STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Whole (4).

Translation Draft

We're continuing yesterday's theme...

Yesterday I forgot to mention (actually to reiterate) that resonance requires an amplification of vibrations within a resonant system. More specifically, always remember that no matter what vibration you emit, the law of resonance will amplify it.

Starting from here and from those "described" in yesterday's post, it is obvious that we will do everything possible, in our future efforts, to find a way to identify the "deposits" at the subconscious level (made by "whole") but also to position them consciously according to "best interest". This "best interest" can only be achieved by collaborating with the subconscious which, not discerning by interests but is a neutral accumulation of information/records. So, some discernment has precisely the conscious, with its incimities of analysis and correct decision.

Many of the previous posts were dedicated to language, the unconscious, the subconscious and the conscious. But what is the key to discernment?!?

The strongest form of language is the visual one, common to all the components of the "whole" that I mention so much. But if you are not a good cartoonist, the use of communication through images leaves something to be desired. That's when "The Word" came in. Words, words, words, is a simple request of the conscious. Perhaps, therefore, I have paid so much attention to language, about the use of words and, most importantly, of all, the feelings behind words. Maybe that's why I haven't inserted the smallest image, schematic or other visual landmark yet. So words are the only common factor of all efforts to collaborate between the elements of the whole, understanding the meanings of their own words (but also those used by those around them in communication).

Words are everywhere, we say them, we read them, we write them, we think them, we see them, we hear them in our minds. From posts about water (previous to it), words have proven their vibrational purpose, not to mention that they are vibration transmitted by air (or any other way). They transmit the vibration that we emit with them. The words "homework", for example, can make some people have nostalgic feelings similar to pleasant feelings, and others have unpleasant, negative feelings. Similarly, the word "money" can have a positive connotation for some and negative for others. And the examples have no way to go on. So as long as our thoughts are mostly conveyed by words, that's why we'll insist on describing how to use them (the images are unequivocal, as much as the words have majorly different connotations for the same person).

If I tell you not to think about the Eiffel Tower (I chose it because it is a little more familiar symbol), I know that you have just done so (you have viewed it). Your unconscious mind, as well as your conscious mind, automatically filters the word "no" and remains "to think of the Eiffel Tower" (I have pointed out this in previous posts). Here's how, a simple "error" of language tells us to do exactly what we don't want, to get exactly the wrong thing. If in everyday life this term should be used in communication (and anyway facilitates resonances in consistency with what we need, or what is necessary for others), in the communication of the whole it must be eliminated entirely. There are statements that result in the same meaning, and we must insist on practicing such utterances by slowly eliminating the use of "no".

Here are some examples of this: instead of "don't hesitate to call me" we can use "call me as soon as you can", instead of "don't panic" we can use "stay calm", instead of "remember that" we can use "remember that", "don't delay" can be "be punctual", "I don't want to hurt" can be "I'll be fine", and so on.m.d. You must not forget that the mind cannot be occupied by positive and negative emotions at the same time. It must prevail either one or the other. It is our responsibility to ensure that it is positive emotions that dominate our minds. So only when you move from what you don't want to what you want, the words change. And when words change, the vibration changes, and you can emit only one type of vibration at a time.

The basic albeit is, we can permanently re-adjust our vibration. Thus, we can tell at every moment whether what we emit is positive or negative, identifying the feelings we have.

So remembering this we can move on. From the anchor sheets, then customized, then associated with feelings, then associated with identifications related to signal feelings, we can continue our sheets with the wording "What do we want?" ... Only with an answer to this question do we have the ability to proceed to the correct readjustment of the vibrations existing in us (and, therefore, emitted by us, participating in resonances). Having a previous effort to organize our "identifications", as well as what we want from life, especially from a particular situation, we can re-adjust our vibration, from a negative one to a positive one, by simply choosing different words and other thoughts. I repeat, when you talk about what you don't want and then you talk about what you want, the words change and our vibration will change. The correction effort, resulting in positive vibration, cancels the negative vibration and then, the simple repetition of the positive statement/thought will allow the manifestation only of the positive vibration.

The law of resonance doesn't remember what vibration you issued five minutes, five months or fifty years ago. It responds only to the vibration that you emit right now and resonates with something appropriate (subconsciously, this effort will slowly eliminate the previous negative "records" and thus you will "pass" predominantly only on positive, automatic emission – the speed of this process is increased and only because the positive resonance with the environment amplifies the effect of vibrations). So, to know if you emit positive or negative vibrations, it is enough to look around you, at the results you get in any area of life, they are a perfect reflection of what you emit (but pay attention to the environment you are in – if initially your vibrations "frame" you in a negative environment, it is possible that the change of vibrations will cause problems).

But going back to what we want, it is obvious that this effort will reveal how to deliberately use resonance. From the literature, the simplest process is the three-step one, on the basis of which the following sheets are made (after those made so far). So, from the previous cards you can simply take the existing benchmarks or group them into areas such as career, health, business, couple relationships, relationships with friends or financial situation (each by the time and energy available – because it is a new effort to synthesize the existing cards).

I recommend that you first go through the entire procedure and then get to work on the cards!

Step 1: Identify your desires!

Sounds easy, doesn't it?!? Of all my "contacts" over time, 99% of people had no idea what they wanted or limited themselves to addictions such as money, profession or the like. Moreover, most people are very good at identifying what they do not want and less what they want, which obviously keeps them "forced" in negative vibration. But when it is organized, according to the deduction system that I have presented so far (in previous posts) and that does not belong to me but is derived directly from the study of materials made by consecrated researchers (many of them doctors in medicine) from a correlation of the discoveries in psychology correlated with some more parapsychological "confirmed" by their practice and mine, things are changing radically. It is only then that people realize what they really want and are no longer blinded by the "beliefs" that flood each of us

And, it is worth pointing out now a particularly important "thing" that I have discovered throughout the practice: the mere identification of what a person wants has led to radical changes, for the good that person wants, in the life of every individual who has done so. At first I couldn't believe it, but over time, I was convinced of that. And that's because when you observe and identify the contrast element as something you don't want, you understand more clearly what you really want and start acting predominantly in a corrective direction, even at an unconscious level. So, here's a perfect reason to get to work right away.

But let me clarify what the previous announcement is, the "contrast element." Technically, this identification effort is referred to as 'identification of contrast elements'. The contrast, as it will be used in connection with the law of resonance, consists of those things that you do not like, that keep you in the general line of emission negative to your interests and person, that do not make you feel good or make you feel bad (that is why it is also called a contrast element because it highlights what you do not want , gaining clarity in the direction of identifying what you want). The moment you identify in your life something that seems to be an element of contrast and you waste your time complaining about it, talking about it or saying that you no longer want it, you emit a negative vibration that, of course, strengthens its manifestation. I mean, the law of resonance will respond to your negative vibration and bring you more and more of that, which, moreover, corresponds to your vibration.

So clarity naturally occurs when you notice the contrasts in your life. Imagine driving with a friend who is always looking to "catch" certain stations on the radio (or certain songs on a music CD). At some point, he will choose a post that conveys a song that you deeply dislike (or choose from the CD running that song). You're starting to feel stressed.

After several minutes of such auditions, surely, no matter how kind you are, you start to say to yourself, "This is my car and I'm not sitting around listening to this for a second." And you'll change the station (or song) immediately starting to feel better, happier and more relaxed, regardless of your friend's perceptions, or if that song isn't exactly what you like the most. Notice that when you pay attention to things you don't like, it's become very clear what you like, in other words the contrast giving you clarity.

So, to quickly notice the contrast, ask yourself, "So what do I want?".

This will "apply" very well to the cards we have made. For example, you'll identify items that belong to an ex-girlfriend or friend among anchors. You probably don't see that person anymore, and because of that relationship, you probably have a whole list of things or situations you never want to deal with again. This automatically becomes a list of contrast elements, a list that will help you to have greater clarity about how you want your partner to be. So here's how, once again, observation of contrasts is essential because it will help you to know clearly what you want.

The key to getting what you want without getting caught up in the focus on what you don't want is to quickly notice the contrast element without lingering on it. Only you can decide how long this observation moment can take. For some, identifying the contrast elements for the couple relationship can take years, for others less. Notice that when you identify the elements of contrast in terms of the senses (VAKOG), your tolerance is minimal. In other words, how long would you continue to smell something you don't like the way it smells? Or, how long would you listen to music if you didn't like the sound of it? Or, how long would you continue to eat something that tastes unpleasant? In any of the above cases, notice the contrasts and quickly move on to something else.

However, there are certain areas of your life where you are likely to notice the contrast elements for far too long. And this area can be of great importance in your life, I am referring here to personal relationships, career, health, money or the like. In general, the more time you spend investing energy, time and attention focusing on unwanted things, the better. The contrast clarity model can help you in this case to discover what makes you feel good and do it again and again.

In conclusion, your goal is to limit contrast in all fields of activity. It is OK to be satisfied with all areas of your life. Even if it sounds selfish, it means you take care of yourself. Is it OK to worry about yourself when you eat, when you buy something, when you get dressed, when you listen to something specific, when you go on vacation, etc?? So I encourage you to take care of yourself in all areas of your life, especially in: health, personal relationships, finance, career (in the order stated). In these four areas people tend to have a lot of negative emotions and notice them over a long period of time, in many cases even years.

And, we continue tomorrow when we "approach" the model of clarification by contrast (new sheets that continue the previous ones, related to anchors)!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru