STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - The Microbiome (Part II).

Translation Draft

So we have some conclusions … Why do I extend this study of the microbiome, even if it seems that I have described enough?!? It is quite obvious that the importance of 90% of the human body cannot be „excluded”, is it? We are dealing with a clear change in the perception of human biology.

And, anyway, for those who have already convinced themselves of the first part of the microbiome approach, one can „move on” to the next post, which will resume the relative path of the primates to Homo Sapiens … Those who want more details, to continue browsing this post today where they will find new „special” items!

We have seen that the analysis of the microbiome, by knowing, the cumulation of these factors, will give clear indications regarding the „possible” functioning, constitution of the human body, the possible diseases, the possible therapeutic measures, etc.

The first step will be to briefly describe the mechanism by which the microbiome protects us from some infections, with other bacteria, fungi, molds, and even viruses.

All studies have shown that the average response time of our microbiome is only 2 days to counteract most „external aggressions”, compared to the immune response of the „immunological” structures described by doctors, physiologists, etc …

But this 2-day interval is exactly the time needed for a bacterial colony to „standardize” it’s functioning against the „reactions” of the environment and, of course, to have a critical mass of development. Note that we are talking about a much faster rate of adaptation than our immune system!

Also, studies show that most often the response of the „human” immune system is a stage, waiting to see what the microbiome will do, waiting for its metabolism responses (metabolites). Case in which it is activated or not, also in 2 days in case of activation, giving that consecrated term of 4 days immune reaction, confirmed by the medical world.

But, what’s the secret?!?

This microbiome „works” on the principle of „first come, first served”, in the sense that the first microbial colonies will be the determining ones in „accepting” any „new income”, any new microbial colony … They will create their environment, obviously favorable to them, an environment that, besides the direct actions of attack or acceptance of the microbes themselves, will represent a kind of barrier for the new colonies, invaders, or participants in the new symbiote that will be created by their acceptance …

It quickly follows that already existing microbes will dictate who will participate in the new symbiote or who will be eliminated, with maximum success (there are failures but these are directly correlated with the imbalance that will occur, so with the disease state which is nothing but an imbalance of the existing system)…

So the bacterial colonies will defend themselves, as part of the existing symbiosis but also as a particular structure. Or, they will accept the „newcomers” and create a new symbiote, obviously when the new bacteria will participate „beneficially” in the existing structures … So, and only if there is something beneficial for the symbiote …

„Beneficial” in the sense that the combined „environments” of the symbiote can effectively eliminate the negative effects of the „invader”, in which there are communication and collaboration between all the components of the symbiote …

For example, there have been studies of infection with the respiratory syncytial virus and, for „counteracting”, the microbiome of the organism was „fed” with Lactobacillus johnsonii, leaving the rest of the processes on the „hand” of their reactions …

After the two days, there was a huge increase of the local microbiome in the production of amino acids, peptides, and, in particular, lipids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) with an essential role in canceling the inflammation and blocking the viral multiplication mechanisms.

It is a clear example of the reaction of the existing microbiome to an imbalance factor, which, of course, rejects, corrects, and, in the event of the local balance being destroyed, repairs it.

Remember that this supplement is made alimentary, in the digestive tract, without having any tangence with the respiratory system, where the mentioned virus acts in particular.

So, the action of the microbiome is not direct, but through communication, through the release of its metabolic products, and not of human structures but of symbiotic structures, which reach the bloodstream and then act at the level of the „attacked” area, stopping in our case. airway infection.

I must also point out that the human body, symbiote, does not perceive the metabolism products of the microbiome as „foreign” to the organism and does not annihilate them through the immune system or remove them through other structures?!? Moreover, they initiate, support, and participate in the immune system.

And, these „effects” go much further than participating in eliminating the effects of a virus, possibly of bacteria …

For example, we will discuss the case of obesity, about which it was discovered that the microbiome gives clear predisposition information from the earliest ages (with 90% accuracy, only by examining the microbial flora of the intestine – including being able to determine with accuracy over 60% of which individuals were once obese).

Well, it was found, for example, that antibiotic administration at an early age does not change much, quantitatively and temporally, this microbiome, but will develop a form of symbiosis that will attract, will promote subsequent obesity, through the „fragility” of some members of the symbiote that will be eliminated (or functionally diminished) by antibiotic aggression …

Yes, you read it right, it will develop a form of a symbiosis of the microbiome through which it adapts to new aggressions, ensuring in the „content” of the human body the existence of reserves of rapid recovery … Which, of course, will be „multiplied” to repeated administrations, in an attempt to maintain a true balance. So, in conclusion, the use of antibiotics is obviously „avoidable to the fullest”.

Moreover, the inability of the body to support this „development” will lead to many health problems to follow (multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, colon cancer, depression, autism, and others) … and this only as an effect of maintaining the already existing microsystem of the microbiome.

Now it would be good to retain a small form of conclusion, represented by the fact that a gene in our DNA can be completely outgrown by the genes in our microbiome. And, in this sense, I will describe an experiment within this microbiome project.

Since their birth, a large number of laboratory mice have been isolated in sterile enclosures. Feed the same, grow the same. Of course, these mice „benefited” from their microbiome, that of their mother.

Well, from a certain point in time, intestinal microbes were collected from the fat ones and implanted into the weak ones … Yes, that is, the weak mice started to get fat, the fat mice started to lose weight … Without any connection to the diet identical administered subsequently.

In connection with this phenomenon, the findings show that the human microbiome, and not only, extracts between 10 and 15% of the total calories in the diet, which are extracted almost exclusively from the dietary fibers … Or, a change in the „weight” of this consumption, in a way obviously, it will be found in the human symbiote through increases in fat deposits, growths that depend, however, also on this factor …

From this moment, studies have quickly concluded that this microbiome helps in much more efficient digestion of nutrients from the same diet, thus obtaining more energy from the same food (qualitative and quantitative). And this „discovery” has also been confirmed experimentally in humans …

Moreover, it was found that mice with „fattening” microbiome, even if fed with artificial sweetening products, were still fattening and made different forms of diabetes …

Due to this finding, it was discovered, in this „fattening” microbiome, the bacterial family Firmicutes that „harvest” the extra calories, against the background of a diet relatively above the requirements of the body, the human body, leading to the occurrence of obesity, diabetes (in such people was found a massive presence of Firmicutes in the gut microbiome)…

And other details about the influence of food assimilation I will present in their time … Now I will tackle „something” more important …

Of course, the studies went further and it was found that the microbiome affects the behavior of individuals, starting with eating behaviors (some showing an incentive to eat more, with a fattening effect, others eating anyway without having this effect), others eating relatively „anorexic” but getting fat or keeping with the norm-weighting, ending with sexual behaviors, territoriality, and possession, the closeness between individuals and many, many others.

Experiments have shown that the „transfer” of the microbiome (probiotic foods) from a healthy person to an autistic person, for example, has cured or favored the healing of the autistic person …

So, here’s an additional reason to think about why we need to be careful about which people we accompany because not only the good parts but the bad parts are “taken”.

As for this „transmissibility”, great surprise, it was found that the transfer of microbiome elements from one species to another has the same effect (microbes from an obese human person in mice determine the occurrence of obesity in mice, without excluding the reverse effect ) …

So, in the case of a project of the Gates Foundation, elements of the microbiome of obese people were implanted in the microbiome of sick children by Kwashiorkor (a profound form of malnutrition), and thus those children were cured although this condition did not have ” heal ”until then.

This gesture was determined by the fact that the transfer of the microbiome from those children to the mice caused a real weight loss in a very short time. Which concluded the reverse direction transfer.

This was also the time to launch the American Gut project (American Gut) in which more and more volunteers are participating, in the idea of ​​creating a true map of the microbiome and thus to initiate therapies at its level, through it. And, obviously, at this time there is already such a map …

The next step was the healing of a serious form of diarrhea (C. Diff.), A form almost impossible to cure, up to that moment, to a certain percentage of people. We simply proceeded to populate the sick microbiome with elements from a healthy microbiome, without any selection, segmentation, etc. discharged as healthy after only a few days.

Another major finding is related to the stress of the person „reporting” / transmitting on the microbiome.

Studies have found that a stressed person has high intestinal permeability for intercensal bacteria, for example, the protective mucus layer losing its barrier capabilities, allowing bacteria and/or their metabolism products to reach muscle tissue and then into the blood. , causing tissue irritation in the nerve cell, resulting in the onset of Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and other similar conditions.

Perhaps, for this reason, there are more and more voices in medicine calling for Alzheimer’s to be called type 3 diabetes, because its essential cause seems to be a kind of food „filter”, more recently, a clear correlation with the microbiome. If I also detail the fact that medicine has found that high levels of insulin are determining factors in the evolution of this disease, one can perceive the real nature of this „problem”.

To add that, more and more voices in the medical world are calling for the inclusion of the triad of obesity, HTA, and diabetes in a single diagnosis called metabolic syndrome?!? Where would such a „food filter” be, already, both the cause of the problems and the main „pressure point” in healing / balancing the problems?!?

And such signals come in particular from „neuroscience” research neurologists (30 neurologists from Scientific American – only for one of the studies I went through to make this material), who put things „towards cap ”, publishing editorials stating that Alzheimer’s disease should be viewed from another point of view, in direct relation to the microbiome.

Diets that positively affect the microbiome, represented by the elimination of refined carbohydrates and sugar, increased consumption of vegetables, vegetables, whole wheat (these are true prebiotics that speeds up the proliferation of „good” bacteria), consumption of fermented meals, consumption of high-quality proteins (especially vegetables) and others …

And the massive correlations, evidence of the actions of the microbiome in the whole human symbiote multiply from one study to another…

For example, another detail that may seem „spicy” is the fact that the microbiome needs rest, like us. We have already inserted some „details” about affecting the microbiome by the stress factor … So sleep is also necessary for this important „part” of us.

Then, the movement ensures better oxygenation, better transit of nutrients and adequate elimination of toxins, both for our body and for the microbiome.

Other „seductive” details that come from the world of medical science, and not only, are the encouragement to love the microbiome (which represents 90% of what we are), to respect it, to care for it by properly feeding it, ensuring enough sleep, sustaining it through exercise and thus supporting your health more than you would expect.

Something that is becoming more and more easily superimposed with the „tips” about the proper functioning of the human body …

But where’s that power in this microbiome?

Let’s not forget that the discoveries certify that the first, and most successful, form of life was the bacterium … And, most importantly, the most numerous, most resistant and adaptable form, surviving in the most extreme environments. , as well as the most longevity (bacterial evolution, „by some alone”, means almost 3.8 – 3.9 billion years of the Earth’s 4.6, compared to the other forms of life that „record” at most half of this duration) …

So it is obvious that we, like every other living thing on Earth, have evolved into a true microbial soup, and we have co-evolved with the microbial environment (and the other fungal, viral, etc. components) and we „rely” on it, becoming unable to function without this environment, which often provides us with elements that the human body is not capable of producing, processing.

Medicine, through its branch of microbiology, tells us quite different things … Like, most microbes harm … But why ?!

Well, this science has a correct view of it, but from a „reductionist” point of view, traditionally because it has as its object only a kind of pathogenic mass of microbes, the rest being „also” over there”.

Then, she „takes” microbes and extracts them out of their living environment, „grows” them / multiplies them in culture environments, in laboratories, and studies what they do without any symbiosis with their „initially” living environment but with one artificial, of „culture” …

But are these culture mediums what would be needed for the bacteria we study?!? As long as we do not know exactly what is being fed, what symbiosis is useful to them, and many, many other details, we go over what worked in the case of other studies. an assessment that takes into account almost exclusively the „pathogen” …

Perhaps why, from ancient times, in traditional Chinese medicine there was the fecal microbial transplant, materialized in mentions dating from the 5th century AD. about the yellow soup produced from feces of a healthy man and consumed by the sick person, especially „on gastrointestinal causes” but also, for example, for various infections that, as it were, were cured …

Another example, which comes from today, is the treatment, by „colonoscopic delivery” of the „healthy” microbiome, possibly with fecal extract capsules, with healing over 90% of Clostridium difficile infections, where the classic treatments, for example with antibiotics, had an efficiency of maximum 30%, a rate of diminution of the manifestations of autism of more than 75% in less than a month of treatment, under the conditions of less than 10% success rate with the classic treatments, without the symptomatic recovery after the cessation treatment, as is the case with classical treatment.

The same remarkable results have also appeared in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and many gastroenterological disorders, such as ulcerative colitis with a double success rate compared to the classic treatments, current …

But there are also elements such as the lack of possibilities to treat Crohn’s disease with these techniques, which indicates that the solution is not just the „filling” of the microbiome. And this is due only to a kind of need to balance the microbiome with a kind of „global constituent” of it, that „something” that is related to the evolutionary development of the symbiotic human organism.

Enough for this post … I will do everything I can to follow a final post about this microbiome!

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru