that correlates with them). By extension, human relationships that result in communities, family and children are also assimilated here. So the satisfaction of these essential needs applies to both the individual and human, social and even the whole of humanity. So the human needs, their satisfaction seem to be identical.

But here will come the consciousness (including the collective subconscious – described in previous posts) that makes these needs perceived as different depending on culture, social group, etc., and becoming different from one individual to another. Moreover, these needs also seem to be different depending on the level of development of each individual in the sense that the needs of childhood are different from those of puberty, those of adolescence, those of the adult, etc.

This is where I need to go into very little detail. Let's go from the fact that individuals from different cultures have different needs. For example, in a culture, drinking a glass of wine every day is a healthy thing that sustains/maintains health. In others it will generate alcoholism. In other cultures it is compulsorily inserted into religious cultures, in others it is an act that violates religious rules and can lead to removal from that social group. Do not consider this to be a trivial example. The same is the case with the consumption of pork. In some groups it is normal this consumption, in others it is prohibited under quite serious penalties. These differences go as far as wearing clothes, in some cultures women have the freedom to choose what they wear, which they think complements them from a clothing point of view, in others the obligatory non-wearing of clothing accessories may even attract death. And the examples could go on...

From the example above we have reached the territory of desires. While basic needs are quite common, desires are particularly individual, personal. Desire is something that seems necessary and wants to be touched very strongly. Depending on the intensity of the experienced feeling of desire can also delineate passion (which is nothing but a desire experienced at the maximum level).

For most of us, the fundamental requirements are met, with very few of those who read these lines (posts) being in a state of fear about the existence of the meal (food) today or tomorrow or the fear of where they will sleep tonight or the nights to come. For us, unmet needs are related to how we feel, dissatisfaction with our lives, relationships and other levels of accumulation. Only after our needs are largely met can most of us focus on what they want and what we want.

But what I want and what I want, perceived as needs, depends to a large extent on their conscious perception. The continuous bombardment of life patterns, patterns, ad handlers, and so on encourages us to want it, no matter what. Everything seems created for us, to indicate our basic needs, to create that impression that we are able to meet these needs or desires. But these needs and desires are real?!? We really need a supermodel supersex in our supercar admiring our superclothing supercollection, intuiting the number of digits of our account?!? Going back to the question of desires, Here I am no longer having to comment on why they are so individual. Then why doesn't it create emotions/feelings of the same intensity?

This is where what lies deep inside us, which really defines us and cannot be influenced by the smoke of the conscious, that is, the subconscious. It's something flagged by our subconscious as positive motivation, showing us what we need to select and what we need to turn our efforts towards developing our talents, to go our way, indicating how we can contribute and how we can differentiate. History, literature and everyday life give us numerous examples of how needs, requirements and desires can be misinterpreted or misdirected, and how the individuals who have done so on the basis of these errors have come to harm themselves (even to destroy themselves) or, worse, to harm those around them.

So the purpose of my effort (and those that I have read and assimilated) is how to identify real needs, requirements and desires and how to address, how can we have a strategy for fulfilling them in a satisfactory manner, so as not to harm ourselves or those around us (thus giving up conflicts so damaging to our integrity as an individual).

And at the end of this post, if we've set the terms we're going to use, let's have a little fun with metaphors (see also previous posts) that describe how our feelings become signals that provide us with information about what we need and thus be able to take care of ourselves a little better!

So signals are a form of communication that, well understood, will become beneficial. An immediate example would be that of the driver who communicates by signaling to the other drivers his intentions to travel. For other drivers this is a signal that they will react to so that everything, and for them and for you, is in order. Feelings have the same role, I repeat, if they are well understood. Feeling good is a signal that your actions (and those around you) to meet certain needs have been good, successful. Feeling sick is a signal that some needs have not been met and actions are required to meet those needs.

This way of seeing feelings, like a signal that tells us the direction of actions that will result in a satisfactory response, of fulfilling needs, requirements or desires, of reducing or eliminating the "painful" experiences of emotions (fear, anger, guilt, etc.), will make us understand how to direct our actions directly on the real cause. Thus, when we have satisfied the need for food, we experience a state of well-being that will last a certain period of time (minutes, hours, depending on each individual) until we relive the feeling of need for food. Satisfying emotional needs is like satisfying our hunger, the duration of feeling well/well-being is variable (minutes, hours, days, years, but never the whole life).

It all depends on the fact that our life is constantly moving, its circumstances being quite or extremely volatile. And the longer we delay bringing our well-being into the news, the greater the pressure on our attention to take action. This is a rhythm, for example, of the driving force behind the dance of our lives. But let us not forget that we are a kind of machine (our body, often assimilated with existence, duration and quality of life). Every car has basic needs, such as fuel, oil, battery, all of which are directly involved in the proper functioning of this car.

In order to ensure (as creators of the respective machine) the machine is properly functioning, we have equipped the machine with indicators of fuel level, oil level, coolant (including its temperature), speed level, etc. These indicators, as soon as something is wrong, will signal that something to us and we will need to take steps to correct it, thus ensuring the proper functioning of the machine. But how good it would have been if our Creator had to take action, as is the example with the machine. He just made sure that we had to take these measures because, if we don't, our car will malfunction or stop working.

What's more, imagine it's giving way to our car on a high-speed highway! We will almost certainly crawl with our unmaintained destiny many, many other destinies. So, caring for this car always becomes caring for other cars... And even though we're alone on the road... Hmmm, don't make sense! I think you understand what I had to point out with this metaphor about a simple machine...

We'll be back tomorrow! Pleasant, helpful and happy weekend!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru