STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Subconscious (16).

Translation Draft

Stress is just another form of fear, it's the fear that you won't get/ won't do whatit's necessary for things to be right, it's the inner voice that tells us that "I feel like I have too much to do". Stress seems to be something impossible to avoid in our busy lives (too much), each of us feeling it at a certain time, each with its own stress levels.

And, that's because there are enormously many possible causes of the occurrence of stress such as: dissatisfaction with primary feelings as well as beliefs, ways "learned" by us and kept in our subconscious that often enter into emotional resonances (internal stress), momentary situations (situational stress), our involvements in a desired future and evaluations related to it (assessment stress) and, of course, combinations of them.

But, interestingly enough, the practice only confirms every time that the best solution is to listen to our feelings, to perceive the "demands" of the subconscious even by simply asking "What happens in my life to have this stress?", the answer being easily identified with the help of primary feelings. Remember the stress boiler?!? The fire that maintains the "tension" in it is fueled by the past, present and future. If you don't find the answer, you'll only experience stress without being able to alleviate it, and you'll resort to all sorts of distractions that will amount to addictions.

Let's get to work now and look at different specific forms of stress that can be generated by different peculiarities of our lives. For example, we will discuss the stress we experience when we feel overwhelmed by work (service), family or other responsibilities, when we perceive that there is too much to do (simply too much) or we are not able to do them well enough or we do not have the necessary resources or time. Because stress is the voice of the subconscious, the perceived fear that something bad will happen if everything is not good enough. That is a motivation to do the right thing, what you can, to reduce the chance of being hurt, or to eliminate it, or at least to find ways to reduce our commitments or find help, resources or extra time.

You probably anticipated that the first thing to do is to "research" the real reality. You have to find that time to look at everything and ask yourself, "Is it true that I have too much to do?". Let me also mention the step represented by the anchor cards?!? (you'll see if you get to work). But come back! To the above-mentioned question, most of the time, you will have in response a resounding "Yes!". But, to anyone's dismay, it is all but the result of poor management (poor leadership, coordination often born of too little time given to it – not at all) or simply from your negative considerations of what you are doing and is perceived as overwhelming.

And, all you have to do is put your life in order and, step by step, eliminate one by one the problems that overwhelm you, making more and more time available to you to effectively lead your life. And, your other possible discovery may be that you "make a mosquito out of a stallion" or "make a mountain out of a molehill," that you're exaggerating. In this case it is a little easier, because it only needs to change your point of view.

But let's see where the stress born of the overwhelming number of commitments you have to deal with comes from! Did you learn to say "No"? Doesn't everything seem over the top because you don't just say, "No"? It is not hard to infer that if you do not do so you may be seen as "a man of gold" where you are, but the question "What are you doing with you?" appears. And if you accept your suffering, have you thought about what others will do when you are overwhelmed and you really can no longer physically cope?

Here, with a few questions, you will realize why it is good to learn to say "No", especially to a boss who has every interest in overwhelming you. In this case you must communicate to the boss your real availability regardless of the consequences (it would have ended up there anyway but with you sick, with certainty). And why do we always lose sight of the fact that stress we have much lower yields than the real ones, the ones we can achieve?!? We can remind our boss... We can remind our friends... We can remind our family...

So stress is a fear located on a performance landmark such as the opinion of the boss, the opinion of the spouse, children, friends, ours, etc. And fear always attracts fear. The fear of not solving the problems that we have not assumed (or have been "stuck down our throats") attracts the fear of what the boss will say, of what the husband/wife, friends, and so on.m.

But let's leave the situational stress (current) and move on! You must note that it is all due to lack of organization, the wrong point of view and the inability to say "No". Let's move on to another form of stress, that represented by the usual stress (of the inner circle of our lives, family and circle of relatives, friends etc with similar value)!

Family is an environment where there are many hidden messages that signal constant stress. A lot of messages that say you don't care, that you don't get too involved or that you're not careful enough, that the world we live in demands a lot more or the like. All of this tends towards a kind of super-vigilance, a state of constant attention, especially because this is about people you really care about.

This often leads to a kind of permanent catastrophe situation, always oriented towards the drama that can follow (remember the story of the salt drob). This is a permanent message that no matter how hard you try your life will take other, crazy paths towards the most painful situations possible. That's how you get quickly and safely to the uncontrollable stress that's transferred from parent to child and so on, over and over again. And that's done without any genetic components.

All that is enough are the messages that are recorded by the subconscious of anyone who listens, especially children who do not distinguish between reality and the stupidity of their parents. If you carry too many unsatisfied emotions about the past, you will be concerned about anything that the future may represent, without taking into account the present that constantly contributes to the practice of unsatisfied emotions. So, this stress is nothing more than the much oversized reaction, the amplified fear, which goes on from man to man, when nothing is done to temper or eliminate them.

So we can get to work to see what needs to be done. Stress or any other name that expresses a particular level of stress such as "out of control", "out of control" or the like must first be identified. Then we'll have to identify the cause of the feeling thinking about why we have too much to do, if we have enough resources, enough time, help, etc. to do it right. In the event of a correct analysis, we will quickly identify the satisfactory response. Reactions are consecutive to our analytical gesture and we will notice that our perception is real, in correlation with reality, or not. Then we will consider the consequences of a refusal to engage or to stop a landmark activity. "No" means, from the start, less stress.

If the answer can only be "Yes" you can find ways to reduce stress, which we will necessarily follow. Obviously, all of this is a good idea to do it in writing over a slightly longer period of time. And then, to really help you (finding is not similar to solving) you have to get to work. Are your perceptions correct and real? Do you really have too much to do? If the answer is "Yes", what can I do, who can I turn to to help me, to take over what is possible from all the tasks discovered, what things can be avoided to be done, etc.? The lists made will then form an action plan aimed, in particular, at the resources available to carry it all out, of which time is noticeable. Then follow your plan, bring it to fruition!

When you "check" reality is good to do so in such a way that you are alone, uninfluenced by anyone. So don't ask anyone's opinion. Loneliness will ensure the honesty necessary to take into account everything at the real level of each individual landmark. Only then can you convince yourself if it is a perception problem, if you are too tired, etc. Then it's good to think about the implications in the short term. Do not extend the time period because, invariably, you will end up with chronic overload. And that's because it needs to create a balance in your life because otherwise there is no longer a distant future, literally. Then, do not consider the disappointment of the people involved in the situation you are considering.

It is well known, by those under this stress, that when you do not help once you notice that you have helped for nothing a thousand times (or the alternative "You know the value of something only when you lose it"). In this analysis the only person that matters is you. Surely you will do everything in your power for you to have a "quiet heart", so their disappointment does not matter, no matter who is part of this "to them". It is obvious that you have set standards that can never be achieved and you either lower the bar or reconsider everything according to what is necessary and potentially available to you. Remember the feeling of inadequacy (maybe it's about that)! At least in the case of the family it will not be difficult to delegate some of the problems that suffocate you, and thus it will not be difficult to notice if it is this feeling of inadequacy. Possibly, this will help you relieve the usual stress.

That's enough for today! Tomorrow I will briefly address fear (fear)...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru