STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Subconscious (13).

Translation Draft

The next primary feeling we're going to talk about is anger. He is born of necessity, need, desire to experience fairness for himself but also for those around him, it is the inner voice that tells us "I think what is happening is unfair!". It is the feeling that, when it appears or is only "intuited" by those around it attracts negative considerations/judgments and your consideration as evil or dangerous. Thus, it is no wonder why it is one of the most misunderstood feelings and the most suppressed emotions. Perhaps because of the fact that, under the influence of this feeling people do the most terrible things, but they forget that this feeling (like all others) is just a signal and our facts/reactions are the ones that can be classified as terrible.

The feeling of anger/anger with all its variations (degrees of intensity), like all other emotions, "come" from our perceptions, "grouped" from only two different perspectives. A first perspective arises from our beliefs (accepted or directly formed) about what is "good" (correct) and "bad" (incorrect) and "how things should be". If we perceive people and/ or situations as "as they should be" we will have the feeling that everything is fine (life in general). Everything is according to our expectations/catalogues. If not, we will perceive that it is not correct and the feeling of anger/anger arises which is proportional to the frequency of occurrence of these perceptions.

But we forget that everything is based on both our beliefs and the general state we have (some things/situations generate anger almost immediately when we are "ill-willed" when, in other situations when we are "well-willed" have no action). Then, from the second perspective, if we "work"/ work hard for a certain result and things are not as planned, we get tired and are more easily "influenced" by low levels of manifestation of this feeling. Over time, against the background of fatigue and the relative constancy of the appearance and manifestation of this feeling we become frustrated. And, frustration is the secondary feeling that amplifies the primary feeling... And all we have in mind will be something like "It's not right!", "It's not right!" especially when our efforts are majorly well-intentioned (at least in the conception of our subconscious and/or conscious).

And as long as anger/anger "comes" from our perceptions (both past and current/present), it is absolutely necessary to identify it, locate it, isolate it... And that's pretty simple (or so it seems at first glance). Questions come to our aid: "Is this situation really unfair?", "I had an unusual reaction due to emotional resonance?", "Or am I so tired that everything seems unfair?!?." For example, when faced with a disease or a setback of any kind, thoughts often occur like, "Why me?". Or we're like, "That's not fair, I didn't do anything to deserve it." But if we look at all of this, even from the deterministic point of view of the new medicine, we will see that there is a reason in everything, that everything is the result of something. And the more adaptable, the more malleable we are, finding different degrees of fairness, of normality in the given situation, the less pressure the feeling of anger/anger will be reduced or eliminated entirely.

So anger reveals to us what our sense of fairness is, right or wrong, especially in terms of the circumstances that "belong to" us or those that "look" at those we care for, in which we invest directly or indirectly. And the feeling of anger motivates us to do something about it. The energy potential that arises from the manifestation of this feeling often has high values, unsuspectedly high. Perhaps, therefore, it is often manifested by behavioural "escapes" towards one's own person or those around him. Perhaps, therefore, he must be oriented as effectively as possible in positive directions, making him a direct participant in our quests to give rise to correct situations. Many of the actions to protect and help young people and/or disadvantaged people are born from this feeling that arises from unfair situations and the need for social "justice".

But more importantly, anger/anger reveals the rigidity of our thinking (beliefs). The more fixed we have ideas about how people should act (and they don't), the stronger the feeling will be. And the more we stagnate in this rigidity, the more explosive the feeling will be, the harder it will be to control. This is why this feeling occurs anywhere, between children and parents, between brothers, between friends, between colleagues, etc. (generally in environments that are brought together by the same ideas, by relatively the same "necessary" behaviors). And we all have examples of such people who have not "spoken" for years following the uncontrolled manifestation of the feeling of anger/anger, which has thus become a real barrier in communication (fixed ideas, as I said above).

And now, surprise, anger reveals, in fact, our fears. As I have described in previous posts, all our emotions with the perception of discomfort, of pain, are born out of fear (there are only two human "constants": love and fear). So whenever we experience anger,we actually experience the fear that in that situation that something wrong can become harmful, it can hurt. So anger can be perceived as an alarm that tells us" Attention, this is unfair! This can hurt me, or it can hurt the wound that I care about or care for"...

Thus fear becomes a kind of feedback mechanism (automatic response in the sense of adjustment). When activated by expectations, beliefs or simply by our general state (of our disposition), the feeling tells us "Be scared! Be worried! That's not fair! Take a stand! Get on with it." The goal is to push us towards action to return to the correct, fair status of the situation. We will return to feeling safe when we are treated fairly and when we have reasonable expectations that we will be treated reasonably fairly in the future.

Going back to our custom anchor cards here's what we're going to have to do! First we will have to identify anger/anger or other names given to different degrees of intensity of this feeling, such as irritated, injured, crazy, angry, etc. Then it is necessary to identify the cause of these feelings based on our reasoning that perceptions are strongly focused on individuals (anger/anger is a feeling that identifies with a person, a group of people, a concrete situation, is strongly individual).

A number of considerations such as: 1. "Have we considered reality? Is my perception of the person/situation correct? Is it really unfair?", 2. "If the situation is unfair what should I do? What is the point of anger?!?" and, last but not least, 3. "If the situation cannot be restored to the status of fair, right, forgive!". In this case, a reality check is actually carried out which will help us to determine, to realize whether the situation is truly unfair, allowing us to see it differently, more justly. And, from this simple effort, to lesse the level of anger, emotional stress and not least the potential for emotional resonance. Attention, the decrease in the level of manifestation of anger/anger has been shown to allow a kind of stabilization of the general status of possibility of analysis.

So don't forget, anger blindly! A reasonable advice would be to put yourself in the situation of the other, to perform a kind of external analysis yourself, as if you were asking for advice, even imaginary (remember that the subconscious does not distinguish between reality and imagination), to another person... Thus, we can take a step back to see the whole perspective. And from this perspective you will easily discover when you have unusual reactions, when you are frustrated, tired or oversensitive.

Or, importantly enough, you will find that most situations considered to be unfair by you are truly unfair when they are so for all. So you have at your disposal a kind of solution to understand, even tangentially, what kind of injustice you perceive. Any truth (and assimilated by you) discovered from the circumstances outlined above, will help you change your perspective and anger level to be reduced or eliminated.

But either way, there are really unfair situations, such as the "minor" case of harassment, and your anger/anger will be recognized as a powerful motivation to make things right. That's the only thing that's feeling of anger." And the ways of solving are rarely accessible. We could make those who cause us these feelings know that they are the cause, we could actively participate in debate groups or the like (including participation in politics) but, as I said, the feeling of anger/anger is particularly personalized.

And thus, the most certain and concrete way to benefit from a possible action is forgiveness (either compatible with understanding the situation) especially with regard to the elements that give rise to this feeling of the past, a kind of impossibility to do anything else in this regard, in order to rectify the situation. And, most of the time, forgiveness is the only solution to solving the problems of the past. But here, I mean true forgiveness and not "back-of-the-face" (we'll talk about this "thing" in future posts).

In the end of this post I will "gargle" a little about this aspect of forgiveness. Many of us do not understand what it means to forgive but it is very possible to forgive in the most serious sense of the word. Why is that? Simple... The subconscious is all about the past, the perceptions of the past. Everything I have experienced is etched in the subconscious and anger is a feeling of "high intensity" that leaves deep traces in this engraving of the past. But before any future consideration, we must not forget that forgiveness does not benefit the person, the gestures of the person, who forgive him (we do not even need to communicate this to the person).

It doesn't mean we accept the person or what she did. Because that's how we get into a vicious rage-generating circle. We just need to understand that forgiveness is the gesture that will free us from the feeling of anger, allow us to have a surplus of mental and emotional energy that focuses it in directions useful to our lives. We need to understand that until we forgive someone or something that hurt us, that something or someone continues to hurt us. Forgiveness is the way to stop these things from hurting us. But, we will continue in other posts (enough for today)...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru