STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Subconscious (11).

Translation Draft

In yesterday's post I found out what is with the three main types of feelings and how things "stand" with distractions that give rise to addictions. In a short summary, the primary feelings not properly interpreted (or ignored) are wrongly compensated by distractions, dependencies arise, and then, as a result of not solving the cause, secondary feelings appear, such as frustration. The continuation of the lack of actions to solve the causes flagged by the primary feelings, under the action of amplification of secondary feelings will attract the appearance of tertiary feelings from which depression is noted. From here we'll move on!

The constant manifestation of this cycle is represented by a general feeling of discomfort compatible with pain, illness and/or other unpleasant perceptions. Added to this are the collateral effects of distraction behaviours, addictions such as weight gain, smoking problems, experiencing problems associated with alcohol consumption or drug/drug abuse, integration problems due to "non-compatible" relational behaviours, and many, many more. Added to all this is frustration always correlated with some of the most unhealthy manifestations in tandem with the body (and mental) stress of unsatisfying problems flagged by emotions/feelings (the case of emotions starting to show pressure; the chain of stress starting its action of breaking the weak link – see previous posts). The "peak of pain" will be the appearance of tertiary feelings, depression.

Depression, like frustration, is actually a kind of pressure valve (I hope you remember that I always point out that any emotion/feeling is good/good) even if the general perception is related to discomfort, pain, even if it is characterized by unhealthy status. This status, this constant of manifestation is also a signal, the malaise, the un-good, the discomfort is given by the failure to resolve the demands flagged by the primary feelings, the secondary and tertiary feelings being nothing but a signal.

So, depression is a signal that tells us that the time has come to abandon the cycle of our errors, that we must surrender so as not to explode, not to melt (see the metaphor with the cauldron of emotions), that we must stop our erroneous actions so that the stress chain does not break the missing link of our body (in totality of its physical and mental manifestations). It's how nature tells us that a break is needed that needs to be taken immediately, now to avoid self-destruction.

Our subconscious is doing this to a kind of limitation of the general freedom of action by forcing us to take a break from reloading, to rest, to take a break for a period of all the madness of the error in which we have signed up. But this pause is only intended to recharge our batteries and, if possible, reconsider our actions. It does not solve the initial problems, needs, needs or misconstrued desires, but only allows us an introspection that can reveal a way of solving and, of course, a pause from the tension that certainly demands the missing link that is ready to give way. It buys us time, and that's it... So the main message of depression is that we have to do something completely different from what we've done before. Otherwise, we'll be back in depression, cyclically, until we give up for good, until our body stops working.

The time has come, once you have "accessed" and understood this three-step cycle of emotions, to understand that, in fact, there are only two basic forms of emotion: satisfaction and dissatisfaction. If we meet the needs of the moment, we'll have... satisfaction, of course, and if we don't satisfy them we get addictions, vices, frustration, depression, which is... dissatisfaction, of course. These two statuses are constantly evolving, our general condition ranging between different degrees of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, you don't have much to keep in mind... Primary feelings are those that can give us the state of satisfaction and are represented by: 1. Boredom, 2. Anger, 3. Guilt, 4. Sadness, 5. Loneliness, 6. Mismatch (contradiction, contrast), 7. Stress and 8. Fear. Then, secondary feelings, in fact only frustration and tertiary ones, in fact only depression, are the ones that can give us dissatisfaction.

Researchers stop here even though there are many more words in the vocabulary to describe feelings. But on closer study, it can be noted that all these words actually refer to the circumstances or intensity levels of the eight feelings considered primary. Irritated, angry, angry, worried, scared to death are just a few examples. All this is not necessary for us because they do not give us the necessary information, they only describe an emotional status of discomfort or pain but do not indicate anything about the nature of the discomfort that can indicate the source, the unmet need. Only a clear description can bring us closer to the best answer, to understanding the message transmitted to our conscious and thus to give birth to actions that satisfy the need, necessity or desire not fulfilled.

And, the time has come for the first clarifications...

Boredom is born of necessity, need, desire to develop through competition;

Anger is born of necessity, need, desire to experience fairness for oneself and for those around it;

Guilt is born of necessity, need, desire to be fair to others and to each other;

Sadness arises from the necessity, the need, the desire to have and keep things and people considered (considered)/ proven to be valuable (valuable);

Loneliness is born of necessity, need, desire to have meaningful relationships (with other people, of course);

The mismatch (contradiction, contrast) is born out of necessity, need, desire to feel good enough, to feel majority in resonance with what we live;

Stress arises from the necessity, the need, the desire to be successful in the "leadership" of our lives;

Fear arises from the necessity, the need, the desire to be safe, to perceive the possible stability of our lives;

Frustration arises from the need, the need, the desire to solve anything that appears flagged from the above eight, by their own efforts, without the interference of the factors of deviation, compensatory or, especially, their dependences;

Depression arises from the need, the need, the desire to be effective, to solve anything that appears flagged on the part of the eight primary feelings or, at least, from the need to have the hope of the possible resolution of the needs, needs and desires flagged by them.

And, how good it would have been if everything had been so simple... With few exceptions, where everything can be easily controlled by addressing actions based on the list above, we must not forget that all this is about us and the people around us (we must not forget the resonance – which we discussed in previous posts). By all, when I use the idea of resonance, I mean the simple fact that we feel bad when someone around us is hurt, he feels bad, in conditions of emotional resonance, of course. Our subconscious, if it holds information stored from previous experiences to the emotional resonance to the mere presence of another person to whom we have certain perceptions, to which we resonate emotionally. But, I will clarify, as far as I can, many of the potential "problems"... Let's move on!

From what we have learned so far (anchor sheets, person cards and momentary accumulations about the language of the subconscious with its emotions and feelings) we come to a small conclusion: "Knowledge is not power, it is potential. Application of knowledge, implementation, is power!". So the time has come to implement, to move forward in applying what we have accumulated!

As with anchor and person cards, we will use a determination process. This time, this process will be done in three steps: 1. Identification/ name of feeling, 2. Identification of the cause of feeling (necessity, need, unfulfilled desire) and 3. Identify a satisfactory response, action that will fulfill, resolve, etc. need, need or desire. It's simple but it's not easy! Many of us, even after careful self-examination, have no idea what we feel, apart from the resulting good or bad.

But by going through the steps of identifying anchors, then by grouping them around the people in your life (in which the god, the boss, the leader, etc. you are yourself) you are already approaching a relative clarification.

Here's what's next! We will proceed to the three steps outlined a little above. We take the resulting card (the "born" one from the anchor sheets, the one grouped on people) and stop at the first, at you. And, we're tying ourselves to the first landmark "discovered" there. What feeling do we feel is correlated with this landmark? Attention, this is an effort by you to identify the correlation with one of the eight feelings considered to be primary (shown above). We must not forget that if we identify it we can say that we have come close to the need, the need, the desire related to that landmark, and thus there is the possibility of taking action to resolve it (yes, you read well, "there is an opportunity to proceed" – and we will see what it is about in future posts).

Obviously, for some people it will be easier than for others. Women have been shown to identify feelings much more easily than men, but on the other hand, men more easily identify causes. But the weight of identification was previously born through your actions of repression, of constant suppression. No one's rushing you! And privacy and tranquility are quite important strengths in successfully completing this operation (I mentioned this in previous posts). You advise only with whom it is worth it, but not from your point of view but from the point of view of the person's preparation (referring to the analysis process).

So, carefully analyze the list of custom anchors and, over time, nothing will stop you from identifying the feelings related to custom anchors and so that we can move on to the next step... You have to pay attention only to what you feel, to the inner voices that will surely tell you what you need. Moreover, for a particular landmark, a particular custom anchor you will notice that more primary feelings may be "related". Write them down, don't miss anything!

The detection of custom anchors, carried out in previous steps, is nothing more than a kind of initial identification of the most important causes of perceptions related to emotions/feelings. And when you've identified the cause of emotion/feeling, it's impossible not to realize the name of the feeling (take inspiration from the list of eight primary feelings and look for connections). If you can't handle it, ask questions about custom anchors.

Something like, "You lost a relative, a friend, your job, your house, or you worked in vain?!?" You must feel sad. Or, "Someone treated you unfairly, offended you, multiplied you by zero?!?." You must be feeling angry. "Or did you do this to someone else (related to the question above)?!? You must feel guilt... And the examples could go on... Obviously you will need to use the short list that identifies the "correlations" of primary feelings, the one shown above!

After this long, long effort (believe me!!!) comes the moment of the second step, even if it, consciously or not, has already been solved... why I'm saying that. We have already trained in referencing custom anchors to feelings about them and to scoring causes. We already have an important list, but the most important one is just coming. It's about addressing other custom anchors and determining the feelings related to them. You will see that custom anchors other than those identified as yours are directly related to those identified as yours.

I'll give a few examples of that... You're sad because there's a loss. This loss can also be "concreted" in a person, relative, friend or "model". The custom anchor identified as being of this character will have "noted" by you the associated feelings. Obviously it's going to come down to... you guessed it, merging them... If you perceive loneliness, you'll obviously discover the personalized anchor of what's missing from your life... And you'll discover the "notes" with the related feelings and the possibility of pooling the custom anchor external to, exactly, your person. The more specific you have been in discovering anchors, then in customizing them, then in identifying and referencing feelings of them, the more access you will have to determine the causes and, by implication, to find solutions...

And to complete this post, we will proceed to the third step, the one to identify a satisfactory response, a possible action... We have come a long way but its length is directly related to your ignorance but also to ignoring your feelings, therefore, accordingly to your needs. And, in fact, the most important part is just now coming.

Obviously, as a result of our discoveries, as a result of the whole effort, which can only be initially but can be carried out throughout our entire lives, after the initial effort, we will have possibilities for immediate resolution or what will seem impossible to solve. Is that what you think!!! Or, more specifically, "Believe it !!!." First, any resolution of the requirements, needs, desires related to a primary feeling, will weaken the stress chain, cool the boiler of emotions and give you the energy to move on. Stress (feeling stress) tells us that we have a lot to do and we don't have enough time or resources to do everything right.

But it can simply disappear, often by "solving" a single need. I must no longer recall that by simply solving the "resolution" of everything related to a primary feeling disappears frustration and/ or related depression, and, last but not least, disappears dependencies that can maintain the most tenacious unfavorable states.

So any step you take, no matter how small, may matter more than you can imagine... Get to work or never access the information I present here or elsewhere! Thanks for getting along (if applicable)!!!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru